Nouvelles brèves
BBA à nouveau récompensée lors des Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois Plus précisément, BBA a réalisé l’ingénierie de détail de ce qui est devenu le plus grand complexe d’exploitation aurifère au Canada! Un travail colossal qui a nécessité l’expertise et le savoir-faire d’une équipe multidisciplinaire chevronnée. L’originalité des solutions apportées par BBA à la conception, au choix des équipements et à la modélisation 3D, en parallèle à la construction, constitua une formule gagnante pour son client, la Corporation Minière Osisko. «Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir contribué à ce projet minier et de voir reconnaître par nos pairs notre expertise et l’innovation de nos solutions. Avec l’excellente collaboration de notre client, notre équipe a su relever cet impressionnant défi d’exécution avec succès», a déclaré Steeve Fiset, président et chef de la direction de BBA. Créés en 2003 par l’Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec, les Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois visent à promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en matière de réalisation de projets. Les critères d’évaluation comprennent le mode d’intervention de l’ingénieur-conseil, la gestion des ressources humaines, les particularités du projet, l’impact sur la profession et l’intégration des principes de développement durable. Pour tous les détails sur le concours et les projets en nomination, consultez le
Dessau fait l’acquisition d’Environnement Illimité «Grâce au savoir-faire et à la solide réputation d’Environnement Illimité inc., Dessau possède l’un des plus importants groupes d’experts en environnement au Québec, souligne Jean-Pierre Sauriol, président et chef de la direction de Dessau. Cette acquisition appuie notre développement stratégique et notre volonté de promouvoir et d’intégrer les préoccupations environnementales dans les projets de tous les secteurs de l’entreprise.» D’après Michel Couillard, président directeur général d’Environnement Illimité inc., «cette collaboration permettra d’élargir notre gamme de services en environnement, pour le plus grand bénéfice de nos clients, et surtout de consolider nos expertises et d’ouvrir de nouveaux marchés.»
Siemens Canada souhaite la bienvenue aux employés et aux clients de Prairie West Technical Services Jim Mayhew, directeur de l’exploitation chez Prairie West Technical Services, était le maître de cérémonie pour la journée, dont le coup d’envoi a été donné par l’allocution de Robert Hardt, président-directeur général de Siemens Canada. Monsieur Hardt a réitéré l’engagement de Siemens à l’égard de ses clients et de la Saskatchewan. «Nous sommes ici pour croître, et pour offrir notre portefeuille complet de solutions à nos clients dans l’Ouest canadien», a indiqué monsieur Hardt. «La Saskatchewan, et l’Ouest canadien en général, connaissent une période de croissance en raison de la demande pour leurs ressources. L’utilisation de la technologie peut aider les entreprises canadiennes à répondre à cette demande - et assurer qu’elles pourront conserver un avantage concurrentiel.» Michael Gross, vice-président principal du secteur Industrie de Siemens Canada, s’est également adressé à la foule, de même que Chris Dekker, invité spécial, président-directeur général de Enterprise Saskatchewan. Monsieur Dekker a fait ressortir l’avantage que détient la Saskatchewan, et confirmé l’existence d’un partenariat et de plans robustes qui appuient la croissance soutenue. «L’investissement de Siemens représente une deuxième vague de développement économique dans la province. En effet, les entreprises profitent des occasions de valeur ajoutée et liées à la chaîne logistique qu’offre la croissance rapide de notre économie fondée sur les ressources. Nous souhaitons la bienvenue en Saskatchewan à l’une des entreprises socialement responsables les plus reconnues et respectées au monde.» Les invités ont aussi eu droit à un dîner et à une visite guidée de l’usine, à des démonstrations et à la présentation de produits supplémentaires appuyant les entreprises de la Saskatchewan. L’acquisition de Prairie West Technical Services, annoncée officiellement par Siemens Canada en novembre 2011, permettra à la société de mieux servir ses clients dans les domaines du pétrole et du gaz naturel en Saskatchewan et d’améliorer ses capacités techniques dans la région. Prairie West est une importante entreprise d’entretien d’équipement électrique au Canada; elle conçoit des solutions d’ingénierie pour les services publics et les domaines industriel, commercial et institutionnel.
