Nouvelles brèves

EDF EN Canada annonce le rachat des actions Hydroméga dans St-Laurent Énergies

EDF EN Canada Inc., société du Groupe EDF Énergies Nouvelles, annonce qu’elle consolide sa participation majoritaire au capital de Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc., société spécialisée dans les énergies éoliennes ayant son siège à Montréal, Québec.

Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc. a été constituée en 2008 par ÉDF Energies Nouvelles, Hydroméga Services et RES Canada aux fins de gérer le développement de cinq projets d’énergie éolienne au Québec. Le consortium a été retenu dans le cadre de l’appel d’offres lancé par Hydro-Québec en 2007, les cinq projets représentant en tout 954 MW – soit près de la moitié de la totalité des mégawatts attribués. Le personnel du consortium, basé à Montréal, travaille maintenant à la finalisation du développement et à la préparation des activités de construction prévues pour 2012. Les contrats d’achat d’énergie conclus avec Hydro-Québec sont assortis d’une durée de 20 ans, les projets retenus devant être mis en service entre 2012 et 2015.

Après cette modification de la structure de son capital, Saint Laurent Énergies est désormais détenue conjointement par EDF EN Canada Inc. (70%) et RES Canada, Inc. (30%).

«EDF EN Canada Inc. se félicite d’avoir acquis une part supplémentaire dans le capital de Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc et attend avec impatience de poursuivre la collaboration avec toutes les parties concernées par ce projet de classe mondiale» a déclaré Al Kurzenhauser, vice-président d’EDF EN Canada Inc.

Source: EDF EN Canada Inc.


Itron fournit un système de gestion des énergies renouvelables à EDF SEI

Itron, Inc. a récemment installé avec succès un système destiné à la gestion des énergies renouvelables dans le centre d’EDF SEI en Guadeloupe.

Cette solution permet à EDF SEI d’intégrer en toute sécurité les sources d’énergies renouvelables à son réseau électrique, et de répondre aux problèmes liés à la production d’électricité issue des énergies renouvelables.

Un peu partout dans le monde, de nouvelles législations favorisent le développement des énergies renouvelables, avec pour conséquence le besoin de contrôler et d’intégrer au mieux ces nouvelles sources d’énergie sur le réseau électrique. Dans les départements français d’outre-mer, et particulièrement dans les îles, les énergies renouvelables (solaire ou éolienne) représentent un fort pourcentage de la production totale d’énergie. Une surveillance constante de ce ratio est essentielle pour maintenir ces sources d’énergie « incertaines » sous un certain seuil, garantissant ainsi la sécurité des réseaux électriques et leur fiabilité.

C’est la raison pour laquelle EDF SEI a demandé à Itron de mettre en place, dans le centre pilote de Guadeloupe, un nouveau système de gestion du réseau.

Grâce à son expertise sur toute la chaîne de comptage, Itron a ainsi conçu, réalisé et déployé, une solution «clé en main» allant jusqu’à l’installation des logiciels et modems et à la formation du personnel d’EDF SEI.

Désormais, EDF SEI dispose d’un réseau intelligent qui lui permet d’obtenir des informations précises relatives à la production d’énergie, tout en ayant la possibilité d’analyser à tout moment la quantité d’énergie renouvelable injectée dans le réseau électrique guadeloupéen.

Ces informations, combinées à l’intégration de plusieurs niveaux d’alerte, permettent également à EDF SEI de détecter tout incident potentiel sur ledit réseau et d’intervenir quand cela se révèle nécessaire.

Fort de la réussite de ce projet mené en étroite collaboration entre les équipes d’Itron et les gestionnaires du réseau guadeloupéen, le groupe EDF SEI a décidé de déployer ce système dans les centres de Corse, Guyane, Martinique, Réunion et Mayotte.

Source: Itron, Inc.


Metso vend ses activités de courroies de convoyeurs à ContiTech

ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH vient de faire l’acquisition des activités de courroies de convoyeurs Flexowell et les actifs connexes de Metso Minerals. L'usine de Moers, en Allemagne produit des systèmes de convoyeurs pour le vrac. Elle faisait partie du segment Mining and Construction Technology de Metso. Les courroies de convoyeurs et les systèmes de manutention de vrac demeureront une partie essentielle de l'offre de Metso. La transaction s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Metso de développer et de simplifier son réseau de production actuel dans le but d'accroître sa compétitivité et d'améliorer le service à ses clients.

Le transfert des activités Flexowell devait prendre effet le 1er mai dernier. La transaction étant assujettie à l'approbation des autorités compétentes. Tout le personnel, une soixantaine de personnes, sera transféré à ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH, une filiale de ContiTech AG.

Source: Metso Corporation


Caterpillar acquiert Electro-Motive

Progress Rail Services, filiale à part entière de Caterpillar Inc. annonçait récemment qu'elle allait acquérir le constructeur de locomotives Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) auprès des fonds de capital investissement Berkshire Partners LLC et Greenbriar Equity Group LLC pour 820 millions $.

La transaction, qui devrait être finalisée d'ici à la fin de l'année, intervient dans un contexte de reprise de la demande de matériel ferroviaire, jusqu'alors pénalisée par la récession.

«L’acquisition de EMD nous permettra de fournir à nos clients une gamme de locomotives, de moteurs et de solutions pour satisfaire aux normes environnementales, ainsi qu’un soutien après-vente hors pair», déclarait Billy Ainsworth, chef de la direction de Progress Rail.

Source: Caterpillar Inc.


Titan Tire annonce l'acquisition des actifs de Denman Tire

Le 19 mai dernier, à la Federal Bankruptcy Court, Titan Tire Corporation,une filiale de Titan International, Inc., était le plus haut soumissionnaire pour certains actifs de Denman Tire, incluant la marque, les spécifications des pneus, les brevets, moules et outillage, la liste de clients et d'autres items pour une somme de 4,4 million $. Denman, a fabricant de pneus spécialisés, avait réalisé des ventes d'environ 75 millions $ en 2008. La transaction n'inclut pas la machinerie, le terrain ou les bâtiments.

Source: Titan International, Inc.


IPEX récolte l’Alpha manufacturier pour son système de tuyauterie Bionax

IPEX Inc. vient de récolter le Prix Alpha manufacturier au Gala annuel de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Saint-Laurent pour la production de BIONAXMD, une nouvelle tuyauterie révolutionnaire qui améliore de beaucoup les propriétés matérielles de la tuyauterie conventionnelle fabriquée à l’aide de technologies plus anciennes. IPEX Inc. est un chef de file au Canada dans la fabrication de systèmes de tuyauteries thermoplastiques.

