Nouvelles brèves


Brandt Tractor annonce l’acquisition de Wallace Equipment
Le 2 juillet 2013, Wallace Equipment Ltd. est devenue Brandt Tractor Ltd. Cette acquisition marque l’arrivée de Brandt dans le Canada atlantique et fait de Brandt une entreprise nationale avec 27 divisions d’un océan à l’autre.
Wallace Equipment Ltd. est le détaillant John Deere en construction et foresterie du Canada atlantique, qui inclut le Nouveau-Brunswick, la Nouvelle-Écosse et l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Wallace exploite cinq divisions, situées à Frédéricton, Moncton, Bathurst, Halifax et Sydney.

«Nous sommes vraiment enthousiasmés par ce nouvel ajout à Brandt; il a beaucoup de potentiel. Nous faisons confiance à notre équipe étendue et l’expertise éprouvée pourra alimenter notre nouvel engagement national d’offrir des services de valeur à nos clients, tous les jours», disait Shaun Semple, président de Brandt Tractor.

Brandt Tractor fait partie du groupe d’entreprises Brandt, basé à Régina, en Saskatchewan. Le groupe offre ses services à des clients de partout à travers le monde par l’entremise d’unités commerciales spécialisées depuis plus de 80 ans.

Brandt Tractor est le plus important détaillant privé John Deere, construction et foresterie au monde. Il est un membre Platine des 50 sociétés les mieux gérées au Canada. Brandt Tractor exploitait auparavant 21 franchises dans l’ouest du Canada et une à Milton, en Ontario. L’ajout des 5 divisions de Wallace amène ce total à 27 emplacements, qui s’étendent dans tout le pays, de la Colombie-Britannique à la Nouvelle-Écosse!

Source: Brandt Tractor Ltd.


Trimble rachète Loadrite
Trimble annonçait récemment l’acquisition de la firme néozélandaise Actronic Holdings Limited dont la filiale Actronic Technologies produit les systèmes de pesage embarqués LOADRITE® pour les chargeurs, excavatrices, convoyeurs et véhicules de collecte des ordures.

Les produits LOADRITE® s’ajoutent à la gamme Connected Site® de Trimble en renforçant les éléments de collecte de données sur les machines. Ces capacités accrues faciliteront l’utilisation du Connected Site pour obtenir l’information sur la productivité dans les flottes mixtes.

Source: Trimble


Nouveau distributeur Takeuchi pour la Novelle-Écosse
Takeuchi-US annonçait récemment que Wilson Equipment Ltd., de Truro en Nouvelle-Écosse, Nova Scotia, vient de se joindre à son réseau de distributeurs canadien.

Wilson Equipment offrira la gamme complète de machinerie compacte de terrassement Takeuchi. Wilson Equipment fournit des services exemplaires aux secteurs de la construction, la foresterie et à l'industrie minière dans les Maritimes et dans le Nord-Est américain, depuis 1955. Wilson Equipment est une entreprise familiale spécialisée dans la vente et la location. Elle dispose également d'un département pièces et service bien établi.

Source: Takeuchi-US


L’ACEC annonce le gagnant du prix Frank Ladner
Lors du 54e congrès annuel de l’ACEC, tenu du 1er au 3 juin à Saskatoon en Saskatchewan, l’ACEC a annoncé que Jim Watson est le lauréat du prix Frank Ladner 2013. Monsieur Watson mène une carrière active dans l’industrie de la toiture commerciale depuis plus de 40 ans. C’est un compagnon qualifié qui, pendant 16 ans, a été président d’une entreprise de construction de toitures membre de la Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia (RCABC) avant d’accepter un poste de directeur technique de la RCABC Guarantee Corp. (RGC) en 1995. Il a quitté la RCABC en 2011, et propose désormais des services de consultation pour les toitures et les projets d’imperméabilisation sous son entreprise récemment constituée, J. Watson Roofing Consulting Inc.

Le prix Frank Ladner de l’ACEC rend hommage à une personne qui a beaucoup apporté sur le plan technique à l’industrie des couvertures. Les candidats doivent démontrer la qualité de leurs connaissances techniques dans l’industrie de la toiture.

Le prix a été créé en l’honneur du premier directeur technique de l’ACEC, Frank Ladner, pour souligner sa contribution technique à l’industrie canadienne des couvertures.

