Nouvelles brèves Le RéseauIQ propose la création du Fonds national d’efficacité énergétique Au mois d’avril 2009 déjà, dans la lignée de son étude intitulée «Le développement énergétique du Québec dans un contexte de développement durable», le RéseauIQ mettait de l’avant l’opportunité de créer le FNEE. Or, les résultats d’un sondage Senergis-Le Devoir réalisé début septembre et dévoilé dans le Devoir la semaine passée, confirme que l’économie d’énergie est le défi énergétique prioritaire des Québécois. En effet, près de 70% des Québécois pensent que la priorité des 10 à 20 prochaines années n’est pas tant d’accroître la production d’énergie que de réduire la demande par une véritable politique d’économies d’énergie (23% seulement pensent le contraire). «D’un côté, le Québec vit dans une situation de dépendance totale au pétrole, dont on sait que le prix est condamné à monter en flèche et que sa consommation nuit à notre bilan carbone, ainsi que notre balance commerciale» déclare le président du RéseauIQ, François P. Granger, ing., PhD. «De l’autre, le Québec est reconnu pour être un des pires consommateurs en matière d’électricité. Il est donc plus que temps d’appuyer sur l’accélérateur, alors que la filière de l’efficacité énergétique est celle qui jouit de la faveur populaire.» Adéquatement soutenus, institutions, commerces et industries pourraient investir davantage afin d’exploiter leur plein potentiel d’efficacité énergétique. Avec du financement avantageux, la problématique de l’intensité de la consommation énergétique des bâtiments, des procédés de production ou des flottes de véhicules à grandeur du Québec pourrait être attaquée de front. Un besoin qui n’est que partiellement répondu jusqu’ici. Ce FNEE permettrait donc d’accroître les chances que le Québec atteigne ses cibles en matière d’économie d’énergie, de réduction des gaz à effet de serre, en plus de développer une industrie de l’efficacité énergétique. En effet, le RéseauIQ est convaincu qu’avec la mise en œuvre du FNEE, le Québec se doterait d’un levier financier important qui maximiserait les retombées économiques de l’efficacité énergétique, par des gains en productivité et une diminution de son empreinte carbone. En outre, le RéseauIQ soutient que le Fonds vert semblerait tout indiqué pour servir d’outil de financement au démarrage du futur FNEE, puisqu’il y a une cohérence entre les objectifs recherchés par le FNEE et ceux du Fonds vert.
AECOM conclut une entente pour acquérir RSW de Montréal Avec ses 550 employés, RSW, fournisseur de services sur des marchés clés tels la production, le transport et la distribution d’énergie hydroélectrique, vient étoffer le portefeuille d’activités déjà diversifié d’AECOM dans le domaine de l’énergie à l’échelle mondiale. Le processus d’acquisition, assujetti aux conditions de clôture habituelles – notamment l’obtention d’approbations réglementaires et l’approbation des actionnaires, devrait se conclure au quatrième trimestre de l’année civile 2010.
Aecon annonce le lancement de la nouvelle division Aecon Mining En vertu de l'entente d'acquisition des éléments d'actif, Aecon a acquis toutes les immobilisations de Cow Harbour en Alberta, dont le parc, qui compte plus de 500 pièces d'équipement destiné à l'exploitation minière, ainsi que l'ensemble des biens réels, des stocks, des contrats, des concessions, des licences, des éléments de propriété intellectuelle et des autres éléments d'actif de Cow Harbour. Aecon a effectué un versement de 60 millions $ à la conclusion de l'acquisition et versera un autre montant de 120 millions $ dans un délai de 90 jours. Société privée fondée en 1987, Cow Harbour est devenue l'une des trois plus grandes sociétés vouées à l'exploitation minière et à la remise en état des terres dans le secteur des sables bitumineux grâce à plus de 800 employés, à des produits d'exploitation de 230 millions $ et au rendement élevé de son BAIIA, avant de rencontrer des difficultés en raison de la survenue de nombreux problèmes opérationnels, après plusieurs années consécutives d'expansion rapide. La société a déposé une demande de protection contre ses créanciers en vertu de la LACC en avril de cette année. Combinée à l'expérience et aux ressources des filiales d'Aecon, Alarie Construction et Lockerbie & Hole Eastern, cette acquisition rehausse grandement la capacité d'Aecon de répondre aux besoins liés au segment minier de sa clientèle répartie dans tout le Canada.
Aecon obtient un contrat pour le réaménagement de l'aéroport de Peterborough En vertu de ce contrat, Aecon élargira et renforcera les pistes, les voies de circulation et les aires de trafic actuelles et améliorera également l'éclairage des pistes. Des travaux d'expansion de sites d'aménagement du côté ville, de voies de circulation et d'infrastructures connexes seront également réalisés. Grâce à ce réaménagement, l'aéroport de Peterborough sera en mesure d'assurer sa croissance en augmentant sa capacité. Aecon Construction and Materials Limited dirigera le contrat de conception-construction et réalisera les travaux de nivelage, de drainage et de pavage. Un certain nombre d'unités de la division Infrastructure d'Aecon réaliseront des travaux dans le cadre de ce projet : AME sera responsable du contrôle de qualité et de la vérification des travaux, Miwel réalisera certains travaux de construction d'égouts sanitaires et de conduites d'eau principales et AGI Traffic Technology, de concert avec Tristar, se chargera des améliorations électriques et des travaux d'éclairage spécialisés de l'aéroport.
SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat sur le marché des sables bitumineux de l'Alberta Le projet consiste en une installation centrale initiale de DGIV d'une capacité de 5000 bbl/j et comprend les supports de puits, les lignes de collecte, le parc de stockage et l'installation de cogénération de 8 MW qui s'y rattachent. Les travaux ont été entrepris par le bureau de SNC-Lavalin à Calgary, et la conception détaillée devrait s'achever en avril 2011 Il s'agit d'un projet unique en son genre : le plan d'exécution repose sur la conception et la construction d'une centrale de traitement entièrement modulaire, transportable par camions sur les lieux. Le devis de construction sur place se limitera à la mise en place et à l'interconnexion des modules, suivies de la mise en service de l'installation. «Nous sommes enchantés de voir ainsi reconnus notre expérience en DGIV et notre savoir-faire en modularisation, et ce sera un plaisir de collaborer à la nouvelle approche adoptée par la Grizzly», a déclaré Jean Beaudoin, vice-président directeur du Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «Nous maintenons une présence active sur le marché des sables bitumineux depuis de nombreuses années et ce contrat témoigne de notre capacité à adapter notre expérience et notre modèle de réalisation aux besoins de nos clients.»
Hilti et Trimble fondent une coentreprise Trimble et Hilti, qui collaborent depuis 2002, partagent des valeurs similaires basées sur la compréhension des besoins des clients et exploiter les innovations afin de développer des solutions à valeur ajoutée qui améliorent la productivité de leur clientèle. De plus, les deux firmes ont des canaux et des empreintes géographiques complémentaires dans le domaine de la construction. En combinant l’expertise d’Hilti dans une large gamme de systèmes appliquées dans le bâtiment et le portefolio de technologies de positionnement de Trimble, la coentreprise fournira une nouvelle catégorie de solutions de productivité à l’industrie de la construction. Intelligent Construction Tools, LLC est basée à Westminster, au Colorado, et a débuté ses activités en septembre dernier.
SNC-Lavalin annonce qu’elle détient des actions de Valener Ce nombre représente environ 10,07% des actions émises et en circulation de Valener. SNC-Lavalin déposera sous peu une «déclaration selon le système d’alerte» auprès des Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières, rapport qui pourra être consulté sur le site
Metso acquiert les activités de Camoplast–Finntrack Oy Metso est un fournisseur globan de tecnologies durables pour les secteurs de l’industrie minière, la construction, la génération d’électricité, l’automation, le recyclage et les pâtes et papiers.
Camoplast et Solideal unissent leurs forces La nouvelle société sera exploitée sous le nom Camoplast Solideal inc., avec une participation significative des actionnaires actuels de Solideal dans la compagnie. Les marques Solideal et Camoplast continueront d’être gérées de façon indépendante. Camoplast Solideal inc. aura des installations manufacturières et de recherche et développement en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie, avec un effectif d’environ 7400 employés. La transaction générera des synergies importantes au niveau des achats, de la fabrication, de la logistique et de la recherche et du développement.
SNC-Lavalin et Alusa s’allient pour des projets d’infrastructure au Brésil En vertu de cette nouvelle alliance, elles prévoient ouvrir à São Paulo un bureau d’exploitation commun d’ici la fin de l’année. Alusa est présente sur le marché des réseaux de production, de transport et de distribution d’électricité, dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz avec Petrobras, et dans celui des infrastructures, y compris en matière de fabrication de traverses de chemin de fer.
AECOM finalise l’acquisition de Davis Langdon Davis Langdon fournit des services de gestion des coûts et des projets ainsi que des services de conseil spécialisés à sa clientèle internationale. Les 2800 collaborateurs de Davis Langdon sont au service de clients du secteur public et privé sur un large éventail de marchés. Son homologue asiatique, Davis Langdon & Seah, restera indépendant, mais continuera de travailler avec les activités Davis Langdon d’AECOM dans le cadre de l’accord de collaboration existant. La société prévoit de finaliser l’acquisition de la filiale sud-africaine de Davis Langdon pour la fin d’octobre 2010. La transaction totale, filiale Davis Langdon Afrique du Sud incluse, est évaluée à environ 324 millions $.
Applied Industrial Technologies acquiert UZ Engineered Products David DeBord, actuellement président d’UZ Engineered Products, conservera son poste sous la direction de Michael L. Coticchia, vice-président d’Applied chargé du secteur public. Fondée en 1982, UZ apporte ses services à une vaste gamme de clients dans le domaine de l’entretien, réparation et révision (MRO), principalement dans le secteur public, aux États-Unis et au Canada. Avec son implantation unique à Cleveland et des effectifs stratégiquement situés, la société appuie des activités industrielles, commerciales et administratives avec des lignes de produits comprenant des fixations, raccords, lubrifiants, éléments électriques, fournitures de soudage, outils de coupe et autres produits spécialisés d’entretien.
