Nouvelles brèves


La nouvelle usine de Sika Canada en Colombie-Britannique est maintenant opérationnelle
Sika Canada a officiellement inauguré sa nouvelle usine destinée à la production de mortiers et d’adjuvants pour béton en Colombie-Britannique. Située à Surrey, proche de Vancouver, cette nouvelle installation d’environ 2800 m2 est désormais opérationnelle. Ce site positionne Sika Canada au coeur d’une région affichant un potentiel de croissance important avec un bassin de population de près de 8 millions d’habitants de part et d’autre de la frontière.

Ce concept d’usine regroupe sous un même toit une chaîne modulaire de production de mortiers et une unité de fabrication d’adjuvants liquides. De plus, le bâtiment accueille 2 laboratoires pour le contrôle de la qualité, un entrepôt intégré et un espace de bureau pour le personnel administratif et de ventes. Il est aussi important de souligner que l’usine répond aux réglementations environnementales locales, en termes de gestion de la qualité de l’air, des nuisances sonores ainsi que de la manutention et l’entreposage de produits chimiques légers.

D’un point de vue commercial, le fait que ces produits soient désormais fabriqués en Colombie-Britannique constitue un bénéfice extrêmement appréciable pour l’ensemble des clients dans le Pacifique Nord-Ouest, un bénéfice qui se traduit par une meilleure disponibilité des produits, des délais de production plus courts et des livraisons plus rapides. Cette usine dernière génération, hautement automatisée, produit notamment une large gamme des mortiers et des coulis cimentaires. En ce qui concerne les adjuvants pour béton, l’équipement de production à la fine pointe de la technologie permet la production d’adjuvants liquides tels que les réducteurs d’eau de grande portée, les réducteurs d’eau, les entraîneurs d’air, les retardateurs de prise et les accélérateurs de prise.

Cette production en Colombie-Britannique permet notamment à Sika de diminuer de manière significative les expéditions d’adjuvants et de mortiers des usines d’Edmonton et de Pointe-Claire à destination de ce marché. Ce rapprochement a donc aussi pour effet de réduire l’impact environnemental généré par le transport de ces produits par camion et par train. De plus, les approvisionnements en matières premières se font, dans la mesure du possible, localement, réduisant ainsi les distances de transport.

S’inscrivant logiquement dans la stratégie de développement de la chaîne d’approvisionnement globale de Sika, l’usine de Surrey porte ainsi le nombre d’installations du groupe à 18 en Amérique du Nord et elle permet également à Sika Canada de pouvoir compter sur 4 sites de production au pays et de se rapprocher de ses clients pour leur offrir le meilleur niveau de service possible.

Source: Sika Canada inc.


L’Impériale vend les stations-service dont elle est toujours propriétaire pour la somme de 2,8 milliards $
La Pétrolière Impériale a conclu des ententes avec 5 distributeurs de carburant du Canada qui mèneront à la vente des 497 stations-service au détail Esso dont elle était toujours propriétaire.

Les distributeurs qui achèteront les sites sont Alimentation Couche-Tard inc. qui récupérera les stations-service en Ontario et au Québec, 7-Eleven Canada Inc. qui achètera les emplacements situés en Alberta et en Colombie-Britannique, Harnois Groupe pétrolier qui achètera des sites au Québec, Parkland Fuel Corp., en Saskatchewan et au Manitoba, et Wilson Fuel Co. qui devient propriétaire des stations de la Nouvelle-Écosse et de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Ces distributeurs présentent tous une feuille de route démontrant un service à la clientèle de haute qualité et toute l’excellence opérationnelle nécessaire pour faire bonne figure dans l’industrie de la commercialisation des carburants au Canada.

«Nous croyons que ces partenariats représentent la meilleure avenue afin que l’Impériale puisse poursuivre sa croissance dans le marché canadien de la commercialisation de carburants qui est extrêmement compétitif», affirme Rich Kruger, président du Conseil, président et chef de la direction de l’Impériale. «La marque Esso occupe une position de premier plan au pays en raison notre réseau de distributeurs et des fortes perspectives de croissance qui se présentent et dont nos clients et nos actionnaires pourront profiter.»

Plus de 1700 stations de vente au détail opèrent présentement sous la bannière Esso au Canada.

Les ventes définitives devraient être conclues vers la fin de l’année 2016 et doivent faire l’objet d’une approbation des autorités régulatrices. Le produit de ces transactions est évalué à environ 2,8 milliards $.

Les dépanneurs On the Run/Marché Express poursuivront leurs opérations dans certaines stations-service du réseau Esso et seront sous la gouverne de Parkland Fuel. Les programmes de marketing et de fidélisation Esso poursuivront leurs activités sans changement.

