At bauma 2010, Berco officially presented ROBUSTUS, acronym for its brand new ROtating BUShing Track Undercarriage System. The core feature of the new system is the rotating bushing. As a consequence, it is not necessary to turn bushings and pins and replace sprocket segments during the whole life of the undercarriage. A wider track link rail provides an extended running surface area, balancing the wear of all components and eliminating scalloping wear in the contact between chain and roller and between chain and idler. The reinforced hardware improves joint stability. The resulting dampening of vibrations and noise assures more comfortable ride and maximum control of the machine during the operations. Berco Pin Retention (BPR) and an improved seal design produce a lasting seal capacity and assure long life to the complete system. The new system is fully compatible with existing frames and standard components: older machines can be easily upgraded to increase their productivity and the life of the undercarriage. In the same way ROBUSTUS is forward-compatible with the new generation undercarriages equipped with parallel or twin links.
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