Applied Industrial Technologies acquiert l’entreprise SCS Supply Group Inc. L’entreprise acquise exploite huit différentes installations avec un effectif de 61 personnes dans le Sud de l’Ontario. Elle apporte ses services à une large gamme de clients industriels dans le domaine des roulements, transmission de puissance, et articles électriques, hydrauliques et industriels. L’équipe de direction de SCS comprenant John (Jay) Shore, Rob Sharpe et Ralph Caporiccio est maintenue au sein de l’organigramme d’Applied, et relèvera de Ron Sowinski, président directeur général d’Applied Industrial technologies Ltd.
Bearing & Transmission et le Groupe GLM prennent l’appellation commerciale Applied Industrial Technologies Bearing & Transmission exploite une vingtaine de centres de services dans l’Ouest canadien. Le Groupe GLM exploite quatre sites dans le Nord du Québec et sert des clients dans une gamme étendue de secteurs, notamment les pâtes et papiers, les produits de la forêt, la production d’énergie électrique, l’extraction minière, les hydrocarbures, la fabrication d’équipement, l’agriculture et les métaux de première fusion.
Technip remporte deux contrats pour des unités d’hydrogène aux États-Unis Ces deux unités de 850 000 m3/j produiront de l’hydrogène de grande pureté et de la vapeur. Elles utiliseront un procédé de réformage de méthane à la vapeur de haute efficacité, ainsi que les plus récentes technologies de réduction des oxydes d’azote permettant de diminuer au maximum les émissions. Les contrats comprennent : l’ingénierie de base, le management de projet, l’ingénierie de détail, la fabrication, la fourniture des équipements et l’assistance à l’installation, à la prémise en service et au démarrage. Le centre opérationnel de Technip à Claremont (Californie) réalisera ces deux contrats. Technip est associé à Performance Contractors Inc. pour l’installation des deux unités. Le projet devrait être achevé au premier semestre 2012. Avec plus de 240 unités d’hydrogène dans le monde, Technip est reconnu comme le leader mondial de la conception et de la fourniture d’unités d’hydrogène.
Aecon obtient deux contrats en Alberta Selon les modalités du premier contrat accordé par Parcs Canada, Aecon élargira la route Transcanadienne dans le Parc national de Banff sur un tronçon de 6,2 km, de l’ouest du lac Louise jusqu’à la frontière de la Colombie-Britannique et de l’Alberta. Le projet comprend la construction de trois ponts : deux franchissant les voies du Canadien Pacifique et un servant de passage faunique au-dessus du ruisseau Bath. Le projet vise également à installer des clôtures pour guider les animaux sauvages le long du tronçon visé par le projet. En vertu du deuxième contrat accordé par la Ville de Calgary, Aecon construira un prolongement à 6 voies pour relier la 96 Avenue NE existante à l’échangeur Deerfoot-Airport Trail. Le contrat comprend la modernisation de l’échangeur pour Alberta Transportation. En outre, Aecon construira quatre nouveaux ponts pour la circulation en direction est et ouest, franchissant le ruisseau Nose et les voies du Canadien Pacifique. Le projet vise également la construction d’un nouveau remblai, d’installations de gestion des eaux pluviales, d’égouts sanitaires, de conduites d’eau principales et de structures de signalisation. De plus, Aecon construira un prolongement du sentier régional de la Ville de Calgary. Les travaux de ces deux projets ont déjà commencé et devraient prendre fin au cours de l’été 2012.
Aecon obtient un contrat du MTO pour l’élargissement de la route 11 En vertu de ce contrat, Aecon réalisera l’élargissement à quatre voies de la route 11 sur un tronçon de 24,2 km. Les travaux d’élargissement commencent à 3,5 km au sud de la route 124 à Sundridge, et se terminent à 8,3 km au nord de l’avenue Ottawa, à South River. Ce projet comprend des travaux de nivelage, de drainage, d’éclairage et de pavage. Les travaux de construction ont déjà commencé et devraient être terminés d’ici septembre 2011. Entre 2006 et 2008, Aecon a terminé un contrat de 54 millions $ du MTO en collaboration avec Leo Alarie and Sons pour le nouveau tracé de la route 11 à Burk’s Falls, près de Huntsville. Au cours des dix dernières années, Aecon a réalisé cinq projets majeurs sur la route 11 à la demande du MTO, projets évalués à plus de 175 millions $, dont trois en partenariat avec Leo Alarie and Sons. «Ce sont des projets comme celui-ci qui démontrent le savoir-faire collectif d’Aecon dans la construction de routes de même que la confiance que nous témoigne depuis longtemps notre client envers ce que nous bâtissons», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de la direction, groupe Aecon Infrastructure. «Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre notre collaboration avec le MTO sur un projet aussi important que le développement du Nord.»