Source: Association canadienne des entrepreneurs en couverture (ACEC)


Ouverture du concours de construction durable doté de 2 millions $
Les Holcim Awards sont l’une des compétitions les plus importantes du secteur en matière de réputation et d’influence internationales. La 4e édition de la compétition, dotée au total de 2 millions $, est ouverte aux candidatures. La compétition cherche des projets majeurs des professionnels industriels et des idées audatieuses de la «Next Generation» qui contribuent à un environnement plus durable en architecture, construction, génie civil, planification urbanistique et aménagement paysager, ainsi que dans les matériaux et technologies de construction. Les projets doivent être remis sur le site avant le 24 mars 2014.

Les Holcim Awards (catégorie principale) sont ouverts aux architectes, planificateurs, ingénieurs, chefs de projet, constructeurs et entreprises de construction qui apportent des réponses durables à des défis technologiques, environnementaux, socio-économiques et culturels par des bâtiments et des constructions contemporains. Les projets doivent avoir atteint un stade de conception avancé, avoir une grande probabilité de réalisation et peuvent ne pas avoir commencé avant le 1er juillet 2013.

La compétition cherche également des projets et des idées visionnaires pour la «Next Generation» (catégorie jeunes professionnels et étudiants). Tous les auteurs du projet ne doivent pas dépasser les 30 ans révolus au 1er juillet 2013 et la construction du projet peut ne pas avoir commencé avant le 1er juillet 2013.

Organisée par la Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction basée en Suisse, la compétition est conduite en parallèle dans cinq régions du monde en 2013/14, période suivie par une phase mondiale en 2015. Les gagnants régionaux seront annoncés fin 2014 lors des cérémonies Holcim Awards à Moscou (pour l’Europe), Toronto (Amérique du Nord), Medellín (Amérique latine), Beyrouth (Afrique Moyen-Orient) et Jakarta (Asie Pacifique).

Dix projets canadiens de construction durable faisant preuve d’innovation réelle ont remporté les honneurs dans le cadre de concours précédents, s’attirant ainsi une notoriété et des appuis internationaux. Parmi les projets gagnants, nous pouvons nommer «Greening the Infrastructure» de Benny Farm à Montréal, «Living with Lakes» à Sudbury et «Evergreen Brick Works» à Toronto. Le concours Holcim est l’occasion idéale de célébrer les efforts d’innovation et de durabilité de nos architectes, ingénieurs et promoteurs.

Des jurys d’experts indépendants évaluent toutes les entrées au regard des cinq «questions cibles» pour la construction durable qui couvrent la performance économique, sociale et environnementale, ainsi que l’impact contextuel / esthétique et l’innovation / la transférabilité. La liste complète des membres des jurys est disponible sur :

Les précédents lauréats des Holcim Awards dans plus de 40 pays vont de la réponse à des besoins de base dans des communautés en développement à des solutions techniques complexes.

La Holcim Foundation est soutenue par Holcim Ltd. et ses filiales dans plus de 70 pays et reste indépendante des intérêts commerciaux du groupe. Holcim est le chef de file de la production mondiale de ciment, d’agrégats, de béton prêt à l’emploi et d’asphalte, ainsi que de la prestation de services connexes.

Source: Holcim (Canada) Inc.


La RBQ publie un guide pour la construction d’habitations en bois de 5 ou 6 étages
La Régie du bâtiment du Québec annonçait récemment la publication de l’ouvrage Construction d’habitations en bois de 5 ou 6 étages – Directives et guide explicatif. Fruit de la collaboration entre la Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) et l’institut de recherche FPInnovations, cette publication s’inscrit à l’intérieur de la Charte du bois adoptée récemment par le gouvernement du Québec.

Le Code de construction actuellement en vigueur au Québec limite l’utilisation du bois aux bâtiments de 4 étages et moins d’une certaine superficie. Les concepteurs qui désirent ériger des bâtiments en bois de plus grandes dimensions doivent adresser une demande de mesures équivalentes à la RBQ. Les démonstrations à faire dans le cadre de ce processus peuvent s’avérer relativement longues et complexes à réaliser, dissuadant ainsi les concepteurs d’utiliser le bois dans leurs projets.

