Nouvelles brèves


Le gouvernement canadien et la FCM appuient le projet pilote de réduction des déchets de la Ville de Beaconsfield
Joe Oliver, ministre des Ressources naturelles du Canada, et Raymond Louie, deuxième vice-président de la Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM), président du Conseil du Fonds municipal vert (FMV) et conseiller à la Ville de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, annonçaient récemment la remise d’une subvention du Fonds municipal vertMC (FMV) à la Ville de Beaconsfield. Le financement de 113 850 $ permettra la réalisation d’un projet pilote de réduction des déchets pour inciter les résidents à faire une bonne gestion de leurs propres déchets.

Afin de réduire le taux de déchets allant à l’enfouissement, la Ville de Beaconsfield met sur pied un projet pilote de participation incitative combiné à une vaste campagne de compostage domestique. Le projet pilote consiste à fournir à 5% des 6000 résidents, les outils pour faciliter le compostage domestique et l’analyse des volumes de déchets qu’ils déposent au bord de la rue en vue d’évaluer leurs besoins pour la deuxième phase du projet.

Lors de la première phase du projet pilote, qui est déjà en cours, les participants sont accompagnés dans cette démarche par une firme externe spécialisée en environnement et par des bénévoles ayant reçu une formation de «maîtres composteurs». Lors de la deuxième phase, prévue en novembre, les participants choisiront un bac dont la taille correspondra au volume de déchets qu’ils produisent et un nouveau système favorisant la réduction à la source sera testé. À la fin du projet pilote de plus de 12 mois, une évaluation déterminera la possibilité d’élargir le compostage et le système de participation incitative à l’ensemble de la ville. Les enseignements tirés du projet pilote de Beaconsfield seront partagés avec d’autres municipalités.

Le conseiller municipal de Beaconsfield, Wade Staddon, a déclaré : «En tant que président du Comité consultatif sur l’environnement de Beaconsfield (CCEB), je suis reconnaissant pour le soutien donné par la FCM et le gouvernement fédéral à cette initiative. Je suis très fier des efforts du CCEB, du conseil municipal et de l’administration de la ville envers la réalisation de ce projet, qui a été reçu avec enthousiasme par la majorité des résidents touchés. Voilà un excellent exemple qui démontre que les citoyens et le gouvernement peuvent travailler ensemble pour l’environnement.»

Le gouvernement du Canada a doté la Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM) de 550 millions $ afin d’établir le Fonds municipal vertMC. Le Fonds appuie les partenariats et sert de levier aux projets financés par les secteurs public et privé afin d’atteindre des normes supérieures de qualité de l’air, de l’eau, du sol et de protection du climat.

Source: Fédération canadienne des municipalités


Les tunneliers du Crossrail atteignent la mi-parcours dans le sud-est de Londres
Sur le chantier du Crossrail de Londres, au Royaume-Uni, le tunnelier Sophia s’apprête à démarrer l’excavation sous la Tamise alors que son homologue Mary vient d’atteindre Woolwich dans le sud-est de Londres.

Le tunnelier Mary, de 1000 t, parti de Plumstead en mai dernier, a atteint la gare de Woolwich à mi-chemin de la Tamise. En trois mois, la machine a creusé près de 110 000 t de terre et installé 811 anneaux en béton à l’intérieur du tunnel. Sophia s’apprête pour sa part à entamer la deuxième partie de son voyage qui consiste à creuser sous le fleuve à North Woolwich.

Les deux tunneliers s’appliquent à construire le tunnel Thames qui s’étendra de Plumstead via Woolwich en passant sous la Tamise à North Woolwich.
Les deux machines ont spécialement été équipées pour faire face aux conditions difficiles rencontrées sous les sols calcaire, constitués de silex et humides dans le sud de Londres.

Crossrail devrait engendrer une revitalisation des quartiers Woolwich et Abbey Wood dans la portion sud-est du réseau, en encourageant les investissements et le développement ainsi qu’en supportant les commerces locaux.

