Nouvelles brèves


Les préparatifs de l’édition 2012 d’Expo Grands Travaux vont bon train!
Dans le cadre d’un dîner du chapitre Québec de l’Association canadienne de distributeurs d’équipement (ACDE) tenu à Montréal, les organisateurs d’Expo Grands Travaux se sont récemment réunis en compagnie des principaux intervenants de l’industrie de l’équipement lourd afin de discuter de la tenue prochaine de ce salon et pour annoncer quelques nouveautés. L’aile québécoise de l’ACDE avait organisé cette rencontre pour permettre aux représentants de Master Promotions d’échanger avec les chefs de file de l’industrie ainsi qu’avec les membres des associations locales de ce secteur.

Certains des noms les plus en vue de l’industrie y étaient présents, dont certains représentants des plus importants manufacturiers et détaillants ainsi que des principales associations et publications dans le domaine. 

Le directeur exécutif du salon Expo Grands Travaux, Mark Cusack, y était invité à titre de conférencier pour faire état des plus récents développements au sujet de cet événement. Monsieur Cusack a affirmé que les ventes relativement à ce salon progressaient très bien même si l’activité n’aura lieu que dans cinq mois. Il en a également profité pour présenter certaines nouveautés du salon, dont le volet du Salon de la gestion hivernale organisé parallèlement à Expo Grands Travaux. Le Québec connaît bien les rigueurs de l’hiver, si bien que ce volet intéressera certainement les municipalités, les aéroports, les gestionnaires de biens immobiliers ainsi que les entrepreneurs privés. Il s’agira en fait d’un guichet unique pour le magasinage de produits, de services, d’équipement et de technologies du domaine du déneigement, du déglaçage et de l’entretien hivernal. On y prévoit aussi un important volet informatif, sous la gouverne de la SIMA (Snow and Ice Management Association). 

Une autre nouveauté intéressante : l’initiative «Nous recrutons» qui vise à attirer les nouveaux opérateurs, mécaniciens et autres travailleurs qualifiés sur le parquet du Stade olympique pendant les deux journées du salon, afin d’y dénicher de nouvelles possibilités d’emploi. Plusieurs entreprises sont à la recherche de tels travailleurs et comptent y déléguer leurs représentants des ressources humaines dans le but de recueillir des CV et de mettre en vitrine leurs possibilités d’emploi. «Ce volet du salon s’est avéré très populaire dans le cadre de quelques-unes de nos autres activités vouées à l’équipement lourd et nous sommes très enthousiastes à l’idée de l’offrir dans le cadre d’Expo Grands Travaux», déclare Mark Cusack.

Les commentaires des gens présents dans le cadre de ce dîner ont été très positifs, si bien que l’effervescence est de plus en plus manifeste en prévision d’Expo Grands Travaux, soit le plus important salon d’équipement lourd de l’Est du Canada qui se tiendra les 13 et 14 avril au Stade olympique de Montréal. Près de 13 000 visiteurs s’y sont donné rendez-vous à l’occasion de la dernière édition et les organisateurs s’attendent à un public encore plus nombreux en 2012!

Source: Master Promotions


L’industrie du transport terrestre se dote d’un pôle d’excellence
L’Association des manufacturiers d’équipements de transport et de véhicules spéciaux (AMETVS) et les créneaux ACCORD en transport terrestre du Centre-du-Québec, de l’Estrie, de la Montérégie et des Laurentides sont heureux d’annoncer le Pôle d’excellence québécois en transport terrestre.

Le Pôle est issu d’une volonté de réunir les efforts provenant de l’AMETVS, en activité depuis 2000, et des quatre créneaux d’excellence ACCORD en transport terrestre du Québec.

«L’AMETVS et les créneaux d’excellence ACCORD en transport terrestre ont convenu de s’unir officiellement sous la même entité afin d’optimiser les ressources et l’expertise de l’industrie tout en assurant une image forte du secteur au Québec et à l’étranger», précise son président-directeur général, Denis Robillard Le Pôle vient regrouper l’ensemble des acteurs industriels, techniques, scientifiques et gouvernementaux du Québec œuvrant dans la chaîne de valeur du secteur du transport terrestre et offre ainsi un service bonifié à l’industrie.

Sous la direction d’un conseil d’administration composé de dirigeants industriels (sous-traitants, équipementiers et donneurs d’ordres) du domaine, le Pôle vise la mise en œuvre d’actions favorisant la mobilisation, la croissance, la compétitivité et le rayonnement de l’industrie en plus d’en assurer le développement à long terme.

«Le Pôle d’excellence québécois en transport terrestre devient donc, comme le mentionne Bruno Doyon, président du Pôle et vice-président de Sigma Industries inc., un guichet unique représentant l’ensemble des intérêts de l’industrie québécoise du transport terrestre.»

Source: Pôle d’excellence québécois en transport terrestre


Xylem, un nouveau nom pour ITT Water & Wastewater
Le volet lié au traitement de l’eau des activités de l’entreprise ITT Corporation a été constitué en une compagnie internationale distincte spécialisée dans les technologies de l’eau appelée Xylem. Les marques bien établies de l’entreprise, soit Flygt, Wedeco, Sanitaire et Leopold, continueront d’être des leaders sur le marché du transport, du traitement et de l’utilisation efficace de l’eau.

