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Nouvelles brèves
Durabac acquiert Inpak Fondée en 2010, Véhicules Inpak a investi plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars pour développer un système de collecte en aluminium unique et innovateur. La compagnie s’est malheureusement retrouvée aux prises avec des difficultés financières qui l’ont éventuellement conduite à la vente de ses actifs. «Le Détritube est une technologie avant-gardiste pour la collecte résidentielle», lance Patrick Charbonneau, propriétaire de Durabac. «Comparé aux bennes traditionnelle, le Détritube est définitivement une avancée technologique dans l’industrie. Autostructurant, il est plus léger, offre une plus grande capacité et est définitivement plus écologique. C’est une solution qui comporte une foule d’avantages, notamment au niveau du coût d’opération. L’avenir de cette technologie est extrêmement prometteur et nous ne voulions pas la voir disparaître. Nous considérons déjà ajouter à cette ligne des bennes à chargement frontal», ajoute-t-il. Durabac s’est donc portée acquéreur des actifs de Inpak, dont l’ingénierie et toutes ses propriétés intellectuelles : plans et devis, brevets, marques de commerce, inventaire, etc. «Il est important pour nous que le savoir-faire et l’expérience acquis ne soient pas perdus», explique monsieur Charbonneau. «C’est pourquoi Guillaume Lebel, superviseur technique pour la ligne de produit de Inpak, s’est joint à nous.» «Nous voulons continuer à produire et développer le Détritube en mettant à profit toute l’expérience que nous avons acquise avec notre gamme de produits Chagnon», termine le président de Durabac. «Plusieurs milliers de bennes sont vendues chaque année en Amérique. Il y a un potentiel énorme pour de nouvelles solutions, plus performantes et éco-responsables. Nous tenons à être au premier rang de cette nouvelle génération d’équipement de collection. C’est pourquoi nous sommes fiers d’intégrer Inpak dans la grande famille Durabac.» La compagnie Durabac est un leader dans la fabrication d’équipements au service de l’environnement offrant une gamme complète de produits sous les marques de Duralift, Chagnon, Durapac, Duraplast, Urbin et maintenant Inpak.
Création de SITECH QM Limitée, concessionnaire des solutions Trimble pour le Québec et l’ouest du Labrador SITECH QM Limitée sera localisée dans le même édifice que Belitec inc. à Trois-Rivières, au Québec. La même équipe d’experts sera au service des entrepreneurs en construction et grands travaux pour leur offrir les solutions d’avant-garde Trimble. «Ces solutions technologiques à haute valeur ajoutée intègrent la géolocalisation, le laser et la technologie optique à des logiciels d’application, combinés à des systèmes de positionnement de site, à des services de gestion d’actifs de la construction et à de puissantes infrastructures internet sans fil. Elles permettent, par exemple, d’indiquer avec une précision quasi chirurgicale un espace de creusage à l’opérateur d’un équipement. Les équipements munis des solutions Trimble opèrent plus efficacement et à moindre coût. Ils offrent un net avantage concurrentiel à ceux qui les adoptent», affirme Donald Hargray, directeur général de SITECH QM Limitée.
L’APCHQ devient l’Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec! Depuis sa création en 1961, l’APCHQ s’appuie sur la force de son réseau provincial pour suivre de près les nombreux développements d’une industrie qui ne cesse de relever d’importants défis et qui contribue à transformer le marché québécois de la construction et de l’habitation. Tant pour ses membres que pour les consommateurs, l’APCHQ souhaite demeurer une référence incontournable en matière de construction et d’habitation. C’est pourquoi elle offre des conseils dans plusieurs domaines d’expertise (technique, juridique, économique, en santé et sécurité sur les chantiers, inspection des bâtiments et relations du travail) ainsi que des tournées d’information. Active en matière de recherche et de diffusion d’information, elle diffuse notamment des études, telles que l’Enquête sur les caractéristiques des acheteurs de maisons neuves et les Prévisions économiques. Enfin, elle fait la promotion de la qualité et du savoir-faire en construction, entre autres par la tenue des salons Expo habitat et la gestion d’outils de référencement ( Au fil des ans, l’APCHQ a su accroître son rayonnement auprès de tous les intervenants de l’industrie, d’où son changement de nom qui s’avère plus représentatif de l’ensemble de ses membres. «L’Association s’assure de demeurer fidèle à sa mission première, qui consiste à développer et promouvoir leur professionnalisme. Elle continue de les représenter en fonction de leurs intérêts afin de leur permettre d’évoluer dans un environnement propice à la prospérité des marchés de la construction et de l’habitation, dans le respect des attentes de leurs clients», conclut monsieur Tremblay.