Famic Technologies ouvre son bureau en Allemagne Charbel Nasr, président de Famic Technologies, affirme que cette expansion est le fruit de succès internationaux grandissants et soutenus. «Nous avons une importante clientèle en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse. Jusqu’à maintenant, nous offrions une assistance technique de notre siège social à Montréal, Québec. L’ouverture d’un bureau en Allemagne démontre notre engagement envers nos clients et nos partenaires et nous permet d’offrir un meilleur service de proximité durant l’horaire de travail local de cette région. Munich est un endroit idéal pour notre implantation en raison de sa proximité stratégique avec notre clientèle. Nous étions désireux d’établir une présence fixe dans une région de l’Europe où se trouve une forte concentration d’équipementiers de machinerie hydraulique mobile.» Ce nouveau bureau est la première expansion de Famic Technologies qui développe depuis plus de 25 ans des solutions logicielles innovatrices pour la conception, la maintenance et la formation pour l’hydraulique, la pneumatique, l’électricité et l’automatisation. Grâce à son équipe basée à Munich, Famic Technologies sera aussi mieux positionnée pour servir ses partenaires de distribution.
Selix distribue les vibrofonceurs PVE Équipements Sélix offre également une gamme complète d’accessoires de vibrofonçage pour excavatrices. Elle offre notamment les unités de puissance PMV, une gamme de 14 modèles de 329 hp à plus de 3000 hp utilisant des moteurs Cat et Volvo. De plus, Selix offre différents types de mâchoires hydrauliques pour palplanches, des mâchoires doubles ou des mâchoire pour pieux. Les accessoires offerts comptent aussi les aiguilles de compactage Vibroflot pour le compactage en profondeur, une technologie éprouvée, et les outils scientifiques de mesure de compactage du sol. Équipements Selix est fière d’ajouter la marque PVE à sa gamme de produits spécialisés qui compte déjà les foreuses Italienne de Mc Drill Technologies.
Guide technique pour aider les exploitants de véhicules à faire la transition au gaz naturel Ce guide technique est offert gratuitement sur simple demande à l’ACVGN. La version française sera disponible dans les prochains mois. La préparation de ce document technique est l’une des premières activités de développement des marchés entreprises par l’industrie et le gouvernement pour faciliter l’adoption du gaz naturel dans le secteur des transports du Canada. Le développement de ce nouveau combustible est une initiative conjointe du secteur des transports et du gouvernement qui s’inscrit dans la ligne des recommandations figurant dans le Plan d’action pour la promotion du gaz naturel dans le secteur des transports canadiens, parrainé par le gouvernement fédéral. La vocation de l’ACVGN est d’encourager le développement durable et l’adoption du gaz naturel comme principale source d’énergie dans le secteur des transports, au bénéfice de l’économie et de l’environnement du pays. Non seulement l’énergie du gaz naturel est nettement moins coûteuse que les carburants classiques, mais en plus les émissions de gaz à effet de serre sont réduites de 20 à 25 % par rapport à celles des moteurs fonctionnant au diesel, qui constituent l’une des sources de gaz à effet de serre dont la croissance est la plus rapide au Canada.
Industry News
Takeuchi Announces Top Lift as New Dealer in Eastern Canada Top Lift Enterprises Inc. has several locations across Canada, and is now selling Takeuchi equipment at two of their locations, Stoney Creek, Ontario and St. Laurent, Quebec. Top Lift Enterprises Inc. was originally established in 1981 as a container handling equipment and service company. It has grown over time to offer machinery for material handling, construction and forestry work. This strategy has helped Top Lift grow into a full equipment, parts and service distributor for several product lines serving many industries. “Over the years, Top Lift has successfully branched out and grown their business by listening carefully to the needs of their customers,” says John J. Vranches, National sales manager for Takeuchi. “Takeuchi has that very same mindset, and that’s why we are so thrilled to have Top Lift Enterprises, Inc. as a new dealer.” “We feel there is no better time to engage in a partnership with the best excavator supplier on the market,” says Sylvain Auger of Top Lift Enterprises Inc.
Selix Distributes PVE Pile Drivers in Eastern Canada Selix Equipment will sell and service the complete PVE portfolio, this consist of three type of pile drivers, the standard with conventional frequency, the second offers high frequency technologies that dramatically reduces unwanted vibration that are problematic to adjencent structures and the new variable type that nearly eliminates unwanted vibration in the starting and stopping procedures an extremely called for technologies. Selix equipment will also offer the full line of excavator vibro attachment a versatile way to optimize your existing equipment to maximize productivity and especially the bottom line. The company now offers the world renowned PMV power pack for any application, ranging from 329 hp up to over 3000 hp utilizing Cat and Volvo engines. It also has a complete line of hydraulic clamping system for sheet pile, double style for casing or for small or large piles. PMV also supplies the Vibroflot a proven needle type of deep soil compaction system and all scientific soil compaction tools. Selix Equipment is pleased to add PMV to its fine list of specialized foundation and drilling equipment. With PMV pile driving equipment, MDT Mc Drill Technologies drills, Selix has everythingon offer to become your main Canadian Equipment source.