Fabriqué en exclusivité dans son usine à Saint-Laurent, Bionax est un tuyau en PVCO moléculairement orienté conçu pour les conduites d’eau principales, les conduites de refoulement, les canalisations d’irrigation et les tuyauteries de procédés industriels. Par le recours à une nouvelle procédure d’orientation, le processus utilise de l’équipement technologiquement très avancé pour orienter les molécules de PVC suivant des directions axiales et circonférentielles, ce qui permet d’améliorer la robustesse et la flexibilité des tuyaux. Bionax a une résistance pratiquement égale à deux fois celle d’un tuyau en PVC conventionnel et trois fois la capacité d’absorption des chocs de ce même tuyau.

Bionax est un produit spécialement étudié pour résister aux conditions de service difficiles des installations d’aujourd’hui. L’inspection lors des travaux de construction étant simplifiée et l’entretien périodique étant moindre, les marchés demandent des systèmes de tuyauterie plus robustes et plus faciles à installer.

Aujourd’hui, avec l’importance accrue des questions environnementales, l’introduction de Bionax par IPEX arrive à point nommé, car il représente un des produits les plus «vert» qui soit pour la rénovation des infrastructures municipales.

Selon deux études indépendantes, les tuyaux en PVCO exigent beaucoup moins d’énergie tant au stade de la fabrication que de l’exploitation que toute autre tuyauterie. Il permet de réduire considérablement les émissions de gaz à effet de serre ainsi que l’empreinte écologique.

Source: IPEX Inc.


L’AICQ présente son conseil d’administration 2010-2011

Les membres de l’Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec (AICQ) ont élu les administrateurs pour l’année 2010-2011, lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle tenue le 27 mai dernier. Rosaire Sauriol, vice-président principal de Dessau, devient le nouveau président du conseil de l’Association. Monsieur Sauriol est administrateur à l’AICQ depuis maintenant six ans et occupait avant sa nomination la fonction de vice-président du conseil.

Dans son premier discours à titre de président du conseil, Rosaire Sauriol a souligné la volonté de l’AICQ et de ses membres de «relever le grand défi de faire reconnaître l’importance et le rôle de l’ingénieur-conseil dans le développement du Québec», tout en rappelant les réussites de l’industrie et la sollicitation plus grande que jamais de l’expertise des firmes pour des projets ici et à l’extérieur du Québec.

Par ailleurs, le comité de nomination de l’AICQ a recommandé de prolonger le mandat des autres administrateurs en place. Cette mesure exceptionnelle a été adoptée afin d’assurer une plus grande stabilité et une continuité dans la gestion des nombreux dossiers stratégiques en cours.

En plus de la nomination du nouveau président du conseil, d’autres changements sont à signaler au chapitre des officiers. En effet, Gilles Marcotte, président-directeur général du Groupe Stavibel, est nommé trésorier et Mario W. Martel, président et chef de la direction de Roche Ltée, Groupe-conseil, devient vice-président. De plus, Pierre Asselin, vice-président exécutif de AECOM Tecsult, s’ajoute aux membres délégués à l’Association des firmes d’ingénieurs-conseils du Canada.

Source: Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Québec


Kiewit et d’Aecon obtiennent un contrat en lien avec le complexe hydroélectrique de la partie inférieure de la Mattagami

Groupe Aecon Inc. annonçait récemment que sa division Infrastructure s’est associée à Peter Kiewit Sons Co. dans le cadre d’un contrat de conception-construction d’une valeur de 1,7 milliard $ attribué par Ontario Power Generation en lien avec le complexe hydroélectrique de la partie inférieure de la Mattagami, à environ 70 km au nord-est de Kapuskasing.

En vertu de l’entente, Aecon détient une participation de 20% dans la coentreprise de construction responsable du réaménagement de quatre centrales électriques sur la rivière Mattagami. Les travaux devraient prendre fin en 2015.

«Il s’agit d’un projet important, et nous sommes déterminés à ce que les travaux se déroulent de manière sécuritaire, dans le respect de l’échéancier et du budget», a déclaré Teri McKibbon, chef de la direction, Aecon Infrastructure. «Nous sommes très heureux de nous associer à Kiewit, société reconnue comme un chef de file mondial dans la réalisation de projets hydroélectriques.»

Source: Groupe Aecon Inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat en Jordanie

SNC-Lavalin en Europe s’est vu octroyer par JIFCO, coentreprise détenue par la Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) et par l’Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO), un contrat d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de gestion de la construction (IAGC) pour la construction d’un tout nouveau complexe d’acide sulfurique/phosphorique comprenant les services publics et une centrale électrique à Eshidya, en Jordanie.

La société JPMC est un important producteur de phosphate de calcium minéral, d’acide phosphorique et d’engrais en Jordanie, tandis qu’IFFCO est la plus grande coopérative de production et de distribution d’engrais en Inde. La valeur totale estimative de l’investissement pour ce projet est d’environ 630 millions $.

SNC-Lavalin assurera la gestion d’ensemble du projet et la conception détaillée, et se chargera de l’approvisionnement en pièces d’équipement brevetées ainsi que de la gestion de la construction pour ces installations. Ce complexe de classe mondiale, dont la capacité de production atteindra les 500 000 t/an d’acide phosphorique, comprendra une usine à chaîne simple de production d’acide sulfurique d’une capacité de 4500 t/jour, ce qui en fait la plus grande unité monoflux au monde.

Les travaux ont déjà débuté et la production devrait démarrer avant la fin de 2012.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Polska et GE Hitachi Énergie nucléaire évaluent les débouchés dans le domaine de l’énergie nucléaire en Pologne

SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d’annoncer que SNC-Lavalin Polska SP. Zo.o. a signé une entente préliminaire avec GE Hitachi Énergie nucléaire (GEH) pour une collaboration en vue d’évaluer des nouveaux débouchés dans le domaine des centrales nucléaires en Pologne.

La Pologne prévoit construire jusqu’à 4 centrales nucléaires sur 2 sites pour contribuer à diversifier sa production d’énergie, fortement tributaire des technologies basées sur le charbon. L’énergie nucléaire est une option très intéressante, car elle permet de produire de l’électricité presque sans émission de gaz à effet de serre. La première phase du processus d’évaluation engagé par la plus importante société d’électricité de Pologne, la Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA (PGE), consiste à étudier diverses technologies nucléaires de production d’électricité de divers pays pour en choisir une qui soit viable.

