Customized Elliott BoomTruck for Rugged Underground Operation Scott Powerline Equipment, a Louisiana-based heavy machinery dealer, recently delivered a customized Elliott Equipment Company 30105R BoomTruck to the North American Salt Mine Company. This truck-mounted crane was purchased to perform salt mining operations 472 m underground within the mine. North American Salt chose Elliott Equipment Company’s product because of its solid construction and Elliott’s reputation as a leader in custom engineered solutions. Elliott Equipment’s engineers worked closely with North American Salt’s user group and modified this 30105R crane by adding a specialized 450 kg hydraulic drill attached to an 360 kg capacity, remote controlled steel work platform.
Taking full advantage of Elliott’s ease of installation and minimal number of fittings, the entire boom truck was completely disassembled above ground and reassembled deep within the mine. The Elliott Equipment 30105R is a fully customizable product that can be modified to meet a variety of worksite needs. With options like removable work platforms, special outriggers, auger drill systems, radio remotes and more, it is why demanding users consistently look to Elliott Equipment Company for cost effective solutions for their personnel and material handling needs.
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