Sweeper Test Results Highlight Positive Impact of Sweeping on Dust Control and Air Quality
Elgin Sweeper announced that Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program has verified the data from air quality performance tests conducted by the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) on two Elgin Sweeper models – a Crosswind® NX regenerative air street sweeper and a mechanical Waterless Eagle® FW mechanical street sweeper. The ETV verification also confirms that PAMI’s tests followed the City of Toronto “PM10 and PM2.5 Street Sweeper Efficiency Test Protocol, Version 1,” issued in 2008 – also known as the Toronto Sweeper Testing Protocol. A summary of the results of the Elgin Sweeper air quality tests is available for review at www.etvcanada.ca/verifiedtechs.asp. Based in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, PAMI is an applied research, development and testing organization that provides independent, third-party testing of vehicles, machinery and components used in agriculture, transport, military, aeronautics, forestry, and mining industries. Ron Schmidt, vice president of technology development for the Environmental Solutions Group, which includes Elgin Sweeper, says that other brands within the Environmental Solutions Group – such as Vactor Manufacturing and Guzzler Manufacturing – further enhance environmental well-being with such products as Vactor sewer cleaners and Guzzler air movers and industrial vacuum trucks that remove contaminants from stormwater retention ponds and industrial sites. The ETV Program is designed to support Canada’s environmental industry by providing credible and independent verification of technology performance claims. ETV Canada is the independent verification organization which manages Canada’s Environmental Technology Verification Program under a license agreement with Environment Canada. ETV Canada also offers a reliable assessment process for verifying the environmental performance claims associated with projects and programs, as well as technologies.
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