Gretchen McClain, présidente-directrice générale de Xylem, affirme que «Xylem est déterminée à trouver une solution aux problèmes mondiaux actuels liés à l’eau et se réjouit de collaborer avec ses partenaires et clients pour faire progresser l’innovation dans le domaine de l’eau et, au fond, veiller à ce que les populations du monde entier puissent s’approvisionner en eau potable de façon sûre et continue.»

Xylem deviendra un chef de file mondial en matière de technologies de l’eau, ce qui permettra à ses clients de transporter, traiter et utiliser efficacement l’eau dans des installations commerciales, résidentielles et de services publics, ainsi que des contextes industriels et agricoles.

Xylem continue de maintenir une importante présence au Canada grâce à 14 points de vente, 24 distributeurs autorisés et plusieurs partenaires dans le domaine des services en vue de desservir le marché du traitement des eaux claires et usées.

Source: Xylem Inc.


GE conclut un accord de distribution avec Xylem
Xylem Inc., société de technologie pour l’eau née au début de novembre de la scission d’ITT Corporation, et GE annonçaient récemment avoir conclu un accord visant à faire de Xylem un partenaire de distribution de GE sur le marché des services publics pour ses produits avancés de filtration par membrane.

Selon les termes de l’accord non exclusif, Xylem distribuera la gamme des technologies ZeeWeed de GE au Portugal, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Autriche, en Suisse, au Royaume-Uni, en Australie et en Nouvelle Zélande. Les sociétés devraient élargir leurs relations en Europe et dans certains pays d’Asie et d’Amérique latine à une date ultérieure.

La collaboration mettra à profit le réseau de ventes mondial de Xylem, qui aide les clients dans plus de 150 pays à résoudre leurs problèmes critiques dans le domaine de l’eau.

Pour les services publics, l’ajout des membranes ZeeWeed de GE élargit le portefeuille de produits de traitement de l’eau potable et des eaux usées disponibles chez Xylem, qui comprend actuellement des produits pour le transport, le traitement biologique, la filtration sur couches et la désinfection de l’eau et des eaux usées.

Source: Xylem Inc.


Structal-ponts décroche un contrat au Connecticut
Structal-ponts, une division de Groupe Canam inc., a décroché un contrat de près de 27 millions $ pour la fabrication de la structure d’acier qui servira au remplacement et à l’élargissement du pont Moses Wheeler, enjambant la rivière Housatonic à Milford, au Connecticut.

Le contrat, octroyé par la coentreprise formée de Walsh Construction Company et PCL Civil Constructors, prévoit que Structal-ponts fournira près de 400 poutres d’acier pour trois ponts dans ce projet, dont le pont principal qui sera formé de 360 poutres ayant une profondeur de 2,9 m. La poutre la plus longue mesurera 38,4 m et la plus lourde pèsera 40 823 kg. La nouvelle superstructure, d’une longueur de 914,4 m, comportera 14 travées et reliera les villes de Milford et Stratford, au Connecticut.

«L’obtention de ce contrat confirme la solide réputation et le savoir-faire de Structal dans l’industrie nord-américaine des ponts en acier», déclarait Robin Lapointe, vice-président, Structal-ponts.

Pour la réalisation de ce projet, Structal-ponts utilisera l’expertise de l’usine de Groupe Canam située à Claremont, au New Hampshire. Les premières livraisons des pièces d’acier doivent débuter en mars 2012 pour se terminer au mois de mai 2014.

Source: Structal-ponts


SNC-Lavalin gérera en coentreprise la construction de la ligne nord de transport léger sur rail d’Edmonton
SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer que le North Link Partnership, coentreprise détenue à parts égales avec Graham Infrastructure, s’est vu octroyer par la Ville d’Edmonton un contrat d’environ 300 millions $ aux fins du projet de la ligne nord de transport léger sur rail (TLR) d’Edmonton. Ce contrat comprend la gestion de la construction, la main-d’œuvre, les matériaux et l’équipement pour tous les travaux de construction, de même que l’essai et la mise en service de la ligne avant qu’elle ne soit remise à la Ville.

La ligne nord de transport léger sur rail (LNTLR) consiste en un prolongement nord-ouest de 3,3 km entre la gare souterraine actuelle de Churchill adjacente à l’Hôtel de ville et l’Université Grant MacEwan, l’hôpital Royal Alexandra et le centre commercial Kingsway, qui aboutira au campus du Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). Elle reliera éventuellement le réseau de TLR actuel à une ligne qui desservira la région au nord vers la ville de St. Albert.

«Ce mandat rappelle celui que nous avons mené à bien pour le réseau Canada Line en Colombie-Britannique et celui, en cours, du prolongement ouest du réseau de TLR de Calgary», a déclaré Jim Burke, vice-président directeur, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «Nous sommes heureux d’avoir l’occasion d’effectuer le même travail de haute qualité à Edmonton, et ce sera un plaisir de collaborer avec la Ville en vue de mener à bien ce projet.»

Le premier tronçon de 700 m du prolongement nécessitera la construction d’un tunnel souterrain débutant à la gare de TLR de Churchill, sans interrompre le fonctionnement habituel du réseau de TLR qui passe par le tunnel existant. L’autre tronçon de 2,6 km sera constitué d’une voie de guidage au niveau du sol et de trois gares de voyageurs à construire à l’Université MacEwan, à un site près de l’hôpital Royal Alexandra et du centre commercial Kingsway, et au NAIT.

