On August 10, 2010, CDE Global hosted visitors at an open day in County Tipperary to witness first hand the M2500 mobile washing plant in operation. The event was hosted at Gleeson Quarries near Laffansbridge, Ireland, where a CDE washing plant is processing waste material from the dry crushing and screening process to produce washed sand and aggregates. “The material we are washing at Gleeson Quarries was previously being stockpiled as a waste material as a result of the inherent levels of silts and clays” explains Eunan Kelly, CDE sales manager for Ireland. “The washing plant we have installed is ensuring that this waste material is being effectively processed to create commercial grade sand and aggregates,” Gleeson Quarries produce a wide variety of aggregates for the construction sector. Concrete blocks have been manufactured on site since 2001 and readymix concrete has been produced on site since 1990. Gleeson Quarries is one of the leading suppliers of road materials to the local authorities for the many road building and improvement schemes that have taken place in the local area in recent years. The washing plant includes the M2500 mobile washing plant, Aggmax attrition system and Aquacycle thickener to ensure more than 80% of the water used in the washing process is recycled, thus minimizing the amount of space required on site to accommodate settling ponds. The M2500 had its official launch at the Bauma 2010 exhibition in Munich earlier this year and integrates a feed system with a Prograde P2-75 double deck rinsing screen and Evowash 71 sand washing plant. The M2500 has a total capacity of 250 t/h and will produce 70 t/h of a single washed sand to the required specification. In this instance Gleeson Quarries required a concrete sand for use in their on site concrete batching plant. There are a number of other models available within the M2500 range allowing up to 120 t/h of single or dual sand production if required. “At a time when operators are focused more than ever on maximizing efficiencies within their sand and aggregate processing operations, our plant at Gleeson Quarries provides evidence that there are significant opportunities to be taken advantage of with the processing of waste stockpiles,” explains Terry Ashby, CDE general manager in Great Britain. “We have numerous plants in operation throughout the world doing this very same job and it is always the case that considerable volumes of quality sand and aggregates can be recovered when the right system is employed.” The washing plant at Gleeson Quarries has been in operation for 5 months and has processed approximately 100 000 t of material that was previously a waste product. This material was taking up valuable space on site at Gleeson Quarries before installation of the washing plant from CDE Global. In addition, the customer was missing out on a significant revenue opportunity that could be realised through the introduction of an effective washing plant. The CDE sand and aggregate washing plant at Gleeson Quarries has addressed both of these issues and resulted in the customer being able to maximize returns from their extraction processes.
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