Les passagers dans le sud-est de Londres pourront voyager plus rapidement grâce au réseau Crossrail. Le trajet entre Abbey Wood et Woolwich vers Bond Street sera plus court d’au moins 15 minutes, alors que les passagers se dirigeant vers Heathrow devraient pouvoir réduire la durée du trajet d’environ 40 minutes.

Source: Crossrail


L’ADA annonce les lauréats pour la construction du métro de Riyadh
L’Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) désignait récemment les entrepreneurs choisis pour la construction du Riyadh Public Transport Project (RPTP), le métro de Riyadh en Arabie saoudite, le plus important projet de transport en commun en développement à l’heure actuelle.

Trois consortium internationaux se partageront les contrats de construction des 6 lignes de métro pour le projet.

La firme italienne Ansaldo STS à la tête du Arriyadh New Mobility group (ANM) sera chargée de la construction d’une ligne mesurant 40,7 km. Le contrat est évalué à plus de 5 milliards $.

La firme américaine Bechtel à la tête du consortium BACS concevra et construira deux lignes dont la longueur totale sera de 63,3 km. Ce contrat est évalué à plus de 9,5 milliards $.

La firme espagnole FCC Construccion à la tête du consortium FAST fournira trois lignes d’une longueur totale de 72,5 km. Le contrat est d’une valeur de plus de 7,8 milliards $.

La construction devrait commencer en 2014 et durer 4 ans. La réalisation de cet ambitieux projet devrait transformer Riyadh, attirer de nouveaux investisseurs, et supporter les commerces locaux.

Source: Arriyadh Development Authority


Bell présentera son 60 t à bauma Africa
Pour marquer la tenue de bauma Africa sur son terrain, en Afrique du Sud, Bell Equipment présente son camion articulé B60D de 60 t de charge utile. bauma Africa se tiendra du 18 au 21 septembre prochain à Johannesburg.

Suivant les traces du B50D, le nouveau modèle entend concurrencer les camions rigides. Le B60D dispose de l’articulation et l’oscillation des camions articulés courants, mais avec seulement un essieu arrière. Il offre ainsi une capacité de franchissement bien meilleure qu’un camion rigide. Sa charge utile de 60 t lui permet de déplacer beaucoup plus de matériaux à un moindre coût par tonne.

Source: Bell Equipment


L’E-Reco, un système de reconnaissance d’accessoires pour plus de simplicité
Manitou propose en série le système de reconnaissance d’accessoires (E-Reco) sur ses gammes de chariots télescopiques rotatifs de nouvelle génération, MRT EASY et MRT PRIVILEGE +, récemment présentées à la BAUMA en avril dernier.

Le système utilise la technologie de radio-identification RFID, très largement utilisée dans les secteurs industriels et ceux de la grande consommation. Ce procédé autonome permet la récupération et la mémorisation de données à distance. La machine détecte l’accessoire en tête de flèche, analyse ses données et propose directement l’enveloppe de travail correspondante.

Cette technologie propose en temps réel le calcul de l’abaque de charge en considérant l’angle de rotation de la tourelle ainsi que la position des stabilisateurs de la machine, conformément à la norme relative aux grues mobiles.

Les parcs d’accessoires non équipés du système de reconnaissance d’accessoires peuvent bénéficier de cette technologie en adaptant simplement des kits RFID.

Source: Manitou


BBA s’illustre à nouveau lors des Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois
La firme de génie-conseil BBA s’est distinguée aux Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois 2013 en remportant un prix Léonard dans la catégorie Télécommunications et nouvelles technologies. Ce prestigieux prix lui a été décerné en juin dernier au Centre Mont-Royal, à Montréal. Soulignons que la firme figure parmi les lauréats pour une quatrième année consécutive.