«Chez Graham, nous sommes enchantés de pouvoir contribuer davantage à l’aménagement en cours des infrastructures de transport pour la Ville d’Edmonton», a affirmé John Connolly, président, Graham Infrastructure. «Forte de ses capacités éprouvées à mener à bien des projets, l’équipe formée de SNC-Lavalin et Graham fera de ce projet une réussite exceptionnelle pour toutes les parties prenantes et, en particulier, pour les citoyens d’Edmonton.»

Les travaux pour le projet de la ligne nord de TLR ont débuté en mars 2011 et devraient prendre fin le 31 décembre 2013.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


Aecon / Dufferin sélectionnée pour le projet du LAR de Metrolinx
Groupe Aecon inc. annonçait récemment que sa division Infrastructure, en coentreprise avec Dufferin Construction Company, une division de Holcim (Canada) Inc., avait été sélectionnée comme promoteur privilégié par Infrastructure Ontario et Metrolinx pour le lien air-rail (LAR) et une gare LAR pour passagers à l’aéroport international Toronto Pearson.

La coentreprise, dans laquelle Aecon a une participation de 50%, se chargera de la conception, de la construction et du financement d’une voie de guidage surélevée de 3 km reliant la ligne existante Georgetown de GO Transit à l’aéroport international Toronto Pearson. Ce projet comprend la construction d’une nouvelle gare LAR à l’aérogare 1, de multiples déplacements des services publics de même que des ouvrages de franchissement au-dessus du ruisseau Mimico, fragile sur le plan de l’environnement, et de trois routes principales.

La clôture financière du projet est prévue d’ici le début de 2012 et le projet de raccordement du lien air-rail devrait être terminé pour l’été 2014.

«Ce lien air-rail est un volet important du plan d’expansion du transport en commun de Metrolinx dans la région du grand Toronto et nous sommes fiers de faire partie de ce projet d’envergure», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de l’exploitation d’Aecon. «Encore une fois, le fait qu’Aecon soit en mesure de combiner son expertise dans les secteurs du bâtiment, du génie civil et des services publics en une seule équipe de projet est avantageux pour nos clients.»

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


Aecon Mining obtient un contrat sur le site d’une nouvelle mine en Saskatchewan
Groupe Aecon inc. annonçait récemment l’obtention par sa division Mining d’un contrat d’environ 80 millions $ pour effectuer des travaux sur le site d’une nouvelle mine de potasse située à environ 140 km à l’est de Saskatoon, en Saskatchewan.

En vertu d’un contrat à prix unitaire, Aecon Mining dirigera la préparation du site et les travaux préliminaires, y compris le nivellement du site, la construction de routes temporaires, la préparation de bassins de sédimentation et l’aménagement du camp. Les travaux ont déjà commencé et devraient prendre fin à l’automne 2012.

«Ce contrat représente un important pas en avant pour Aecon Mining qui accroît ainsi sa clientèle et renforce sa présence dans le secteur des ressources de l’Ouest canadien», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de l’exploitation d’Aecon. «L’industrie de la potasse en Saskatchewan connaît un essor prodigieux et Aecon occupe une position stratégique lui permettant de jouer un rôle dans de nombreux aspects de cet essor.»

Groupe Aecon inc. est l’une des sociétés ouvertes les plus grandes et les plus diversifiées au Canada dans le domaine de la construction et de l’aménagement d’infrastructures. Aecon et ses filiales fournissent des services à des clients des secteurs privé et public dans l’ensemble du Canada et dans certains autres pays. Aecon est fière de figurer au palmarès des Employeurs de choix au Canada.

Source: Groupe Aecon inc.


Bentley acquiert FormSys pour étendre les offres SACS aux structures flottantes
Be Inspired : Le leadership éclairé dans l’infrastructure - Bentley Systems, Incorporated, société dédiée à fournir des solutions logicielles complètes pour une infrastructure de continuité, annonçait récemment l’acquisition de FormSys, situé à Perth, en Australie. Cette société de développement de logiciels a des antécédents avérés d’une vingtaine d’années dans la conception 3D, l’analyse et le logiciel de construction pour la construction civile, le génie civil en mer et l’architecture navale. L’acquisition permettra d’étendre les offres SACS de Bentley pour la conception et l’analyse des structures flottantes, en développant davantage la portée de la société dans le marché de l’énergie en mer. SACS est une suite logicielle intégrée d’analyse structurelle par éléments finis qui prend exceptionnellement en charge la conception, la fabrication, l’installation, les opérations et la maintenance des structures offshore, y compris les plates-formes pétrolières et les fermes éoliennes. 38 années consacrées à ces impératifs spécialisés ont fait de SACS le pilier de l’analyse pour la majorité des ingénieurs en mer du monde. FormSys apporte des capacités complémentaires à ce chef de file du marché.