ABB a reçu une commande pour un projet de lien de transmission d’énergie maritime Le projet du lien maritime est une connexion CCHT de 500 MW qui permettra de transmettre l’énergie propre et renouvelable produite à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador jusqu’au réseau électrique nord-américain en Nouvelle-Écosse. Les fonctions de stabilisation de la récente solution CCHT allégé d’ABB permettront également à la Nouvelle-Écosse d’intégrer d’autres formes d’énergies renouvelables et de contribuer aux efforts de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du Canada. Le lien maritime utilisera la technologie de conversion de source de tension (VSC) CCHT allégé d’ABB intégrant une configuration bipolaire VSC complète afin d’améliorer la disponibilité du système. En plus des deux postes convertisseurs pour le lien CCHT de ±200 kV, la portée du projet comprend également deux postes électriques à courant alternatif (c.a.) de 230 kV à Terre-Neuve, un poste c.a. de 345 kV en Nouvelle-Écosse et deux postes de transition par câbles. La mise en service du projet est prévue pour 2017. La solution CCHT allégé d’ABB pave la voie en matière de technologie VSC et l’entreprise a livré 13 des 14 liens VSC mis en service dans le monde. La technologie CCHT allégé demeure le choix de prédilection pour les liens de transmission et d’interconnexion d’énergie souterrains et sous-marins s’étendant sur de longues distances, comme le projet du lien maritime. Cette technologie est de plus en plus appliquée à une variété d’applications, par exemple, l’intégration des énergies renouvelables des parcs éoliens terrestres ou au large des côtes, l’approvisionnement en électricité à partir du continent vers les îles et les plates-formes de forage de pétrole et de gaz, les artères d’alimentation pour les centres-villes, où l’espace disponible constitue une contrainte majeure, et les interconnexions transfrontalières qui sont souvent reliées dans les mers. La capacité de cette technologie à respecter les exigences normatives du réseau assure des connexions réseau robustes, peu importe l’application. ABB est un pionnier en matière de technologie CCHT depuis près de 60 ans, et on lui a confié environ 90 projets CCHT représentant une capacité installée totale de plus de 95 000 MW, ce qui représente environ la moitié de la base installée à l’échelle mondiale.
Maîtres de projets MHPM décroche un important contrat d’Infrastructure Ontario «Nous sommes ravis d’avoir obtenu ce contrat», de dire Franklin Holtforster, président et chef de la direction de MHPM. «C’est une reconnaissance de nos capacités que d’avoir remporté ce contrat dans l’environnement compétitif de l’approvisionnement du domaine public.» Le portefeuille d’immobilisation de IO est le plus important de toutes les provinces canadiennes. En tant que fournisseur de service de gestion de projets de IO, MHPM allouera des contrats entre 100 000 $ et 10 millions $. Ces contrats incluront des rénovations, de la réparation et du remplacement requis pour maintenir en bon état le portefeuille d’immobilisation de la province. Maîtres de projets MHPM se spécialise dans la supervision de projets de construction et d’infrastructure. MHPM a été créée en 1989 et emploie plus de 350 personnes dans 25 bureaux à travers le Canada.