Cette entente fait suite à un récent accord intervenu entre GEH et PGE en vue de collaborer au projet de construction de centrales nucléaires commerciales de la prochaine génération dans ce pays.

SNC-Lavalin Polska et GEH poursuivent leurs pourparlers pour soutenir PGE pendant qu’elle évalue le potentiel d’un maximum de 4 réacteurs basés sur l’un des deux types de réacteurs de GEH suivants : le réacteur à eau bouillante de 1350 MWe, ou le réacteur à eau bouillante simplifié et économique de 1520 MWe, dernier-né de la lignée des réacteurs à sécurité passive les plus perfectionnés au monde de GEH.

SNC-Lavalin Polska a récemment achevé le nouveau générateur de vapeur supercritique de 460 MW pour Patnow à Konin.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.


SNC-Lavalin se voit confier un projet de centrale régionale de refroidissement en Arabie Saoudite

SNC-Lavalin Construction a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle s’est vu octroyer par Saudi Tabreed un contrat d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) pour des installations régionales de refroidissement à Dhahran, dans la province orientale du Royaume d’Arabie saoudite. La valeur de ce contrat dépasse les 105 millions $.

Ce projet comprend une centrale régionale de refroidissement d’une puissance de 27 000 TR, 14 km de réseaux souterrains de doubles canalisations d’eau réfrigérée, des postes de transfert d’énergie d’une puissance totale de 32 000 TR, des lignes de transport d’électricité à haute tension de 115 kV, et la modernisation d’un poste électrique.

Les travaux d’ingénierie sont déjà en cours. La construction des principaux ouvrages de génie civil devrait débuter au troisième trimestre de 2010, et l’ensemble du projet durera 20 mois.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.


Aecon obtient un contrat de pour l’élargissement de l’autoroute 407 ETR

Groupe Aecon Inc. annonçait récemment que sa division Construction et Matériaux a obtenu un contrat de 19 millions $ pour l’élargissement de la voie médiane de l’autoroute 407 sur un tronçon de 9 km qui va de l’autoroute 404 à Markham Road, à Markham, en Ontario.

Le projet d’élargissement vise à ajouter deux nouvelles voies dans chaque direction sur l’autoroute 407, l’une sera ouverte à la circulation alors que l’autre servira d’accotement. Aecon effectuera également divers travaux, comme le nivellement, le drainage, l’asphaltage, l’installation des structures électriques et des supports de signalisation en hauteur.

Les travaux sont en cours et devraient être terminés au début de septembre 2010.

Source: Groupe Aecon Inc.


Siemens investit pour construire des convertisseurs solaires au Canada

Siemens Canada se lance dans le marché de l’énergie solaire avec un investissement considérable et la création de 50 nouveaux emplois pour construire des convertisseurs d’énergie photovoltaïque. En fabriquant ces dispositifs en Ontario, Siemens permettra à ses clients qui envisagent des applications commerciales et des centrales solaires de satisfaire aux exigences de «contenu canadien minimum» du programme FiT (feed-in-tariff) du gouvernement de l’Ontario. Avec des dates de livraison dès novembre 2010, la société prévoit entreprendre la production immédiatement dans son usine de Burlington, en Ontario.

Après des investissements considérables pour fabriquer une gamme novatrice de centres de commandes de moteurs l’année dernière, suivis par son entrée sur le marché de l’énergie solaire, avec ses convertisseurs photovoltaïques, Siemens est mieux positionnée que jamais comme championne de l’innovation en Ontario.

Outre les mises de fonds directes, Siemens fera appel à des fournisseurs locaux pour s’approvisionner en divers matériaux comme des armoires, des cabinets pour accueillir des composants électriques, des transformateurs et les câbles. Les convertisseurs photovoltaïques jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la génération d’énergie solaire. La technologie de Siemens Canada prend la puissance en courant continu produite par un module photovoltaïque et la convertit en courant alternatif, qui est ensuite acheminé sur le réseau.

Siemens fabrique des convertisseurs photovoltaïques depuis très longtemps. Forte de son savoir-faire acquis dans le monde entier et de ses 20 ans d’expérience dans la construction d’entraînements à l’échelle locale, Siemens jouit d’un avantage certain au Canada pour commencer la production sans attendre. Les convertisseurs photovoltaïques sont des cabinets de composants électriques intégrés, un autre domaine dans lequel Siemens est un chef de file, puisque son usine de Burlington peut se vanter d’avoir construit et installé plus de 800 d’entre eux.

Le programme FiT met l’accent sur le design pour promouvoir l’adoption de sources d’énergie renouvelable et encourage la parité du réseau, c’est-à-dire le point où l’électricité renouvelable est moins coûteuse ou au même prix que celle provenant de sources non renouvelables.

Source: Siemens Canada Limitée


Wastecon 2010

Le Conseil des Entreprises de Services Environnementaux (CESE) est fier de s'associer au ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE) afin d'offrir à ses membres une opportunité d'affaires au niveau international – la mission Wastecon 2010 à Boston, Massachusetts, du 15 au 18 août 2010.

En grande primeur cette année, Wastecon se tiendra en concomitance avec le APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition. Ces deux événements se partageront le plancher du Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

Cette nouveauté recèle un avantage indéniable pour les entreprises québécoises de services et manufacturières des technologies vertes appliquées au traitement des déchets solides. En effet, en un seul déplacement, elles auront accès aux grands donneurs d'ordres privés et publics.

Pour davantage d’informations n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec le CESE.

Source: Conseil des Entreprises de Services Environnementaux


Prix de la relève en infrastructures municipales

Pour une 3e année consécutive, le Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) et ses partenaires invitent les étudiants en génie civil de niveaux collégial et universitaire de 1er cycle et de grades supérieurs à soumettre leur candidature aux Prix Relève.

Cette année, six lauréats se partageront les bourses suivantes :
• deux bourses de 500 $ pour les étudiants de CÉGEP;
• deux bourses de 1000 $ pour les étudiants du premier cycle universitaire;
• deux bourses de 2000 $ pour les étudiants de grades supérieurs.

Ces Prix destinés à la relève visent à souligner l’initiative d’étudiants passionnés et à soutenir leur projet dans le domaine des infrastructures municipales. Ils s’adressent à tout étudiant actuellement aux études ou ayant terminé son cheminement scolaire depuis moins d’un an. Un jury, composé de spécialistes du domaine, examinera chaque candidature et les évaluera selon les conditions d’admissibilité, les objectifs et les critères d’évaluation spécifiés dans le formulaire de candidature.

