Nouvelles brèves

L’ACC dénonce la stratégie gouvernementale incitant à une réduction de la production québécoise du béton
L’Association Canadienne du Ciment (ACC) a fait part au gouvernement du Québec de son extrême préoccupation à la suite des indications de ce dernier qu’il entend privilégier l’utilisation du bois dans la construction et réduire la production d’autres matériaux de construction, dont notamment le béton.

Cette direction, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie de lutte contre les changements climatiques du gouvernement, est clairement énoncée dans le document «État des lieux en matière de lutte contre les changements climatiques au Québec» qui a été publié le 16 août 2011.

«Nous croyons fermement qu’il s’agit d’une grave erreur de privilégier un secteur aux dépends d’autres qui sont tout aussi importants», a affirmé le président et chef de la direction de l’ACC, Michael McSweeney. «Nous rappelons au gouvernement qu’outre le fait que le ciment et le béton sont des matériaux de construction durables, un secteur du ciment québécois viable est essentiel à la prospérité économique de la province, plus particulièrement au moment où elle entreprend sa revitalisation, entre autres par la modernisation d’infrastructures vieillissantes, en plus des investissements proposés dans le Plan Nord.»

L’ACC a souligné qu’une stratégie de lutte contre les changements climatiques qui passe par une réduction de la production locale de ciment aura pour résultat de faire augmenter les émissions à l’étranger, puisque d’autres producteurs remplaceront la fabrication locale. En plus de ne pas permettre les retombées environnementales espérées par le gouvernement, cette politique nuira considérablement à la compétitivité des fabricants d’autres matériaux de construction. Par conséquent, ceci privera une industrie d’emplois au profit d’une autre.

L’Association est d’autant plus déçue de cette direction puisqu’elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs à la mise en œuvre d’un système de plafonnement et d’échange.

«Nous espérons ainsi réaliser les objectifs communs, tant environnementaux qu’économiques, du gouvernement et de l’industrie du ciment», a noté le vice-président de l’ACC pour la Région du Québec, Michel Binette. Cette collaboration s’ajoute aux mesures déjà prises par le secteur du ciment pour réduire son empreinte environnementale en réduisant ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre, grâce à des combustibles de remplacement et à des investissements importants visant à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique.

L’ACC préconise depuis longtemps l’adoption d’une politique privilégiant le choix du bon matériau au bon endroit. Elle a respectueusement demandé au gouvernement de faire de même et de s’assurer d’utiliser en matière d’approvisionnement une démarche équilibrée qui s’appuie sur l’utilisation d’outils d’analyse du cycle de vie impartiaux comprenant tous les matériaux de construction.

Source: Association Canadienne du Ciment


Kinedyne un nomme représentant commercial pour le marché du Royaume-Uni
Kinedyne Corporation, un chef de file mondial dans les solutions d’arrimage pour l’industrie du transport, continue d’étendre sa présence dans les marchés mondiaux et a nommé Cargo Securing Solutions Limited (CSSL) à titre de représentant commercial exclusif pour le marché du Royaume-Uni et la région environnante. Cette initiative d’expansion sera dirigée par le directeur général de CSSL, Michael Wildi, et soutiendra toutes les actions de ventes et marketing dans la région, avec une emphase particulière sur les produits de Kinedyne destinés aux remorques à plateau et aux intérieurs de fourgons.

«L’expansion additionnelle du réseau mondial de distribution de Kinedyne, en incluant désormais le Royaume-Uni, représente le développement le plus excitant pour le secteur des transports dans la région depuis plusieurs années», affirme Michael Wildi, qui œuvre dans l’industrie de l’arrimage de cargaisons depuis plus de 35 ans et qui connaît très bien les principaux joueurs du camionnage et des pièces automobiles de marché secondaire au Royaume-Uni. «Kinedyne fait partie des fabricants les plus attachés à la qualité du produit dans l’industrie. La compagnie s’est gagnée une réputation bien méritée comme fournisseur de produits d’arrimage de haute qualité. CSSL est fier de faire partie de cette équipe, et d’être la force motrice de cette initiative de développement dans ce marché.»

Michael Wildi souligne que le système de chargement à deux niveaux Kaptive Beam®, conçu pour les fourgons, remorques fermées et conteneurs, améliorera de façon importante la capacité de chargement, réduira le temps nécessaire pour l’arrimage des cargaisons et aidera à réduire les coûts de carburant des transporteurs. Les produits à treuil offriront aux opérateurs du camionnage du Royaume-Uni et de la région une option aux courroies à cliquet traditionnelles puisqu’elles sont plus rapides d’opération grâce au système de barre de treuil à cliquet propre à Kinedyne. Comparées aux barres de treuil traditionnelles, ce produit innovateur offre non seulement aux opérateurs de flottes une réduction importante des coûts mais, encore plus important, la conception de la barre de treuil à cliquet offre des caractéristiques qui améliorent la sécurité des opérateurs et réduisent les risques de blessures.

«Kinedyne a recherché durant plusieurs années le partenaire idéal pour le marché du Royaume-Uni», affirme Larry Harrison, vice-président des ventes et marketing chez Kinedyne. «Nous sommes heureux d’avoir pu établir cette relation avec Cargo Securing Solutions, et nous sommes enthousiasmés à l’idée du potentiel de ventes de nos produits au Royaume-Uni, ce qui au final accroîtra notre présence mondiale.»

Source: Kinedyne Corporation


GENIVAR noue une alliance stratégique avec le Groupe ARCOP
GENIVAR inc. et le Groupe ARCOP S.E.N.C. annonçaient récemment avoir noué une alliance stratégique. ARCOP, incluant les associés principaux et les associés récemment nommés, continuera à offrir des services d’architecture professionnelle à partir de ses bureaux de Montréal et de Toronto. L’alliance avec ARCOP permettra à GENIVAR d’élargir sa présence sur la scène mondiale tout en offrant des services intégrés de conception et de génie. Grâce à l’alliance, GENIVAR pourra en outre entreprendre la planification et la conception d’un plus grand nombre de projets, tant de faible que de très grande envergure, dans toutes les catégories de construction, au Canada et sur la scène internationale, et en accordant une importance encore plus grande à la durabilité.

