150 years of DEUTZ: The Origin of HighTech The atmospheric gas-powered engine, the four-stroke engine and the low-voltage magneto ignition – technical innovations that have revolutionized drive technology. And all these future-oriented technologies were developed by one company: DEUTZ AG in Cologne, Germany. The invention of the four-stroke engine launched the motorization of the world, changing people’s lives forever. DEUTZ is still an independent manufacturer of efficient and durable engine technology and is known for its high-quality products. It has been guided by “A tradition of achievement” for 150 years. Now, in 2014, DEUTZ can look back proudly over its 150-year history and the technical revolutions, innovative developments and influential figures that have made it the company it is today. Nicolaus August Otto, Eugen Langen, Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach and Ettore Bugatti – these are just a few of the names that have played an important part in the company’s history. The story of modern-day DEUTZ begins on March 31, 1864, with the founding of N.A. Otto & Cie. in Cologne. In an age when people were becoming passionate about technology and transport, Cologne-based businessman Nicolaus August Otto and engineer Eugen Langen joined forces to bring to life their vision of a machine that would power vehicles and be used in industry. The two visionaries set up the world’s first ever engine factory in Cologne’s Servasgasse, a street close to the main train station. When Otto and Langen founded N.A. Otto & Cie., thereby laying the foundation stone for the current DEUTZ AG, they could not have imagined that they would set in train a process of motorizing the whole world from their base in Cologne. The engine factory’s early years were turbulent as the company rapidly developed into an organization that would go on to motorize the world. In 1897, Gasmotoren-Fabrik Deutz was manufacturing stationary diesel engines and it was not long before the world’s first pit locomotive came along. In 1907 the company began mass-producing diesel engines and soon after that began trialling the mass production of automobiles. The most famous of these was undoubtedly the 1909 model designed by Ettore Bugatti. The year 1926 saw production of the first diesel tractor, and for a long time agricultural machinery was one of the most important pillars of the company’s business. In 2014 DEUTZ Celebrates its 150th Anniversary
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