Nouvelles brèves
Terapro ajoute une nouvelle succursale à Plaisance Cet ajout portera le Groupe Terapro à 16 succursales en combinant celles de construction avec CASE et celles d’agriculture avec New Holland. L’ajout de ce nouveau point de ventes et service a pour objectif de renforcir la présence du groupe auprès de la clientèle. Grâce à cette expansion, les clients de ce territoire auront accès aux ressources et aux spécialistes du Groupe Terapro tant au niveau des équipements agricoles et de construction que des technologies de précision avec l’équipe du Réseau New-Net. Les équipements de Ferme Papineau ltée a été fondée en 1983 par Marcel Carrière qui en est demeuré propriétaire jusqu’à ce jour. L’entreprise s’est spécialisée dans les équipements agricoles avec la bannière New Holland et s’est principalement concentrée sur la grande région de l’Outaouais. Les employés de Les Équipements de Ferme Papineau ltée présentement en poste continueront d’évoluer au sein de l’entreprise à travers le Groupe Terapro.
SGS ouvre un laboratoire de préparation d’échantillons à Val-D’Or «Notre nouveau laboratoire de Val-D’Or renforce la présence de SGS au Canada et, surtout, permet à SGS de servir les entreprises minières au Québec par l’entremise d’installations locales», a indiqué Lawrence Ng, vice-président des services minéraux à SGS Canada. Le laboratoire est équipé pour fournir des capacités de séchage, de broyage, de concassage, de pulvérisation et de tamisage des sols.
Métal 7 procède à l’acquisition de Les Équipements Mégatraction «Les technologies brevetées de Megatraction, jumelées avec notre expertise en commerce international nous permettent d’ajouter une gamme de produits qui s’intègre parfaitement à notre mission d’offrir des solutions de haute performance et qui accroissent la productivité de nos clients», disait Marc-André Gervais, président et chef de la direction de Métal 7 Inc. Megatraction a la meilleure technologie du secteur, mais en raison de sa taille, elle se limitait principalement aux marchés nord-américains. Avec nos capacités commerciales et financières, cette transaction permettra à Megatraction de développer les marchés internationaux et d’accélérer le développement de sa gamme de solutions.» «La taille du marché mondial est énorme. L’expertise et les ressources de Métal 7 Inc., seront des catalyseurs pour propulser Megatraction», ajoutait Robin Belley, directeur général de Les Équipements Megatraction Inc. «L’acquisition de Les Équipements Megatraction Inc. s’inscrit dans notre démarche d’expansion et de consolidation, visant à créer une entreprise canadienne phare de produits et services à haute valeur ajoutée pour l’industrie minière, une entreprise dont l’expertise est reconnue à l’échelle internationale», déclarait Bruno Fortin, président du Conseil d’administration de Métal 7 Inc. Métal 7 est au service de l’industrie primaire depuis 1974. Elle exporte plus de 75% de sa production dans plus de 20 pays et ses exportations sont principalement à l’extérieur de l’Amérique du Nord. Métal 7 Inc. appartient à un groupe d’actionnaires qui comprend le Fonds de solidarité FTQ, BDC Capital, Fondaction, le Fonds régional de solidarité FTQ Côte-Nord, STAS Inc. et des membres de la direction.
WSP fera l’acquisition de Louis Berger, une société internationale de services professionnels basée aux États-Unis Louis Berger compte environ 5000 employés, répartis pour l’essentiel dans des bureaux aux États-Unis, avec une présence supplémentaire en Europe continentale, au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique, en Asie (surtout en Inde) et en Amérique latine. L’acquisition, qui devrait être conclue au 4e trimestre de 2018, est assujettie aux conditions habituelles de clôture, y compris les approbations réglementaires et la réalisation de certaines mesures administratives suite à la levée de la surveillance de la conformité.
Acquisition de l’entreprise de travaux publics Pavages Chenail par Eurovia Le groupe Pavages Chenail inc., qui emploie 200 personnes et a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 70 millions $ en 2017, exploite 2 carrières de tailles significatives ainsi que 3 usines d’enrobés dans la grande région de Montréal et en Montérégie. Cette acquisition vient renforcer les équipes et le réseau d’Eurovia Québec présent dans 10 régions de la province. Eurovia Québec réalise des projets d’infrastructures de transport et d’aménagements urbains auprès de clients publics et privés. Au Canada, Eurovia est aussi présente en Saskatchewan, en Alberta et en Colombie-Britannique. Dans l’ensemble du pays, Eurovia compte environ 2000 collaborateurs et a réalisé en 2017 un chiffre d’affaires de plus de 600 millions $.