Le nombre de travailleurs de la construction atteint un sommet sans précédent au Canada L’industrie canadienne de la construction représente plus de 7% du produit intérieur brut. Elle constitue l’une des principales industries du Canada ainsi qu’un des secteurs qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide. Avec ses 600 000 nouveaux travailleurs embauchés depuis 1996, elle enregistre un taux de croissance de l’emploi de 86%. La croissance de l’industrie canadienne de la construction s’accompagne d’une spécialisation accrue. Dorénavant, les travailleurs doivent maintenir un niveau élevé d’expertise dans le domaine technologique ainsi que dans les systèmes de construction. Au cours des dix prochaines années, le secteur de la construction devra recruter pas moins de 250 000 nouveaux travailleurs pour remplacer les baby-boomers qui prendront leur retraite. Par conséquent, ConstruForce redouble d’efforts pour attirer de jeunes travailleurs qualifiés. L’organisme lancera à l’automne son site Web remanié Carrières en construction à On y trouvera plus d’information sur les métiers destinée aux jeunes ainsi qu’à leurs parents. ConstruForce Canada a pour mandat de fournir en temps opportun de l’information exacte et des analyses sur le marché du travail et d’offrir des programmes et des initiatives pour faire en sorte que la main-d’œuvre canadienne de la construction et de l’entretien puisse répondre à la demande, renforcer sa capacité et acquérir les compétences requises.
Siemens signe un contrat de service pour les turbines à gaz du projet du ruisseau Carmon de Shell La technologie de pointe des turbines à gaz de Siemens répond aux exigences élevées de Shell en matière de disponibilité, de fiabilité et de rendement. En plus de fournir les turbines à gaz, Siemens offrira également le service et la maintenance pour une période initiale de 17 ans afin d'aider à assurer le rendement optimal à long terme des turbines à gaz de pointe de classe F. «Nous sommes heureux de fournir notre technologie et notre expertise technique éprouvées pour aider Shell à répondre à ses besoins en matière d'énergie pour le projet du ruisseau Carmon», déclarait Robert Hardt, président-directeur général de Siemens Canada
SNC-Lavalin parmi les deux fournisseurs de services de gestion de projets sélectionnés par Infrastructure Ontario Pendant les cinq années du contrat, SNC-Lavalin réalisera des projets d'immobilisations, de réparation et d'améliorations locatives évalués à environ 450 millions $ dans le nord de la province et au cœur du centre-ville de Toronto. La valeur de chaque projet devrait se situer entre 100 000 $ et 10 000 000 $. SNC-Lavalin travaille avec le gouvernement de l'Ontario depuis plus de 15 ans. Au cours de cette période, la Société a fourni des services intégrés de gestion d'installations (exploitation et entretien) et de projets. En 2009, SNC-Lavalin a commencé à offrir, à titre de délégué du maître d'ouvrage, des services de gestion de projets d'immobilisations, de réparation et d'améliorations locatives dans l'est de l'Ontario. «Ce contrat témoigne de la solide relation que nous entretenons avec notre client et de notre aptitude à réaliser une multitude de projets dans des édifices gouvernementaux essentiels occupés, dont certains revêtent une importance historique et culturelle cruciale pour le Canada», a déclaré Charlie Rate, vice-président directeur, Opérations et maintenance, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.
SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un contrat par la Competitive Power Ventures dans le cadre du projet de centre énergétique de St. Charles L'installation de 725 MW de St. Charles de la CPV sera conçue et construite sur un nouveau site de 30,75 ha à 4 km au sud de l'agglomération de St. Charles, au Maryland. Elle comprendra deux turbines à gaz de classe F fournies par le maître de l'ouvrage, qui alimentent deux générateurs de vapeur à récupération de chaleur à surchauffe à trois niveaux de pression. Le système de refroidissement utilisera de l'eau récupérée de l'usine de traitement des eaux usées de Mattawoman. «SNC-Lavalin est fière de participer à un projet qui améliorera la fourniture d'énergie au Maryland, tout en réduisant l'empreinte environnementale», a déclaré Sandy Taylor, président, Énergie, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «Non seulement cette installation réduira au minimum l'importation d'électricité produite par des centrales au charbon dans un autre État, mais ses émissions seront beaucoup plus faibles que celles des centrales électriques au charbon d'égale capacité.» SNC-Lavalin a reçu l'ordre de démarrage des travaux en vertu du contrat d'IAC le 8 août.
