A Professional Finish Without Manual Labor

Founded in 1987 by the inventor Luc Goulet and bearing the name of Niveltex Goulet Inc., the company became Niveltex Canada inc. in 2007, a sister-company to Les Aciers Huntingdon Steel Inc.

These two companies are located south of Montreal, close to the American border. While still very much involved in the refinement of this marvel of precision and performance, Mr. Goulet sold an exclusive license allowing Niveltex to fabricate and distribute this innovating product throughout the world.

This product redefines conventional methods for leveling work. The latest version of the leveling grid allows swiveling using a hydraulic cylinder, without affecting the flexibility for which this product is reknowned.

The Niveltex grid enables you to realize leveling work on otherwise inaccessible surfaces. When installed on an excavator, it can level steep slopes or deep ditches.

The Niveltex grid is now being used by many renowned landscapers, as well as many municipal public works departments that have acquired this innovative tool in order to improve quality in their repairs.

A live demonstration of the Niveltex grid will take place on May 23, 2008, in Huntingdon.

Source: Niveltex Canada Inc.


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