Le logiciel de FormSys, tout comme SACS, est utilisé dans le monde entier. Parmi les nombreux utilisateurs dévoués de ses produits, on compte les principales sociétés d’ingénierie de conseil dans le secteur en mer, y compris Aker Solutions, DOF Subsea, et Noble Denton, et les sociétés de classification, Lloyds Register, DNV, et ABS. Les utilisateurs de FormSys, ainsi que les utilisateurs de SACS, profiteront à la fois techniquement et commercialement de cette acquisition. Le logiciel de FormSys est particulièrement puissant dans l’analyse de navires et de structures offshore tels que les navires ravitailleurs, les unités flottantes de production, de stockage et d’expédition (FPSO), et les navires de forage, ainsi que les vergues et les semi-submersibles.

Cela complète les capacités leaders dans l’industrie de la gamme de produits SACS dans la conception et l’analyse des structures en mer fixes, faisant des atouts technologiques combinés un ajustement irrésistible pour les structures en mer de tout type.

Les deux principaux produits du portefeuille FormSys de Bentley sont Multiframe et Maxsurf. Les ingénieurs utilisent Multiframe pour des analyses structurelles générales, des analyses de levage, le calcul des charges induites par le mouvement, les charges du vent, les charges hydrostatiques, l’analyse de la tôle raidie et la vérification du code de l’acier. Les ingénieurs des constructions navales utilisent la suite logicielle Maxsurf pour modéliser les navires et les structures flottantes, évaluer la stabilité et la résistance et prévoir les mouvements et la puissance nécessaire.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Industry News


Planning for the 2012 Edition of Expo Grands Travaux is Full Steam Ahead!
Organizers of Expo Grands Travaux recently met with several of the key players of the heavy equipment industry at the CAED Quebec Chapter dinner meeting in Montreal to discuss the upcoming event and to announce some new features. The CAED Quebec Chapter initiated this meeting to allow Master Promotions the opportunity to connect with industry leaders and local industry associations.

In attendance were some of the most recognizable names in the industry including representatives from the leading equipment manufacturers, dealers, associations and media publications.

Mark Cusack, executive show manager for Expo Grands Travaux, was present as the guest speaker to give a show update. Cusack indicated that the event is selling extremely well, even though we are still five months before the event. He also introduced several new Show Features, including the new Winter Management Show, sponsored by L’Écho du Transport magazine. This feature is co-locating with Expo Grands Travaux. The province of Quebec is no stranger to old man winter and this section of the show will definitely be of interest to municipalities, airports, property managers and private contractors. It will be a one-stop-shopping centre for products, services, equipment and technology used in snow & ice removal and winter operations. There will also be a strong educational component, endorsed and presented by SIMA, the Snow and Ice Management Association.

Another exciting addition is the “Recruiting Here” feature, which is designed to attract operators, mechanics and other skilled trades to Olympic Stadium for two days, in search of new employment opportunities. Many companies are on the hunt for these skilled trades’ people and will have their Human Resources representatives present to collect resumes and to showcase employment opportunities. This feature has been extremely popular in some of our other Heavy Equipment trade shows and we are excited to offer it in Montreal at Expo Grands Travaux.

Comments from those present at the luncheon were positive and the excitement is building in anticipation of April 13-14, 2012, as Olympic Stadium in Montreal will play host to Eastern Canada’s largest heavy equipment show, Expo Grands Travaux! Nearly 13,000 visitors came through the doors during the last edition and organizers are expecting an even larger turnout in 2012!

Source: Master Promotions


Xylem Launches as New Global, Pure-Play Water Technology Company
Xylem Inc. recently announced that it has completed its spinoff from ITT Corporation, and has begun operations as a $3.2 billion standalone global water technology company. Xylem’s market-leading product brands, applications expertise and technological strength enable the transport, treatment, testing and efficient use of water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, industrial and agricultural settings. The company serves customers in more than 150 countries to address critical water issues such as growing water scarcity, aging infrastructure and more stringent environmental regulations. On November 1, 2011, Xylem began regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol XYL, and will be listed on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.

“I’m extremely proud to announce the launch of a unique company, the product of more than 100 years of experience in the water business and the collective work and expertise of our nearly 12,000 employees and our strategic partners around the world,” said Gretchen McClain, president and CEO of Xylem. “While our name has changed with the spinoff, our customers will find in Xylem the same commitment to providing local service to meet their specific needs while leveraging our global network, technological strength and applications expertise.”

Xylem serves a $30 billion segment of the global water equipment and services market through a distribution network consisting of a direct sales force and independent channel partners. The company’s products and services address the full cycle of water and are key in the collection, distribution and use of water. Well-known and respected product brands such as Bell and Gossett, Flojet, Flygt, Godwin, Goulds Water Technologies, WTW and YSI*, among others, will continue their place in the water industry as a part of the Xylem portfolio.

Source: Xylem Inc.


Xylem and GE sign multi-region distribution agreement for advanced water and wastewater membrane technology 
Xylem Inc., the global water technology company that this week spun off from ITT Corporation, and GE recently announced that they have entered into an agreement for Xylem to become GE’s distribution partner into the public utilities market for its advanced membrane filtration products. Under the terms of the non-exclusive agreement, Xylem will distribute GE’s range of ZeeWeed* technologies in Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. The companies are expected to expand the relationship further in Europe and in countries in Asia and Latin America at a future date.