Source: Imperial Oil



JJE reçoit la distribution exclusive des semi-remorques à ordures deloupe pour l’Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan et l’Alberta
Remorques Deloupe, de Saint-Évariste au Québec, a appointé Équipement Joe Johnson Inc. (JJE) comme distributeur exclusif de sa ligne de semi-remorques à plancher mobile et matières résiduelles pour les provinces de l’Ontario, le Manitoba, la Saskatchewan et l'Alberta.

«Nous sommes enthousiastes face à cette opportunité d’àugmenter le niveau de support et la distribution aux clients existants et futurs de ces remorques. Notre équipe entière est excitée de représenter cette ligne de produits durable et innovatrice. Nous sommes convaincus que cette entente de distribution exclusive avec Deloupe procurera encore davantage de valeur à nos clients par une représentation forte de ce chef de file de l’industrie des remorques spécialisées reconnu comme le meilleur pour le service et support produit», à déclaré Troy Walker, vice-président, division des camions à ordures chez JJE.

Deloupe Inc. fondée en 1972 est fier d’être le chef de file de l’Industrie pour les semi-remorques spécialisées. Les produits Deloupe comprennent des semi-remorques pour la foresterie, l’industriel avec différents types de configurations et usages et pour les matières résiduelles et recyclage.

Source: Équipement Joe Johnson Inc.


Les meilleurs professionnels de la vente nord-américains reconnus par JCB lors de l’événement «Les gants sont jetés»
Plus de 200 professionnels de la vente des États-Unis et du Canada se sont rendus récemment au siège nord-américain de JCB à Savannah, en Géorgie, pour l’événement de formation «The Gloves are Off» («Les gants sont jetés»). Bien que l’événement ait été axé sur la formation des professionnels de la vente, le constructeur a également pris le temps de reconnaître les professionnels de la vente les plus performants en les intronisant dans le programme «Superstar Ring» de la compagnie.

«2015 était encore une autre année exceptionnelle pour JCB en Amérique du Nord, a déclaré Dan Schmidt, vice-président pour l’Amérique du Nord JCB Agriculture. «Ceci a été rendu possible grâce au travail acharné et au dévouement à la vente de la marque JCB de nos concessionnaires d’équipements et leurs professionnels de la vente. Grâce à notre programme de Superstar Ring, nous sommes capables de les remercier et les récompenser pour leurs efforts diligents qui ont dépassé nos attentes.»

Programme de Superstar Ring de JCB est basé sur un système de pointage unique. Durant leur première année dans le programme, les membres reçoivent une bague Superstar de JCB. Ceux qui continuent d’exceller dans les années suivantes se voient ajouter des diamants à leur bague.

Les professionnels reconnus pour leur efforts remarquables en 2015 sont :

  • Chris Shea, JCB of Georgia, Savannah, Géorgie;
  • Leo Pruneda, Adobe JCB, Houston, Texas;
  • Chad Fullerton, AIS, Bridgeport, Michigan;
  • Jeff Mackinley, JCB of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta;
  • Dan Peters, Fairchild JCB, Green Bay, Wisconsin;
  • Keith Goodin, Deep South JCB, Jackson, Mississippi;
  • Robert Lara, JCB of SoCal, Los Angeles, Californie;
  • Kristian Mahrt, Mackinnon JCB, Orlando, Floride;
  • Lucas Hoffman, Dinkel’s JCB, Norfolk, Nebraska;
  • Clay Durham, MH JCB, Cincinnati, Ohio.

«Nous avons choisi ‘‘Les gants sont jetés’’ comme thème de l’événement de cette année parce que nous voulions inciter nos concessionnaires et leurs professionnels de la vente à tout mettre en oeuvre en 2016», a déclaré monsieur Schmidt. «Notre programme Superstar Ring est juste une façon de récompenser les plus performants pour un travail bien fait et encourager leurs efforts continus pour le compte de JCB.»

Source: JCB


ALLU lance un programme de financement de détail
Depuis le 1er mars 2016, ALLU offre à ses clients et utilisateurs finaux un programme de financement de détail conçu pour faciliter l’acquisition de godets concasseurs et godets cribleurs ALLU et du matériel de stabilisation STAMIX. Différentes options sont disponibles de 0% d’intérêt pour 1 à 2 ans ou d’autres taux compétitifs. Tous les achats livrés d’ici au 31 décembre 2016 seront admissibles au programme. Veuillez contacter ALLU pour plus de détails sur ces programmes spéciaux pour les produits ALLU.

ALLU Group offre une gamme complète d’équipements technologiquement avancés, pour le criblage, le concassage et la stabilisation du sol, utilisés dans les secteurs de l’asphaltage, le compostage, la gestion des matières résiduelles, la démolition, et les mines. ALLU Group est certifié ISO 9001: 2000.