Ainsi, à certaines conditions et sans avoir à présenter de demande de mesures équivalentes à la RBQ, la construction d’habitations en bois de 5 ou 6 étages est dorénavant permise. Ces conditions, énoncées sous forme de lignes directrices et présentées dans la première section de l’ouvrage, indiquent les éléments essentiels à prendre en compte pour ériger des bâtiments d’habitation en bois de 5 ou 6 étages.

Afin d’aider les concepteurs dans l’élaboration de leurs projets, le guide de conception, présenté à la section 2 de cette nouvelle publication, décrit les principes à prendre en compte lors de la construction d’habitations en bois de 5 ou 6 étages. Ces principes concernent notamment le type de bois à utiliser, la résistance au feu, les calculs de structure, les détails d’ancrage, etc.

Le guide de conception, rédigé par les experts de FPInnovations est disponible dans la page Directives et guide explicatif pour la construction en bois de 5 ou 6 étages du site Web de la RBQ.

Source: Régie du bâtiment du Québec


Location SMS offre des services complets à Toronto
Pour répondre à la demande croissante en équipements de location dans la région de Toronto, le président de Location SMS, Marcel Langlois a annoncé récemment l’ouverture du plus récent centre de Location SMS à Toronto, en Ontario.

«Nous étions à la recherche de l’emplacement idéal qui nous permettrait de mieux servir le cœur du centre-ville de Toronto et ses environs. La fonctionnalité et l’accessibilité de ce nouveau centre de location, de même que la proximité des grandes voies de circulation nous procurent la capacité de service que nous recherchons pour chacun de nos centres de location. Nous considérons que cet emplacement répond à toutes ces exigences et correspond parfaitement aux plans de croissance et d’expansion de l’entreprise», déclarait monsieur Langlois.

Comme tous les centres du réseau de Location SMS, celui de Toronto offrira une vaste gamme d’équipements prêts à répondre aux besoins de la clientèle dans les domaines de la construction de bâtiments, le développement d’infrastructures, la démolition, l’aménagement paysager et l’entretien industriel. Conformément à la philosophie de l’entreprise qui consiste à fournir les bons outils au bon endroit de manière à répondre aux demandes du marché local, la sélection continuera d’évoluer.

Source: Location SMS


La première pale d’éolienne fabriquée au Canada par Siemens a quitté l’usine de Tillsonburg
Siemens a officiellement expédié la toute première pale d’éolienne «fabriquée au Canada» de son unité industrielle à Tillsonburg, en Ontario. Une fois libérée par les employés, qui l’ont fièrement réalisée à la main, la pale de 49 m a quitté l’usine par transport routier et s’est rendue jusque dans la région de Chatham-Kent où elle sera utilisée dans la mise en service du projet éolien de South Kent.

La fabrication de la première pale est une étape clé pour Siemens, spécialement en Ontario, où la société a canalisé beaucoup d’investissements au cours des dernières années, notamment dans les installations à Tillsonburg en 2010. L’engagement envers la province a été doublement renforcé par la signature d’un protocole d’entente entre Siemens et le gouvernement de l’Ontario en 2011.

L’usine de Tillsonburg, dont la superficie est de 23 504 m2, compte plus de 200 employés.

Outre son usine de fabrication, Siemens a mis en place son premier centre canadien de distribution et de service d’éoliennes à Chatham, en Ontario, afin de se rapprocher de son parc d’équipement installé, comprenant le service du parc d’éoliennes de South Kent.

Source: Siemens Canada

Industry News


Brandt Tractor Acquires Wallace Equipment
Brandt Tractor has acquired Wallace Equipment, the John Deere Construction and Forestry Dealer for Atlantic Canada, which includes New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

This acquisition marks Brandt’s first presence in Atlantic Canada and establishes Brandt as a nationwide company with 27 branches reaching from coast to coast. Wallace Equipment operates five branches located in Fredericton, Moncton, Bathurst, Halifax, and Sydney. Effective July 2, the Wallace Equipment Ltd. name changed to Brandt Tractor Ltd.

“We’re very excited about this latest addition to Brandt and all the potential it represents,” said Shaun Semple, Brandt Tractor president. “We’re confident our expanded team and fortified expertise will help fuel our new nationwide commitment to delivering value to our customers, every day.”