BBA s’illustre cette année grâce au projet Optimisation du contrôle d’un broyeur semi-autogène par la logique floue, réalisé pour Mine Raglan. Dans le cadre de ce projet audacieux à bien des égards, BBA a innové et a créé un système de contrôle intelligent en utilisant la logique floue, une approche encore peu connue en Amérique du Nord et rarement implantée dans des automates programmables.

Mine Raglan peut maintenant compter sur des équipements plus stables pour la transformation de son minerai, ce qui contribue à l’amélioration de ses opérations, tout en réduisant ses coûts d’exploitation et son empreinte environnementale. La solution technologique implantée par BBA constitue un modèle d’avenir dans le domaine du contrôle avancé.

«Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir contribué à ce projet innovateur qui représentait un réel défi sur le plan technologique», déclare Steeve Fiset, président et chef de la direction de BBA. «La solution mise en place ouvre la voie à l’amélioration du broyage du minerai ainsi qu’à d’autres opérations pour lesquelles la logique floue pourrait être d’une grande utilité.»

«La réalisation de ce projet est un bel exemple de partenariat entre client et fournisseur», ajoute Michael J. Welch, vice-président de Mine Raglan. «Bien orchestrée, cette expertise complémentaire a permis à notre équipe d’obtenir un système de qualité supérieure à ce qui se trouve actuellement sur le marché, en plus de leur offrir toute l’autonomie nécessaire au bon fonctionnement des opérations et des équipements.» 

Source: BBA


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat en Colombie
SNC-Lavalin s’est vu octroyer par la société Transportadora de Gas Internacional S.A. E.S.P. (TGI) un contrat d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) pour une nouvelle station de compression à Cajicá, en Colombie. Filiale de Grupo Energía de Bogotá, TGI est la plus grande société de transport de gaz naturel au pays, par son réseau de gazoducs qui s’étend sur près de 4000 km.

Grâce à ce projet d’ajout d’une station de compression à son gazoduc de La Sabana, TGI disposera de la puissance nécessaire en période de pointe en Colombie. Les compresseurs de gaz fonctionneront à l’aide de la technologie centrifuge et de moteurs électriques à faible bruit qui ne nécessitent aucune huile de graissage et ne produisent aucune émission atmosphérique.

Les travaux seront réalisés par les bureaux de SNC-Lavalin en Colombie et devraient se terminer en 2015.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


Lefco annonce la fin de ses opérations
Après plus de 30 années d’existence, Les Équipements Lefco inc., fondée en 1983 par Jean et John Lefebvre, a cessé ses activités au mois d’août dernier.

John Lefebvre, président, tient à remercier toutes les entreprises qui ont fait confiance à Lefco depuis le début et confirme que ce fut un plaisir de servir et transiger avec les leaders dans l’industrie de la construction et du génie civil au Québec, et d’avoir été partenaire, en tant que fournisseur, des plus grandes réalisations des trois dernières décennies.

Source: Les Équipements Lefco inc.

Industry News


JCB’s Dealer Network Expands with Addition of Hat JCB and D&W Group
Hat JCB of Dumore, Alberta, has joined JCB’s growing North American dealer network. A division of Hat Agri Service, the new Hat JCB will now represent JCB’s agriculture and construction product lines. Within these two product ranges, Hat JCB will offer new, pre-owned and rental models while also providing JCB parts and service.

Since its inception in 1999, Hat Agri Service has been a leading supplier of farm equipment including tractors, seeding and planting, tillage, hay and forage and harvesting equipment. Now, the staff at Hat JCB will apply its combined years of experience to JCB’s wide range of equipment for both farm and construction applications. That equipment includes the world’s safest and most innovative skid steer, known for its patented single-arm PowerBoom and uniquely safe side-entry door. JCB wheel loaders, excavators, backhoes, Loadall telescopic handlers and Fastrac high-speed agricultural tractors are among the other industry-leading machines now available at Hat JCB. In addition, Hat JCB offers a fully-stocked parts department and a full-service maintenance team featuring professionally trained JCB mechanics.