Source: ALLU Group


InnoTrans 2016 avec les associations ferroviaires du monde entier : nous avons un mot à dire !
Consolider le transport durable sur le rail – cette revendication unit les associations ferroviaires au-delà des frontières et des continents. Pour atteindre cet objectif, les entretiens directs et la coopération économique sont indispensables. Les participants de l’InnoTrans auront plusieurs fois l’occasion de nouer des contacts personnels du 20 au 23 septembre.

Pendant 4 jours, les représentants de pointe du secteur vont échanger sur les thèmes les plus importants et orienter ainsi le secteur des transports sur rail vers l’avenir.

Les plus importantes associations du monde seront représentées par des entreprises membres sélectionnées à la prochaine édition du principal salon de l’ingénierie des transports sur rail. Deux tiers d’entre elles viennent de pays étrangers dont l’Europe, les États-Unis et l’Asie. Plusieurs de ces représentants sont des associations industrielles. Des impulsions économiques et technologiques émanent d’elles pour permettre au secteur des transports de rester convaincant en tant que prestataire innovateur et employeur performant. L’internationalité élevée ainsi que le fort caractère industriel des associations exposantes soulignent l’importance de l’InnoTrans en tant qu’évènement leader mondial du secteur.

Seront entre autres présents sur le Parc des Expositions berlinois : l’Association des industries ferroviaires en Allemagne (VDB), l’Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes (UNIFE) ainsi que la SWISSRAIL Industry Association et la Chung-Hwa Railway Industry Development Association (CRIDA). L’association portugaise Plataforma Ferroviária Portuguesa (PFP) fêtera cette année sa première participation au salon.

Source: Messe Berlin


Grues PM et Heila disponibles chez Technifab Industries
Technifab Industries est fière d’annoncer la distribution des grues articulées et à flèche PM & Heila, reconnues mondialement pour leur grande capacité à longue portée.

Technifab offre la vente, les pièces, le service et la certification pour la province du Québec. Ces nouvelles lignes de produits permettent à l’entreprise de s’élever à un niveau supérieur dans son offre de services et répondre aux demandes grandissante de sa clientèle.

Source: Technifab Industries


Le système de surveillance de l’élongation des chaînes d’IWIS distribué par Composants Industriels Wajax
Composants Industriels Wajax a ajouté le nouveau système de surveillance de l’élongation des chaînes (CCM) d’IWIS à son portefeuille de produits. Ce système mesure l’élongation des chaînes de transmission en service et avertit à temps le personnel d’entretien que l’usure de la chaîne nécessite son remplacement.

Wajax distribue la gamme compléte de produits IWIS au Canada et est le seul distributeur en Amérique du Nord qui garde en stock le système de surveillance de l’élongation des chaînes d’IWIS.

«Le système novateur de surveillance de l’élongation des chaînes d’IWIS permet aux clients de mieux connaître l’usure de la chaîne de transmission, les faisant ainsi adopter une approche préventive plutôt que réactive», indique Karim Asri, directeur du développement des affaires – Roulements et produits de transmission de puissance à Composants Industriels Wajax.

Selon l’American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), l’utilisation de ce système réduit les coûts d’entretien de moitié. Un autre avantage de ce produit est sa polyvalence. En effet, il peut être utilisé avec toutes les marques de chaîne, car il évalue l’élongation selon une échelle normalisée établie par l’ASME et publiée par l’American National Standards Institute (ANSI) – ASME/ANSI B29.1-2011.

Le système utilise une technologie brevetée par IWIS pour détecter l’usure de la chaîne pendant son fonctionnement à 0,01 mm près et fonctionne à une vitesse de 10 m/s ou plus, lui permettant de s’adapter à une vaste gamme d’applications. Il est en mesure de fonctionner efficacement dans des conditions difficiles, comme dans des environnements humides ou fortement contaminés.

Le système de CCM est muni d’un bloc d’alimentation de 24 V en courant continu et indique différents états au moyen d’un l’indicateur à DEL intégré ou par le biais d’une connexion USB à un ordinateur par le biais d’une interface spéciale. L’état d’usure de la chaîne est représenté en écarts de 0,5% sur l’indicateur à DEL précisément gradué.

Comme la mesure est prise sans contact et sans interférence directe avec la chaîne de transmission, l’appareil peut être monté de façon permanente sur un convoyeur à un endroit difficile d’accès afin de réduire les temps d’arrêt inopportuns. Le système est offert pour les chaînes à rouleaux de taille standard et peut être personnalisé pour s’adapter à un certain nombre de chaînes d’attache. Il est tout aussi efficace avec des chaînes simples, doubles et triples. L’installation très simple de type prêt à l’emploi ne requiert aucune fixation spéciale.

Ayant son siège social à Munich, en Allemagne, IWIS est l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de systèmes de chaîne de précision pour la transmission de puissance et les applications de transport de produits.