ARCOP, lauréat de nombreux prix dans les domaines du design et de l’architecture a bâti sa réputation grâce à la qualité de son travail sur la réalisation de projets phares. Plus récemment, ARCOP a collaboré à plusieurs mandats prestigieux, notamment l’expansion de l’Aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau à Dorval, le Centre du Commerce Mondial à Montréal ainsi que des projets de construction d’hôtels et de centres de villégiature au Canada, en Inde, en Afghanistan et dans les Caraïbes.

Source: GENIVAR inc.


L’Argentine signe un contrat de remise en état de sa centrale nucléaire CANDU
Énergie atomique du Canada Limitée (EACL) signait récemment des ententes officielles avec la société Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA), qui exploite la centrale nucléaire d’Embalse, en Argentine. Ces ententes donnent le coup d’envoi à des travaux de retubage et de remise en état du réacteur CANDU de la centrale, qui pourra ainsi demeurer en exploitation pendant encore 25 à 30 ans. La valeur totale des ententes s’élève à environ 440 millions $.

EACL commencera son mandat avec le soutien direct de SNC-Lavalin Nucléaire inc. jusqu’à ce que se conclue la transaction entre EACL et Candu Énergie inc. (Candu), filiale en propriété exclusive du Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc., portant sur l’acquisition des actifs commerciaux de la division des réacteurs CANDU d’EACL. La société Candu se verra alors confier l’entière responsabilité du mandat contractuel.

Le contrat d’EACL/Candu prévoit la fourniture des technologies et des outils clés à employer pour le retubage, ainsi que des services d’ingénierie et d’approvisionnement pour moderniser la centrale. NASA dirigera le projet de remise en état dans son ensemble, assurera directement l’approvisionnement des composants du réacteur et supervisera les travaux sur le chantier.

Le réacteur CANDU-6 d’Embalse a été mis en exploitation à des fins commerciales en janvier 1984. La centrale à une seule tranche qui a une production brute de 648 MWe a été conçue à l’origine par EACL.

Selon leur conception, les réacteurs CANDU doivent subir un retubage pour permettre aux services publics de prolonger la durée de vie de leur réacteur plutôt que d’avoir à le déclasser et à le remplacer par un nouveau ou encore à chercher d’autres sources d’énergie qui sont souvent plus coûteuses, moins accessibles et moins saines sur le plan écologique.

Le retubage d’un réacteur donne lieu au retrait et au remplacement (dans le cas d’un CANDU 6) des 760 conduites d’alimentation du réacteur ainsi que des 380 canaux de combustible et 380 tubes de cuve. Des outils télécommandés et de lourdes machines fortement blindées doivent être utilisés pour accomplir le travail en toute sécurité à l’intérieur du réacteur, compte tenu de l’importante radioactivité qui s’y trouve.

Le retubage d’un réacteur exige son arrêt prolongé pour remplacer les canaux de combustible. Cet arrêt permet de procéder à d’autres projets de remise à neuf qui amélioreront la fiabilité et la sécurité des installations.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat d’IAGC par EMAL pour la phase II de son aluminerie
SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’Emirates Aluminium Company Limited PJSC (EMAL) lui a confié un contrat d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de gestion de la construction (IAGC) pour la phase II du projet d’aluminerie sur le site d’Al Taweelah, dans l’Émirat d’Abou Dhabi.

Le contrat consiste à fournir les services d’IAGC d’une nouvelle aluminerie incluant une centrale thermique de 1000 MW et une série de cuves de 1,7 km, la plus longue jamais bâtie. Une fois terminée, la phase II de l’aluminerie d’EMAL permettra de produire 525 000 t/an d’aluminium grâce à la technologie DX de DUBAL en version améliorée, qui donne un meilleur rendement que les technologies traditionnelles. La phase II d’EMAL devrait être entièrement opérationnelle en 2014.

SNC-Lavalin a récemment complété son mandat d’IAGC pour la phase I, d’une capacité de 750 000 t/an d’aluminium, qui comprenait aussi la construction d’une centrale thermique de 2000 MW.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


White Construction est incorporée dans Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, LLC
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, LLC (IEA) annonçait récemment avoir fait l’acquisition de White Construction, Inc., l’un des plus grands entrepreneurs en Amérique du Nord dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable. Les modalités de l’investissement n’ont pas été dévoilées. Le siège de l’entreprise demeurera à Clinton, en Indiana, tandis que Buddy White se joindra au conseil d’IEA tout en continuant d’exercer ses fonctions de président de White Construction. Par ailleurs, la famille White acquerra une participation substantielle dans IEA. Le GFI Energy Group ainsi que la direction d’IEA fourniront les capitaux propres pour cet investissement et toutes autres acquisitions éventuelles.

White Construction, Inc. est un important entrepreneur en construction civile lourde qui offre une multitude de services (traditionnels, conception-construction et conception-achat-construction) partout en Amérique du Nord. White fournit ces services sur divers marchés, dont l’énergie fossile et renouvelable, la pétrochimie et d’autres secteurs industriels lourds, ainsi que des infrastructures locales, régionales et fédérales. White Construction est certifiée ISO 9001 et gère de nombreux projets complexes à l’aide de méthodes industrielles novatrices, tout en respectant les normes les plus élevées en matière de sécurité et de qualité.

Établie en 1947, White a une filiale canadienne, HB White Canada Corporation, basée à Oshawa, en Ontario.

Source: Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC


Un nouveau site Web pour Métal Sartigan
Métal Sartigan annonçait récemment le lancement son nouveau site Web. Nouvelle image, nouveau produit, encore plus de possibilités.

L’ajout d’une zone de suivi de projet sécurisée permettra à ses clients et partenaires de suivre, commenter et communiquer l’évolution des travaux. Une section «demande de prix» permet aux futurs clients de paramétrer rapidement et facilement leur nouveau bâtiment. Un représentant communiquera alors avec eux dans un délai de 24h à 48h. Une section «entrepreneurs autorisés» permet de trouver le partenaire le plus près de vous.

Plus que jamais, Métal Sartigan se veut le meilleur choix pour un bâtiment avec structure d’acier préfabriquée!