The collaboration will leverage Xylem’s global sales network, which help customers in more than 150 countries address critical water issues. For public utilities, the addition of GE’s ZeeWeed membranes expands the water and wastewater treatment product portfolio available from Xylem, which currently includes products for water and wastewater transport, biological treatment, media filtration and disinfection. Xylem manufactures and sells water solutions products to the water and wastewater treatment market through its market-leading product brands including Flygt, Leopold, Sanitaire and Wedeco.

“The agreement with GE underscores our commitment to providing customers with a complete range of products and services for water treatment,” said Mike Kuchenbrod, president of Xylem’s Water Solutions business, based in Stockholm, Sweden. “We’re confident that the combination of GE’s well-recognized ZeeWeed brand membrane technology with Xylem’s world-class sales organization will deliver a tremendous benefit to our public utilities customers and project partners.”

Xylem invests heavily to maintain one of the industry’s most extensive sales and service organizations to ensure it meets customers’ needs locally. With this partnership, Xylem adds GE’s ZeeWeed microfiltration, ultrafiltration and membrane bioreactor (MBR) products to its portfolio for customers in designated markets and geographies. Xylem’s Water Solutions business is a global provider of water handling and treatment solutions for public utilities and industrial customers. The business employs a global sales network and manufacturing sites in Europe, Asia and the Americas, and is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

“GE’s more than 20 years of experience with ultrafiltration membrane technology, combined with its research, development and operational knowledge, make the advanced family of ZeeWeed products a natural choice for demanding water reuse and wastewater treatment applications. The distribution agreement with Xylem will strengthen and increase our reach across the globe,” said Jeff Connelly, vice president, engineered systems—water and process technologies for GE Power & Water.

ZeeWeed advanced ultrafiltration membranes are pressure-driven barriers to suspend solids, bacteria, viruses, endotoxins and other pathogens from water or wastewater, producing water with very high purity and low-silt density. They can treat surface water, ground water and biologically-treated municipal effluent. Nearly 1,000 plants worldwide use this technology to produce superior quality drinking water and to meet or exceed stringent wastewater treatment and water reuse standards.

This announcement reinforces GE’s commitment to improve water reuse, a key commitment of ecomagination, a business strategy to create new value for customers, investors and society by solving energy, efficiency and water challenges. GE’s ZeeWeed technology has achieved the distinction of ecomagination-qualification.

With operations in 130 countries and employing nearly 8,000 worldwide, GE's water and process technologies business is an integrated part of GE Power & Water. The company brings together experienced professionals and advanced technologies to solve the world's most complex challenges related to water availability and quality, increased productivity and cost reduction and environmental regulations. GE is a leading global supplier of water treatment, wastewater treatment, water reuse and process systems solutions, along with water treatment chemicals and process chemicals. 

Source: Xylem Inc.


Structal-Bridges Lands a Contract in Connecticut
Structal-Bridges, a division of Canam Group Inc., has secured a contract worth close to $27 million to fabricate the steel structure that will replace and expand the Moses Wheeler Bridge, which crosses the Housatonic River in Milford, Connecticut.

The contract awarded by the Walsh Construction Company and PCL Civil Constructors joint venture mandates Structal-Bridges to supply some 400 steel girders for the three bridges that are being built in the scope of this project. The main bridge structure alone will require 360 girders with a depth of 2.9 m. The longest girder will measure 38.4 m while the heaviest will weigh 40,823 kg. The new bridge superstructure, which connects the City of Milford and the Town of Stratford, will extend 914.4 m in length and feature a total of 14 spans.

"The landing of this major contract confirms Structal's solid reputation and know-how in the North American steel bridge industry," according to Robin Lapointe, vice president, Structal-Bridges.

Structal-Bridges will call upon the expertise of the Canam Group plant located in Claremont, New Hampshire, to execute this project. Delivery of the first steel components will begin in March 2012 and continue until May 2014.

Source: Structal-Bridges


SNC-Lavalin Joint Venture to Manage Construction of Edmonton North LRT Project
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that its 50/50 joint venture partnership with Graham Infrastructure, the North Link Partnership, has been awarded a contract for approximately $300 million by the City of Edmonton for the Edmonton North light rapid transit (LRT) project to provide construction management services, provision of labour, materials and equipment for all construction work, and testing and commissioning of the system for handover to the City. 

The North LRT is a 3.3 km extension from the existing Churchill underground station adjacent to City Hall northwest to Grant MacEwan University, the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Kingsway Shopping Mall, terminating at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) campus. The extension is an intermediary link from the existing LRT system to an eventual service line north to the City of St. Albert.

"This mandate is similar to the work we did on the Canada Line in BC, and to the work currently underway on the Calgary LRT West extension," said Jim Burke, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "We are happy to have this opportunity to deliver the same high-quality work in Edmonton, and we're looking forward to working with the City to make this project a success."

The initial 700 m of the LRT extension will involve building an underground tunnel from the Churchill LRT station while maintaining regular LRT operations in the existing tunnel. The remaining 2.6 km are at-grade guideway with three passenger stations to be constructed at MacEwan University, Kingsway/Royal Alexandra Hospital and NAIT.

"At Graham we are excited to contribute further to the on-going development in Transportation Infrastructure for the City of Edmonton," said John Connolly, president, Graham Infrastructure. "The SNC-Lavalin / Graham team will build on our previous history of successful project delivery to make this project an outstanding success for all stakeholders and in particular the citizens of Edmonton."