Industry News
Durabac Acquires Inpak Established in 2010, Inpak Vehicles has invested several hundred thousand dollars to develop a unique and innovative waste collection system, made entirely from aluminum. The company has recently run into financial difficulties which have led it to sell its assets to Durabac. “The Détritube is a state of the art residential collection technology,” says Patrick Charboneau, president of Durabac. “Compared to traditional rear and front loaders in the industry, the Détritube really represents a leap forward. It is self-supporting and lighter, yet offers a greater load capacity and is definitely a more environmentally friendly solution. This technology has a bright future and we didn’t want to see it disappear. In fact, we are already working on creating similarly built front loaders,” he adds. Durabac has now acquired all of Inpak’s assets, namely it’s engineering and intellectual properties: plans, processes, patents, trademarks, inventory, etc. “It’s important for us that none of that know-how and experience is lost,” explains Mr. Charbonneau. “That’s why Guillaume Lebel, technical supervisor for the Inpak line, has joined our team.” “We want to continue producing the Détritube and even develop it further using the vast expertise we’ve garnered with our Chagnon product line,” concludes Durabac’s president. “Thousands of collection trucks are sold every year in America. There’s a huge opportunity for new solutions that perform better and are more eco-friendly. We want to be on the first line of this new generation of collection equipment. That’s why we are proud of welcoming Inpak in the big Durabac family.” Durabac is an industry leader in equipment manufacturing for the environment, offering a full spectrum of solutions under its many product lines: Duralift, Chagnon, Durapac, Duraplast, Urbin and now Inpak.
Terex Welcomes AgCon Equipment as a New Full Line Compact Equipment Distributor “We are pleased to welcome AgCon Equipment as our newest Terex compact equipment distributor in Canada,” said Dean Barley, vice president and general manager, Terex Construction Americas and Global Aftermarket. “The team at AgCon firmly believes that by offering the highest quality of new, pre-owned and rental equipment available in the market that their customers will reap the greatest benefits in terms of production and yields. In taking on the Terex compact equipment line, AgCon Equipment continues to expand on that commitment, as well as to provide new opportunities, to their customers.” AgCon Equipment supports the Terex compact construction equipment product line out of its 1,000 m2 office and service center headquarters in Winnipeg. The company also offers mobile mechanic services to maximize customers’ uptime during the workday, and its staff has comprehensive knowledge of the products and services its customers need to get jobs done. “We know that it’s a big decision to purchase equipment,” says AgCon Equipment general manager and owner, Troy Ash, “and not something to be taken lightly. That’s why at AgCon, we take our customers’ business seriously – we aim to deliver the best in sales and service possible to each and every customer.” According to Mr. Ash, AgCon took on the Terex line because it fills a niche market for smaller equipment that allows the company to better serve customers in their area. “Traditionally, we have sold medium and larger equipment size ranges,” he says, “but we see a lot of growth potential with smaller dirt contractors and landscapers in Manitoba so we needed to add a compact line to complement our other product offerings.” “We chose Terex because it is a well-respected brand in our market,” adds Troy Ash. “Customers appreciate how easy the Terex compact line is to operate and how comfortable the ride is for operators in these models. In carrying the Terex products, we can continue to help customers match the right equipment to their jobsite needs.” In addition to offering a full line of Terex compact equipment products and services, qualified AgCon Equipment customers can take advantage of financing options through Terex Financial Services. Terex Financial Services offers a range of finance and leasing solutions structured to accommodate customers’ cash flow and budgets. The Terex Financial Services team is equipped to assist in all areas of asset management, from the analysis of future equipment values through the disbursement of used equipment.
SITECH Technology Dealer Established in Northeastern Canada SITECH Technology Dealers represent Trimble® and Caterpillar® machine control systems for the contractor’s entire fleet of heavy equipment regardless of machine brand, along with Trimble’s portfolio of Connected Site® solutions – site positioning systems, construction asset management services, software and powerful wireless and Internet-based site communications infrastructure. The experienced construction professionals at each SITECH Technology Dealership can advise contractors on the appropriate construction technology solutions to utilize, and can provide high-quality local customer service, personalized training and technical support. As authorized dealers for Trimble site-wide solutions and Caterpillar’s machine control systems, the SITECH Technology Dealers understand how to apply innovative construction technology to help solve a variety of contractors’ construction challenges. Leveraging technology, contractors can gain greater insight into their operations, enabling them to lower operating costs and improve accuracy, safety and productivity. Through the adoption of construction technology, contractors can experience new levels of productivity that enable more competitive bidding on projects. SITECH Technology Dealers offer the most advanced and complete set of tools to revolutionize the construction workflow. Trimble has been establishing a network of SITECH Technology Dealers in the Americas, Europe and Asia / Pacific regions. SITECH QM will serve heavy civil construction contractors in the Province of Quebec and southwest Labrador involved in a range of earthmoving applications such as the construction of roads, highways, railways and airports as well as site prep for large commercial, industrial and residential projects. SITECH QM is now a part of the worldwide SITECH distribution network, which offers consultative advice on construction technology solutions, customized training, data services, installation, service and technical support.