Source: Métal Sartigan inc.


Le Technopôle Angus une destination «verte»?
Dans le cadre du sommet mondial Écocité 2011, une trentaine d’architectes, urbanistes, sociologues et autres professionnels en aménagement urbain ont participé à une charrette de design organisée par la Société de développement Angus. Ces experts provenant de plusieurs pays avaient pour mandat de réfléchir avec des professionnels d’ici à ce que pourrait ressembler le Technopôle Angus du futur.

Les participants à la charrette ont ainsi imaginé un site qui serait attirant pour les entreprises de l’économie verte et qui séduirait les résidents et travailleurs adeptes d’un mode de vie plus écologique et communautaire. Pour l’îlot central (un terrain de 40 000 m2 encore en friche localisé au nord du Locoshop Angus), les experts invités ont suggéré de multiplier les vocations et de favoriser des usages diversifiés qui incluraient à la fois des activités commerciales, résidentielles, industrielles et agricoles. Ils ont également envisagé l’installation d’un marché public permanent, la préservation et la mise en valeur des vues sur le Mont-Royal, l’érection d’une tour emblématique qui deviendrait le symbole du Technopôle et des aménagements stimulant les échanges. Des professionnels américains ont plus spécifiquement suggéré de créer des corridors verts entre le Technopôle Angus et les artères commerciales avoisinantes, la voie ferrée située au nord, les parcs du quartier, ainsi que le Jardin botanique, le Biodôme et le futur Planétarium.

Les participants ont également relevé l’importance pour Angus de miser sur son histoire. Le site a été le lieu de travail de milliers d’ouvriers et de fabrication des locomotives du Canadien Pacifique pendant 90 ans. Créer des traits d’union historiques et emprunter des formes résidentielles et industrielles du passé permettraient de doter le site d’une personnalité forte, ont-ils affirmé.

Source: Société de développement Angus


AUSA ouvre une agence commerciale à DUBAI
Depuis juin dernier, AUSA compte une agence commerciale à Dubai. Le but principal de ce bureau est d’améliorer le service qu’AUSA offre à ses clients et distributeurs du Moyen-Orient et d’établir de nouveaux contacts dans cette zone et dans les pays voisins comme le Koweït, l’Oman, l’Arabie saoudite, l’Iran ou même l’Inde.

Selon les paroles de Manel Serrano, responsable de l’agence, notre présence dans cette zone permet de renforcer notre position dans la région, en développant nos produits phares tels que notre gamme de dumpers et de chariots élévateurs. Elle nous permettra également d’ouvrir un marché à nos nouveaux produits tels que la gamme URBAN.

Monsieur Serrano constate de bonnes perspectives de croissance dans toute la région et de très bonnes opportunités pour le développement de la gamme de produits AUSA.

Source: AUSA Center, S.L.U.


Volvo CE et Pacoma concluent une entente à long terme
Pacoma GmbH annonçait récemment la conclusion d’une entente avec Volvo Construction Equipment selon laquelle Pacoma acquérerait les actifs de Volvo CE reliés à la production de vérins hydrauliques de l’usine Volvo de Hallsberg, en Suède. De plus, Pacoma obtiendrait un contrat à long terme pour l’approvisionnement de vérins hydrauliques à Volvo. Le déménagement de l’outillage de Hallsberg à l’usine de Pacoma à Eschwege, en Allemagne, devrait être terminé au cours de l’année 2012.

Phil Liao, chef de la direction de Pacoma, déclarait que «Volvo a toujours été un client important pour Pacoma. Cette entente confirme l’engagement à long terme de Volvo dans un partenariat avec Pacoma et confirme la capacité de Pacoma à fournir des vérins hydrauliques conformes aux standards de qualité et d’innovation de Volvo. Notre nouvelle usine de Fenghua, en Chine, qui entrera en pleine production au début de 2012, est perçue par Volvo comme une excellente opportunité pour accroître davantage nos affaires avec eux dans cette région.»

Pacoma GmbH est un fournisseur majeur de vérins hydrauliques pour les manufacturiers de machinerie de construction. Sa liste de clients inclut Volvo, Caterpillar, JLG, Liebherr, WackerNeuson, Kubota et Terex.

Source: Pacoma GmbH


Lancement de la stratégie globale pour la gestion responsable des tourbières
L’International Peat Society (IPS) lançait récemment sa stratégie pour la gestion responsable des tourbières. Celle-ci définit pour la première fois les objectifs et les actions pour la préservation, la gestion et la restauration des tourbières et des marais dans le monde, selon les principes d’un usage raisonné.

«Cette stratégie peut s’appliquer à tous les types de tourbières quel que soit leur usage – y compris leur non-exploitation – et s’adresse à toute personne responsable ou impliquée dans la gestion des tourbières, ou dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement en tourbe. La gestion doit s’adapter au type de tourbière et à l’exploitation qui en est faite, tout en respectant les conditions culturelles, environnementales et socio-économiques», explique Donal Clarke, président de l’IPS.

Cette stratégie a pour finalité d’améliorer les normes et les connaissances relatives à la gestion responsable des tourbières. Ses principaux objectifs visent à assurer l’identification et la préservation des tourbières à grande valeur écologique, la gestion responsable des tourbières exploitées, et la restauration de celles drainées ou dégradées de toute autre manière.

La stratégie de l’IPS établit des objectifs clés et des actions spécifiques pour la biodiversité, l’hydrologie et la régulation de l’eau, le climat et le processus de changement climatique, les activités économiques, la postexploitation, la restauration et la réhabilitation, la répartition des informations et des capacités humaines et institutionnelles, l’implication des acteurs locaux et une bonne gouvernance.

On recense 4 millions km2 de tourbières dans le monde, répartis dans 180 pays, ce qui représente 3% de la surface du globe.

La majorité des tourbières (3,4 millions km2) sont presque intactes et constituent un milieu précieux pour les espèces sauvages et la biodiversité. Beaucoup d’entre elles sont gérées comme des réserves naturelles.