Nemetschek lance la 7e édition de son concours international biennal Au fil des ans, ce concours est devenu un événement réputé et prestigieux que les utilisateurs et l’industrie de la construction attendent avec impatience. Il est ouvert à tous les clients de l’ensemble du Nemetschek Engineering Group : Nemetschek Allplan, Nemetschek Engineering, Nemetschek Scia, Nemetschek Frilo et Glaser. Tous les projets conçus et construits avec les logiciels du groupe Nemetschek Engineering sont acceptés : Allplan Engineering, Allplan Precast, PP Manager, Scia Engineer, Scia Steel, Frilo Statics et Glaser -isb cad-. Les catégories du concours sont les suivantes : bâtiments, structures civiles, conception de bâtiments industriels et d’usines, planification industrielle, et projets spéciaux. Un jury international évaluera les projets en termes d’originalité, de niveau de difficulté, de niveau technique, de prestige et d’utilisation des fonctionnalités du logiciel employé. De nouveaux critères ont été ajoutés aux catégories, tels que la durabilité, l’empreinte carbone et les structures écologiques... Tous les participants ont une opportunité unique de présenter au monde entier leurs connaissances techniques et leurs compétences professionnelles. Les résultats seront publiés dans le livre «Nemetschek Engineering User Contest Book» et sur tous les sites web du Nemetschek Engineering Group. Les projets nominés et les lauréats seront également communiqués à la presse internationale afin d’être publiés dans des magazines spécialisés et sur des sites web. Une récompense de 1500 € (2125 $) sera attribuée à chaque lauréat de chacune des 5 catégories et un «Prix du jury» sera également décerné.
Holcim Canada démontre son engagement envers la santé et la sécurité au travail Pour Holcim Canada, la sécurité et le bien-être de ses employés – comme la création d’un milieu de travail sûr – passent avant tout. La société croit possible d’éviter toute blessure grâce à la vigilance et à l’habilitation de chaque employé. Elle est convaincue que tous peuvent rentrer chez eux sains et saufs à la fin de la journée. Afin de promouvoir une solide culture de la sécurité dans son organisation, elle encourage ses employés à trouver et partager avec leurs collègues des moyens de rendre leur travail et leur milieu de travail plus sûrs pour tous. Afin d’encourager les employés à partager leurs suggestions en vue d’améliorer la sécurité au travail et d’offrir un autre témoignage de son engagement à promouvoir la sécurité, Holcim Canada décernera les Prix du président pour l’excellence en SST à certaines mesures de sécurité locales.
Industry News RSW to Join AECOM RSW is a 550-employee, leading service provider to clients in key end markets, including hydro power and transmission and distribution, which will bolster the company’s already strong portfolio of services, particularly in its global energy business. “By welcoming RSW into the AECOM family, we are expanding the growth opportunities for both firms,” said John M. Dionisio, AECOM president and chief executive officer. “RSW’s 40-year track record of serving clients in the Canadian infrastructure market, as well as the work of its talented staff on complex projects in more than 50 countries around the globe, further strengthens AECOM’s ability to win the most complex and demanding projects in the world.” RSW generated approximately US$45 million of gross revenue in the 12 months ended November 30, 2009. AECOM expects the transaction to be accretive to cash earnings per share (EPS) in fiscal year 2011. On a GAAP basis, the transaction is expected to be neutral to EPS in fiscal year 2011. Georges P. Dick, RSW president and general director, echoed Dionisio’s sentiment. “We are excited about the possibilities that joining AECOM presents for our employees as well as our clients. We look forward to leveraging AECOM’s global platform to better serve our existing clients, connect with new ones and offer professional-development opportunities for our staff.” The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including shareholder approval and necessary regulatory approvals, and is expected to close in the fourth calendar quarter of 2010.
Aecon Launches New Aecon Mining Business Aecon Mining will operate within Aecon’s Infrastructure segment and, with its newly acquired assets and contracts, becomes one of the largest mining and land reclamation contractors in the oil sands. The new division complements Aecon Lockerbie’s position as one of the leading heavy industrial contractors in the oil sands. Under the asset purchase agreement, Aecon acquired all of Cow Harbour’s capital assets in Alberta, including its fleet of over 500 pieces of mining equipment, as well as all of Cow Harbour’s real property, inventory, contracts, leases, licenses, intellectual property and other assets. Aecon paid $60 million on closing, and will pay a further $120 million within 90 days. A private company founded in 1987, Cow Harbour had grown to become one of the top three mining and land reclamation companies in the oil sands, with over 800 employees, revenues of $230 million, and strong EBITDA performance, before it ran into difficulties when a number of operational issues emerged following consecutive years of rapid growth. The company filed for CCAA protection from its creditors in April of this year. Combined with the experience and resources of Aecon subsidiaries Alarie Construction and Lockerbie & Hole Eastern, the acquisition significantly enhances Aecon’s ability to service the mining needs of clients across Canada.
Aecon Awarded Contract for Redevelopment of Peterborough Airport Under the contract, Aecon will extend and strengthen existing runways, taxiways and aprons, as well as upgrade the runway lighting. Expansion of groundside development lots, roadways and associated infrastructure will also be completed. This redevelopment will enable the Peterborough Airport to improve its ability for continued growth by expanding the airport’s capacity. Construction on the project began at the end of August and is scheduled for completion in March 2011. “This project will draw on the proven airport development strengths of a number of our business units and demonstrate the diversity of Aecon’s civil construction capabilities,” said Teri McKibbon, CEO of Aecon’s Infrastructure Group. “We look forward to being able to utilize our diverse expertise on such a pinnacle project for the City of Peterborough.”
SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract in Alberta’s Oil Sands The project consists of an initial 5000 bbl/d SAGD central processing facility with associated well pads, flow lines, tank farm and 8 MW cogeneration facility. Work has begun out of SNC-Lavalin’s Calgary office and the detailed design of the project is expected to be completed in April 2011. This is a unique project in the fact that the execution plan is based on engineering and constructing a completely modularized processing facility capable of being trucked to site. Field construction requirements will be limited to placing and interconnecting the modules followed by commissioning of the facility.
Construction Begins on West Don Lands’ First Park Stretching from King Street south to the rail corridor in the land west of the Don River and GO/CN railroad lines, Don River Park is the first park in the West Don Lands to begin construction. The park, which is expected to open in late 2011/early 2012, will transform what was an abandoned post-industrial site into a dynamic, year-round, re-naturalized public park, animated by a wide variety of programming and a beautiful multi-functional pavilion. The construction of Don River Park represents the next stage of development in the mostly provincial-owned West Don Lands. The 32 ha West Don Lands is a challenging brownfield site in the flood plain of the Don River and development of the area is contingent on it first being remediated and flood-proofed. Construction of the area’s flood protection landform, which is designed to protect a 99 ha area that includes not only the West Don Lands but also Toronto’s financial district, is nearing completion. Don River Park is being built on top of the flood protection landform. The park was designed to maximize the exceptional topography provided by the flood protection landform. Park features are integrated into the contours and elevation provided by the landform and it capitalizes on the unique landscape to open sightlines to the Toronto skyline, the Don River and Lake Ontario. The topography organizes the park both physically and programmatically. The river side of the park will be an extensive 3,2 ha urban prairie to address regulations that restrict active recreation and the planting of woody vegetation on the eastern slope of the flood protection landform. The urban prairie will include an upland meadow on the upper parts of the slope, while a lowland wet meadow at the base of the landform will add ecological and experiential diversity. The wet meadow will also be a crucial part of a park-wide ecological stormwater management system. Meandering walking trails, multi-use bike paths, and a boardwalk will also allow visitors to explore the unique urban landscape. The 3,6 ha western city side of the flood protection landform is defined by a dynamic, unfolding topography that creates varied, flexible spaces for a diverse range of passive and active pursuits. Its features include: a hilltop playground that will offer diverse play experiences for children of all ages; a striking solar powered pavilion that houses the park’s washrooms; a youth athletic field that can be used for a variety of organized sports; and a series of open lawns will provide ample space for both informal and organized sports and activities.
Trimble and Hilti Form Joint Venture for the Building Construction Market Partnering since 2002, the Hilti and Trimble organizations share similar values—focusing on a deep understanding of the customer needs and harnessing innovation to develop value-added solutions that increase customer productivity. In addition, Trimble and Hilti have complementary channels and geographic footprints in the building construction space. By combining Hilti's expertise in a wide range of leading application systems for construction professionals with Trimble's broad portfolio of positioning technologies, the joint venture will deliver a new class of productivity solutions to the building construction industry. "We are extremely pleased to be partnering with Hilti," said Steven W. Berglund, president and CEO of Trimble. "The joint venture brings tremendous synergy to Trimble and Hilti by providing the expertise and platform to develop long-term strategies to serve the building construction market. The powerful combination of these two companies creates a unique opportunity to change the way work is done on building sites." "The software and hardware technologies and innovative capabilities of Hilti and Trimble are extremely complementary. The joint venture will allow both companies to broaden their portfolios with additional innovative measuring technologies," said Bo Risberg, CEO of the Hilti Group. Under the terms of the agreement, Trimble and Hilti will contribute cash and selected technology. In addition, both companies have licensed patents and other intellectual property from their portfolios for use in joint venture products. The proprietary technologies will serve as the joint venture's foundation for product development and commercialization efforts. The joint venture will supply products to Trimble and Hilti. Each will market, distribute, service and support the products using its independent distribution or direct sales channels.
SNC-Lavalin Announces Its Ownership of Shares in Valener
Metso Acquires Camoplast–Finntrack Oy’s Rubber Belt Related Business The acquisition complements Metso’s product and service offering to the paper industry. The production of the business concerned will serve users of Metso’s winders all over the world. Camoplast–Finntrack Oy's rubber belt related business currently employs 16 persons and they will transfer to Metso under current terms.
Camoplast and Solideal join forces Camoplast Solideal Inc. will operate R&D and manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe and Asia, with a workforce of approx. 7400 employees. The transaction should generate significant synergies and flexibility in purchasing, manufacturing, logistics and in R&D. The two companies are developing integration plans built on the cultural similarities, respective strengths, and the best business and product development practices.