Hyundai Appoints Hydromec as Authorized Dealer in Quebec “Hydromec, Inc. is a standout dealership who’s made it their mission to provide the best equipment, parts and service in their region. Like Hyundai, their customers are the central focus of their business,” states Kirk Gillette, vice president of CE Sales at Hyundai Construction Equipment. “We’re delighted to have a dealer of this nature join our growing dealer network.” “Hyundai equipment is innovative and offers economical operation along with superior performance and comfort,” states Jean Trottier, president of Hydromec, Inc. “Hyundai is a true world class brand and we’re thrilled to offer our customers equipment of this quality. We look forward to a strong, successful partnership with the company.” Hydromec, Inc. sales staff has been fully trained in the application, sales, parts and service of Hyundai Construction Equipment products and offers prompt and professional parts and service support to its customers.
ABB Awarded $400 Million Order for Maritime Link Power Project The Maritime Link Project is a 500 MW high voltage direct current (HVDC) connection that will enable clean, renewable electricity generated in Newfoundland and Labrador to be transmitted to the North American grid in Nova Scotia. The stabilizing features of ABB's latest HVDC Light solution will also allow Nova Scotia to integrate additional renewables and contribute to Canada's emission-reduction efforts. "ABB pioneered HVDC and is a global leader in this key transmission technology which is being increasingly deployed across a range of applications" said ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer. "Our innovative solution for this project will help integrate clean renewable energy, facilitate the efficient transmission of electricity, improve grid stability and enable power sharing." The Maritime Link will deploy ABB's HVDC Light Voltage Source Conversion (VSC) technology incorporating a full VSC bipolar configuration to further enhance system availability. In addition to the two converter stations for the ±200 kV HVDC link, the project scope also includes two 230 kV alternating current (AC) substations in Newfoundland, one 345 kV AC substation in Nova Scotia and two cable transition stations. The project is scheduled for commissioning in 2017. ABB's HVDC Light solution leads the way in VSC technology and the company has delivered 13 of the 14 commissioned VSC links in the world. HVDC Light continues to be a preferred solution for long-distance underground and underwater power links and interconnections like the Maritime Link Project. This technology is increasingly being deployed across a range of applications. These include integration of renewable energies from land-based and offshore wind farms, mainland power supply to islands and offshore oil and gas platforms, city center in-feeds where space is a major constraint and cross-border interconnections that often connect across the seas. Its ability to meet grid code compliance ensures robust network connections regardless of application. ABB pioneered HVDC technology 60 years ago and has been awarded approximately 90 HVDC projects representing a total installed capacity of more than 95,000 MW, accounting for about half of the global installed base.
MHPM Project Leaders Wins Important Infrastructure Ontario Contract "We are delighted to secure this contract," says MHPM president and CEO Franklin Holtforster. "Having succeeded within a very competitive public procurement, it is recognition of our capabilities. The IO managed real estate portfolio is the largest of any province in Canada. We are honoured to have the responsibility to lead this important work, and look forward to delivering projects that obtain value for the taxpayers of Ontario." As project management service provider to IO, MHPM will deliver assignments valued from $100,000 to $10 million. Those assignments will include the renovations, repairs and replacements required to maintain the province's real estate portfolio. MHPM Project Leaders specializes in leading building and infrastructure projects. Through the company's Get it Right Solution, we get it ready, get it built, and get it performing for facility and infrastructure owners and landlords. Established in 1989, MHPM employs more than 350 people in 25 offices across Canada.