Les tourbières sont exploitées pour l’agriculture (300 000 km2), la forêt (150 000 km2), la production de supports de culture (2000 km2) et la production d’énergie (2000 km2), dans l’hémisphère Nord principalement. Environ 120 000 km2 de tourbières ont été drainés dans les régions tropicales à des fins diverses, principalement pour la plantation de palmiers à huile et d’arbres destinés à la production de pâte à papier.

La stratégie a été mise au point au cours d’un processus de consultation de deux ans. Celui-ci a impliqué diverses parties prenantes impliquées dans la gestion des tourbières et de la tourbe, notamment des experts scientifiques, des chefs d’exploitations, des entreprises du secteur privé et des ONG environnementales.

L’International Peat Society (IPS) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif qui compte 1450 membres dans 36 pays.

Source: International Peat Society


Shell et le CDPVL s’engagent à aider les étudiants d’aujourd’hui à garder les parcs de véhicules de demain en mouvement
Pour être prospère, l’industrie du transport routier compte sur des travailleurs compétents. Depuis quatre ans, Shell et le Conseil des distributeurs de pièces pour véhicules lourds (CDPVL) font équipe pour appuyer la croissance et la formation de la prochaine génération de techniciens de parcs de véhicules en offrant la Bourse des techniciens de véhicules lourds Shell Rotella™/CDPVL.

L’objectif visé au moyen de cette bourse consiste à apporter un soutien aux étudiants qui font des études postsecondaires de technicien de véhicules lourds. En raison de la pénurie de techniciens spécialisés dans cette importante industrie, Shell s’est engagée à soutenir la prochaine génération de travailleurs qualifiés.

«Shell aide les étudiants d’aujourd’hui à garder les parcs de véhicules de demain en mouvement, a déclaré Chris Guerrero, directeur mondial de la marque Shell Rotella. Grâce à cette bourse, nous sommes heureux d’aider à compenser le défi financier que doivent relever les étudiants qui souhaitent faire carrière dans le transport routier.»

Shell et le CDPVL, un organisme à but non lucratif qui s’intéresse au marché d’après fabrication des véhicules lourds, remettront six bourses d’une valeur de 2500 $ chacune à l’échelon régional. Les étudiants inscrits à temps plein à la dernière année d’un programme ou d’un stage d’apprenti axé sur le matériel lourd et le transport routier sont admissibles à la Bourse des techniciens de véhicules lourds Shell Rotella™/CDPVL. Les récipiendaires seront choisis en fonction de leur mérite scolaire, de leurs besoins financiers, de leur réponse rédigée à une question et de leur volonté de contribuer positivement à l’avenir de l’industrie du camionnage. Un étudiant recevra une bourse dans chacune des régions suivantes : Colombie-Britannique, Alberta/Territoires du Nord-Ouest/Yukon, Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, et provinces de l’Atlantique.

La date limite pour présenter une demande de bourse est le 30 novembre 2011.

Source: Lubrifiants Shell

Industry News

Cement Industry Deeply Concerned by Quebec Government Strategy Aiming to Reduce Concrete Production
The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) has expressed its deep concern over the Government of Quebec’s intention to favour the use of wood in construction and reduce production in other sectors that manufacture construction materials, such as concrete, as part of its climate change strategy.

This direction is stated in the publication entitled “Progress Report on the Fight Against Climate Change ” released on August 16, 2011.

“We firmly believe that a strategy that favours one industry sector at the expense of others that are equally as important is inherently flawed,” said CAC president and CEO Michael McSweeney. “We wish to remind the government that cement and concrete are highly sustainable construction materials and that a viable made-in-Québec cement sector is critical to the province’s economic prosperity, particularly as it undertakes its revitalization through the renewal of its aging infrastructure and the investments proposed in Plan Nord.”

The CAC noted that a climate change strategy that forces a reduction in domestic cement production will in fact not yield the environmental benefits intended but result in increased emissions abroad as foreign producers replace domestic manufacturing. Furthermore, such a policy will significantly impact the competitiveness of manufacturers of other construction materials, causing job losses in these sectors.

The CAC is all the more disappointed with this direction since it has been working closely with the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks to develop a cap-and-trade system. “It is our sincere hope that, working together, we will be able achieve the common environmental and economic objectives of the government and the cement industry”, said the CAC’s vice president for the Québec Region, Michel Binette. This is in addition to the steps the cement industry has already taken to reduce its environmental footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of alternative fuels and significant investments to improve energy efficiency.

The CAC has long advocated the adoption of a policy supporting the use of the “right material for the right job”. It respectfully requested that the government adopt such a policy and take a balanced approach to procurement based on the use of unbiased life-cycle analysis tools that includes all construction materials.

Source: Cement Association of Canada


Kinedyne Appoints Sales Agent for United Kingdom Market
Kinedyne Corporation, a worldwide leader in cargo securement solutions for the transportation industry, is moving to expand its global market presence and has appointed Cargo Securing Solutions Limited (CSSL) as its exclusive sales agent to cover the United Kingdom (UK) market and the surrounding region. The expansion effort will be headed by CSSL’s Managing Director, Michael Wildi, and will support all sales and marketing activities in the region, with specific focus on Kinedyne’s Flatbed and Interior Van products.

“The further expansion of Kinedyne’s global distribution network to include the United Kingdom represents the most exciting development in the region’s transportation sector in many years,” says Wildi, who has worked in the cargo securement industry for more than 35 years and is very familiar with key players in the United Kingdom’s Trucking and Aftermarket Automotive Parts sectors. “Kinedyne is among the most quality-conscious manufacturers in the industry. The company has earned a well deserved reputation for supplying high quality load securement products. CSSL is proud to be a part of its team and to be the driving force behind its efforts to develop this market.”

Mr. Wildi also commented on the special value Kinedyne products will bring to the UK market: “I’m certain that with Kinedyne’s extensive product line, the load securement needs of distributors and consumers in our region will be met and surpassed.”
He emphasized that Kinedyne’s Kaptive Beam® (captive beam) double-decking system – designed for use with box vans, trailers and containers – will substantially improve load capacity, lessen the time spent securing the load and help reduce fuel costs for carriers. Kinedyne winch products, also known as ‘webbing winch’ and ‘winch strap tie down solutions’ in the UK market, will offer trucking operators in the region an alternative to conventional ratchet straps – known as ‘ratchet tensioner lashings’ in the UK – as they are faster to operate with Kinedyne’s proprietary Ratcheting Winch Bar. Compared to traditional winch bars, this innovative product not only provides fleet operators with several cost-saving benefits, but more importantly, the design of the Ratcheting Winch Bar provides end-users with safety features that help reduce the risk of injury.