L’ÉTS sera agrandie au coût de 55 M$ Le Plan quinquennal des investissements universitaires prévoit un montant de 4 millions $ pour la réalisation des études requises en vue de la construction d’un pavillon à l’emplacement de l’ancienne brasserie Dow. Il prévoit aussi un montant de 10 millions $ pour des travaux urgents à effectuer sur le site. Une aide financière de 42,5 millions $ est également accordée à l’ÉTS pour la construction d’un autre pavillon, de 5 étages, sur un site adjacent à l’ÉTS. Ce projet prévoit l’ajout de salles de classe, de laboratoires d’enseignement ainsi que la relocalisation d’espaces administratifs. «Le manque d’espace auquel l’ÉTS est confrontée actuellement a un effet direct sur sa capacité à former les ingénieurs dont le Québec a grandement besoin. Il est un frein à notre volonté d’offrir des installations à la hauteur de ce que nos étudiants et nos chercheurs attendent de notre établissement. C’est pourquoi nous sommes extrêmement reconnaissants de ce soutien essentiel qui nous aidera à réaliser des projets porteurs d’avenir pour l’ÉTS. Et c’est toute l’industrie et l’économie du Québec qui en tireront profit», disait Pierre Dumouchel, directeur général de l’École de technologie supérieure.
Premier Tech acquiert AMD Cette acquisition permettra au Groupe Équipements Industriels de Premier Tech de soutenir sa croissance accélérée et d’augmenter ses capacités d’ingénierie en automatisation et en fabrication, grâce à l’expertise de l’équipe d’AMD. Ce sont donc près d’une cinquantaine de personnes qui apporteront tout leur savoir-faire et leur expérience à l’équipe Premier Tech, présente sur 5 continents. «Notre Groupe Équipements Industriels connaît depuis sa création en 1990 une croissance soutenue et continue. Nous sommes constamment à la recherche de nouvelles compétences stratégiques et plates-formes technologiques qui nous permettront d’augmenter notre capacité de production et d’offrir à nos clients des offres commerciales qui s’inscrivent parfaitement dans leur réalité», souligne Jean Bélanger, président et chef de l’exploitation de Premier Tech.
Le plus important événement sur l’énergie éolienne au Canada aura lieu à Calgary cet automne D’éminents conférenciers représentant le gouvernement, le secteur privé et les services publics présenteront leur perspective, des résultats de recherche ainsi que les dernières tendances concernant le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide au Canada. Robert Hornung, président de CanWEA, proposera une nouvelle vision palpitante de l’industrie éolienne du Canada, et d’autres experts feront part de récents développements et d’observations cruciales sur les principaux marchés de l’éolien au pays – dont l’Alberta, qui s’est engagée à faire de l’énergie éolienne le pilier de sa transition énergétique.
Industry News
Hiab Acquires EFFER from CTE Group Since 2016, Hiab has fundamentally renewed and expanded its HIAB loader cranes portfolio to become the most modern in the market - just recently announcing its renewed light range cranes in May 2018. With the acquisition of Effer, Hiab will complement its loader cranes portfolio and expand its range of heavy cranes, in particular in the >100 tm segment, in which Effer is recognized as a global leader. Further Hiab crane brands include LOGLIFT and JONSERED forestry and recycling cranes, as well as Argos loader cranes in Brazil, following its acquisition in October 2017. Hiab and Effer are both leading and recognized premium brands within their specific crane segments and application areas, endorsed by loyal customers and trusted partners. Effer will continue to operate as part of Hiab under its brand and through its dealer network. “I am happy to welcome Effer to the Hiab family. This acquisition is a bold step in line with our growth strategy to be the global leader in on-road load handling and in particular in loader cranes, the industry that Hiab founded nearly 75 years ago,” stated Roland Sundén, president of Hiab. “Through its size and global scale, Hiab offers the most optimal opportunities for continued growth for Effer and I am delighted that Effer is becoming part of an organization with an equally proud past, passion for quality and reliability, and drive for innovation,” said Lorenzo Cipriani, CEO of Effer. “With a comprehensive crane portfolio and a strong global sales and service presence in complementary geographies, Hiab and Effer will jointly become a stronger partner for our customers, helping them reach their full potential,” concluded Joakim Andersson, senior vice president Cranes, at Hiab. Effer, founded in 1965, has over 50 years’ experience in developing and manufacturing knuckle-boom cranes, with its product range encompassing truck cranes with a 3 to 300 tm lifting capacity, special application truck cranes, and marine cranes. Effer S.p.A. is headquartered in Minerbio, Italy and has approximately 400 employees. Distribution is managed through a network of over 100 dealers covering 60 countries globally. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approvals expected to be received in the second half of 2018. Effer’s results will be consolidated into Hiab from the closing date.
