Registration Is Open for ICUEE 2009
Registration for ICUEE – The Demo Expo is already open. Attendees can register online for the exhibition, as well as show education and housing, and they can save time and money by registering in advance. Full details are online at ICUEE is the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition, and the biennial event will be held October 6-8, 2009 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. “Without a doubt, these are difficult times for companies, but they know they need to keep up to speed to be ready for the recovery. And, AEM trade shows such as ICUEE are a proven way for industry professionals to connect with each other and learn from each other,” stated show director Melissa Magestro. “At ICUEE, they’ll not only find the newest innovations, they can ‘test drive’ them right on the show site.” Exhibit space sales are trending ahead of the last show with more than 93 000 m2 taken. ICUEE’s value has increased with new co-located events for 2009 and a 100% increase in education offered, including sessions on sustainability and renewable energy. “Attendees will be ahead of their competition, with new ideas, sharpened skills and solid business connections,” Melissa Magestro stated. New to ICUEE for 2009 are the inaugural H2O-XPO show (water and wastewater), the IUV Technical Conference and exhibit pavilion (design and engineering), and the iP Safety Conference and Safety Zone exhibit pavilion (safety and training).
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