SNC-Lavalin and Alusa Join Forces for Infrastructure Projects in Brazil This new alliance plans to open a joint operations office in Sao Paulo by year-end. “This is a key alliance in SNC-Lavalin’s strategy to partner with reputable Brazilian firms to further strengthen our presence in Brazil, and put our design-build expertise and experience to work in different sectors of this important market,” said Riadh Ben Aissa, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. “We are delighted to be cooperating with Alusa; together, we expect to take full advantage of the infrastructure boom in Brazil, particularly in light of the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Rio" "We are pleased to enter into this strategic Alliance with SNC-Lavalin,” said Guilherme Godoy Pereira, vice-president of Alusa Engenharia Ltda. The Brazilian infrastructure market presents tremendous growth opportunities for this alliance with the PAC2 (Brazil Growth Acceleration Program), the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympics. We view SNC-Lavalin as an ideal partner given its solid world class expertise in designing, building and financing large projects in this sector."
Applied Industrial Technologies Acquires SCS Supply Group Business The acquired business operates eight locations with 61 employees throughout southern Ontario and services a broad base of industrial customers with bearings, power transmission, electrical, fluid power and industrial supplies. The SCS management team of John (Jay) Shore, Rob Sharpe and Ralph Caporiccio will continue with the Applied organization, reporting to Ron Sowinski, president & COO of Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd.
Applied Industrial Technologies Acquires UZ Engineered Products David DeBord, currently President of UZ Engineered Products, will continue to serve in that position and will report to Michael L. Coticchia, Vice President of Government Business for Applied. "Government business, including Federal, State, County and Local, is an important growth sector for us," said Mr. Coticchia, "and UZ will definitely help strengthen our position with our many customers. We will now have a significantly expanded sales presence." Founded in 1982, UZ serves a broad range of MRO customers, primarily in the government sector, throughout the United States and Canada. The company's single Cleveland location, together with its strategically located employees, support industrial, commercial and institutional operations with product lines that include fasteners, fittings, lubricants, electrical components, welding supplies, cutting tools, and other specialty maintenance products. UZ employs more than 170 people and generated 2009 annual sales of approximately $23 million.
Bearing & Transmission, Groupe GLM Change Operating Names to Applied Industrial Technologies Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd., headquartered in Saskatoon, SK, is the Canadian-operated subsidiary of Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: AIT), one of North America's leading independent distributors of bearings, power transmission components, fluid power components and systems, rubber products, linear components, and general maintenance and specialty items. The name change will serve to effectively leverage the resources and benefits of being part of the Applied Industrial Technologies organization. Bearing & Transmission operates more than 20 service centers throughout Western Canada. Group GLM operates 4 locations throughout Northern Quebec and serves customers across a broad range of industries, including pulp and paper, forest products, power generation, mining, oil and gas, OEM, agriculture, and primary metals.
Technip awarded two hydrogen plant contracts in the United States The two 850 000 m3/d hydrogen plants will produce high purity hydrogen and export steam. The plants will use a high efficiency top-fired steam methane reforming process and utilize the latest nitrogen oxide reduction technology thereby ensuring minimum emissions. The contracts cover: basic engineering, project management, detail engineering, fabrication, supply and installation, pre-commissioning and start-up assistance. Technip’s operating center in Claremont, California will execute these contracts. Technip is partnered with Performance Contractors Inc. for the installation of both hydrogen plants. The project is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2012. With over 240 hydrogen units worldwide, Technip has been consistently recognized as the market leader in the design and supply of hydrogen plants.
Aecon Awarded Two Contracts in Alberta Under the terms of the first contract awarded by Parks Canada, Aecon will twin the Trans Canada highway in Banff National Park for a 6,2 km stretch from just west of Lake Louise to the British Columbia/Alberta border. The project includes the construction of three bridges, two over the Canadian Pacific Railroad, as well as one to serve as a wildlife crossing over Bath Creek. The project also involves installation of wildlife fencing along the project's length. Under the second contract, Aecon will construct a 6-lane extension to connect the existing 96 Avenue NE with the Deerfoot-Trail Airport Interchange, for the City of Calgary. The contract includes upgrading the interchange, for Alberta Transportation. In addition, Aecon will construct four new bridges for eastbound and westbound traffic over Nose Creek and the Canadian Pacific Rail tracks. The project also involves the construction of a new embankment, storm-water facilities, sanitary sewers, water main installation and sign structures. As well, Aecon will construct an extension of The City of Calgary's Regional Pathway. Work on both projects has commenced, with completion scheduled for the summer of 2012.