“Kinedyne has searched for many years to find the right partner for the UK market,” says Larry Harrison, Kinedyne vice president of Sales & Marketing. “We are pleased to have established this relationship with Cargo Securing Solutions and look forward to working with them in pursuing the potential for sales of our products in the United Kingdom, ultimately increasing our global presence.”

Source: Kinedyne Corporation


GENIVAR and the ARCOP Group Establish a Strategic Alliance
GENIVAR Inc. and the ARCOP Group S.E.N.C. recently announced the establishment of a strategic alliance. ARCOP, including the senior and recently appointed partners will continue to offer professional architectural services from their Montreal and Toronto offices. This alliance will allow GENIVAR to expand its global presence, while offering integrated design and engineering services. It will also enable GENIVAR to undertake the planning and design of more projects at every scale and in every building category, both in Canada and internationally, with a further emphasis on sustainability.

ARCOP, recipient of numerous design and architectural awards including the prestigious "Aga Khan Award for Architecture", the "Canadian Architect Award of Excellence" and the "Governor General Medal" in architecture, established its reputation for design quality with the architectural conception of major landmark projects such as Place Ville Marie, Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier of Place des Arts and Place Bonaventure, each one transforming the architectural landscape of downtown Montreal. More recently, the firm has collaborated on numerous design mandates including the expansion of the Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau International Airport in Dorval, the Montreal World Trade Center, as well as hospitality projects both locally and in India, Afghanistan and the Caribbean.

Source: GENIVAR inc.


Argentina Signs Contract to Refurbish its CANDU Nuclear Power Plant
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) signed formal agreements today with Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA), operator of Argentina's Embalse Nuclear Generating Station, to begin work on the retubing and refurbishment of the station's CANDU reactor, which is designed to allow the power plant to operate for an additional 25 to 30 years. The aggregate contract value is approximately $440 million.

AECL will begin the execution of the contract with direct support from SNC-Lavalin Nuclear Inc. until the transaction between AECL and Candu Energy Inc. (Candu), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., to acquire the commercial assets of AECL's CANDU Reactor Division closes. At that point, Candu will take over full responsibility for the contract.

The scope of the AECL/Candu contract includes the provision of key technologies and tools to support the retubing project as well as engineering and supply for plant upgrades. NASA will be the overall project manager for the refurbishment project and will directly carry out all reactor component procurement and oversee the on-site work.

The Embalse CANDU 6 reactor began commercial operation in January 1984. The single-unit has a gross output of 648 MWe and was originally designed by AECL.

CANDU reactors are designed to undergo a retube to help utilities extend the life of their reactor as opposed to decommissioning it and replacing it with a new one, or finding replacement energy sources that are often more expensive, less accessible and not as environmentally friendly.

Retubing the reactor involves removing and replacing (for a CANDU 6 design) all 760 reactor feeders as well as 380 fuel channels and 380 calandria tubes. Remotely controlled tools and massive, highly shielded machines are required to conduct the work safely inside the reactor due to the radioactive environment.

Retubing a reactor requires an extended outage so that the fuel channels can be replaced. During this outage, there is an opportunity to perform other refurbishment activities that will improve the reliability and safety of the plant.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Awarded New EPCM Contract by EMAL for Phase II of Aluminium Smelter
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce it has been awarded an engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) services contract by Emirates Aluminium Company Limited PJSC (EMAL) for Phase ll of its smelter in Al Taweelah, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The contract involves the EPCM services for a new aluminium smelter, including a 1,000 MW power plant and a 1.7 km-long potline, the longest ever built. Once completed, the EMAL Phase ll smelter will produce 525,000 tonnes of aluminium per year (tpa) using an improved version of DUBAL DX technology, which allows for greater operating efficiencies than traditional technologies. EMAL Phase II smelter is expected to be fully operational in 2014.

"SNC-Lavalin is a world leader in the design and construction of aluminium smelters, and we consider this new award as a clear acknowledgement of the leading-edge technical capabilities and experience we demonstrated with Phase I of the project," said Riadh Ben Aϊssa, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "Just as important, it reflects the effort and importance SNC-Lavalin places on maintaining long term relations with our clients. We value EMAL's relationship and trust, and we are delighted with this new opportunity to work together to build this landmark project for the United Arab Emirates."

SNC-Lavalin recently completed its EPCM mandate for Phase I of EMAL smelter, which has a capacity of 750,000 tpa of aluminium and included the construction of a 2,000 MW power plant.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


White Construction Becomes Part of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, LLC
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, LLC (IEA) announced recently that it has acquired White Construction, Inc., one of the nation's largest renewable energy contractors. Terms of the investment were not disclosed. White Construction will remain based in Clinton, Indiana with Buddy White joining the board of IEA and continuing as the President of White Construction. In addition, the White family will acquire a material ownership interest in IEA. The GFI Energy Group along with IEA management will provide the equity capital for this and future acquisitions.

White Construction, Inc. is an established heavy civil construction contractor providing a range of traditional, design-build, and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services across North America. White provides these services in a variety of markets including fossil and renewable energy power, petrochemical and other heavy industrial markets, as well as local, state and federal infrastructure. White Construction is ISO 9001 certified and manages many difficult projects utilizing industry innovative methods while upholding the highest standards of safety and quality. Established in 1947 White's corporate headquarters remains in Clinton, Indiana and the headquarters of its Canadian Subsidiary, HB. White Canada Corporation is located in Oshawa, Ontario Canada.

Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC is a newly formed venture chartered with building a diverse portfolio of energy and water infrastructure service companies. IEA was formed and is led by Paul M. Daily, a 30 year veteran of energy construction services having previously served as the CEO of InfraSource LLC, an energy services unit of Quanta Services, after leadership stints at Willbros USA and Earth Tech, Inc. Capital for IEA is provided by funds controlled by the GFI Energy Group and by IEA management.

