Aebi Schmidt Holding on course


The Aebi Schmidt Holding (ASH), with its registered office in Bussnang (TG), generated a good result last year. ASH achieved a turnover of EUR 302 million (CHF 471 million). Aebi (Burgdorf) and Schmidt (St. Blasien) were successfully merged. Thanks to new market-oriented structures customer proximity is further improved and in engineering, synergies can be taken advantage of and hence the innovative energy strengthened.

The Aebi Schmidt Holding (ASH), with its registered office in Bussnang (Swiss canton of Thurgau), last year achieved a net turnover of EUR 302 million (CHF 471 million). In the previous year EUR 241 million were generated, whereby in the financial year 2007 Schmidt was only included for nine months. Extrapolated, both the Group turnover and the number of employees remained constant.

This satisfying result was achieved thanks to numerous large projects both at home and abroad. Particularly worthy of note are orders from airport operators, which consolidate the position of ASH as worldwide Number 1 in this market segment. Corresponding special systems have, amongst others, been ordered by the British Ministry of Defence, the Turkish Airport Authorities and the airports in Athens, Stockholm and Vilnius.

The service business also developed gratifyingly, while the turnover with Aebi agricultural and municipal vehicles remained constant. Sales of winter products declined slightly as a result of the mild winter in 2007/08. In the hard-fought market for compact road sweepers, it was possible to redeem market shares.

Subsequent to the merger between Aebi and Schmidt, the corporate structure was adapted and the company was regrouped into three divisions: The product divisions Aebi and Schmidt and the Sales and Services Division that operates group-wide. With the aid of this adapted organisation, the objectives are that on the one hand the market can be better served and on the other the development, marketing, purchasing and production can be optimised further.

The reorientation of the Aebi Division is making progress according to plan. On the one hand the product portfolio has been streamlined and on the other the foundation stone was laid for a new production facility in Burgdorf involving a total investment of CHF 30 million. The new premises will be ready for occupation at the end of 2009. In the context of a Group-wide simplification of the legal structure of ASH, the three Swiss Aebi companies were merged into a single company under the existing name of "Aebi & Co. AG Maschinenfabrik" with its registered office in Burgdorf, Switzerland.

In addition to the new factory in Burgdorf, in 2009 ASH will also invest in the three other production locations at St. Blasien, in Germany, Holten, in the Netherlands, and Kielce, in Poland. The objective is to further optimise the production and in specific areas also to deepen the in-house added value. This will allow the dependence on suppliers to be reduced, strengthen in-house innovative abilities, increase efficiency and sustainably secure jobs. "I am proud of what ASH has achieved in the short time since the merger. There is a good and motivated team at work that knows how to place the focus on the customer and his requirements." says Peter Spuhler, the majority shareholder of ASH, with noticeable pleasure.

Although the effects of the current difficult economic situation are hardly foreseeable, the Executive Board is confident that thanks to the measures that have been taken, the turnover can be maintained and the profitability improved further. Thereby it focuses in particular on innovative and customer-requirement-oriented products, for example on the Viatrac Aebi VT 450, which is currently in the middle of its market launch. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, this vehicle sets new standards in the segment for multi-purpose carriers.

Source: Aebi Schmidt Holding


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