Les lauréats des Prix Relève seront dévoilés à l’occasion de la Soirée réseautage en infrastructures municipales qui aura lieu au Club Mount Stephen à Montréal, le 16 novembre 2010, à l’occasion du Congrès INFRA.

Pour de plus amples informations, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Natalie Pinoteau, coordonnatrice des communications au 514 848-9885, poste 270. Les dossiers doivent être acheminés via courriel avant le 1er octobre, 16 heures.

Source: Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines



Industry News

EDF EN Canada Inc. Announces Acquisition of Hydroméga Shares in Saint-Laurent Énergies

EDF EN Canada Inc., an EDF Énergies Nouvelles Company, is pleased to announce it has closed on the increase of its majority ownership in Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc., a Montréal based wind energy company, to 70% in a recent acquisition of shares held by Hydroméga Services Inc. Agreement on the ownership transfer was reached with Hydroméga in October 2009, subject to administrative condition precedents, that are now fulfilled.

Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc. was formed in 2008 by EDF énergies Nouvelles, Hydroméga Services Inc. and RES Canada Inc. for the purpose of managing the development of five Québec based wind energy projects. The consortium won 954 MW in the 2007 Hydro-Québec RFP - nearly half of all megawatts awarded. The consortium’s Montréal based staff is now working to finalize development and prepare for 2012 construction activities. The Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Hydro-Québec are 20-year contracts with start of project operations extending from 2012 to 2015.

With this change of ownership, Saint Laurent Énergies is now jointly owned by EDF EN Canada Inc. (70%) and RES Canada, Inc. (30%).

“EDF EN Canada Inc. is pleased to acquire an increased share in Saint-Laurent Énergies Inc. and looks forward to continuing to work with all of our stakeholders involved with this world class project,” said Al Kurzenhauser, Vice President of EDF EN Canada Inc.

Source: EDF EN Canada Inc.


Strongco Appointed Ontario Dealer by Volvo Penta Canada

Strongco Income Fund recently announced it has been appointed by Volvo Penta Canada as its industrial engine service dealer for the province of Ontario.
Strongco will provide engine parts and service for the Volvo Penta line of engines supplied for commercial and industrial applications through its branches in Mississauga, London, Kitchener, Pickering, Ottawa, Sudbury and Thunder Bay. In addition, mobile service will be provided in the Peterborough and Timmins regions.

The current Volvo Penta line-up with EPA Tier 3 certification includes a comprehensive range of engines from 200 hp through 540 hp. In 2011 Volvo Penta will introduce its Tier 4 certified engines, with output from 175 hp through 700 hp.

“This is an excellent example of Strongco and Volvo building on the synergies that already exist between the two companies,” said Bob Dryburgh, president and CEO of Strongco. “Strongco is the Volvo Construction Equipment dealer for Ontario and other regions of Canada and the largest Volvo Construction Equipment dealer in North America. We look forward to growing this business by servicing customers that use Volvo Penta engines in other applications and supporting the growth plans of Volvo Penta in Canada.”

In making the appointment, Chris Goulder, president, Volvo Penta Canada said: “We are excited about the new business opportunities that this relationship with Strongco will enable. Our product line-up includes Volvo Penta powered generating sets that Strongco will package for aggregate and asphalt plant drives. In addition, sales of re-power engines for underground mobile mining equipment will be handled through Strongco’s strategically located Sudbury branch.”

Source: Strongco Income Fund


IMT Announces New Distributor in Western Canada

Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. (IMT), an Oshkosh Corporation company, is pleased to announce that West Coast Machinery will serve IMT customers throughout British Columbia.

Based in Abbotsford, West Coast Machinery, a premier supplier of work truck bodies and equipment, has extended its product offering by becoming the distributor of IMT products in British Columbia. In addition to now offering an extensive line of IMT telescopic cranes, mechanics trucks, lube trucks, compressors and articulating cranes less than 16 tm, West Coast Machinery will also provide parts and service operations.

“We’re happy to have West Coast Machinery join the IMT dealer network,” said Jim Hasty, vice president of sales for IMT. “IMT’s continued commitment to our customers will only be strengthened by this new partnership with West Coast Machinery. Our customers in British Columbia will now realize the full benefit of working with the IMT dealer network.”

West Coast Machinery has supplied contractors, mechanics, landscapers, auto service providers, utility companies and municipalities in British Columbia with high quality products and workmanship for more than 35 years.

“We have always strived to provide top of the line service bodies to our customers, and we’re excited to offer the innovative product lines that IMT manufactures,” said Brad Dewit, president of West Coast Machinery. “We’re really looking forward to this partnership and we feel that it will enable us to better meet the needs of customers in Western Canada.”

IMT takes pleasure in working with distributors, like West Coast Machinery, which offer customers comprehensive solutions and extraordinary service.

Source: Oshkosh Corporation


Snap-on® Distribution Launches in Canada

Who would not prefer to have the best of everything in one place? That is the case with the launch of Snap-on® Distribution in Canada, the single-source industrial supplier for high-quality torque equipment, hand tools, power tools and accessories.

“This gathering of great tool brands from around the world under one roof is a response to customer needs,” said Bob Neely, national sales manager, Snap-on Distribution. “We’re here to serve our industrial distribution customers with a product grouping that covers every aspect of tool and torque. We believe we’ve done that in the most efficient way by creating this business unit as a distinctive, standalone offering.”

Snap-on Distribution is a business unit of Snap-on Incorporated. The unit’s brands include tools and equipment from global makers with a heritage of manufacturing excellence. That line-up includes: J.H. Williams, Bahco, CDI, ATI, Sioux Tools, and Lindstrom Precision Tools.

Snap-on Distribution brands are sold through industrial distributors in Canada. The offering is designed to serve a wide range of markets, including automotive, fleet maintenance, aviation, aerospace, heavy equipment, mining and natural resources, power generation, agriculture and electronic assembly.

Source: Snap-on Incorporated


Caterpillar Acquires Electro-Motive Diesel

Progress Rail Services has signed a definitive agreement to purchase Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) for $820 million in cash from Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC. Upon completion of the transaction, EMD will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Progress Rail. Progress Rail is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc.

Progress Rail Services is one of the largest providers of rail and transit products
and services in North America, including: locomotive upgrade and repair, railcar remanufacturing, trackwork, rail welding, rail repair and replacement, signal design and installation, maintenance of way equipment, parts reclamation and recycling.