Aecon Awarded MTO Contract to Expand Highway 11
Nemetschek Launches the 7th Edition of its Biennial International User Contest Over the years this contest has become a renowned happening to which users and the construction industry look forward to. It is open to all customers from the larger Nemetschek Engineering Group: Nemetschek Allplan, Nemetschek Engineering, Nemetschek Scia, Nemetschek Frilo and Glaser. All projects designed & constructed with software from the Engineering Group are accepted: Allplan Engineering, Allplan Precast, PP Manager, Scia Engineer, Scia Steel, Frilo Statics and Glaser -isb cad-. This seventh edition will be more international than ever, the contest categories are: A professional international jury will assess submissions on originality, level of difficulty, technical level, prestige and the application of the used software. New accents have been added to the categories such as sustainability, ecological footprint and green structures for one. Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre Rammant, CEO of Nemetschek Scia and vice-president of the Nemetschek Engineering Group explains: “The 2009 edition was a great success and attracted as much as 120 participating projects from 14 countries. Actually, for one of the winning projects, the Rolex Learning Centre of Lausanne (CH), the architects received the prestigious Pritzker Price for Architecture 2010. With the launch of 2011 we aim to attract even more impressive structures, from even more countries.” This contest offers all participants a unique chance to show the world their technical knowledge and professional skills. The results will be published in the notable ‘Nemetschek Engineering User Contest Book’ and all of the Nemetschek Engineering Group’s websites. Nominated and winning projects will also be sent out to the international press for publication in specialized magazines and web pages. Each winning project in every of the 5 categories and a ‘Special Jury Prize’ will be rewarded
Holcim Canada Demonstrates Commitment to Health and Safety The safety and well-being of Holcim Canada employees is the company's number one priority, as is the creation of a safe work environment. Holcim Canada believes that all injuries can be prevented through the vigilance and empowerment of every employee and that everyone can go home safely at the end of every day. To build a strong safety culture, Holcim Canada encourages employees to find and share innovative ways to make their jobs and environments safer for themselves and others. "By involving our employees and getting their feedback, we make them realize that we are all responsible for each other's safety. So far, our approach has yielded great results with the company progressively improving our overall safety record," says Paul Ostrander, President and Chief Executive Officer, Holcim (Canada) Inc. To encourage employees to share their safety improvement ideas, and to further strengthen its commitment to safety, Holcim Canada will recognize local safety initiatives through President's Awards for OH&S Excellence. "A lot is done, on a daily basis, at each of our sites, to improve safety. Whether large or small, these initiatives can make a big difference in preventing injuries and this is what will be recognized through the Awards," concludes Ostrander.
ICUEE 2011 and AEMP partnership brings new fleet management exhibit pavilion to show The next ICUEE will be held October 4-6, 2011 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. ICUEE is geared to the utility/construction industry, with a focus on electric, phone/cable, sewer/water, gas, general construction, landscaping and public works. AEMP represents heavy equipment management executives who work in areas including construction, government, utilities, energy and mining. The new ICUEE 2011 exhibit pavilion, with its focus on the latest fleet management software, products and services, broadens the scope of what is available at the show, and the pavilion format makes it easy for attendees to quickly locate what they need. Fleet management education sessions at ICUEE 2011 will benefit both new-to-the-field as well as experienced industry professionals. “Fleet managers are an important customer segment for ICUEE exhibiting companies; with AEMP’s support we can more efficiently connect buyers and sellers and enhance the educational value for attendees,” stated Melissa Magestro, ICUEE show director. “By working with ICUEE, we can offer our members and other industry workers more professional development opportunities and convenient access to the latest technology advances to help them and their businesses succeed,” stated Stan Orr, AEMP executive director.
GE Transportation Addresses Toughest Rail Challenges at InnoTrans 2010 GE Transportation provides its customers with sustainable rail technology solutions such as PowerHaul, Trip Optimizer and LOCOTROL Distributed Power, which promote economic growth while minimizing any negative environmental impact. GE exhibited its PowerHaul locomotive for the first time after announcing it at InnoTrans in 2008. Freightliner Group in the United Kingdom placed the largest locomotive order in its history with GE for 30 locomotives in 2007 then partnered with GE on a new design that is configured to take into account current and future requirements for efficiency, emissions control and safety. The heart of the PowerHaul locomotive is the newly developed 16-cylinder PowerHaul engine – GE’s most technologically advanced locomotive engine to-date. This engine, combined with other technologies from GE, is projected to reduce both fuel consumption and emissions by approximately 9% compared to current operating fleet averages. Based on GE’s global Evolution® Series locomotive platform, the 3700 hp engine is EU Stage IIIA compliant. The PowerHaul engine represents GE Transportation’s first entry to the European market place.
Cummins Achieves Industry Milestone The new emissions regulations take effect January 1, 2011, for engines over 173 hp, with particulate matter reduced by 90% and oxides of nitrogen by almost 50% compared with the current Tier 3 and Stage IIIA standard. The QSB6.7 engine is certified to a higher power output of 300 hp, while the QSL9 engine increases output up to 400 hp. The 6,7 l and the 9 l engines have received EPA and EU emissions certification as integral systems with Cummins Particulate Filter exhaust aftertreatment, enabling a unique level of integration and packaging efficiency. Before finalization of the engine build specification for production release, the QSB6.7 and QSL9 underwent an extensive series of field tests on commercial operations to validate performance and in-service reliability. The engines achieved up to 5% improved fuel efficiency and faster engine response, boosting machine productivity. The 6,7 l and 9 l engines are among the most widely used in the off-highway industry within their power range. Over 30 power ratings will be available for Tier 4 Interim and Stage IIIB applications, with a wide range of installation configurations applicable to all types of construction, agricultural and industrial equipment.