Source: Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC


Launch of a New Website for Metal Sartigan
Metal Sartigan proudly launches its new website. New image, new product, even more possibilities.

The addition of a secured​project monitoring area will allow its customers and partners to follow and comment the evolution of their project. The “sales quote” allows you to quickly and easily set up your new building. A sales rep will get back to you within 24h to 48h. The “authorized contractors” will guide you in finding the partner closest to you.

More than ever, Metal Sartigan wants to be the best choice for your building with prefabricated steel structure!

Source: Métal Sartigan inc.


International urban-planning experts propose to turn Technopôle Angus into a "green destination"
As part of the Ecocity World Summit 2011, thirty architects, urban planners, urban sociologists, and other city-planning and sustainable development professionals took part, on Thursday, in a design charrette organized by Société de développement Angus. These experts from several countries, along with local professionals, had a mission of reflecting upon what Technopôle Angus could look like in the future.

"In fifteen years, Technopôle Angus' site went from an abandoned, contaminated wasteland to a place that hosts over 50 businesses, where 2,000 people come to work every day. We're now ready for a second phase, which is to create a welcoming site where workers want to stay after their workday, one that would become an attraction pole for the neighbourhood's residents," said Christian Yaccarini, president and CEO of the Société de développpement Angus.

Charrette participants thus imagined a site that would attract green-economy businesses and seduce residents and workers looking for a more ecological and community-oriented lifestyle. For the central islet (a 40,000-m2 still-vacant lot located north of the Angus Locoshop), the guest experts proposed multiple vocations, favouring varied uses that would include commercial, residential, industrial, and agricultural activities. They also contemplated the creation of a permanent public market, the preservation and emphasizing of views upon Mount Royal, the erection of a symbolic tower that would become the Technopôle's symbol, and layouts that facilitate exchanges. American experts more specifically suggested the creation of green corridors between Technopôle Angus and neighbouring commercial streets, the railway to the north, the neighbourhood's parks, as well as the Botanical Garden, Biodome and future Planetarium.

Participants also highlighted the importance of showcasing Angus' history. For 90 years, Canadian Pacific locomotives were built and thousands of workers came daily to the site. Experts declared that creating historical links and using residential and industrial forms from the past would provide the site with a strong personality.

"Our challenge is to create a user-friendly site, where people come to meet—all the while creating jobs and being financially sustainable," concluded Christian Yaccarini at the end of the event. Over the next few months, using the ideas put forward during the design charrette as a springboard, the Société de développpement Angus will develop a plan to give concrete expression to its wish of making Technopôle Angus an inspiring living environment for generations to come.

Source: Angus Development Corporation


AUSA Opens a Subsidiary in Dubai
AUSA opened its new sales subsidiary in Dubai (EAU) at the beginning of last June. The aim is to support a sales network to consolidate its market leadership in the Middle East. This region now accounts for 4% of overall export sales and the objective is to reach 5% by the end of 2011. This is a very realistic goal if we consider that AUSA sales in the Asia-Middle East region showed a triple-digit increase in the first quarter of this year. From the very outset, the opening of this office has led to a closer and more fluid relationship between AUSA and its dealers, which in turn has resulted in soaring sales in the region.

The new subsidiary is strategically located on the prestigious Sheik Zayed Road, in the heart of Dubai’s financial and business district, close to the offices of all AUSA’s commercial partners in the region. AUSA Middle East Manager, Manel Serrano, explained this latest move towards internationalisation: “Market growth has led us to revise our strategy in the region. Part of the new strategy has been to move closer to the distribution channel, which enables closer monitoring of both mature and new AUSA products. Each visit to the region had seen the out spring of more and more opportunities, which ultimately led to the decision to set up AUSA Middle East”.

With respect to the approach being followed to promote the expansion of AUSA machinery in the region, Manel Serrano pointed out that, “We work with dealers and always try to find the right partners for each of Ausa’s product families. Therefore, within the same country or area, we might have a number of different distributors, each specialising in a particular product family. In this way, we can reach more clients”.

AUSA has always been characterised by its international focus and vision. To consolidate and enhance this position, the company is firmly committed to sales investment abroad, adding more professionals to its network in different parts of the world, including: South America, Singapore, Australia, The United Kingdom and the Benelux countries. Within this international sales strategy, AUSA has a number of large projects in the pipeline for the coming months, particularly in the Indian Subcontinent, where some projects are at the launch stage.

Source: AUSA Center, S.L.U.


Pacoma and Volvo Enter into a Long Term Multi-Million Euro Agreement
Pacoma GmbH announced recently that it has entered into an agreement with Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE), a division of Volvo AB, whereby Pacoma will acquire from VCE all the assets related to the manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders at their Hallsberg facility in Sweden. Furthermore pursuant to this agreement, Pacoma will be awarded a long-term, multi-million Euro business for the supply of hydraulic cylinders. The move of the machinery from Hallsberg Sweden to Pacoma's plant in Eschwege in north Hessia is planned for completion in the 2012 calendar year.

Volvo Construction Equipment, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is a division of VOLVO AB. A recognized leader in the construction equipment market, VCE has development and manufacturing sites around the world, employs around 13,000 people globally, with an annual sales turnover of 5,4 billion Euros (2010).

Phil Liao, CEO of Pacoma, stated that "Volvo has always been a valued and important customer for Pacoma. This agreement confirms Volvo's commitment to a long-term partnership with Pacoma and re-affirms Pacoma's ability to deliver hydraulic cylinders conforming to Volvo's standard of high quality and innovation. Our new plant in Fenghua, China, fully operational in the early part of 2012, is considered by VCE as an excellent opportunity for further potential business development with them in that Region.

Pacoma GmbH is a leading supplier of high quality hydraulic cylinders for the worldwide construction equipment industry. Its customers include Volvo, Caterpillar, JLG, Liebherr, WackerNeuson, Kubota and Terex.

Source: Pacoma GmbH


International Peat Society: Global Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management Launched
The International Peat Society (IPS) has launched a Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management, which for the first time defines objectives and actions for the conservation, management and rehabilitation of mires and peatlands globally, based on the principles of Wise Use.

