

Kinedyne Corporation a nommé Terry O’Connor à titre de directeur des comptes nationaux, une nomination qui prend effet immédiatement. Monsieur O’Connor travaillera de concert avec les grands distributeurs de pièces de marché secondaire pour l’industrie du camionnage, dans le but d’accroître les ventes des produits Kinedyne, de consolider les opportunités de mise en marché et développer les affaires de la compagnie pour ces comptes stratégiques.

Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans l’industrie du transport commercial, Terry O’Connor s’est joint à l’équipe de Kinedyne en 2005 en tant que directeur de comptes pour la région du sud-est des États-Unis. Avant de se joindre à Kinedyne, le chef de file mondial des produits d’arrimage pour l’industrie du camionnage et du transport, Terry O’Connor a occupé divers postes de responsabilité chez Great Dane Trailer, Utility International, New Life Transport et Hutchens Industries.

Diplômé de l’Université St-Leo de Floride, Terry O’Connor est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en Administration des Affaires, concentration Marketing.

Source: Kinedyne Corporation


La Chambre de commerce et d’industrie des Bois-Francs et de l’Érable, est particulièrement fière d’annoncer que le Panthéon de la catégorie «Petite entreprise et entrepreneur(e) autonome» a été remis à Mario Nolin de l’entreprise Eddynet inc. par monsieur Jean Gagné, président de la SADC Arthabaska-Érable et parrain de la catégorie.

Source: Chambre de commerce et d’industrie des Bois-Francs et de l’Érable



Scott R. Bamford P.E., and has recently joined Geocomp Corporation, a leading geo-engineering services firm based in Boxborough, Massachusetts.

Scott R. Bamford, P.E. has joined Geocomp as Senior Project manager. Mr. Bamford has 30 years experience as a consulting geotechnical engineer with national and worldwide professional engineering experience both onshore and offshore, serving real estate development, transportation, energy, utility, and oil and gas clients.

His experience includes a variety of geotechnical investigation and foundation design projects including: low- to high-rise commercial, residential, and retail buildings; multilevel parking garages; universities, schools, and colleges; medical facilities; highways and multi-span bridges; water storage tanks; public facilities; manufacturing facilities, landfill closures; and energy projects including offshore oil and gas exploration and production platforms and wind energy facilities.

Source: Geocomp Corporation

RailWorks Corporation, a leading provider of track and transit systems construction and maintenance services throughout North America, announced recently the promotion of Scott D. Brace to president of its subsidiary RailWorks Track Systems, Inc.

Formerly executive vice president of RailWorks Track Systems, he has nearly 35 years’ track construction industry experience. He has provided leadership throughout the organization since RailWorks’ founding and has been instrumental in more than doubling RailWorks Track Systems’ revenue base and expanding its geographic and project scope.

In his new position, Mr. Brace will be responsible for more than a dozen branch operations and project offices in the United States that provide new track construction, maintenance and rehabilitation operations as well as production, bridge and transit construction and maintenance services.

Source: RailWorks Corporation

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