Source: Composants Industriels Wajax


Prix SAFE remis à Enbridge Gas Distribution, à un employé d’Heritage Gas, à TransCanada, et à Union Gas
Lors de la Conférence sur les opérations 2016 de l’Association canadienne du gaz, 5 prix de sécurité SAFE (Safety Award for Excellence) ont été remis à Enbridge Gas Distribution, Heritage Gas, TransCanada, et Union Gas, pour souligner leur leadership et leurs importantes contributions à la sécurité du public et des travailleurs.

«Les prix SAFE de l’Association canadienne du gaz rendent hommage aux sociétés de distribution de gaz naturel et à leurs employés qui font preuve d’un leadership exemplaire afin d’assurer la livraison sécuritaire du gaz naturel aux abonnés», a déclaré Timothy M. Egan, président et chef de la direction de l’Association canadienne du gaz.

Enbridge Gas Distribution a reçu un prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité publique pour «Smell Gas? Act Fast!» Cette campagne multiforme a été développée pour enseigner aux citoyens à reconnaître l’odeur du gaz naturel et à réagir lorsqu’ils la détectent. Enbridge Gas Distribution a également reçu un prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité dans l’entreprise : Sécurité des employés.

Union Gas a reçu un prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité des travailleurs pour l’initiative «Driven 2B Safe» lancée par l’équipe de sécurité routière pour aider à améliorer les pratiques de sécurité des conducteurs. L’effort pluriannuel a culminé avec la publication d’une norme de sécurité routière d’entreprise qui a permis de réduire les incidents routiers et contribué à la sécurité des employés et entrepreneurs.

Steve Clouthier a reçu un prix SAFE dans la catégorie Ensemble des réalisations. Au cours de sa carrière, monsieur Clouthier a dirigé de main de maître le développement du système de gestion d’Heritage Gas. Affichant une passion effrénée pour la sécurité de ses collègues, il a travaillé sans relâche pour améliorer toujours plus la culture de la sécurité et du bien-être chez Heritage Gas.

TransCanada a reçu un prix SAFE en sécurité dans la catégorie Sécurité dans l’entreprise : sécurité des véhicules.

SaskEnergy, Hydro-Manitoba, FortisBC et Gaz Métro ont déposé une candidature pour un prix et se sont vu remettre un certificat de reconnaissance SAFE.

«L’industrie canadienne de la distribution de gaz naturel tient à la livraison sûre et fiable du gaz naturel à ses abonnés», a déclaré monsieur Egan. «Au nom de l’ACG, je félicite tous les récipiendaires de leur travail destiné à protéger l’industrie et le public.»

Le prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité publique reconnaît l’excellence dans la sensibilisation du public à l’utilisation sécuritaire du gaz naturel et aux mesures de sécurité lorsque l’on travaille avec des infrastructures de gaz naturel. Le prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité des travailleurs rend hommage à des travailleurs qui vont au-delà des attentes pour créer un milieu de travail plus sain et plus sûr. Le prix SAFE Ensemble des réalisations rend hommage à un particulier pour son engagement à vie et sa contribution à l’amélioration de la sécurité dans son milieu de travail, dans sa communauté ou dans l’industrie du gaz naturel. Le prix SAFE dans la catégorie Sécurité dans l’entreprise souligne les réalisations en ce qui concerne la réduction des statistiques de blessures et dommages aux véhicules au cours de l’année civile précédente. Un comité d’évaluation représentant des sociétés de distribution de tout le Canada a examiné les candidatures en fonction d’un ensemble de critères prédéterminés, y compris l’applicabilité dans l’industrie, l’efficacité du renforcement de la sécurité des employés ou des citoyens et les résultats mesurables.

Source: Association Canadienne du Gaz

Industry News


Sika Canada’s new plant in British Columbia is now opened
Sika Canada has officially inaugurated its new mortars and concrete admixtures plant in British Columbia. Located in Surrey, near Vancouver, the new facility of approximately 2,800 m2 is now fully operational. This new plant represents Sika’s footprint in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, a region with a population basin of 8 million people, on both sides of the border, and consequently with significant growth potential.

The plant is based upon Sika’s lean and efficient manufacturing concept which includes a modular mortar plant and liquid concrete admixture blending equipment, all under one roof. In addition to the production area, the new building also includes two laboratories for quality control purposes, an integrated warehouse and an office space for administrative and sales personnel. It is also important to note that the plant meets local environmental
regulations concerning air quality, noise management and the handling of light chemical materials.

For customers in the region, this "Made in BC" approach is very beneficial since it improves product availability, reduces significantly lead times and allows for faster deliveries. This highly automated plant produces a broad range of cementitious mortars and grouts. On the concrete admixtures side, the state of the art blending equipment enables the production of liquid admixtures such as high-range water-reducers, water-reducers, air-entrainers, setretarders and set-accelerators.

