SNOCOM’s Inside Scope on Emissions




Transportation represents almost a quarter of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and is the main cause of air pollution in cities.

Canadians’ answer to the emission reduction challenge in this sector is an irreversible shift to low-emission mobility. By midcentury, GHG from transportion will need to be at least 60% lower than the 2005 level and be firmly on the path towards zero. Emissions of air pollutants that harm our health need to be drastically reduced without delay.

The environmental requirements also push winter operations for a different approach. Cities need to reduce traffic movements (congestion and CO2) while handling the snow and keep cities open during or just after snow events – as soon as possible. SNOCOM’s volume reduction technique is different and unique. It significantly helps to reduce emissions and movements. In an average winter, snow dumping sites in Montreal, Quebec, receive approximately 13 million m3 (325,000 truckloads) of snow – a real ballet of heavy machinery and trucks!

SNOCOM’s machine, the Snowcuber, ingests large amounts of snow and exploits its compressibility to reduces the volume by a factor of 2. Just imagine what SNOCOM’s Snowcuber means for CO2 emissions if you can reduce the number of truckloads by half. The additional advantage is that it also saves a lot of money on hiring trucks.

Covid-19 gives most of us a hard time handling our activities. When we leave Covid-19 behind, it feels like a new start. Why not immediately start with a method in which we can reduce emissions, movements and fuel consumption?

Source: METEC Metal Technology Inc.

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