Source: Brandt Tractor Ltd.


Trimble Acquires Actronic Technologies
Trimble announced recently that it has acquired privately-held Actronic Holdings Limited of New Zealand. Actronic Technologies is a leading provider of weighing technology and payload information systems for construction, aggregates, mining and waste markets. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Actronic Technologies produces the industry leading LOADRITE® weighing system for wheel loaders, excavators, conveyors and waste collection vehicles. LOADRITE systems provide equipment operators, site foremen and project managers with accurate payload weights and allow them to ensure that machines are loaded to optimal capacity and that loads are accurately recorded. Weight information combined with fleet dynamics and cycle time tracking provides metrics for monitoring and improving both machine and project performance.

LOADRITE extends Trimble’s Connected Site® portfolio by adding weight as an element of information collected at the machine. This extended capability will better enable contractors to use the Trimble Connected Site to achieve improved comprehensive real-time intelligence on asset and site productivity for the contractors mixed fleet. Trimble’s Connected Site is an extensive information architecture that optimizes and integrates operations across the construction site and the office, thereby enabling improved planning, more advanced monitoring, and significantly greater productivity.

Source: Trimble


Takeuchi signs new dealer in Nova Scotia
Takeuchi-US has announced Wilson Equipment Ltd., of Truro, Nova Scotia, as the latest addition to their expanding dealer network in Canada.
Wilson Equipment will carry the full Takeuchi line of compact earthmoving equipment. Wilson Equipment has provided state of the art heavy-duty equipment to the construction, forestry and mining industries for Nova Scotia, the rest of the Maritime Provinces, as well as the Northeastern USA, since 1955. A family-owned and operated company, Wilson Equipment specializes in sales and rental, and also has a well established, experienced parts and service department.

“Wilson Equipment’s reputation is built on a history of looking after their customers’ needs before, during and after the sale – that’s right in line with the Takeuchi model,” said Kim Robinson, Takeuchi director of sales. “Their near-60 year dedication to the construction, forestry and mining industries across the northern seaboard has brought them continued success, and we know that our new alignment will benefit both new and existing Wilson Equipment and Takeuchi customers.”.

Source: Takeuchi-US


Aecon announces strategic partnership with Matawa First Nations
Aecon Group Inc. announced recently it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Kiikenomaga Kikenjigewen Employment & Training Services (KKETS), A Division of Matawa First Nations.

The agreement represents the beginning of a strategic partnership between Aecon and KKETS; starting with a joint commitment to expand training and development programs for First Nations in northern and remote areas surrounding Ontario’s Ring of Fire mining development.

Under the agreement, Aecon and KKETS will work collaboratively to develop “Remote Training Centres” to provide local access to community-based education, trades and apprenticeship training, operated by First Nations in a socially and culturally relevant environment. The Remote Training Centres take advantage of state of the art computerized technology systems and high-speed satellite broadband internet to connect communities.

Matawa First Nation Management (MFNM) is a nonprofit corporation and Tribal Council that provides advisory services to its 9 member First Nations of Eabametoong First Nation, Neskantaga First Nation, Marten Falls First Nation, Nibinamik First Nation, Webequie First Nations, Constance Lake First Nation, Aroland First Nation, Long Lake #58 First Nation, and Ginoogaming First Nation. KKETS is the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy Provider for Matawa First Nations and is committed to delivering programs that meet the needs of employers and trainees for all Matawa First Nations.

Source: Aecon Group Inc.


CNH Shareholders Approve Merger With Fiat Industrial
CNH Global N.V. recently announced that the shareholders of CNH Global N.V. met at an Extraordinary General Meeting and approved the merger between Fiat Industrial S.p.A. and CNH Global N.V. with and into a newly established company to be named CNH Industrial N.V.

Subject to the closing of the transaction, CNH shareholders will receive 3.828 common shares of CNH Industrial for each CNH Global share they hold at the time of the merger. Furthermore, CNH shareholders that participated in the CNH extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, including those who attended or voted via proxy, are entitled to make an election to receive, upon completion of the merger, one additional special voting share for each common share of CNH Industrial they will receive upon the effectiveness of the merger, provided that they hold the shares in respect of which they have made such election continuously from the record date for the CNH Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (June 25, 2013) through the effective time of the CNH merger.

