Beaming smiles on the faces of the members of the small community Gbalo in Ghana, Africa, where the first solar-powered water treatment plant for removing fluoride from drinking water has recently been installed and commissioned. Working together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)(German Association for International Cooperation), BAUER Resources Ghana Limited, a subsidiary of BAUER Resources GmbH, planned and built the plant for the “Solawa” project. Prior to this, those living in the community have had to drink fluoride-ridden water for over a decade, leading to osteofluorosis and dental fluorosis – both of which cause pain as well as bone and tooth damages. The new water treatment plant now reduces the level of fluoride from more than 4 mg/l to less than 1.5 mg/l. The plant can supply around 2,000 l/h of purified water.
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