“All of us at Hat JCB are excited about being able to offer the full range of JCB agricultural and construction products to our new and existing customers,” said Craig Babcock, president of Hat JCB. “JCB is known throughout the world for its innovation and quality. Now, by representing JCB’s product lines, we’ll be able to help an even broader range of customers find equipment that meets their unique and varied needs.”

“Hat Agri Service’s long-standing reputation of providing quality sales, parts and service made the dealership an ideal fit for our growing North American dealer network,” said Van Clarkson, vice president of sales for JCB North America. “The Canadian market is very important to JCB, and we’re pleased to add this group of experienced, knowledgeable professionals that will help us continue to strengthen our brand’s presence in Alberta.”

An agricultural equipment provider since 1950, D&W Group will now represent the full agricultural line of JCB equipment and will also sell both the JCB compact excavator and hydraulic tracked excavator ranges. Within those two new product ranges, D&W Group will offer new, pre-owned and rental models, and provide JCB parts and service at its dealerships in Jarvis, Brantford, Simcoe and Vineland, Ontario.

“The D&W Group is excited about being able to provide our customers with JCB products,” said Kevin Doughty, store manager, D&W Group. “Having been in business for more than 60 years, the D&W Group understands the importance of having quality products like those produced by JCB. We also know the significance of the good after-sales support that JCB will provide. The long line-up of products offered by JCB fills a gap at our four locations that will better answer our customers’ needs.”

Source: JCB North America


United Rentals Acquires Rent World
United Rentals has acquired Canadian construction equipment rental company Rent World.

The company, which will be managed by former owner Orlando Radies, has two facilities located in Wainwright, Alberta and provides aerial lifts and earthmoving equipment as well as air compressors.

The company serves the Keystone Pipeline region and a local military base, it is also the closest rental service to the petroleum industry town of Hardisty where Western Canada Select and Hardisty Heavy Oil are produced.

Source: United Rentals, Inc.


United Rentals Expands Specialty Rental Operations
United Rentals, Inc. recently announced the further expansion of its specialty branch network with the addition of 3 locations dedicated to providing power generation and climate control solutions.

United Rentals Power & HVAC recently opened U.S. branches in San Diego, California, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and a branch in Fort McMurray, Alberta. All locations will focus on providing engineered power, heating, cooling and ventilation solutions for commercial, industrial and governmental customers, and disaster recovery services. The company currently has a total of 824 rental branches in North America.

Paul McDonnell, senior vice president – operations, trench safety, power and HVAC, said, “Our company’s continued investment in its specialty footprint demonstrates the importance we place on meeting increasing customer demand for these services. San Diego, Oklahoma City and Fort McMurray are part of a planned expansion of 18 new specialty locations this year. All United Rentals branches are able to cross-sell our specialty services as part of our commitment to total jobsite solutions.”

United Rentals offers expert equipment rental, trench safety, temporary power, climate control, industrial tool and technology services through the largest customer service organization of its kind in North America.

Source: United Rentals, Inc.


Volvo Rents Relocates to Toronto
Volvo Rents has relocated to Toronto, Ontario, into a larger facility that includes an equipment showroom and large yard to house its fleet. The new facility is located on Horner Avenue.

“Our new Toronto location puts us in a more ideal location to better serve our customers,” said Scott Teron, division manager of Volvo Rents Ontario. “With the current downtown location serving as a satellite to our new store, we’re not only expanding our coverage area and the amount and types of equipment available, we are also helping to feed the existing location which opened last year.”

The new Toronto rental center carries a comprehensive line of equipment and tools for the construction, commercial, industrial and homeowner markets. The focus is on daily, weekly, and monthly rentals.

“With Ontario locations already in Windsor, Chatham, London, Stoney Creek, Leamington, Cambridge, and downtown Toronto, we believe there is tremendous value in relocating the Mississauga office to a larger market in addition to expanding its inventory, overall space, features and resources,” said Mike Crouch, vice president of business development for Volvo Rents.