By producing in British Columbia, Sika can significantly reduce shipments of admixtures and mortars from the Edmonton and Montreal plants. It also diminishes the environmental impact by drastically reducing the number of shipments by truck and rail. In addition, raw materials are sourced locally, as much as possible, further reducing shipment distances.

This new facility brings the number of Sika’s production sites to 18 in North America and, with the addition of the Surrey site, Sika Canada can now rely on 4 manufacturing plants across Canada in order to get closer to its
customers and to be able to provide them with unmatched level of service.

Source: Sika Canada inc.


Terex Cranes Honors 2015 Top Performing Distributors
Terex Cranes recently honored the efforts of its top distributors in North America during a special awards ceremony in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Six distributors were recognized for their excellence and dedication in sales in each product category. Awards were also given for dedication to parts and service.

The list of winners includes:

  • Empire Crane Company, North Syracuse, New York – Truck Crane Distributor of the Year;
  • ALL Family of Companies, Cleveland, Ohio – All Terrain Distributor of the Year;
  • Rush Truck Centers of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – Boom Truck Distributor of the Year;
  • Custom Truck & Equipment, Kansas City, Missouri – Crossover Distributor of the Year;
  • Scott- Macon Equipment, Houston, Texas – Rough Terrain Distributor of the Year;
  • Dozier Crane & Machinery, Pooler, Georgia – Crawler Crane Distributor of the Year;
  • Cropac Equipment, Oakville, Ontario – Parts Distributor of the Year;
  • Bigge Crane & Rigging, San Leandro, California – Service Distributor of the Year.

“This year’s honorees exemplify our organization’s commitment to working together to deliver customer success,” says Mike Nesdahl, director of Distributor Sales at Terex Cranes. “Because of their hard work, our customers have the best equipment and responsive service, which helps them be more productive all year long. It’s a true honor to partner with these outstanding distributors.”

The awards ceremony was held in conjunction with a 3-day training event for Terex Crane distributors from across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. The event focused on “Delivering Success Together.” Topics presented during the event’s educational sessions included product innovation updates, leadership and sales skills training, hands-on equipment training, parts and operations processes, as well as safety discussions.

During the event, attendees also had the opportunity to tour the Oklahoma City manufacturing facility where Terex® cranes, Demag® overhead cranes, Genie® aerial work platforms and Terex materials processing equipment are produced.

Source: Terex Corporation


Mack Trucks Designates First Mack Certified Uptime Centers
Mack Trucks recently announced the first four dealer locations to achieve the Mack® Certified Uptime Center designation. With standardized workflows and service processes, as well as redesigned service bays, Mack Certified Uptime Centers are providing faster and more efficient service experiences to customers. Mack made the announcement during World of Concrete 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The first dealers to achieve the certification are: Vision Truck Center of Mississauga, Ontario; Vanguard Truck Center of Phoenix, Arizona; Nextran Truck Center of Birmingham, Alabama; and Westfall O’Dell Truck Sales of Kansas City, Missouri. All 4 dealers were part of the Certified Uptime Center pilot program.

“It’s important that our customers’ trucks are on the road working earning money for them,” said Stephen Roy, president of Mack Trucks North America. “Through our Mack Certified Uptime Centers, we’ve completely rethought our approach to how trucks are diagnosed and repaired, enabling us to get trucks serviced and back to the customer as quickly as possible.”

The certification evaluates dealer service locations on 28 required process elements, ranging from shop organization to implementation of diagnostic tools. While many of the elements were already considered “best practices,” Mack combined the elements under the Certified Uptime Centers effort to maximize their impact.

“We, along with other dealer groups, worked closely with Mack to gather proven ideas that help improve the service process for customers,” said John Slotegraaf, dealer principal, Vision Truck Center. “In fact, many of the 28 process steps required for certification are tried-and-true methods that have been tested every day at the dealer level.”

Completion of the certification process takes approximately 8 weeks, and includes a final assessment to determine whether all Certified Uptime Center requirements have been met. Mack’s Dealer Fixed Operations Managers conduct the assessments and assign the final certification.

Mack Certified Uptime Centers are the latest evolution of Mack’s commitment to maximizing customer uptime. To qualify as a Certified Uptime Center, Mack dealer locations must demonstrate proficiency in new procedures designed to simplify and accelerate the service process.
In addition, Certified Uptime Centers must implement redesigned service bays focused on quick turnaround times. These “uptime bays” utilize Mack’s vast array of uptime tools to rapidly diagnose customer issues. Trucks with repairs that require less than 4 hours are repaired immediately, rather than being shuffled to the back of the line, as with the typical “first come, first served” practice common in today’s shops.