Canada's Construction Workforce Reaches All-Time High "Canada's construction industry not only builds, it maintains and repairs more than $4 trillion worth of assets, and it's our skilled workforce that makes it happen," said Rosemary Sparks, Executive Director of BuildForce Canada. "Workers are the driving force behind our industry, and we're very proud of that. We've got a lot to celebrate this Labour Day." Canada's construction industry accounts for more than 7 percent of gross domestic product. It is one of Canada's leading and fastest growing industries, hiring 600,000 new workers since 1996. That's an employment growth rate of 86%. As Canada's construction industry grows, it also becomes more specialized, requiring workers with higher levels of expertise in technologies and building systems. "Building and maintenance is becoming more technical and complex, and that opens the field to a whole new generation of skilled workers," added Sparks. "People with math, science and technical backgrounds are increasingly in demand in our industry. There's tremendous opportunity." BuildForce Canada is a national industry-led organization that represents all sectors of Canada's construction industry. Its mandate is to provide accurate and timely labour market data and analysis, as well as programs and initiatives to help manage workforce requirements and build the capacity and the capability of Canada's construction and maintenance workforce.
Siemens Signs Service Agreement for Gas Turbines at Shell Carmon Creek Project Siemens’ advanced gas turbine technology provides the high availability, reliability and performance demands needed by Shell. In addition to supplying the gas turbines, Siemens will also provide service and maintenance over an initial period of 17 years to help ensure the long-term optimum performance of the advanced F-class gas turbines.
SNC-Lavalin Selected as One of Two Project Management Service Providers by Infrastructure Ontario Over the 5-year term, SNC-Lavalin will deliver approximately $450 million worth of capital, repair and leasehold improvement projects throughout the northern part of the province and in Toronto’s downtown core. Individual projects are expected to range in value from $100,000 to $10 million. SNC-Lavalin has been working with the Government of Ontario for over 15 years. During that time, the company has provided integrated facility (operations and maintenance) and project management services. In 2009, SNC-Lavalin began supplying owner's representative project management services for capital, repair and leasehold improvement projects in eastern Ontario. "This contract reflects the strength of our relationship with our client, and underscores our ability to deliver a wide range of projects in occupied and critical government buildings, some of which are of important historical and cultural significance to Canada," said Charlie Rate, executive vice president, Operations & Maintenance, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract by Competitive Power Ventures for St. Charles Energy Center Project The 725 MW CPV St. Charles Project will be designed and constructed at a 30,75 ha greenfield site approximately 4 km south of the community of St. Charles, Maryland. The project consists of two owner-furnished F-class gas turbines exhausting into two moderately duct-fired, triple-pressure reheat heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). The cooling system utilizes reclaimed water from the Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant. "SNC-Lavalin is proud to take part in a project that will enhance energy supply to Maryland while at the same time improving our client's environmental footprint," said Sandy Taylor, president, Power, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "Not only will this facility minimize the import of predominantly out-of-state coal-generated electricity, but the emissions from this plant will be significantly lower than coal-fired power plants of equal capacity." SNC-Lavalin received the Notice to Proceed under the EPC contract on August 8.
PhotoSat Measuring Volume of Mount Polley Mine Tailings Spill from Space On August 4th 2014, Imperial Metals suffered a breach in the retaining wall of their tailings dam at the Mount Polley Mine in British Columbia. This sent millions of cubic meters of water and mine tailings spilling into Hazeltine Creek and the nearby lakes. The failure of a tailings dam is a catastrophic event. PhotoSat is currently generating a highly accurate topographic survey from stereo satellite photos to estimate the volume of material spilled from the Mount Polley tailings dam and examine the structure of the remaining material. “We are uniquely positioned to address the challenge of accurately calculating the amount of material that has left the Mount Polley tailings dam,” says PhotoSat president Gerry Mitchell. “Using our 20 cm accuracy satellite topography we can calculate changes in the tailings areas within a few days of the satellite image collection. This will help mine managers and engineers more clearly understand the extent of the breach during the investigation, repair, and remediation. Detailed topographic surveying will show the structure of the tailings that remain in the dam, and PhotoSat technology can monitor future changes.” PhotoSat produces engineering quality satellite topography for bi-weekly and monthly monitoring of tailings disposal and storage areas, mine pits, and waste dumps for all of the Alberta Oil Sands mines. The satellite surveying is used for volume measurements and operational and engineering applications. In these applications PhotoSat achieves accuracies better than 15 cm. PhotoSat also produces highly accurate satellite surveying for hundreds of other mines around the world. Vancouver-based PhotoSat has invented new technology to produce the most accurate topographic surveys from stereo satellite photos. The satellites can collect photos for projects globally without in-country permits or presence. These are ideal for surveying and monitoring mines or energy projects anywhere in the world.
