In A Word... APOM
Years of traveling and constantly being bombarded with events, shows and associations can leave one a bit skeptical and thick-skinned. There is always a "You MUST be at..." or "You SHOULD join..." lurking around every corner. This is particularly difficult when you are representing a factory because often your dealer would rather spend your money, but I digress. A couple of years ago whilst on business in Quebec, I was invited to attend an APOM (Association des professionnels à l'outillage municipal) show and meeting near Quebec City. Having an affection for Quebec hospitality, I gladly agreed and made the notation in my diary. I have been a member ever since! For a modest membership fee, municipalities, suppliers and affiliated organizations and individuals are invited to attend two show sessions and an annual conference getaway. This is not your typical event; each municipality takes it in turn to host the display day at their garage, arena or other venue. The atmosphere is quite relaxed and there is a luncheon and dinner included in the activities for participants. They also, whenever possible, have a demonstration or factory tour planned locally that is topical and of general interest to members. Recently the second of the annual technical days was hosted by the City of Sherbrooke in the Eastern Townships east of Montreal. I have long intended to spread the word of this organization to the "Outside World" and this latest gathering provided me with the definitive word to describe what makes APOM so different from comparative associations found in the equipment industry. In a word... Fellowship! According to the OED, fellowship is defined as... "Companionship, friendliness, participation, sharing, a community of interest..." I could not have defined it better myself. Most of these types of organizations have such beginnings, but then things seem to progressively become less personal. That is not intended as a slight of any particular association but is a reflection of our modern society. APOM has managed to grow and keep this personable feel to it, possible due to the influence of Quebec culture, certainly due to the efforts of its members and organizers in particular Madame Joli who personifies the warmth and energy of the organization. Having read this you, as an OEM field representative, sales executive or other member of the equipment community who has an interest or involvement in what happens in Canada should consider membership and participation in APOM. Fear not that your linguistic abilities may not be up to the task, mine are somewhat questionable too. Members of APOM want to be informed and enlightened by new products and technologies, and a smile translates very well into any language. (R.H.)
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