Work on the North LRT project began in March 2011 with a scheduled completion date of December 31, 2013.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Aecon / Dufferin Joint Venture Selected as Preferred Proponent for the Airport Rail Link Spur Project
Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that its Infrastructure Division, in a joint venture with Dufferin Construction Company, a Division of Holcim (Canada) Inc., has been selected as the preferred proponent by Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx, to design, build, and finance a 3-km rail line for the Air Rail Link (ARL) and an ARL passenger station at Toronto Pearson International Airport.

The project team, in which Aecon is a 50% partner, will design, build, and finance a three kilometer elevated guideway connecting the existing Georgetown GO Transit line to the Toronto Pearson International Airport.  The project includes construction of a new ARL station at the airport Terminal 1, multiple utility relocations as well as crossings over the environmentally sensitive Mimico Creek and three major roadways.

Financial close on the project is expected by early 2012, and completion of the ARL Spur project is scheduled for the summer of 2014.

"This air-rail link is an important part of Metrolinx' plan for expanding public transit in the Greater Toronto area, and we are proud to be part of this landmark project," said Teri McKibbon, Aecon's COO. "Once again, Aecon's ability to combine our Buildings, Civil and Utilities expertise into one project team is paying off for our clients."

Source: Aecon Group Inc.


Aecon Mining Awarded Contract at a Potash Mine in Saskatchewan
Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that its Mining Division has been awarded a contract valued at approximately $80 million for work at a new potash mine, located approximately 140 km east of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Under the unit price contract, Aecon Mining will conduct site preparation and early works, including site grading, construction of temporary roads, preparation of sediment ponds, and layouts for the camp. Work at the site has begun and is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2012.

"This contract represents an important step forward for Aecon Mining, expanding its client base and its reach in Western Canada's resource sector," said Teri McKibbon, Aecon's COO  "The potash industry in Saskatchewan is undergoing significant growth, and Aecon is strategically positioned to play a role in many aspects of that growth."

Source: Aecon Group Inc.

Bentley Acquires FormSys to Expand SACS Offerings for Floating Structures
Be Inspired: Thought Leadership in Infrastructure – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of FormSys, based in Perth, Australia. This software development company has a proven, twenty-year track record in 3D design, analysis, and construction software for structural engineering, offshore engineering, and naval architecture. The acquisition will expand Bentley’s SACS offerings for the design and analysis of floating structures, further extending the company’s reach in the offshore energy market. SACS is an integrated finite element structural analysis suite of programs that uniquely supports the design, fabrication, installation, operations, and maintenance of offshore structures, including oil platforms and wind farms. Thirty-eight years of focus on these specialized requirements have made SACS the analysis mainstay for most of the world’s offshore engineers. FormSys brings complementary capabilities to this market leader.

FormSys software, like SACS, is employed around the globe. Among the many committed users of its products are leading consulting engineering companies in the offshore sector, including Aker Solutions, DOF Subsea, and Noble Denton, and classification societies Lloyds Register, DNV, and ABS. FormSys users, as well as the users of SACS, will benefit both technically and commercially from this acquisition. FormSys software is particularly strong in the analysis of offshore vessels and structures such as offshore supply vessels, FPSOs, and drillships, as well as spars and semi-submersibles. This complements the industry-leading capabilities of the SACS product line in the design and analysis of fixed offshore structures, making the combined technology strengths a compelling fit for offshore structures of all types.

The two primary products in Bentley’s FormSys portfolio are Multiframe and Maxsurf. Engineers use Multiframe for general structural analysis, lifting analysis, calculation of motion induced loads, wind loads, hydrostatic loads, stiffened plate analysis, and steel code checking. Naval architects use the Maxsurf suite of software to model vessels and floating structures, assess stability and strength, and predict motions and power requirements.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated


Alamo Group Acquires Tenco Group
Alamo Group Inc. announced that effective October 18, 2011, it has acquired substantially all of the assets and business of Tenco Group Inc. and its subsidiaries, for approximately $6 million in cash, plus the assumption of certain specified liabilities and subject to post closing adjustments.

Tenco is a Canadian manufacturer and distributor of snow and ice removal equipment whose principal markets are in Canada and the United States with operations in both countries. Tenco’s sales for their most recent fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 were approximately $35 million. Tenco’s Canadian operations had been operating under Receivership Orders from the Quebec Superior Court since July 25, 2011, and this acquisition was approved by the Court on October 17, 2011.

Ron Robinson, Alamo Group’s president and CEO commented, “This is an excellent opportunity for us to expand our presence in snow removal equipment in North America, as Tenco complements and broadens our current range of Henke products in this sector. They have strong brand recognition that will enhance Alamo’s overall presence, particularly in Canada and the northeastern United States. Tenco’s business is in-line with our acquisition strategy and we believe it will be accretive to Alamo’s 2012 results.”

Alamo Group is a leader in the design, manufacture, distribution and service of high quality equipment for right-of-way maintenance and agriculture. Its products include truck and tractor mounted mowing and other vegetation maintenance equipment, street sweepers, snow removal equipment, pothole patchers, excavators, vacuum trucks, agricultural implements and related aftermarket parts and services. The corporate offices of Alamo Group Inc. are located in Seguin, Texas.