Source: CNH Global N.V.


Entries Open in 2 Million $ Sustainable Construction Competition
The Holcim Awards is one of the most significant competitions in its field in terms of reputation and international scope. The fourth cycle of the competition offering a total of $2 million in prize money is now open for entries. The competition seeks leading projects from industry professionals and bold ideas from the "Next Generation" that contribute to sustainability within architecture, building, civil engineering, landscape and urban design, as well as construction materials and technologies. Entries must be submitted online at by March 24, 2014.

The Holcim Awards (main category) is open to architects, planners, engineers, project owners, builders and construction firms that showcase sustainable responses to technological, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues with contemporary building and construction. Projects must have reached an advanced stage of design, have a high probability of execution, and may not have started construction before July 1, 2013.

The competition also seeks visionary projects and bold ideas for the "Next Generation" (young professionals and students category). All authors must be aged between 18 and 30 years of age: (date of birth between July 2, 1982 and March 24, 1996), and the project may not have started construction before July 1, 2013.

Organized by the Swiss-based Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction the competition is conducted in parallel in five regions of the world in 2013/14 followed by a global phase in 2015. Regional winners will be announced at Holcim Awards ceremonies in late 2014 in Moscow (for region Europe), Toronto (North America), Medellín (Latin America), Beirut (Africa Middle East) and Jakarta (Asia Pacific).

10 truly innovative Canadian sustainable construction projects have won in previous award cycles and received support and recognition on the global stage. These include the winning projects "Greening the Infrastructure at Benny Farm" in Montréal, "Living with Lakes" in Sudbury and "Evergreen Brick Works" in Toronto. The Holcim Awards are an opportunity to celebrate the innovative and sustained efforts of Canadian students, architects, engineers and project owners.

Internationally renowned architects and academics in juries
Independent jury panels of experts evaluate all entries against the five "target issues" for sustainable construction which cover economic, social and environmental performance as well as contextual/aesthetic impact, and innovation/transferability. A full list of jury members is available at:

Previous Holcim Awards prize winners in more than 40 countries range from the provision of basic needs in developing communities through to complex technical solutions. Details about all previous Holcim Awards prize winners are available at:

The Holcim Foundation is supported by Holcim Ltd and its Group companies in more than 70 countries and is independent of its commercial interests. Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt, including services.

Source: Holcim (Canada) Inc.


SMS Rents Brings Complete Rental Package to Toronto
In order to meet the growing demand for Job Ready rental equipment in the Toronto area, Marcel Langlois, president of SMS Rents recently announced the opening of the latest store in Toronto, Ontario.

With a growing number of requests from contractors across the GTA, SMS Rents felt that the time was right to launch the newest store. “We had been looking for the ideal location that would allow us to better serve the downtown Toronto core and the surrounding areas. Its functionality, accessibility and close proximity to major roadways and highways provides SMS Rents with the service capability we look for in our locations. It was felt that this location met all of those requirements and fit in well with the company’s plans for growth and expansion,” said Mr. Langlois.

Similar to all stores in the SMS Rents network, the Toronto store will be home to an extensive line of Job Ready equipment ready to serve customer needs in building construction, infrastructure development, demolition, landscaping and industrial maintenance. In keeping with the company’s philosophy of having the right tools in the right place to meet the local market demands, the selection will continually evolve.

Source: SMS Rents


SDLG expands into North America
Already popular in many international markets, Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., has announced that it is to introduce its competitively priced wheel loaders to value-seeking customers in North America.

Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., (Lingong) has announced that it is to introduce its SDLG branded equipment to customers in North America. The company will enter the North American market in the second half of 2013 by launching two models from its popular range of wheel loaders, the LG938L – a 1.8 m3 loader, and the LG959 – a 3.1 m3 loader.

The entry into North America is the latest phase of the company’s ambitious international expansion program. Recent introductions have seen SDLG enter markets such as Latin America, Russia, Oceania, Africa, the Middle East and much of Asia – with considerable success. The company’s products attract customers who are looking for new machines that are reliable, simple and with a more competitive price point than premium, features-led equipment. SDLG is enjoying a growing reputation for the high build quality of its products and the reliable service support the brand provides.

