New Compact Häggloader for 7 m2 Tunnels
Designed for operating in tunnels with a width of 2500 mm and a height of 2500 mm, the wheeled loader has a loading capacity of 2,5 m3/m. The 7HR features two unique digging arm systems – digging arms or rotating backhoe – to load the spoil/muck from the tunnel face directly onto the Häggloader’s conveyor, which fills the haulage vehicle with a constant supply. The option of electric or diesel power source is offered for the Häggloader’s hydraulic system and for tramming and transportation. Featuring a 4-wheel traction pull of 7200 hp, the 7HR also offers front and rear axle steering for excellent agility plus the ability to travel sideways in confined spaces. For longer tunnels, the new compact-sized Häggloader also reduces the number of passing/turning places required by traditional loaders.
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