With 2009 revenues of $1.8 billion, EMD has the largest installed base of dieselelectric locomotives in the world and offers the most extensive range of locomotive products in the rail and transit industry.

The acquisition is expected to close by the end of 2010, pending final regulatory
approvals. EMD will remain headquartered in LaGrange, Illinois.

Source: Caterpillar Inc.


Sumitomo Acquires 100% Ownership of LBX Company

Sumitomo (S.H.I.) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (SCM) announced that effective as of April 30, 2010 it has acquired full ownership of LBX Company.
LBX was originally formed as part of a global alliance between SCM and Case Corporation, and holds the manufacturing rights to SCM’s excavator products in North and Latin America. LBX has been marketing and selling Sumitomo excavators, forestry, material handling and demolition products under the Link-Belt® excavator brand name since the company’s formation.

“This acquisition underscores SCM’s dedication to LBX and the Link-Belt® excavator brand, and will contribute greatly to our success and expansion throughout North, South and Central America,” stated Robert Harvell, CEO of LBX Company. “Over the years, our long-term relationship with SCM has been built on a solid foundation of providing superior product quality, innovative designs, and dedicated commitment to our dealer network and customers.”

“We believe that this acquisition will allow both LBX and SCM to achieve our common long-term global growth strategies,” said Kensuke Shimizu, president of Sumitomo Construction Machinery.

Since its formation, LBX has passed several growth milestones, including the creation of a corporate campus in Lexington, Kentucky, that includes a worldwide parts distribution center, product testing grounds, training facilities and testing and service bays. Additionally, the Link-Belt® excavator products have evolved to meet the needs of today’s marketplace, including the introduction of new models such as the Link-Belt® 360 X2 Rubber Tire material handling excavator, which was unveiled recently at the ISRI Convention in San Diego, California.

The management team of LBX will remain in place.

Source: Sumitomo (S.H.I.) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.


Hyundai Construction Equipment U.S.A. Changes its corporate name

Hyundai is delighted to announce that Hyundai Construction Equipment U.S.A., Inc. (HCEUSA) has changed its corporate name to Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, Inc. effective May 10th, 2010.

In December 2009, HCEUSA’s parent company, Hyundai Heavy Industries expanded the HCEUSA’s operational reach to cover all of North, Central and South America. To better reflect its operational expansion covering all of the Americas, Hyundai has changed its corporate name to Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, Inc.

“The official name change better reflects our expanded operations in all of the Americas. There are still some small hurdles to overcome as there are with any expansion, but we feel the heavy lifting is behind us and we are well on our way,” said Kirk Gillette, vice president of Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, Inc.

Source: Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, Inc.


Titan Tire Announces Purchase of Denman Tire Assets

On May 19, 2010, in Federal Bankruptcy Court, Titan Tire Corporation, a subsidiary of Titan International, Inc., was the high bidder for certain Denman Tire assets, including its name, tire specifications, patents, molds, various bladder tooling, customer lists and other items for approximately $4,4 million. Denman, a producer of specialty tires, had estimated sales of $75 million in 2008. The purchase did not include any machinery, land or buildings.

Source: Titan International, Inc.


Metso Sells its Flexowell Conveyor Belt Operations to ContiTech

Metso sells its Flexowell conveyor belt operations and related assets in Moers, Germany, to ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH. Flexowell operations consist of conveyor belts and systems for bulk material handling, and it is part of Metso’s Mining and Construction Technology segment. Conveyor belts and bulk material handling systems will continue to be an essential part of Metso’s offering to mining and construction industries also in the future. The sale is part of Metso’s strategy to develop and simplify current production network, the aim of which is to improve the competitiveness of the business and to further develop customer service. The final closing will require relevant regulatory approvals. The sale will have no material impact on Metso’s financial performance.

Flexowell conveyor belt business was planned to be transferred to ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH as of May 1, 2010. All personnel related to the Flexowell operations in Moers will be transferred to ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH.

ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH is a development partner, manufacturer and system supplier of steel-cable and textile-ply conveyor belts, service materials and special products with worldwide installation and maintenance service.

ContiTech Transportbandsysteme GmbH is owned by ContiTech AG.

Source: Metso Corporation


IPEX Receives the Alpha Manufacturing Award for BIONAX®

IPEX Inc. has recently won the Alpha Manufacturing Award at the Annual Gala of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent, for the production of BIONAX®, a revolutionary new piping product that has significantly enhanced material properties compared to conventional, older technology products. IPEX Inc. is Canada’s leading manufacturer of thermoplastic piping systems.

The “Alpha Manufacturing Award” organized annually by the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Ville Saint-Laurent represents one of the most important recognition of merit events for businesses in Quebec. Recognizing the performance of businesses located in Saint-Laurent, Cartierville and Ville Mont-Royal, it is announced during the most important economic event in the territory, the Alpha Gala.

Manufactured exclusively at IPEX’s Saint-Laurent plant, Bionax is a molecularly-oriented PVCO pipe designed for water mains, sewage force mains, irrigation lines and industrial process piping. Using a revolutionary new orientation process the ultra high tech equipment orients the PVC molecules in both the axial and circumferential directions. The result is a pipe with enhanced toughness and flexibility. Bionax has almost double the strength of conventional PVC and more than three times the impact absorption capability.

Bionax is engineered to withstand the rigors of today’s installations. With less construction inspection, and less regular maintenance, the market is calling for a pipe that is more robust, stronger and easier to install. “At IPEX, innovation is driven by the customer experience”, says Paul Leonard, President and COO, “and focuses on products that are easy to use and provide a competitive advantage for those customers adopting the new product. Bionax delivers on all counts as it is easier to install, less expensive to operate, and provides reliable long-term service”.

With today’s focus on the environment, IPEX’s introduction of Bionax is very timely as it is one of the most “green” products available for the refurbishment of municipal infrastructure. According to two independent studies, PVCO pipes require much less energy to manufacture and operate than any other piping product available. The result is significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller environmental footprint.

“Our Saint-Laurent location was a natural choice for this major investment”, said Pierre Coulombe, Senior Operations Manager at IPEX. “The availability of a highly skilled workforce and top-notch suppliers in the area to support our operations made implementing this very advanced manufacturing process much easier.”

Source: IPEX Inc.


Maxwell Systems 2010 Annual Conference  

Maxwell Systems, Inc. has announced its 2010 Annual Conference will be held September 13-15, 2010 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.