Source: Alamo Group Inc.


Atlas Machinery Supply Expands into the Construction Market with Leica
Leica Geosystems Canada is pleased to welcome Atlas Machinery Supply Ltd. as an authorized dealer for its construction tools and precision tools product lines. This partnership enhances Atlas Machinery’s product offering with the addition of Construction and Precision Tools from Leica Geosystems, including the most accurate and reliable lasers for general construction and machine control applications.

Gene Maynard, area sales manager of Construction Tools with Leica Geosystems states, “Atlas Machinery and Leica Geosystems are a natural fit. We both share a commitment to providing excellent customer service and superb products to our clients. This will be a beneficial relationship for both of us.“

According to Shawn Ederman, operations manager at Atlas Machinery Supply, “I knew I wanted to carry lasers and after researching different options in the market, I quickly realized that Leica Geosystems was the company I wanted to partner with. Atlas prefers high-end brands and manufacturers that have strict quality control and manufacturing guidelines. We found that in Leica Geosystems. It was an easy decision to make.“

Atlas Machinery Supply, Ltd. provides a vast selection of products to consumers in the fields of surveying, construction, general contracting and architecture. Located in Toronto, Ontario, the family-owned company has been a premier supplier of precision and power tools since 1954 and remains focused on their dedication to providing value and superior quality of products to customers.

Source: Leica Geosystems Inc.


New Detroit™ Brand for Powertrain Components
Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) unveiled its new Detroit™ brand at the American Trucking Associations Management Conference and Exposition in Dallas, Texas. Developed to encompass all powertrain-related components, the announcement of the new brand is evidence of expedited fruition of Daimler Trucks’ Global Excellence Strategy that includes an overall optimization of global powertrains.

“By launching the Detroit brand, DTNA is reinforcing its intentions to respond more quickly and efficiently in developing an optimized line of vertically integrated components,” said Andreas Renschler, Daimler Board of Management member responsible for Daimler Trucks and Daimler Buses. “DTNA and Detroit Diesel have embraced Daimler Trucks’ strategy through implementation of uniform production standards and processes, and a modular strategy for engine development, engineering and manufacturing processes that draws upon Daimler’s global resources.”

An example of Daimler’s powertrain optimization strategy is the Detroit DD engine line-up that utilizes Daimler Trucks’ best-in-class global processes for powertrain engineering and development. The portfolio includes the Detroit DD13®, DD15® and DD16® engines all equipped with BlueTec® emissions technology, Daimler’s global SCR technology. Detroit DD engines have proven to be among the most fuel efficient, highest quality, lowest total cost of ownership and cleanest emissions engines in the industry.

Building on the 70 year heritage of Detroit Diesel, the Detroit brand is well positioned with a solid product warranty with industry-leading extended warranty options, and more than 800 dealer and distributors at locations across North America.

The Detroit family of powertrain components will be available across the industry-leading DTNA product family, including Freightliner Trucks, Western Star, Thomas Built Buses, and Freightliner Custom Chassis platforms; as well as other OEM’s including Pierce Manufacturing and Van Hool. Announcements pertaining to the upcoming family of Detroit-branded products will be forthcoming over the next year with a wide variety of optimized powertrain products.

Source: Daimler Trucks North America LLC


Atlas Copco to Develop High-Speed Geothermal Drilling Technology
Geothermal energy has great potential as an environment-friendly source of energy in many parts of the world, but developments are constrained by the high costs related to drilling deep wells in hard rock and high temperatures. Percussive tools, or down-the-hole hammers, are a promising technology for geothermal exploration and development as they rely on mechanisms well suited for the type of rock normally found in geothermal formations. Compared to conventional geothermal drilling methods, down-the-hole hammers could quadruple the penetration rates.

“We look forward with great anticipation to the results of this project,” said Bob Fassl, business area president, Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation Technique. “Atlas Copco already offers a wide range of products and services for geothermal development projects and this is clearly a future growth market for the Group.”

During the three-year project Atlas Copco Secoroc will design, develop, and test equipment. Sandia National Laboratories will provide computer models to evaluate hammer performance, materials and components. Sandia will also develop a high temperature test cell to evaluate hammer prototypes.

The grant is one of 32 research and design projects for geothermal power production funded through an initiative by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. These projects are designed to meet the challenge to generate 80% of U.S. electricity from clean energy sources by 2035. Atlas Copco was awarded the second largest contract in the DOE initiative, which totaled $38 million.

Source: Atlas Copco


ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA offers stainless steel 72’’ flat products
For the first time, customers in NAFTA countries can now buy stainless steel flat products in widths of 72’’ (183 cm) produced in the U.S. The corresponding units have gone into operation at ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA’s Alabama plant and are currently being ramped up. “Both customers and service centers have expressed great interest in 183 cm products. We are the only manufacturer in the U.S. and the NAFTA region who can offer this width,” says Dr. Ulrich Albrecht-Früh, CEO of ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA. He emphasizes that this is an important signal for the market in North and Central America.

To date no stainless steel producer has manufactured 183 cm coils in the NAFTA region, and only small volumes have been imported. This special size is used e.g. in the manufacture of large tanks for the chemical, oil and gas industries, and also for milk tanks. The extra-wide coils and sheet, in part cut to 91 cm, offer processing and welding advantages for customers. Dr. Albrecht-Früh explains that this addition to the product portfolio gives ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA a unique selling point in the U.S. and enables the company to move into a new market with great potential.