“Not only have our Certified Uptime Centers addressed the pace of the repair process, we’ve also taken steps to ensure our diagnoses are even more accurate,” said David Pardue, Mack vice president, connected vehicle and contract services. “The combination of speed and accuracy has only been made possible through Mack’s unparalleled collection of uptime tools.”
Mack’s uptime solutions, including Mack® GuardDog® Connect telematics and the Mack ASIST service management system, are fully integrated with the Mack Certified Uptime Centers’ workflows. In addition, Mack’s recently announced integration of Truck Diagnostics System (TDS) and Mack ASIST also supports Mack Certified Uptime Centers, delivering faster, more efficient information sharing. All of Mack’s uptime-focused personnel, including Mack OneCall agents, are housed at the Mack Uptime Center, located near Mack world headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Mack will continue to roll out Certified Uptime Center certifications to its dealer network throughout 2016, with a focus on major markets.

Source: Mack Trucks, Inc.


International Truck Names Tallman Truck Centre 2015 North American Dealer Of The Year
International Truck recently honored Tallman Truck Centre in Ontario, as its North American Dealer of the Year at their Annual Dealer Meeting in Schaumburg, Illinois. In addition, International Truck named Carolina International Trucks in South Carolina as its Medium Duty Dealer of the Year and Regional International in New York as its Parts and Service Dealer of the Year.

“These North American Dealer of the Year awards are given to the very best of an elite group of International dealers,” said Bill Kozek, president, Truck and Parts. “These awards recognize those dealers that not only have exceeded sales performance goals but also have best demonstrated a commitment to providing industry-leading uptime to their customers.”

“This award is a great honor for everyone at Tallman Truck Centre because it recognizes all the hard work and professionalism we bring to our customers,” said Kevin Tallman, president of Tallman Truck Centre. “I accept the North American Truck Dealer of the Year award on behalf of our incredibly talented team of truck professionals – and our loyal customers at each of our locations.”

Tallman Truck Centre earned top honor by growing both their truck and parts sales, investing over $25 million in their facilities in 2015 alone and significantly improving the speed by which they provide service in their shops.

“We are proud of each of the 3 winners and we look forward to their continued success in 2016,” said Mr. Kozek.

Tallman Group is a commercial truck dealership with locations in Cornwall, Belleville, Mississauga, Oshawa, Markham, Toronto, West Ottawa, East Ottawa, Kingston, and Kemptville, Ontario. The dealership offers International® brand products, including the full line of International trucks, and all makes parts and service. As an affiliate of Idealease, Tallman Truck Leasing also offers an array of commercial truck lease and rental services including: full-service leasing, contract maintenance and rental. Tallman Group is recognized as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies.

Source: International Truck; Navistar International Corporation


Hatch Marks New Era of Positive Change
Hatch is responding to the changing needs of its clients and taking action to help businesses adapt to unstable markets and a rapidly changing world.
Dynamic market conditions are creating new challenges for Hatch clients and transforming the way they operate. Hatch is strengthening its services and growing its capabilities to deliver an unparalleled level of service that will help clients overcome these challenges and emerge stronger. Building on a proud tradition of innovation, the company is committing to partnering with its clients to develop new ideas and solutions to improve business performance and create new opportunities for growth.

Hatch CEO John Bianchini made the announcement at a reception during the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention, where he outlined the company’s vision and strategy to a large gathering of industry leaders.

In a statement, Mr. Bianchini described a new era of positive change at Hatch:

“In a world of perpetual change, we see emerging challenges for our clients that need action today. Working as partners, we will develop new ideas that challenge the status quo and deliver technologies and innovations to create a better world.

This is a defining moment in our history. There are many global and industry forces affecting our clients—unstable markets, financial volatility, climate change, and increased stakeholder expectations, to name a few. For over 60 years, we’ve delivered engineering expertise and advanced technical capabilities to our clients to grow their businesses. We recognize they need even more from us today—better ideas and even better client service.

We’ll partner with our clients to take on their toughest challenges and provide innovative solutions that improve their bottom line. Our solutions will take into account the entire business life cycle, from concept to completion. At every stage, we’ll listen carefully and respond faster. We’ll harness the knowledge of our global teams and emerging technologies to improve productivity and efficiency and deliver more sustainable outcomes.”

Hatch also unveiled its new visual identity, which is being supported by a new company video and digital campaign. Building on the theme of positive change, the campaign invites clients, employees, and the public to tell Hatch what positive change means to them (#PositiveChange).