GeoShack Expands in Québec with Joubert Acquisition Ernest Joubert, Inc. was founded in 1981 and is located in Québec City, Quebec. Current operations will remain open in Québec City, but will begin using the GeoShack name. “Ernest Joubert’s customers will notice very few changes initially. We will continue to carry the same great products, supported by the same great team. With the support of a much larger company, Ernest Joubert will be able to increase inventory and services to our customers,” stated Dan Hendriks, vice president and Canada regional manager for GeoShack. GeoShack operates under the concept, “Everything for Jobsite Accuracy”. At each location clients can find a wide selection of construction lasers, total stations, robotic instruments, GPS Survey systems, optical instruments, 2D & 3D machine control systems, GPS based agricultural guidance and autosteer systems, variable rate control technology, software for a multitude of applications, and a complete line of supplies and accessories.
BBA Receives Top Honors at the Grands Prix du Génie-Conseil Québécois More specifically, BBA carried out the detail engineering on what has become Canada's largest open pit gold mine. This colossal job required the expertise and know-how of a seasoned multidisciplinary team. The Osisko Mining Corporation was won over by the originality of BBA's solutions in terms of design, the equipment selected and its 3D modelling, as well as the construction work. "We are very proud to have contributed to this mining project and to be lauded by our peers for our expertise and innovative solutions. In collaboration with our client, our team successfully stepped up to this impressive challenge," said Steeve Fiset, President and CEO of BBA.
Dessau Increases its Environmental Science Expertise "Dessau not only benefits from Environnement Illimité's know-how and solid reputation, but we now employ one of Quebec's largest teams of environmental experts," stated Jean-Pierre Sauriol, president and CEO of Dessau. "This acquisition supports our strategic business development plan, as well as our desire to promote and further integrate environmental protection and remediation in all of the company's projects." According to Michel Couillard, President of Environnement Illimité, "This acquisition makes it possible for us to offer clients a more diverse list of services. What is more, it presents us with the opportunity to build on our expertise and enter new markets." Founded in 1977, Environnement Illimité offers environmental services related to aquatic ecosystem studies and related biophysical and technical surveys. With projects in Canada, the United States, Africa, Asia and Australia, the firm has 70 employees working out of its Montreal, Alma and Havre-Saint-Pierre offices.
Siemens Canada Hosts Open House to Welcome Employees and Customers of Prairie West Technical Services Jim Mayhew, Director of Operations at Prairie West Technical Services acted as emcee for the day which began with remarks from Siemens Canada CEO Robert Hardt. Hardt reaffirmed Siemens' commitment to its customers and to the province of Saskatchewan. "We are here to grow, and to bring our entire portfolio of solutions to our customers in the west," said Hardt. "Saskatchewan and the west in general, is growing as a result of demand for its resources. The use of technology can help companies meet these demands - ensuring Canadian companies can keep a competitive advantage." Michael Gross, SVP of Siemens Canada's Industry sector also addressed the crowd, along with special guest, CEO of Enterprise Saskatchewan, Chris Dekker. Dekker remarked on the Saskatchewan Advantage, confirming a strong partnership and plans for continued growth. "Siemens' investment represents a second wave of economic development for the province - companies taking advantage of the supply-chain and value-added opportunities afforded by our rapidly growing resource economy. We welcome one of the world's most well-known and respected corporate citizens to Saskatchewan." Guests also enjoyed lunch and took part in tours of the plant facility, demonstrations and a showcase of additional product offerings to support the Saskatchewan market. The acquisition of Prairie West Technical Services was officially announced by Siemens Canada in November 2011 to support Siemens' existing mining and oil & gas customers in Saskatchewan and advances the company's technical capabilities in the region. Prairie West is a major electrical service organizations in Canada, specializing in engineering solutions for the utility, industrial, commercial and institutional electrical markets.