Founded in 1972 and headquartered in Linyi, China, SDLG has been a subsidiary of the Volvo Group since 2007. With manufacturing facilities in China and soon-to-be Brazil the company’s product range consists of wheel loaders, crawler excavators, backhoe loaders, soil and asphalt compactors, and motor graders.

Source: Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.


Messe München and AEM found joint venture in South Africa
Within the scope of their close collaboration organizing international trade shows for construction machinery, Messe München and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) are founding a joint venture in South Africa. They plan to call the joint venture bC Expo South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

The first bauma Africa will be held in Johannesburg in September 2013. It is being organized by MMI South Africa (Pty) Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of Messe München. Subsequent events will then be organized by the new joint venture.
Eugen Egetenmeir, managing director of Messe München, is convinced that this collaboration will give bauma Africa added potential: “Our colleagues at AEM have been supporting us in organizing the premiere of bauma Africa.

We are very pleased that this spirit of cooperation is reflected by the fact that our two companies have founded this joint venture. I am sure that this will allow us to recruit even more exhibitors from North America for the fair in Johannesburg.”

Dennis Slater, president of AEM, said: “AEM is pleased to take this next step in its relationship with Messe München. Our first joint venture, bC India, has developed as a model of industry efficiency and effective competition in the global marketplace, and we now look forward to a natural extension of our cooperation. Africa has great opportunities for economic growth.

Recognizing this, AEM seeks to support and promote its member companies in North America through the bauma Africa 2013 launch.”

Messe München and AEM have already collaborated in the successful BAUMA CONEXPO SHOW – bC India. Its premiere in 2011 occupied 88,000 m2 of exhibition space. When the fair was last held in February 2013, the amount of exhibition space increased to an impressive 150,000 m2.

Source: Messe München International
Association of Equipment Manufacturers


Innovation and diversity as prominent features at bautec 2014
bautec, as the building industry’s first highlight for 2014, will bring together numerous traditional bautec exhibitors, but also well-known new exhibitors who have already decided to participate in next year’s February show. bautec 2014, to be held in Berlin, Germany, from February 18-21, 2014, is an ideal venue for presenting intelligent construction solutions, projects and services to a target group wishing to gain an overview of trends and innovations in the building industry. 

In response to the increasing trend towards networking in the industry, bautec will be presenting a compact exhibition of services which include the synergetic system combination of building shells and technical building installations. Here, sustainable construction and renovation work on existing buildings is equally as important as demand-based construction of new buildings. Both core areas of future construction activities will have to be measured in terms of energy efficiency and their suitability for demographic development.

The roofing trade hall, remains on course to success, supported by its well-established cooperation with Berlin’s roofing guild. Many popular exhibitors will be showing the diversity of roof-related services.

Hall 18, with its new concept covering the product sectors “wood and other renewable raw materials” and “interior construction” will be a special attraction. Everything there will center around the materials forum, dealing with construction materials and their applications and provides topical support for the exhibition and show areas by offering various activities and options. For the first time ever, it provides exhibitors with a stage for their product and project presentations, as well as being the starting point for topic-related tours of the hall.

The various congresses accompanying the exhibition will also be dedicated to central issues of the future, and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has played a leading role in compiling the congress programme.

bautec 2014 will not only be a showcase for innovative products, projects and modern services, but will specifically promote communications and information exchange among important industry representatives and a wide trade audience thanks to its attractive event sector dedicated to “building for the future”. 

Last but not least, Berlin, as Germany’s capital, is an ideal trade-fair venue, where representatives from the worlds of politics and business, decision-makers of countless companies and trade associations, many famous providers of cutting-edge technology, innovative products and services frequenty meet. bautec 2014 exhibitors and visitors alike can only stand to gain from this situation.

Source: Messe Berlin GmbH


U.S. Operator of Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Files for Bankruptcy
American Roads Holdings and nine affiliated Debtors filed for Chapter 11 protection with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York, lead case number 13-12412.

American Roads is seeking to restructure $830 million in debt. The bankruptcy was not the result of the recent petition for bankruptcy by Detroit, although the city’s problems contributed to the company’s difficulties, Neal Belitsky, American Roads’ chief executive, said in court documents. The company blamed a decline in the population of the Detroit area for the drop in traffic through the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. Traffic volumes fell short of projections made in 2006 when it took on its debt, according to court documents.

Source: U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York

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