Hexagon Strengthens Its Safety-Enhancing Solution Suite with the Acquisition of Guardvant To further mitigate operator-related accident risks, Guardvant’s fatigue monitoring capabilities are complemented by collision avoidance and proximity detection solutions, which provide drivers with 360° situational awareness. The combination of safety-enhancing technologies keeps drivers safe, equipment protected, and productivity rising. The benefits of Guardvant’s safety-enhancing solutions are applicable to any industrial worksite, as well as improving transportation safety in industries such as trucking & hauling and aviation. Its market expansion plans are now supported both by new product additions and the ability to leverage Hexagon’s wider market footprint. “Guardvant’s highly dedicated and experienced team is a natural fit for Hexagon. We share the vision that driver-assisted solutions are an integral part of safe, efficient, productive operations – whether in mining, construction, agriculture or any industry facing the inherent challenges and risks of operating fleets,” said Ola Rollén, Hexagon’s president and CEO. “Our combined expertise will enable us to better meet the increasing demand for ‘zero harm’ safety goals while providing a natural bridge to fully autonomous systems. This is key as more and more of our customers express interest in moving beyond automation into the world of autonomous technologies – a trend we are uniquely positioned to embrace.” Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, Guardvant will operate within Hexagon’s Mining division. The acquisition will be consolidated as of now and has no significant impact on Hexagon’s earnings.
Komatsu Partners with Propeller to Bring Drone Analytics Solutions to the Construction Industry “A Komatsu Smart Construction jobsite by definition is technology enhanced and production optimized,” says Jason Anetsberger, senior product manager at Komatsu America Corp. “Adding Propeller Aero as one of our key partners gives our North American distributors and customers exceptional capabilities to achieve this standard in the aerial mapping space. Propeller combines simple, yet powerful analysis tools with accurate and fast site visualization.” Propeller’s processing machinery crunches thousands of drone images in hours, and delivers the results as a cloud-based 3D model right to the user’s desktop or tablet. From there, powerful collaboration and analysis tools let users perform height, volume and slope calculations, and measure change over time to confirm that a project is on track. “Worksites are starting to see the real business value of accurate, up-to-date drone data,” says John Frost, vice president of Business Development at Propeller. “We drive that value through workflows that enable everyone to understand who’s moved what material, how much, and where. It’s all about empowering worksites with the information they need to make data-driven decisions to reduce costs, ensure quality, and use resources efficiently. Now more than ever, stakeholders on site, or in the head office miles away, can stay up-to-date with exactly what’s happening on the ground.” More importantly, Propeller’s technology platform supports multiple coordinate systems, including local site calibrations. This allows personnel to capture up-to-date survey data expressed in the specific geospatial coordinates they already use on that jobsite. Local grid support is crucial for ensuring drone-captured maps and models “match up” with plans and previous surveys. Now available through a widespread network of Komatsu distributors across the U.S., Komatsu Equipment Company (KEC), a leading Komatsu distributor headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, was among the first to roll out Propeller solutions to Komatsu customers as a result of this partnership. Based on the positive response so far, KEC is confident the construction sector will be quick to adopt this technology. “Anyone can fly a drone – it’s what you do with the data that makes an impression,” says Chris Faulhaber, Smart Construction business manager at Komatsu Equipment Company. “Propeller provides fast, accurate data processing via a web platform that is unparalleled. The platform is easy to use, facilitates healthy collaboration and delivers vital information quickly—so everyone can work together better and faster than anticipated.”
