Tesab at Hillhead On the Tesab stand at Hillhead, held last June in Buxton, England, visitors were able to see the well proven Tesab 623CT compact impact crusher, now fitted with a Caterpillar 7.1 l Tier 4 Interim engine and Transfluid 311 HFR clutch. Also at Hillhead, Tesab launched its new Trackstack 8542TBF, a tracked stockpile conveyor with a belt feed hopper design capable of high tonnages. This machine can be fitted with a reject grid, or a double deck vibrating grid to produce screened and sized material. The working demonstration areas give the Hillhead show its unique atmosphere. There, visitors were able to see the new 1200TC Tracked Cone Crusher demonstrating its credentials as a high tonnage quarry machine, working alongside a Trackstack 8042T tracked conveyor stockpiling to 10 m high.
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