New Construction Safety Association to Serve Over 38 000 Companies Goals and priorities which founded the previous two construction safety associations will continue into the new BCCSA with a concentration on the Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program. Under the new BCCSA delivery format, construction employers throughout the province will have greater accessibility to COR certification courses. “The safety of workers across British Columbia is a priority for my ministry,” said Murray Coell, Minister of Labour. “The Alliance will provide a focused approach to workplace safety at all levels across the BC construction industry by centralizing resources and expertise. I am encouraged that this will enhance worker safety while making tools and resources more accessible to industry employers.” The BCCSA will concentrate its programming and resources on the top three causes of injuries and death (falls, being struck and overexertion) to construction workers. Their approach to these problems will be evidence-based and the solutions will be developed and implemented through consultation with WorkSafeBC and the industry. The BCCSA will partner with WorkSafeBC to deliver safety education and training to all BC construction employers.
ALL Family of Companies’ Technicians Successfully Complete Manitowoc CANBUS 2 Assembly, Operation & Maintenance Course A total of 12 qualified field service technicians from ALL branches throughout the U.S. and Canada successfully completed the CANBUS AOM (Assembly, Operation & Maintenance) course sponsored by Manitowoc Crane CARE. CAN is an acronym for Controller Area Network, and CANBUS is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer. It is the newest technology in crane control systems for Manitowoc lattice boom crawler crane models 14000, 15000, and 16000. The CANBUS 2 AOM course includes the analysis of information contained in the set-up and operation chapters of the crane manual for these models. The class covers safe assembly procedures, layout and functional properties of all cab controls, boom rigging and assembly, proper configuration of RCI/RCL based on load chart specifications, pre-operational checks, daily maintenance and calibrations, and diagnostics screens. The prerequisite for the course is 5 years of crane experience.
Scania to Supply Engines to Doosan “We want reliable engines with outstanding performance and a global service network where our customers can get excellent support,” says Seung Woo (Steve) Yang, managing director and COO at Doosan Moxy. “We found that in Scania’s offering.” “One of Scania’s strengths is that we can deliver highly fuel-efficient and reliable engines that fulfill Stage IIIB and Tier 4 Interim emission legislation. The result is a low total ownership cost for the operator,” said Robert Sobocki, senior vice president and head of Scania Engines. The agreement with Doosan Infracore will give Scania access to the growing Asian market for construction equipment. The Scania engines being supplied are equipped with SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) emission control technology. The engines satisfy the requirements of emission legislation that comes into force 2011, and are prepared for the 2014 legislation, Stage IV and Tier 4 Final. Doosan Infracore is expected to require well over a thousand engines over the next few years. In January, Scania also signed an agreement to supply engines to Terex Corporation, a leading manufacturer of construction and industrial equipment based in North America. As a result, Scania has a comprehensive global presence in the market for construction equipment. Scania has been supplying engines to Moxy, the Norwegian manufacturer of articulated dump trucks, for the past 30 years. In 2008 Doosan Infracore acquired Moxy, and this long relation opened an opportunity for Scania to supply engines for Doosan’s products manufactured in Korea. Doosan Infracore is the leading machine company in Korea, producing construction equipment, machine tools and engines. Doosan Infracore is a part of the global Doosan Corporation.
BILD announces partnership with CAWIC The partnership will result in membership cross-promotion between the two associations, as well as a number of public relations initiatives to benefit the industry and its members. “With so many women integrally involved in the construction industry, BILD was naturally inclined to partner with an association like CAWIC, particularly given their strong core values which include leadership, mentorship, membership and partnership,” said BILD president and CEO Stephen Dupuis. Tammy Evans, director and head of Public Relations & Marketing for CAWIC adds, “Our Board of Directors and membership are very excited about the partnership with BILD, which we are confident will strengthen and reinforce our efforts to support women across all facets of the Canadian construction industry, by uniting our voices, knowledge and resources through the passion of our members.” With more than 1300 members, BILD, formed through the merger of the Greater Toronto Home Builders’ Association and Urban Development Institute/Ontario, is the voice of the land development, home building and professional renovation industry in the Greater Toronto Area. BILD is proudly affiliated with the Ontario and Canadian Home Builders’ Associations. CAWIC is a Canadian non-profit association whose mission is to facilitate the success of women in the Canadian construction industry through its core values of leadership, mentorship, membership and partnership. Its membership consists of women of all ages and experience involved in many areas of the construction industry.
Pure Technologies
Announces New Contract “Building on the success of a previous Sahara inspection in Hong Kong, this project demonstrates our continued presence in the region,” said David Roy, Director of International Development. “We believe that our condition assessment work in Hong Kong will serve to open doors in other valuable regions within China.”
Dynamotive to Restart Operations
at its Bio Oil Plant in Guelph The Guelph pyrolysis plant was constructed using modules that minimize on-site activities and allow for rapid deployment. It comprises eight fully assembled modules and when fully operational will process 66 000 dry tons of biomass per year with an energy output equivalent to 130 000 barrels of oil. The plant incorporated the latest technology and innovations in the field when built in 2007/2008. It remains the largest capacity plant in the sector. In support of the restart, Dynamotive commenced a program to secure biomass for the plant in the Ontario market. |
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