Amsterdam Success for APEX 2014 and IRE More than 4,400 people attended the 8th edition of the APEX exhibition, with the numbers rising to 5,500 when visitors to the neighboring International Rental Exhibition (IRE) are included. Visitors registered for each show had free access to both shows. Organized by BV Industrial Promotions International, and supported by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), APEX 2014 is the world’s largest dedicated access show, with more than 100 manufacturers and suppliers from all over the world attending. The show took place with a backdrop of increased investment by rental companies, and this was evident in the number of deals sealed during the show. Exhibitors including Palfinger, Omme Lift, Ruthmann all reporting significant orders. Attendees from the European and worldwide rental sector, also included delegates attending the European Rental Association’s annual convention. The 3rd International Rental Exhibition (IRE) in Amsterdam attracted a high quality audience of rental delegates including around 300 senior industry figures attending the European Rental Association (ERA) convention. Senior figures from the European and worldwide rental sector were at the show, including representatives from Loxam, Kiloutou, Zeppelin, Workx, Energyst, Boels Rental, Cramo, Ramirent, United Rentals, Hewden, HSS and many more. Organized by BV Industrial Promotions International, and supported by the ERA, IRE was held alongside the ERA’s annual convention and also the European Rental Awards. APEX and IRE are scheduled to return to Amsterdam in 2017, although the exact timing is still to be confirmed.
bC India on Firm Ground Despite Difficult Market Although the economic situation remains tense, several of the industry’s major manufacturers continue to take advantage of bC India as a presentation platform. The presence of the sector for formwork and scaffolding will be particularly strong, and all key players will be represented. The 3rd edition of the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles is still very well received at the international level. There will be a total of 7 joint exhibits, i.e. from China, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Korea, Spain and the Unites States. As Mr. Palka knows, that is a good sign: “The support of our international partners and their commitment demonstrate that India is still extremely interesting for companies from around the world. I am convinced that the market will pick up again and that we will be able to offer our exhibitors and visitors a first-rate exhibition in December.”
APWA and CPWA Sign Partnership Agreements with International Engineering Organizations APWA is a nonprofit association of 28,500 public works professionals in North America, and CPWA is the organization of public works professionals in Canada. They have teamed with IPWEA, an association of 3,300 public works professionals based in Australia and New Zealand, seeking to connect with professionals in Australasia, to encourage collaboration and exchange among all of the countries represented by the APWA chapters and IPWEA divisions. The Nordic Partnership Agreement includes APWA and CPWA, as well as five European engineering organizations including the Finnish Association of Municipal Engineering (FAME), Association of Municipal Engineering, Denmark (KTC), Swedish Association of Municipal Engineers (SKT), Norwegian Association of Municipal Engineers (NKF), and the Icelandic Federation of Municipal Engineering (SATS). The combined membership of the Nordic organizations represents approximately 6,000 public works professionals that will unite with the members of APWA and CPWA to inform, connect and represent as well as collaborate and exchange across the countries to achieve their objectives of serving members, encouraging and promoting member attendance, establishing links and protocols, and providing for communications between the countries.
GRHC Hosts Design Charrette As Part Of Grey to Green “We are excited to be focusing on the redesign of sites in the multiple cities of Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto,” said Steven Peck, GRP, HASLA, founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and Chair of the Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition. This one-day event was a unique opportunity to work with some of the top professionals in the green building field to lay a solid foundation for a shift from grey to green, one that will bring far greater public and private rewards than conventional approaches. By coupling a vision with the economics, the Green Infrastructure Design Charrette made a unique contribution to the transformation to healthier, more resilient and sustainable communities.
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