Pave It and Preserve It!
Sancton Equipment, a century old speciality equipment supplier has witnessed the good, the bad and the indifferent when it comes to the longevity of our thoroughfares. According to Tom Sancton, “We have found that education is often the most important and the most overlooked pavement tool our customers can have. The recent growth in our product lines allows us to provide a Life-Cycle perspective on roads and pavements.” By bringing together specialists from Cedarapids, Sakai, McAsphalt, Cimline, DuraPatcher, and Mauldin, participants could access over a 100 years of combined pavement expertise amongst the presenters. Louis Morin of the Morin Group said: “We’ve been on the periphery of the pavement industry with our curb/gutter and other operations for a while. Recently we chose to expand into pavement maintenance and these seminars really gave us a better understanding of why timely maintenance is important.” Mr. Morin was also on-hand at the AHES to take delivery of their new Cimline 230 DHR Magma melter/applicator, which was on display. “In my experience there are a lot of contractors and crews who believe they have little new to learn. Often presentations like this give them a broader perspective of how their equipment and practices fit into creating a pavement that can last 40, 50, or 60 years,” said Alain Cormier of McAsphalt. “I’ve also been pleased at the reception the local and provincial roads community has given the pavement maintenance portion of this series. Good pavement maintenance, initiated in a timely manner is critical to maximizing performance of any pavement. More critical is the ability of supervisory and contractual staff to realize the importance of good practices to ensure value for money. This is the segment of the pavement industry that really needs some attention to detail as we emerge from a major reconstruction.”
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