“With our strong brand recognition and the growing demand for equipment rental, I think the new office will be very well received in Toronto as it fits the needs and demands of our customers and Volvo Rents team.”

Source: Volvo Rents


New Bell B60D to debut at Bauma Africa
The inaugural bauma Africa is on the doorstep of South Africa's leading heavy equipment manufacturer, Bell Equipment, and the company plans to make a strong impact locally by showcasing its strides in innovation with the debut of its 60 t articulated dump truck, the B60D.

Following in the footsteps of the company's flagship, the B50D, the B60D takes ADT design and innovation into a new league, opening up opportunities for the company in a domain that was previously only contested by rigid haulers.

The B60D has full articulation and oscillation steering but differs from a traditional ADT in that it has two driven axles, giving it 4x4 capability. With a 60 t payload the company believes it will be able to move considerably more dirt than a regular ADT, at a lower cost per tonne than comparative rigid haulers. At the same time the truck offers much better off-road capability than a rigid hauler and has the ability to work in worse underfoot conditions to increase days in production.

Commenting on the importance of bauma Africa, Bell Equipment Chief Executive, Gary Bell said: "The African continent, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, is on a growth path with various governments and business placing strategic focus on infrastructure and related economic development. As a company we aim to be the equipment supplier of choice by offering a one-stop shop for equipment solutions backed up with world class product quality and technical support. Therefore a trade show, such as bauma Africa comes at an opportune time to bring together the various role players. An international exhibition of this stature in our region has been long awaited and Bell Equipment looks forward to the positive spin-offs for the region, the construction industry and our customers."

Source: Bell Equipment


Manitou Adds Attachment Recognition System
The attachment recognition system, E-Reco is now standard on Manitou’s latest rotative telescopic trucks, the MRT Easy and the MRT Privilege Plus.

The system detects the attachment at the head of the boom, analyzes its data, and proposes the corresponding working configuration; it also features RFID radio identification technology that enables it to recover and record data remotely.

The ranges of attachments that are not equipped with the attachment-recognition system can benefit from this technology simply by adapting RFID kits.

Source: Manitou

Crossrail's Tunnelling in Southeast London Reaches the Half-Way
A major milestone for Crossrail in southeast London has been reached as one of its tunnelling machines reaches Woolwich and the other prepares to start the drive underneath the River Thames.

The 1000 t machine Mary, who started her journey from Plumstead in May, has broken through into the station box at Woolwich, marking the half-way point of tunnelling south of the river. During her three month journey, Mary has excavated almost 110,000 t of material and installed 811 concrete rings to line the inside of the tunnel.

She has joined her sister Sophia, who reached the Woolwich box in May and is being prepared to start on the second leg of the journey underneath the Thames to North Woolwich.

Crossrail will provide a significant spur to regeneration in and around Woolwich and Abbey Wood on the southeast section of the route, encouraging investment and development as well as supporting jobs and businesses in the local area.

Passengers in southeast London will benefit from some of Crossrail’s most significant time savings. With Crossrail, the journey from Abbey Wood and Woolwich to Bond Street will be at least 15 minutes quicker and passengers travelling to Heathrow will be able to shave around 40 minutes off their journey.

Source: Crossrail

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Winning Contractors Announced for Riyadh Public Transport Project
The Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) recently announced the winning metro contractors for the Riyadh Public Transport Project (RPTP) – the largest public transport system project currently in development.

Three international consortia won the design and build contracts for the six-line, automated metro project:

Italian firm Ansaldo STS is the leader of the Arriyadh New Mobility group (ANM) which will be responsible for one line with a total distance of 40.7 km. The contract is valued at 5 billion $.

US firm Bechtel leads the BACS consortium which will design and build two lines with a total distance of 63.3 km. The contract is valued at 9.4 billion $.

Spanish firm FCC Construccion heads up the consortium known as FAST which will deliver three lines that covers a total distance of 72.5 km. The contract is valued at 7.8 billion $.

