

Geroquip est fière d’annoncer la nomination de Benoît Milette à titre de directeur des ventes.
Monsieur Milette a occupé successivement des postes d’estimateur et de gérant de projet avant d’acquérir une entreprise dans la finition de béton.

À compter de 2008 il a été directeur des opérations du Groupe Astra et, jusqu’à tout récemment, président de coffrages Atlantique.

Sa vaste expérience de l’industrie de la construction ainsi que son implication dans divers associations contribueront grandement au développement de l’organisation.

Source: Geroquip


Onspot Automatic Tire Chains annonçait récemment la nomination de Daniel Corriveau au poste de directeur régional pour l’est du Canada.

Monsieur Corriveau compte 12 ans d’expérience chez un concessionnaire Onspot où il a acquis une grande expertise aussi bien au niveau de l’application, de l’installation que de l’entretien du produit. Basé à Sherbrooke, il couvrira les provinces de l’Ontario, du Québec et de l’Atlantique, incluant Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.

Source: Onspot Automatic Tire Chains


Onspot Automatic Tire Chains annonçait récemment la nomination d’Eric Jones à titre de vice-président, Ventes et Marketing.

Monsieur Jones était auparavant directeur du Marketing, Ventes aux fabricants d’équipement d’origine et directeur général de la division Snow & Ice Removal Systems de Muncie Power Products. Il dirigera l’équipe de directeurs régionaux de la compagnie et sera responsable de tous les aspects des ventes et de la mise en marché. Il travaillera è partir de l’usine de 2800 m2, situé en Indiana et du siège social situé au Connecticut.

Source: Onspot Automatic Tire Chains



ALLU Stamix has appointed Ville Niutanen as a new president of the company. Mr. Niutanen has years of experience in stabilization sector. The current president Kauko Pylväs continues his duties as president of the whole ALLU Group.

Ville Niutanen has a PhD degree in environmental management and has years of experience in different stabilization projects, both domestic and international. He previously worked as project manager at Lemminkäinen Infra Ltd. Prior to that, worked as development director and partner at Biomaa Ltd.

ALLU Finland separated the stabilization business into its own company in the beginning of last year: ALLU Stamix focuses to the stabilization business and ALLU Finland continues the Screener Crusher business. Both businesses are owned by the parent company ALLU Group.

Mass stabilization is still a little known method in many parts the world, especially in North-America, Russia, China and Middle-Europe. That is why Stamix will concentrate on spreading the mass stabilization knowledge.
Mass stabilization is a working method for strengthening soft and/or contaminated soils. With the machinery ALLU Stamix manufactures, the binding agent (eg. cement) is mixed to the soil. This way, the soft soils like marshlands can be utilized. Typical applications are strengthening road or railway embankments, processing dredged sludges at harbors, cleaning contaminated soils.

Source: ALLU Group


Tanguay Machinery, manufacturer of the J100B self-propelled road widener and mini-paver, is pleased to announce the appointment of Denis Larouche to the position of Sales & Product manager for the Industrial Division.

Mr. Larouche will now focus on the appointment, support and training of dealers in North America.
His past experience in the Product support and Service departments of Tanguay will certainly help our dealers succeed and introduction of the J100B.

The J100B is a compact an innovative self-propelled road widener designed to spread aggregates or asphalt on road shoulder or trenches from 30.5 cm wide to a maximum of 1.8 m. The J100B with its trailer weights less than 4,500 kg and can be easily transported from job to job with a ¾ ton pick-up. Do not hesitate to contact Denis if you have questions or require further information.

Source: Tanguay Machinery


It is with great pleasure that Tenco Inc. is announcing the hiring of Jacques Lamothe as Northern Ontario sales representative. Mr. Lamothe has started his employment with the company on June 1st, 2015.

Over the last 3 years, Jacques Lamothe has been doing sales representation in Northern Ontario. Prior to that, he has been selling Tenco products for an Ontario dealer. His great knowledge of the Ontario market, his experience and his expertise are great assets that will help in the company’s continued growth.
Stéphane Lévesque who has been working for Tenco since 2009 and is acting as parts manager, has added the sales representation of the Eastern Ontario region to his duties.

Jacques Lamothe and Stéphane Lévesque will be happy to help establish your needs prior to the coming winter season.

Tenco has started its operations in 1976 and has always been recognized as the Brand of Quality in the snow removal and de-icing market.

Source: Tenco Inc.

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