Atlas Copco Offers Solar Solution to Portable Lighting Atlas Copco’s latest generation of QLTS Solar LED light towers not only are versatile and portable but also provide “green technology” as they run on solar-powered batteries. These units significantly reduce environmental impact and operate silently, making them ideal for special events, residential construction, nature reserves or any application requiring light in a remote area. The solar operation of the QLTS light towers means low life cycle costs since they do not require fuel and have no engine or alternator to maintain. The QLTS does not emit any engine emissions or noise pollution, key for companies or governmental departments or agencies looking to embrace a more environmentally-friendly solution to meet their lighting needs. The QLTS series comes standard with both manual and automatic photocell-operated lights. The automatic photocell turns the unit on or off depending on light conditions. Operators also have the ability to use individual lights, from one to eight, tailoring the amount of light generated to the needs of the application. These features save energy and reduce “light pollution.” A motion detector option can add to equipment security in remote areas. The lights activate automatically and silently, surprising would-be thieves. The highly efficient AGM batteries provide long-lasting, reliable power to the durable LED lights. With sufficient sunlight during the day, these towers can provide light for many night shifts without requiring a charge. If needed, an onboard charging system allows the QLTS to be plugged into a standard wall receptacle. The QLTS light towers are also easy to operate, stable and extensively field tested, making them an efficient addition to any municipal, rental or construction fleet.
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