With the theme “Coming Together, Moving Forward”, this year’s conference offers a wide variety of educational and networking opportunities for customers using Maxwell Systems solutions for construction estimating software and construction accounting software. “The three-day event brings together construction business owners, managers, and users, and Maxwell Systems developers, support engineers, and others around the same table,” said Bob Hodges, vice president of Customer Services at Maxwell Systems.

Maxwell Systems presents its Annual Conference to give customers a valuable opportunity to learn from experts, share with peers, and offer feedback for future software releases and enhancements. Customers can receive in-depth education and participate in constructive peer-to-peer discussions to help run better and more profitable businesses. The event demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing outstanding services and helps customers realize the benefits of integrated, powerful, and flexible business management software.

Source: Maxwell Systems


LiuGong Announces Historic Production Milestones

On the heels of setting a company record in wheel loader sales in 2009, LiuGong Machinery Corp. announced another major milestone, saying it has built and sold its 200 000th wheel loader.

The historic production milestone was reached this May, company officials said. LiuGong developed, built and sold China’s first modernized wheel loader in 1966. Just last year, LiuGong set a company sales record for wheel loaders, shipping a total of 29 163 units domestically and worldwide.

The 200 000th unit, the CLG 888, was sold to a long-time LiuGong client near the seaport in Liaoning Province in northeast China. The CLG 888 is one of the larger models of wheel loaders sold by LiuGong.

In addition to the wheel loader record, LiuGong also announced a milestone for export machines saying it has sold its 15 000th export machine since it began shipping to global markets in the early 1990s.

To celebrate the milestones, LiuGong hosted a conference and celebration ceremony on May 15 in Beijing for customers, industry partners and the industry trade. As part of the event, the company unveiled and discussed a bold five-year strategy. This new plan directs the company toward breaking into the top 10 construction equipment brands globally.

“We are proud of both these milestones,” said Zeng Guang’an, LiuGong’s vice chairman and president. “LiuGong has been a leader in the development of the wheel loader and the wheel loader market in China and this record affirms that the hard work of our entire LiuGong team is paying off."

Continued leadership in the China domestic market is vital for LiuGong if it is to be successful in reaching a top 10 position worldwide. “We are making great strides in becoming a top worldwide brand,” Mr. Zeng said. “But to do that, we must continue to be the top brand in China as well.” LiuGong is currently the 21st largest construction equipment manufacturer in the world.

Source: LiuGong Machinery Corporation


New Brochure on Pavement Smoothness and Fuel Economy

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA) has released a new brochure on the impact of pavement smoothness on the fuel economy of vehicles.

The brochure discusses how even slight improvements in vehicle fuel economy can have a profound impact when leveraged across the country. “Improving pavement smoothness over a typical roadway network can have dramatic effects,” said Dr. Howard Marks, the brochure’s author.

“In fact, it has been documented that a road maintenance program that increases pavement smoothness only slightly could reduce annual vehicle fuel consumption by up to 10% on those roads. Overall, there is potential for saving about 26,5 billion l of fuel annually in the U.S. This would be equivalent to taking over 10 million vehicles off the road every year,” he concluded.

The brochure also points out that asphalt roads tend to start out smooth and stay smooth throughout their service life. Typical maintenance and rehabilitation activities are usually in the form of overlays, which give the traveling public smooth, quiet surface that is just as good as new.

The new brochure can be downloaded free from the APA’s website which also contains a wealth of additional resources on topics including Perpetual Pavements, infrastructure economics, policy considerations, and environmental sustainability.

Source: The Asphalt Pavement Alliance


White Paper on Asphalt Industry Jobs

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance announces the release of a new white paper, Jobs in the Asphalt Pavement Industry: A Profile of the Men and Women Who Build Our Nation’s Infrastructure. The document highlights the varied jobs that are a part of asphalt road construction and the collective impact that the industry has on the rest of the economy.

The three-page document points out that an asphalt road could not be constructed without civil engineers, technologists, researchers, raw material suppliers, asphalt mix producers, truck drivers, aggregate producers, equipment manufacturing workers, construction equipment distributors, and many others who work behind the scenes. In addition, $6.2 billion of economic activity is generated for every $1 billion invested in federal highways.

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance is a coalition of the National Asphalt Pavement Association, the Asphalt Institute, and the State Asphalt Pavement Associations. The Alliance’s mission is to further the use and quality of asphalt pavements. The Alliance will accomplish this through research, technology transfer, engineering, education, and innovation.

Source: The Asphalt Pavement Alliance


OGRA to Manage Fund for Municipal Bridge infrastructure

On March 24, 2010, the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) and Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation (MTO) entered into an agreement to support municipal bridge infrastructure.

The Ontario government will provide $750 000 to help Ontario municipalities collect and report data on the extent and condition of bridge structures in their jurisdiction.

All municipalities will be able to apply for matching funding to a maximum of $5000 to assist them with the costs of collecting, collating, compiling, formatting, and inputting bridge asset and condition data into Municipal DataWorks (MDW).

To qualify for the funding, municipalities will have to provide a letter of commitment to submit bridge asset and condition data for inclusion into MDW by March 31, 2011. The funding may be used for additional staff and/or consulting services.

In her comments, minister of Transportation, Kathleen Wynne stated: “The acquisition of municipal bridge asset and condition information is of great importance to the Province in order to support the assessment of municipal bridge infrastructure needs.”

“We were extremely pleased to be able to assist our members by managing these funds on behalf of MTO,” said Paul Johnson, OGRA president and operations manager for the County of Wellington. “OGRA has been encouraging municipalities to get their infrastructure data into MDW, and this funding announcement will only accelerate our efforts.”

“OGRA is well positioned to administer this program” stated OGRA executive director Joe Tiernay. “We already have close to 300 municipalities signed up to use MDW, and now that there is funding available to help offset costs, we hope to see the remaining 145 municipalities get on board. Only with solid infrastructure condition information, can municipalities truly manage their assets and make a solid case for future infrastructure funding.”

Source: Ontario Good Roads Association


Kiewit/Aecon Joint Venture Awarded Contract for Lower Mattagami Hydroelectric Complex

Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that its Infrastructure Division has partnered with Peter Kiewit Sons Co. for a $1.7 billion design build contract awarded by Ontario Power Generation for the construction of the Lower Mattagami Hydroelectric Complex, about 70 km northeast of Kapuskasing.

Under the agreement, Aecon holds a 20% interest in the construction joint venture that will redevelop four generating stations on the Mattagami River.
Completion of this project is expected in 2015.