Donal Clarke, President of the IPS, explains: “The Strategy is applicable to all types of peatland under every use – including non-use – and it is directed to everyone responsible for or involved in the management of peatlands, or in the peat supply chain.” Peatland management should be appropriate to the peatland type and use while respecting cultural, environmental, and socio-economic conditions.

The overall purpose of the Strategy is to improve standards and increase knowledge of responsible peatland management.

The principal aims are to ensure that high conservation value peatlands are identified and conserved, utilised peatlands are managed responsibly and drained or otherwise degraded peatlands are rehabilitated.

The Strategy sets out key objectives and specific actions for biodiversity, hydrology and water regulation, climate and climate change processes, economic activities, after-use, rehabilitation and restoration, human and institutional capacity and information dissemination and engagement of local people and good governance.

Globally, peatlands cover an area of 4 million square kilometres in 180 countries, which equals 3% of the Earth’s land surface. The majority of the global peatlands (3.4 mill km2) are still in a near natural condition, are valuable habitats for wildlife and biodiversity and many are managed as nature reserves.

Peatlands are used for agriculture (300,000 km2), forestry (150,000 km2), growing media production (2,000 km2) and energy generation (2,000 km2), mostly in the northern hemisphere. Around 120,000 km2 have been drained in tropical regions for a variety of purposes, but especially for plantations of oil palm and paper pulp trees.

The Strategy was formulated during a two-year consultation process involving a broad range of mire, peat and peatland stakeholders. These included scientific experts, peatland managers, private sector companies and environmental NGOs.

The International Peat Society (IPS) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation of scientific, industrial and regulatory members. It aims at bringing people and organisations together to foster the advancement, exchange and communication of knowledge on all aspects of peatlands and peat.

Source: International Peat Society


Shell Canada Products and the HDDC Committed to Heavy-Duty Technical Scholarship Program
Skilled workers are the key to a thriving road transport industry. For the last four years, Shell and the Heavy Duty Distributor Council of Canada (HDDC) have been working together to support the growth and development of future fleet technicians by offering the Shell Rotella(r) & HDDC Heavy Duty Technician Scholarship.

The purpose of the scholarship program is to provide assistance to students enrolled in heavy-duty technical post-secondary studies. With a shortage of technical workers in such an important industry, Shell is committed to supporting the next generation of skilled workers.

"Shell is helping today's students keep tomorrow's fleets on the road," said Chris Guerrero, Global Brand Manager for Shell Rotella. "With this scholarship we're pleased to help offset the financial challenges students face in pursuit of a career in road transport."

Shell and the HDDC, a non-profit corporation serving the heavy-duty after market will provide six regional scholarships of $2,500 each. Students enrolled full-time and in their last year in a program or an apprenticeship relating to the field of Heavy Duty equipment, focusing in Road Transport, are eligible to apply for the Shell Rotella(r) & HDDC Heavy Duty Technician Scholarship. The recipients will be chosen based on their academic merit, financial need, their reply to an essay question and their commitment to contributing to the future success of the trucking industry. One student will be selected for a scholarship from each of the following regions: British Columbia, Alberta/Northwest Territories/Yukon, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, Atlantic Provinces.

The application deadline is November 30, 2011.

Source: Shell Lubricants


Yokohama Tire Corporation Raises Prices on All Off-The-Road Tires
Yokohama Tire Corporation announced recently the implementation of a price increase of up to 11% on all of its off-the-road (OTR) tires in the United States, effective September 1. There will be in-line adjustments, as well, which will be announced at a later date. Canada is not included in the price increase at the present.

Gary Nash, Yokohama vice president, OTR Sales, attributed the price increase on the escalating costs of raw materials, such as natural rubber. “The entire OTR industry continues to be challenged with high costs of raw materials that it has had to contend with over the last few years,” he said. ”Compounding these costs are the rising costs in transportation and manufacturing. We regret to have to take the step but find it necessary to have the increases reflected in our pricing. As always, Yokohama will produce the best OTR tires at competitive prices using our latest technology and environmental procedures and integrating them with operational efficiencies.”

Source: Yokohama Tire Corporation


Hydro One Relocates to St. Thomas
The St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation is pleased to announce the relocation and expansion of Hydro One Networks Inc. (Hydro One) into two separate buildings in the City of St. Thomas on South Edgeware Road.
At one location, Hydro One will employ approximately 12 mechanics to service some of the over 7,500 vehicles that the company uses in Ontario. Hydro One will be moving into this building in the early fall of 2011. Prior to Hydro One’s acquisition of this property located at 320 South Edgeware Road, it was used as a pre-delivery inspection facility as part of the former Sterling Truck Assembly operation.

At the second location, Hydro One will employ 25-30 transmission line maintainers and will service an area that ranges from Niagara Falls in the east to Windsor in the west and mid-way to Owen Sound in the north. There will also be a number of administrative and support staff in each of the facilities. This property located at 425 South Edgeware Road was previously used by Active Transport and was also part of the former Sterling Truck Assembly operation.

St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation president Dennis Broome was excited by the news and remarked that “These are high-quality jobs in a very solid sector. This announcement should serve as an example that St. Thomas is moving forward and is well positioned to support companies of any size from a variety of sectors.”

Source: St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation


RedBuilt™ acquires certain Standard Structures Inc. assets
RedBuilt™ recently signed an agreement to purchase certain Standard Structures Inc. (SSI) assets, such as equipment, raw materials inventory and intellectual property.

SSI, a leading manufacturer of glulam beams, I-joists and open-web trusses for commercial and multifamily roof and floor systems, plans to exit the engineered wood products business and restructure its remaining business around its core glulam product line. SSI’s president and CEO, Richard Caletti, cited extraordinary financial stress associated with the worst recession since the Great Depression as the cause in SSI’s Aug. 19 announcement.

“Standard Structures has been a strong competitor of ours over the years and we have a great deal of respect for the company and the Caletti family, who founded SSI more than six decades ago,” said RedBuilt president and CEO Kurt Liebich. “It’s unfortunate when any company finds itself in this situation. However, RedBuilt’s acquisition of certain assets related to SSI’s engineered wood products business is a logical fit, and it is in the best interests of both companies and the many customers we both serve.”