Source: Hatch


Polaris Acquires Taylor-Dunn
Polaris Industries Inc. recently announced the acquisition of Taylor-Dunn, a leading provider of industrial vehicles, serving a broad range of commercial, manufacturing, warehouse and ground-support customers. Taylor-Dunn, a privately owned company based in Anaheim, Calif., will join GEM®, Goupil®, Mega, and Aixam, as well as Polaris Commercial Off-road Vehicle (ORV) Sales, in Polaris’ Work & Transportation division, part of Polaris’ Global Adjacent Markets business. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

“While Polaris is best known for our leadership in powersports, adjacent markets are an important aspect of our growth strategy, and industrial vehicles are a natural extension for us,” said Dan Chumbler, general manager, Work and Transportation, Polaris. “Taylor-Dunn has a deep understanding of industrial customers, and they’ve earned a stellar reputation over the last 60+ years of providing application-specific solutions that are reliable, efficient, and economical. With Taylor-Dunn joining our portfolio, we look forward to offering an expanded product portfolio and enhanced commercial sales and service to a larger customer base.”

Taylor-Dunn will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polaris. It will continue to be a distinct brand and operate from its current headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Anaheim, California.

“I am proud to have had the opportunity to lead Taylor-Dunn for 25 years,” said Jim Goodwin, chairman, Taylor-Dunn. “I believe that Polaris is the right company at the right time to drive continued success at Taylor-Dunn. Polaris brings strong capabilities in innovation and continuous improvement, as well as access to larger-volume resources. I am confident this combination will bring new opportunities not only for Taylor-Dunn, but also for the company’s dealer network and its community of end users.”

Source: Polaris Industries Inc.


Ritchie Bros. Acquires Mascus
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Incorporated is pleased to announce that it has acquired Mascus International Holding BV. The acquisition expands the breadth of equipment disposition and management solutions Ritchie Bros. can offer its customers. Mascus operates a vibrant online equipment listing service, with over 360,000 items for sale and 3.2 million monthly website visits across 58 countries and in 42 languages. The business also provides equipment sellers with a turn-key suite of business tools and software solutions. Mascus customers will benefit from Ritchie Bros.’ deep equipment experience and extensive global buying audience, providing further global exposure for Mascus equipment listings.

Mascus is a leading online equipment listing service for used heavy machinery and trucks with the largest online market presence in Europe for heavy machinery and trucks. Mascus offers subscriptions to equipment dealers, brokers, exporters and equipment manufacturers to list equipment available for sale. They provide online advertising services, business tools and solutions to many of the world’s leading equipment dealerships and equipment manufacturers. Founded in 2001 in Scandinavia, Mascus has grown rapidly over the past 15 years and now includes operations across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, catering to the construction, transport, agriculture, material handling, forestry, and grounds-care industries.

“This acquisition is another step in Ritchie Bros.’ strategy as the world’s leading multichannel equipment disposition and asset management company as it adds an important new channel,” said Ravi Saligram, CEO, Ritchie Bros. “As one of the world’s leading equipment listing services, Mascus has carved out a well-established and loyal customer base, and has developed strong business tools and solutions that many equipment dealers and brokers now rely on to manage and sell their assets. Combining Ritchie Bros.’ current capabilities with Mascus’ solutions will enhance the end-to-end services that we can provide to OEM’s, dealers and private equipment sellers.”

“We look forward to working within the broader Ritchie Bros. team, and leveraging their global used equipment sales expertise to further build our customer relationships and platform,” said Tim Scholte, CEO of Mascus. “Mascus will continue to build on its strong business model of online equipment listing services focusing on the needs of all advertisers.”

Mascus, based in Amsterdam, will continue to operate under its current branding and existing management team. The transaction is viewed as strategically important for Ritchie Bros., as it expands the channels offered and provides the Company with another customer touchpoint.

Source: Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers


Morbark Acquired by Stellex Capital Management
Morbark, LLC, announced that an affiliate of Stellex Capital Management has acquired the Company. The acquisition is focused on providing growth capital and resources to significantly expand the Company in the future.
The stock purchase is a strong fit for the new owners with a portfolio focus of identifying companies with solid market and product presence that can benefit from growth capital and aggressive management and operating strategies.

“Our acquisition of Morbark is a great fit for us. We believe the Company is well positioned to grow in the coming years, and we are confident that the capital and resources we bring will fuel that growth,” said David Waxman, principal of Stellex. “Morbark is exactly the type of company we look to invest in – strong history, market presence, products, and an outstanding workforce. In addition, we believe with the right investment and resources they represent a significant growth opportunity in the coming years.”

Lon Morey, Morbark CEO and son of the founder, said, “Though always difficult to leave a family business, we felt this was the right time with the right Investor who can build on the legacy my father started and I have spent my entire life dedicated to. We are confident that the Stellex group will be able to take Morbark to the next level of excellence and growth. We are excited for the company and its employees and the future envisioned for them.”
Morbark was represented by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, as financial advisor and Warner Norcross & Judd LLP as legal advisor.