"This is an important project and we are committed to working safely, and completing the work on time, and on budget, said Teri McKibbon, CEO of Aecon Infrastructure. "We are very pleased to be partnered with Kiewit, a company acknowledged as a world class leader in hydro development projects".

Source: AECON Group Inc.


Aecon Awarded $19 million Contract to Widen 407 ETR

Aecon Group Inc. announced recently that its Construction and Materials division has been awarded a $19 million contract to widen nine kilometres of the median of Highway 407 in Markham, Ontario from Highway 404 to Markham Road.

The widening project will add two new lanes to the 407 in each direction, one of which will be opened for traffic usage, while the other will be used as a shoulder lane. Aecon will also perform various works including grading, drainage, asphalt paving, electrical and overhead sign support structures.
Construction begins immediately and is scheduled for completion in early September 2010.

"We are very pleased to be continuing work on Highway 407 ETR, as we have played a major role in the construction and expansion of this highway since 1994," said Teri McKibbon, CEO of Aecon's Infrastructure Group. "Our client has demonstrated its confidence in Aecon based on the broad scope of work the project entails."

Source: AECON Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Awarded Contract for Sulphuric/Phosphoric Acid Complex in Jordan

SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that SNC-Lavalin in Europe has been awarded an engineering, procurement, construction management (EPCM) contract to build a grassroots sulphuric/phosphoric acid complex including utilities and a power plant in Eshidya, Jordan by JIFCO, a joint venture company owned by Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) and Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO). JPMC is a leading phosphate rock, phosphoric acid and fertilizer producer in Jordan, and IFFCO is the largest fertilizer producer and distributor cooperative in India. The total estimated investment value of the project is about $630 million.

SNC-Lavalin will provide overall project management, detailed design, proprietary equipment items and construction management for the facilities. This world-class complex will have a capacity of 500 000 t/y of phosphoric acid. It includes a single line sulphuric acid plant with a capacity of 4500 t/d, making it the largest single stream unit in the world.

"This contract reflects our notable experience and technical capabilities in the fertilizer field" said Jean Claude Pingat, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. and President, SNC-Lavalin in Europe. "It is also an excellent example of how SNC-Lavalin creates synergies among its various areas of expertise to bring added value to its clients, in this case the provision and integration of sulphuric and phosphoric acid plants and other associated facilities."

Work will begin immediately and production start-up is expected before the end of 2012.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin awarded a district cooling project in Saudi Arabia

SNC-Lavalin Construction is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract by Saudi Tabreed for district cooling facilities in Dhahran in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The value of the contract is over $105 million.

The project consists of a 27 000 TR district cooling plant, 14 km of dual underground chilled water pipeline, energy transfer stations with a total capacity of 32 000 TR, 115 kV high voltage electrical power transmission lines and a substation upgrade.

"Saudi Arabia is an extremely important market for us and we are very happy for this opportunity to bring our extensive district cooling expertise to the Kingdom," said Riadh Ben Aïssa, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "We have been very active in district cooling in the United Arab Emirates for many years, and we recently expanded our market into Bahrain. This new contract should position us well for further similar mandates in the KSA and other Gulf Cooperation Countries."

Engineering work on the project is already underway, with construction of the main civil works scheduled to commence in the third quarter of 2010. The overall project duration will be 20 months.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Polska Signs Preliminary Agreement with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy to Collaborate on New Nuclear Power Opportunities in Poland

SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that SNC-Lavalin Polska SP. Zo.o. has signed a preliminary agreement with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) to work together to evaluate new nuclear power plant opportunities in Poland.

Poland plans to build up to four new nuclear power plants at two sites to help diversify its energy production, which relies heavily on coal-based technologies. Nuclear energy is an attractive option because it generates electricity with near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. This first phase of the evaluation process that is being employed by Poland's largest power company, Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA (PGE), is to study different international nuclear generating technologies in order to select a viable one.

This is further to a recent agreement between GEH and PGE to collaborate on Poland's initiative to build next-generation commercial nuclear power plants.

"We are pleased to be working with GE Hitachi on this important project, and this agreement aligns very well with SNC-Lavalin's strategy to build on our 40 years of experience in executing nuclear new-build projects worldwide," said Patrick Lamarre, executive vice-president SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "It also further demonstrates our proven ability to execute power projects internationally using a local delivery solution."

SNC-Lavalin Polska and GEH are continuing discussions in support of PGE as the utility evaluates the potential of building up to four reactors based on one of two GEH reactor designs: the 1350 MWe Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) or the 1520 MWe Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR). ESBWR is GEH's newest design offering the world's most advanced passive safety systems.

"SNC-Lavalin has been working steadily in Poland for the last 12 years, and in Central and Eastern Europe since the 1960s in multiple product lines," said Krzysztof Michalczuk, president of SNC-Lavalin Polska's Warsaw-based Power Division headquarters. "We are very happy to have the opportunity to be part of this new initiative, and we will continue to grow the SNC-Lavalin Poland office well into the future."

Recently SNC-Lavalin Polska successfully completed the new Patnow 460 MW Supercritical Steam Generating unit located at Konin in Poland.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Siemens Invests in Solar Inverter Manufacturing in Canada

Siemens Canada is continuing its commitment to manufacturing in Canada through an additional significant investment and will be creating 50 new jobs, by entering into the solar market as a local manufacturer of inverters for Photovoltaic (PV) power generation. Through the manufacturing of PV Inverters in Ontario, Siemens will allow its customers investing in commercial and solar farm applications to meet the "minimum required domestic level" requirement by the Ontario government's feed-in-tariff (FiT) program. With delivery dates as early as November 2010, the company will begin ramping up production immediately at its Burlington facility.

Following its significant investment in the manufacturing of an innovative line of motor control centres last year and by entering the photovoltaic (PV) solar inverter business, Siemens has enhanced its position as an innovator in Ontario. Further to the direct financial investment, Siemens will be engaging locally based suppliers, by sourcing and purchasing materials such as cabinets, e-houses (buildings used to house electrical components), transformers and wiring. PV Inverters play a significant role when it comes to solar generated electricity. The technology that Siemens Canada is providing takes DC power as input generated from a PV-Module and converts that power into AC power, which is then an output into the grid connections.

"Siemens' goal is to help our customers setup Solar PV installation which meet the requirements of the Ontario government's recently announced FiT program," said Joris Myny, vice president of Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies. "Siemens is committed to expand its green portfolio and this is just another example of our commitment to Canada."