A hot strip annealing and pickling line and a second Sendzimir or 20-roll cold rolling mill have gone into operation in Alabama to manufacture the 183 cm coils. They are now being ramped up step-by-step and initial volumes have already been produced. Production began at the Calvert site back in September 2010 with one cold rolling mill (160 cm). To process this cold-rolled strip, a cold-rolled annealing and pickling line, a skin pass mill and various polishing, slitting and cut-to-length lines were also taken into operation. The additional cold rolling mill which has now come on stream has expanded capacity to over 200,000 t of cold-rolled strip per year. “This further milestone shows that we are making steady progress in the development of our stainless steel location in the U.S.,” states ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA.

Construction work on the 1 million t/y capacity melt shop is continuing to proceed on schedule. The first 350 t teeming crane has already been installed. The melt shop is scheduled to go into operation in December 2012.

Until then the Calvert plant will continue to be supplied with hot band and slabs from the European mills. ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA currently employs around 550 people. In addition to the production facilities in Alabama, the company has a sales office in Chicago, Illinois, which also markets products from the ThyssenKrupp Mexinox cold rolling mill in San Luis Potosí and from European supplies.

ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA is part of the Inoxum group. Inoxum brings together the worldwide production, processing and distribution of stainless steel flat products as well as the production and distribution of high-performance materials such as nickel alloys, titanium and zirconium. Companies with plants in Germany, Italy, Mexico, China and the U.S. employing roughly 11,300 people are organized in the Inoxum group. Sales in fiscal year 2009/10 were around 5.9 billion € ($8.16 billion).

Source: ThyssenKrupp AG


Breakthrough Initiative on Responsible Sourcing of Aggregates Wins National Award for Excellence
The Green Living Excellence in Corporate Responsibility (ECR) Awards recognized Holcim Canada with two awards for demonstrating leadership and committing to create sustainable change in the Canadian aggregate sector. Bill Galloway, senior vice president Holcim (Canada) Inc., and his team were recognized with the Senior Corporate Individual and Team awards in the Large Business - Resource, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas category.

The ECR Awards were developed to honor and celebrate corporate Canadians for outstanding work and dedication towards creating sustainable and ethical practices within the business framework.

Holcim Canada was recognized for its commitment to best in class social and environmental practices and for aligning its corporate strategy with balancing the triple bottom line of economic growth, environmental performance and social responsibility. The company was also applauded for its work in advancing sustainable construction through initiatives addressing progressive rehabilitation, environmental management, property enhancements and community relations.

The awards also acknowledged Holcim Canada for its collaborative role in forming the independent not-for-profit organization Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregate Canada (SERA Canada) with Environmental Defence. SERA Canada represents an unprecedented step towards improving the industry’s approach to sustainable environmental performance and effectively engaging with community and stakeholders. It aims to create, administer and promote widespread support for certification of responsibly sourced construction materials.

SERA’s mission is to convene and engage a broad group of stakeholders to revise and build consensus for standards which set a high but achievable bar for the aggregate sector. Included in this work will be the design and implementation of a credible approach for assessing compliance against these standards.

“We are honored to be recognized for our efforts in advancing sustainable construction solutions and our focus on community engagement. Receiving two Excellence in Corporate Responsibility Awards shows that our ‘Triple Bottom Line’ approach is aligned with the vision of Canada’s leading sustainable business experts”, said Bill Galloway, senior vice president, Holcim (Canada) Inc. and SERA Canada Founding Board member.

As a founding organization of SERA Canada, Holcim is committed to seeing responsible business practices recognized throughout the aggregate industry and intends to seek certification for all of its aggregate operations in Ontario once the SERA certification process is available.

Source: Holcim (Canada) Inc.


Source Atlantic to Sell Generac Products Across Canadian Maritimes
In a move intended to better serve customers throughout Atlantic Canada, Generac Power Systems recently signed Source Atlantic Limited of New Brunswick, as a distributor of Generac residential, commercial, and industrial power products. Source Atlantic is a full-line distributor of maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies. They will sell and service all Generac products through their electrical division, which has five locations strategically located throughout Atlantic Canada.

Source Atlantic can provide contractors, engineers, and facility managers not only with Generac backup power systems, but also with the equipment and supplies they need to install and maintain those systems. This will ultimately save customers time and money, and increase their efficiency.

Chet Larson, national account manager for residential products at Generac, said that the Source Atlantic relationship will also benefit homeowners in the region. “The Canadian Maritimes are particularly prone to weather-related power outages,” he said. “Over the past year the region has endured more than 100 outages affecting over 500,000 homes and businesses. Our relationship with Source Atlantic will give builders and contractors access to our Guardian® Series home backup power systems, which can keep homes powered no matter how severe the power outage.”

Generac has hundreds of dealers across North America that sell and service its residential and industrial backup power systems. Generac’s residential dealer network is the largest in the industry. Generac’s Power Solutions Network allows residential dealers and industrial dealers in the same territories to work together to sell each other’s product lines, enhancing the value they provide to customers and broadening their reach.

Source: Generac

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