Work will begin on the design of the metro project immediately and construction will begin in the first quarter of 2014, bringing the reality of the project ever closer. The system is expected to transform Riyadh, attracting investment, supporting business and making the city more efficient as it continues to grow.

“Riyadh today is one of the world’s fastest growing cities and our citizens deserve a world-class public transport system to enhance their quality of life. The RPTP will be a major driver of employment and economic development. It will also help to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

This is the biggest infrastructure project to be undertaken in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is a cornerstone of the bold future we envision for our city,” said Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Sultan President of ADA and Member of the High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh.

The metro network features six lines with a total length of approximately 180 kilometers and electric driverless trains. All 85 stations and carriages will be air-conditioned and divided into 3 sections: first, family and single class.

The winning designs for the main stations from architects Gerber Architekten, Omrania & Associates, Sn.hetta and Zaha Hadid, were revealed last month.

The RPTP combines a city-wide metro, bus network, and park and ride services. The RPTP’S plan was developed by the High Commission for the development of Arriyadh and approved by the Council of Ministers on 23 April 2012.

Source: Arriyadh Development Authority


Once again, BBA Receives Top Honours at the Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois
The consulting engineering firm BBA was awarded the Léonard prize in Telecommunications and New Technologies during the Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois 2013, which took place on June 11 at the Centre Mont-Royal in Montréal. This marks the fourth consecutive year that the consulting engineering firm has won top honours.

BBA received this prize thanks to the project Control optimization of a SAG mill using fuzzy logic developed for Raglan Mine. As part of this daring project, BBA innovated by creating an intelligent control system with fuzzy logic, an approach still relatively unknown in North America and rarely used with programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Since this project was carried out, Raglan Mine has been able to count on more stable equipment to transform its mineral, which improves the company's operations while reducing both operating costs and the mine's environmental footprint. BBA's technological solution is a model for the future in the field of advanced control.

"We are very proud to have contributed to this innovative and technologically challenging project," says Steeve Fiset, president and CEO of BBA. "This solution enables the improvement of ore grinding and other operations where fuzzy logic might be truly useful."

"This project is a great example of partnership between a client and a supplier," adds Michael J. Welch, vice-president of Raglan Mine. "Well orchestrated, this complementary expertise has given our people a better system better than any other currently found in the market. It has also given them the independence they needed to keep operations and equipment running smoothly."

Source: BBA


Hatch Contributes to Fund for Queen’s University SERA Program
Hatch is pleased to announce its participation in Queen’s University’s Sustainable Engineering in Remote Areas (SERA) program, designed by Dr. Mark Green, professor and associate head of Queen’s.

The SERA program was developed to address the challenge faced by Canadian businesses to find skilled engineers to work on projects in remote and rural communities. The aim of the program is to provide employers with a pool of uniquely qualified engineers who are well prepared to work at challenging project sites in remote areas. Students enrolled in this six-year program will combine engineering studies with an enhanced understanding of the societal and cultural challenges found in remote areas. Students will study aboriginal culture and sustainability issues, and will conduct research to address three areas of national interest: natural resources and energy, information and communications technologies, and economic development and education for aboriginal people. Hatch has committed to provide financial support, internships for Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program students, and participation in the SERA program steering committee.

“We welcome participation in this training program as an engineering firm with an active interest in sustainable engineering and energy,” says Bert Wasmund, executive director at Hatch. “Many of our engineering projects are in remote areas and in aboriginal communities and as such, Hatch has a great need for engineers with the type of training planned by Dr. Green.”

The SERA program is a collaborative effort between many industry partners including Ontario Waterpower Association, Hatch, Assembly of First Nations, and others. Dr. Green is the project lead and has partnered with the Royal Military College and the universities of Manitoba and Ottawa.

The National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has also recently announced that it will provide $1.65 million through the CREATE program to fund Dr. Green’s initiative.

Source: Hatch


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