RedBuilt will not be manufacturing SSI-branded engineered wood products. “We’re not able to produce Standard Structures products due to building code regulations, so SSI engineered wood I‑joists and open-web trusses will no longer be available,” Mr. Liebich said. “However, RedBuilt offers many comparable, innovative, industry-leading products, and we hope to work with SSI’s former engineered wood products customers to identify suitable alternatives that satisfy their project requirements.”

RedBuilt has been recognized as a leader in developing wood-based structural solutions since 1960. It offers the industry’s most innovative engineered-lumber products and building systems for commercial, industrial and multifamily applications.

RedBuilt’s offerings include composite wood-and-steel open-web trusses, engineered wood I-joists, engineered lumber like LVL, and complementary components, product engineering, and onsite technical support, as well as a range of concrete-forming and scaffold-planking solutions.

Founded in 1947, Standard Structures Inc. pioneered the glulam beam industry.  It designs and manufactures engineered wood products for commercial and multifamily construction.

Source: RedBuilt LLC


Terex Enters Wood Chipper Business Through Woodsman
Terex Corporation wholly-owned subsidiary Terex USA, LLC has entered the wood chipper business through the acquisition of Woodsman LLC, a Michigan-based manufacturer of wood processing equipment.

The Woodsman product lines will be integrated into the Materials Processing segment of Terex, which is a major player in the crushing and screening industry globally. The business has a comprehensive line of hand fed chippers as well a portfolio of biomass chippers.

Kieran Hegarty, Materials Processing president, said: “The addition of Woodsman’s products provides a great opportunity to extend the capabilities of Terex Materials Processing into the adjacent businesses of wood processing and recycling. Our customers can expect tangible investments in terms of distribution coverage for enhanced customer support, a commitment to product development and a focus on readily available spare parts.”

Terex will be using a number of well-developed distribution channels to make sure that the particular needs of customers for both hand fed and biomass chippers are met effectively. The business will be showing its Terex® Woodsman 440 biomass chipper, which is equipped with a 127 cm diameter by 114 cm wide full pocket cutting drum, at the upcoming ICUEE exhibition in Louisville, Kentucky in October. A month later the Terex® Woodsman 730 will be exhibited at the Tree Care Show in Hartford, Connecticut, a compact hand fed machine for customers seeking a compact chipping solution.

Woodsman founder, Bob Engler adds, “We are excited to be joining a company that shares our passion for delivering quality, productivity and value to our customers. In addition, we are pleased that our products are now poised to fully benefit from the business recovery with the solid backing of a global company.”

Source: Terex Corporation


Foreman Equipment Expands Its Equipment Offering as New Terex Roadbuilding Asphalt and Concrete Machinery Distributor
Foreman Equipment Ltd. is now the authorized Terex Roadbuilding equipment distributor for British Columbia and Yukon, offering local sales, parts and service support for Terex® asphalt and concrete paving equipment, reclaimer/stabilizers, milling machines, concrete plants and the Trashmaster landfill compactor line. Foreman has been a premier distributor of the Powerscreen crushing and screening equipment for more than 25 years. Powerscreen is part of the Material Processing business segment of Terex Corporation.

“We are excited to have Foreman Equipment as a Terex Roadbuilding distributor, as our equipment is a logical extension of the lines the company already carries,” says Julio Valladares, director of distribution for Terex Roadbuilding. “Foreman is well respected and works closely with its customers, and the company’s appointment as a Roadbuilding equipment distributor will enable Terex to better reach our customers throughout British Columbia and Yukon,” adds Mike Rodriguez, district manager for Terex Roadbuilding.

Foreman now offers its customers roughly 75 Terex products targeted to the road-building industry. The line includes innovations such as Remix Anti-Segregation System pavers and the Terex CR662RM RoadMix, which can be used as both a paver and material transfer vehicle to maximize utilization rates. For reclamation and soil stabilization contractors, the line features the new Terex RS446C and RS950B, the most powerful reclaimer/stabilizer in the world. With its ability to change paving widths in matter of minutes, not hours, the Terex® SF2204C HVW hydraulic variable width concrete slipform paver saves time and money when paving intersections, on/off ramps, highway shoulders and lane additions, and residential streets.

“The Roadbuilding line is a natural fit for us and will open doors to customers we have not called on in the past,” says Adam Foreman, sales manager for Foreman Equipment. “In addition, we now provide more equipment solutions for our existing customers, and, through our parts warehouse and field service team, we deliver immediate parts and service support.”

With locations throughout British Columbia, Foreman Equipment is Western Canada’s leading supplier of quality screening, crushing and now road-building equipment. The company carries over $1 million in parts inventory at its main warehouse in Abbotsford, BC in order to provide local support to keep its customers up and running profitably.

Source: Terex Corporation


Wärtsilä supplies power plant to the Dominican Republic
Wärtsilä has been awarded a €155 million ($215 million) contract to supply a gas-fired power plant to the Dominican Republic. The new power plant will provide electricity for a gold mine.

The contract was signed with Barrick Gold of North America, a subsidiary of Canada-based Barrick Gold Corporation. The power plant will serve and supply electricity for the Pueblo Viejo gold mine.

Wärtsilä’s scope of supply includes 12 dual fuel Wärtsilä 50D engines, as well as a full engineering, procurement, and construction contract for the project. The dual-fuel flexibility of these Wärtsilä engines is an important advantage, since they can run both on liquid fuels and on natural gas.

“This is a major contract for Wärtsilä,” says Sampo Suvisaari, general manager, Central America and the Caribbean, Wärtsilä Power Plants.

The high efficiency of Wärtsilä’s combined cycle technology and the fast-track construction schedule were key factors in Wärtsilä being awarded this significant order. The dual-fuel capability and competitive investment costs were important factors as well. Wärtsilä has already delivered two power plant projects to Barrick Gold.

Wärtsilä has a strong presence in the Dominican Republic with already 900 MW of installed generating capacity in the country. This represents almost half of the country’s active electrical capacity.

Source: Wärtsilä

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