MTU’s Pioneering EPA Tier 4 final Solutions In the range up to 750 hp, MTU supplies Tier 4i engines of Series 400, 500 and 900 with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). They are based on Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle engines and succeed Detroit Diesel’s Series 60 engines. The SCR technology allows OEMs to convert their vehicles and equipment for 2011 emissions targets with the least possible outlay. This approach also brings additional benefits in the form of reduced fuel consumption up to 5%. Beginning in 2014, MTU will introduce new Tier 4f engines of the Series 1000, 1100, 1300 and 1500. MTU is thus one of the first engine manufacturers already able to present an entire engine family for Tier 4f below 750 hp, giving OEMs ample time to adapt their applications for the new engines. Beginning in 2014, the future Series 1600 engines extend the program up to 980 hp. These off-highway engines will be used for applications such as dump trucks, loaders, excavators, cranes and mining equipment. The new generation of Series 2000 C&I engines for Tier 4i covers a power range from 752 to 1,560 hp and fulfills the emissions limits using only in-engine technology and no exhaust gas after-treatment. It powers, for example, harbor and mobile cranes, excavators, loaders and open-cast mining vehicles as well as drilling equipment and pumps. Beginning in 2015, the new generation of the Series 4000 engines for Tier 4 covers the 1,070 to 4,020 hp power range with 8, 12, 16 and 20 cylinder versions. On customer request, the new Tier 4i or Tier 4f compliant engines will be available even before 2015. They are mainly used in heavy mining vehicles, wheel loaders or excavators.
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