Famic Technologies Opens an Office in Germany; Offering Local Service and Support to Growing European Market Charbel Nasr, President of Famic Technologies, says this expansion is the result of continued worldwide success. “We have an important customer base in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Until now, we have been providing support remotely from Montreal. Opening an office in Germany demonstrates our commitment to our customers and partners and allows us to offer better service at a local level, during local work hours. Munich is the ideal location for us because of its strategic proximity to our client base. We’ve been eager to establish a fixed presence in an area in Europe where there is a strong concentration of OEMs in mobile hydraulic machinery.” This new office is the first expansion for Famic Technologies, which has been developing innovative design, maintenance and training software solutions for hydraulics, pneumatics, electrical and automation for more than 25 years. With a sales and support team in Munich, Famic will also be better positioned to serve its distribution partners. Charbel Nasr adds, “It’s the first part of Famic Technologies’ plan to expand and improve service to the international market.” The company maintains all R&D activities at its head office in Montreal.
Golder Associates Creates Engineering Scholarships Funding for the new Golder Mine Closure 2011 Scholarship was raised through sponsorship and registration fees at the 6th International Mine Closure Conference, a not-for-profit event Golder Associates organized in 2011 for leaders in the mining industry. “Our goal in creating this scholarship was to encourage research in mine closure,” said Les Sawatsky, principal and director of Engineering at Golder Associates in Canada. “So we are very pleased to facilitate a $90,000 donation to be shared between the University of British Columbia and the University of Alberta. Both institutions have world-renowned programs that focus on the many mine closure issues that were discussed at the conference last year.” “Golder has a strong commitment to sustainable mine closure and develops designs for it from many of our offices around the world,” Mr. Sawatsky explained. “That’s why we agreed to help plan the mine closure conference and why we wanted to create this type of scholarship legacy from it. We are very grateful to all of the conference sponsors for helping to make it happen.” “We are extremely grateful for this very generous gift,” said Dr. Ward Wilson, professor of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering in the University of Alberta’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “I think it’s quite remarkable to see proceeds from a conference used in this way. It will help our Geotechnical Centre support important scholarships for the brightest Canadian students to do mine closure research.” Dr. Dirk van Zyl, chair of Mining and the Environment at the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering at UBC, expressed his gratitude for the funding as well. “This will allow us to appoint one or more graduate students to do further research on mine closure, more specifically to evaluate mine closure financial assurance policies and practices throughout Canada and a number of other international jurisdictions. This will help to better define this important area as well as preparing graduate students to enter the mining industry.”
Bird Construction Announces Contract Awards Totalling $235 Million
All the above awards will be added to Bird’s backlog in the second quarter of 2012.
Qualico achieves LEED silver status for new head office “Achieving LEED silver status places Qualico on the leading edge of environmental design and construction practices in North American. It also demonstrates our commitment to the environment and long term sustainable development,” said John Daniels, vice president, Qualico Winnipeg. “Not only have we reduced the building’s impact on the environment, but we also reduced operating costs and improved the quality of the environment for our employees. The Qualico head office is a 3-storey, 6,000 m2 building located in Winnipeg Manitoba. The building also incorporates over 600 m2 of outdoor garden and rooftop patio and is home to over 150 employees. Qualico is a fully integrated real estate development company with corporate head offices in Winnipeg and operations in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Regina and Winnipeg. It is one of the largest real estate development operations in Western Canada.
Technical Guideline to Help Fleets Transition to Natural Gas Vehicle Use "Ensuring the safe maintenance, storage, and loading of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles in indoor facilities is an important enabler for market development in Canada," said Alicia Milner, CNGVA President. "Natural gas is a proven and safe fuel for transportation, but its properties are different than those of liquid fuels. These differences need to be understood and addressed in indoor facilities where vehicles are maintained, stored or loaded." The guideline is available free of charge and can be requested by contacting the CNGVA. A French language version of the guideline will also be made available in the coming months. The technical guideline is the first of many capacity building activities being undertaken by industry and government to remove barriers to greater use of natural gas in Canada's transportation sector. Addressing deployment needs is the goal of a joint industry-government initiative focused on implementing the recommendations of the Natural Gas Use in the Canadian Transportation Sector - Deployment Roadmap. The CNGVA leads the sustainable growth of natural gas as a primary transportation fuel for the benefit of Canada's economy and environment. Natural gas vehicles are a proven and cost effective alternative that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20-25% compared to heavy diesel vehicles which are one of Canada's fastest- growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. |
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