"The most comprehensive of its kind, Ontario's FiT program helps to promote the development of renewable energy, while offering Ontario manufacturers new supply chain opportunities in a growing sector. We welcome Siemens' investment, which will help Ontario companies meet domestic content requirements, a very important component in developing the solar industry here in the province," said Sandra Pupatello, Ontario's Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

Siemens has a long history of manufacturing PV Inverters. Combining this global expertise and two decades of local drives manufacturing experience, gives Siemens in Canada an edge to ramp up production quickly. PV Inverters are integrated in e-houses, which is another area where Siemens Canada has a wealth of experience with over 800 e-houses having already been manufactured and deployed out of the Burlington facility.

The current market conditions require corporations to play a significant role in creating a stronger economy and enhancing the recovery process. "With our significant investment in equipment and material for the existing manufacturing facility and plant setup, Siemens Canada will be creating 50 skilled positions in Ontario," says Anthony Bezina, Siemens plant manager. "Siemens Canada has an established core competency in drive technology and lean manufacturing techniques which provides an increase in productivity and efficiency." In addition to the manufacturing, Siemens will be supplying sales and service solutions relating to the solar inverter market.

The FiT is a program that places emphasis on the design to implement the adoption of renewable energy sources and encourage grid parity, which is a point where renewable electricity is cheaper than or equal to power from non-renewable sources. FiT contracts are guaranteed for 20 years and Ontario is the only province currently offering a FiT.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


ITT Wins Contract for Wastewater Treatment Works Extension in Qatar

ITT Corporation recently announced it has been awarded a $32 million contract by Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for the Phase II extension of Qatar’s Doha South Sewage Treatment Works. The contract covers the design and supply of an additional eight of ITT’s Sanitaire® sequence batch reactors (SBRs), which will increase the wastewater treatment capacity of the Doha South plant by 92 million l/d. Also included in the Phase II extension is the addition of an ultra-filtration plant designed and supplied by ITT, which will produce a high standard of treated effluent suitable for reuse in irrigation.

“We are proud to build on the success of the first phase of the Doha South project and to continue our partnership with Larsen & Toubro and ASHGHAL, Qatar’s public works authority,” said John Williamson, president of ITT’s Water & Wastewater group. “Ultimately, this project is about supporting the growth and development of the Doha region and we are honored to have a role in ensuring a clean water supply for the Qatari people.”

With Phase I operational and upon the completion of Phase II, the plant will have a total capacity to treat 187 million l/d of wastewater. This will be the largest wastewater treatment facility using SBRs combined with ultra-filtration in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region.

ITT will be providing the process engineering for the entire project to Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor L&T. ITT will also be providing to L&T detailed engineering support, supervision of installation and commissioning, and operation of the plant during the takeover testing period. The Phase II extension is expected to be operational by 2012.

Source: ITT Corporation


Miniveyor wins contract at the New Doha International Airport

Miniveyor Products Ltd., manufacturers of the world famous Miniveyor™ portable conveyor system, has been awarded a substantial contract to supply the conveying solution to Group Five Construction of Dubai for their two-year project, known as the Passenger Railway Station Box at the New Doha International Airport (NDIA) in Doha.

This project involves building the concrete shell for a railway station terminal that will connect the new $11 billion International Airport to rail stations in central Doha.
Group Five Construction, a joint venture between Group Five of South Africa and Al-Naboodah Contracting of Dubai, were awarded the $114 million contract in January 2010.

Miniveyor Products Ltd will supply their A2B m90 modular conveyor, including two Walking Conveyor systems, to work with Tunnel Boring machines used on the project. The A2B m90, a modular system that is capable of shifting 150 tonnes per hour is based on Miniveyor’s philosophy of providing flexible, man portable modular conveying solutions.

Source: Miniveyor Products Ltd.


Chinook Roads Partnership awarded contract for a portion of Calgary’s Stoney Trail Road

SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that Chinook Roads Partnership, its new 50/50 joint venture with Acciona, has been awarded a contract by Alberta Transportation to design, build, operate, maintain and partially finance the southeast section of Calgary’s Stoney Trail Ring Road. The contract is worth $769 million in 2010 dollars.

Under this 30-year public-private partnership contract, Chinook Roads Partnership will design and build 25 km of six-lane road including nine interchanges, one road flyover, two rail flyovers and 27 bridge structures. In terms of scope, it is the largest single highway project in Alberta’s history. Once completed, the Partnership will operate and maintain the road and other existing infrastructure for the duration of the 30-year contract.

Construction bgan in May 2010 and the road is scheduled to be open to traffic by the fall of 2013.

“We are a Canadian leader in highway construction and we look forward to putting our expertise to work in Alberta, and to a long and successful relationship with the City of Calgary and the Province,” said Jim Burke, executive vice president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

SNC-Lavalin has been present in Alberta since the 1950s and now has over 1600 employees in the Province working out of five permanent offices.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Carmanah Launches new Solar Lighting Technology at LIGHTFAIR®

Carmanah introduced two industry-first advancements in off-grid solar LED lighting technology at LIGHTFAIR® 2010, held May 12-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Carmanah launched leading-edge adaptive lighting technology in the form of patent pending advanced occupancy sensing capabilities and introduced the company’s highest output self-contained light to date, the EverGEN 1720.

The new advanced occupancy sensing capabilities will provide functionality that no other solar LED light on the market currently offers. The advanced occupancy sensing capability allows a network of EverGEN 1710 or 1720 solar LED lights to provide synchronized low-high activation when one of the lights within the network senses motion. Utilizing mesh networking and occupancy sensors, the network of lights communicates wirelessly, providing illumination that is responsive to motion in areas such as parking lots, pathways, secure facilities and other areas where lighting performs an integral role in maintaining safety and security.

Advanced occupancy sensing can be configured for either full or set distance activation. Full activation provides synchronized activation of all the lights within the system. Set distance activation provides for activation of lights within a set distance of the detected motion, effectively providing a bubble of illumination that follows motion throughout the site.

Representing the company’s highest output self-contained solar LED light to-date, the EverGEN 1720 leverages the slim form factor of the EverGEN 1710 while providing nearly twice the typical lumen output. In ideal solar conditions with tailored operating profiles, light output of up to 10 000 lm is achievable. In more typical conditions, output of 5000 lm is common. Ideal for parking lot, residential roadway, sign, perimeter and other site lighting applications, the 1720 expands the applications for the 1700 series solar LED lights.

The 1700 series of EverGEN lights have also been carefully designed for installation in 30 minutes or less, saving customers time and money.

Source: Carmanah Technologies Corporation

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