Peterbilt Graduates 50th Factory Trained Technician Class Since PTI opened its doors in November 2013 at the Universal Technical Institute campus in Dallas, Texas, more than 500 students have graduated from the program. PTI has placed more than 95% of graduates with a Peterbilt service location or directly with a Peterbilt customer. “The PTI program continues to be of significant value to the overall Peterbilt dealer network. Our dealers see the benefit in having a consistent training message and bringing in much needed, new talent into the network,” said Brian Brooks, Peterbilt Technican Institute director, Peterbilt Motors Company. “Many of our graduates have taken increased responsibilities within their hiring dealer, from lead technician, to service writer, to shop foreman, to training manager.” The PTI graduates boast a 90% retention rate once placed with a customer or service location. Peterbilt Motors Company, located in Denton, Texas, has a global reputation for superior quality, industry-leading design, innovative engineering and fuel efficient solutions, and is recognized as the “Class” of the industry. Peterbilt provides a comprehensive array of aftermarket support programs through its 350-plus North American dealer locations that complement its full lineup of on-highway, vocational and medium duty products, including alternative fuel vehicles. Peterbilt offers industry-leading service and support, including SmartLINQ connected truck technologies, expedited Rapid Check diagnostic services, the Red Oval certified used truck program, automated parts inventory replenishment and 24/7 complimentary Customer Assistance.
VISTA – the World’s Biggest Competition for Automotive Technicians “Qualified and motivated service technicians are among the most important success factors for our workshops and customers. That’s why we invest so heavily in continuous training and competence development. VISTA is the tip of the iceberg where all our service technicians every second year have the opportunity to test and prove their knowledge against their colleagues from around the world. The competition puts the spotlight on day-to-day work-related skills and crucial technical spearhead competence, it promotes cooperation and builds pride,” said Claes Nilsson, president Volvo Trucks. The very first VISTA competition was held back in 1957. Since then the truck mechanic profession has turned into an automotive technician, the computer has become an essential tool in the workshop, and the profession has undergone a fundamental change from the ground up. Modern trucks are technically highly advanced machines that require a more comprehensive and wider type of expertise than before. Today, technicians must be able to handle both mechanical and computer-related work. At the same time, razorsharp competition in the transport industry has meant continuously growing customer demands for constant vehicle uptime. “In principle, a truck always has to be ready to roll, which in practice means that the technicians have to carry out highly advanced and well-planned maintenance, they have to trouble-shoot, identify, analyze and rectify problems in the shortest possible time. Today there is no acceptance of long waiting times for service and repairs, there’s no tolerance for correct parts not being available or for a job not being done right the very first time the vehicle enters the workshop,” explains Martin Merrick, senior vice president Retail Development. The theme for this year’s VISTA - “Performance is Everything” - is a perfect description of what it’s all about: in order for customers to be able to perform at their peak, our technicians must do so too. “That’s exactly how it is - our goal is to have the world’s best service technicians servicing our customers’ vehicles. Through VISTA we aim to draw attention to and reward the vital work that our dealers and workshops do every single day, and at the same time attract new talent to an interesting and varied profession that has a great future,” says Anna Rogbrant, VISTA project manager.
Cropac Equipment Soars with Expanded Partnership with Terex Cranes “Our customers are thrilled to see us bolstering our tower crane inventory,” said James Graham, business development manager for Cropac Equipment. “With a more diverse and expanded Terex tower crane line, we’re better able to meet the specific needs of contractors in our territory. And, we know our customers will be happy with the quality and innovation built into every Terex tower crane we sell.” Over the past year Cropac Equipment has doubled down in the busy Canadian tower crane industry, which is a tremendous advantage for contractors working in the Atlantic Canada area because it reduces the wait times on projects. Cropac Equipment has also grown its parts inventory to further ensure they can be responsive to all of their customer needs. “Cropac Equipment has been a wonderful partner for Terex Cranes and their customers,” Dean Barley, vice president & general manager of Terex Cranes. “We’re happy to play a role in their success and admire their commitment to the companies they serve. They do a great job.”
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