Source: Stellex Capital Management


Federal Signal Executes Agreement to Acquire Joe Johnson Equipment
Federal Signal Corporation, a leader in environmental and safety solutions, announced recently the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire substantially all of the assets and operations of Joe Johnson Equipment (JJE), a leading Canadian-based distributor of maintenance equipment for municipal and industrial markets. The Company is also in discussions regarding potential acquisition of JJE’s interests in Chile, which is not expected to be material.

JJE specializes in serving municipalities, municipal contractors and industrial contractors with high-quality products that include street sweepers, sewer cleaners, vacuum trucks, snow removal equipment and refuse collection equipment. JJE represents leading brands that include Federal Signal’s Elgin, Vactor, Guzzler and Jetstream lines, as well as Labrie, Trackless, Envirosight, NewWay, Epoke and others. It also offers rental options, used equipment, parts, service and ancillary equipment. JJE is a 5-year recipient of the prestigious “Canada’s Best Managed Companies” award that recognizes excellence in Canadian private business.

“This transaction demonstrates our commitment to grow while remaining close to our core,” said Jennifer L. Sherman, Federal Signal’s president and CEO. “We are excited to join forces with JJE, which brings a comprehensive platform for us to grow across North America. Their product, rental and used equipment offerings will allow us to expand our product portfolio and better serve our customers across North America. In addition, JJE is an outstanding organization with impressive leadership and people, attractive customer and supplier relationships, a commitment to excellence, robust business processes and a history of success. We look forward to accelerating our growth together.”

“Joe Johnson Equipment has a proud history of customer focus, excellent service and prudent growth, including expansion of both our reach and our product offerings,” noted Joe Johnson, Jr., JJE’s president. “Federal Signal has been an outstanding and close long-term partner, and we align extraordinarily well – on culture, mission and goals. We are excited to bring our strength in Canada, our rental and other operating capabilities and our experience as a dealer to the Federal Signal team."

JJE will operate as part of Federal Signal’s Environmental Solutions Group.

Source: Federal Signal Corporation


Imperial to Sell Remaining Company-Owned Retail Stations
Imperial Oil has reached agreements with 5 fuel distributors in Canada to sell its remaining 497 company-owned Esso retail stations.

Distributors purchasing the sites include Alimentation Couche-Tard inc. for retail stations in Ontario and Quebec, 7-Eleven Canada Inc. for sites in Alberta and British Columbia, Harnois Groupe pétrolier for sites in Quebec, Parkland Fuel Corp. for sites in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and Wilson Fuel Co. Limited for sites in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. These distributors have a proven track record of providing high-quality customer service and operational excellence within the fuels marketing industry in Canada.

“We believe these agreements represent the best way for Imperial to grow in the highly competitive Canadian fuels marketing business,” said Rich Kruger, chairman, president and CEO of Imperial. “The Esso brand has a leading presence in Canada through our distributor network and strong prospects for continued growth to the benefit of our customers and shareholders.”

More than 1,700 Esso retail stations currently operate in Canada. The sales are anticipated to close by year-end 2016, subject to regulatory approvals. Proceeds from the transactions are valued at about $2.8 billion.

The On the Run/Marché Express convenience store franchise will continue to operate at select retail stations within the Esso network under the ownership and management of Parkland Fuel. Esso’s marketing and loyalty programs will continue unchanged.

Source: Imperial Oil


New Tool Cuts Costs and Downtime for Construction Companies
Petro-Canada Lubricants, a Suncor business, has launched a free on-line tool to help construction businesses cut costs and extend the life of their equipment by making better-informed decisions about the lubricants that they use in their vehicles.

The LUBE 360 Product Selector enables construction operators to identify the optimum lubricants for their vehicles to ensure they run as efficiently as possible in order to minimize fuel costs, cut emissions and reduce their downtime. The tool also provides details of manufacturer recommendations (when provided) for oil change intervals to help cut maintenance costs.
Recent research has shown that vehicle downtime can cost construction businesses upwards of $300,000 per year in lost production time, with poor maintenance and part failure as the primary causes.

“We want to give construction business operators the power to make informed decisions that will have a major impact on the efficiency and bottom line of their business,” said Howard McIntyre, vice president, Lubricants, Suncor.

“Lubricants are an essential technology that are fundamental to the performance of construction equipment. The LUBE 360 Product Selector draws on our 30 years of industry experience, and bundles it all in an easy to use and empowering tool that we are confident will bring value to construction businesses.”

Source: Petro-Canada Lubricants


CEO and MEA finalize Standard Agreement to help municipalities implement fair procurement practices
Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) and Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) recently announced the finalization of a Standard Client/Engineer Agreement for Professional Consulting Services. The standard agreement aims at helping Ontario’s 444 municipalities practice a fair procurement process by outlining equitable, consistent terms and conditions for both clients and consulting engineers.

“The standard agreement is built on the principles of partnership and fairness. It symbolizes a collaborative approach to creating a favorable business environment for both clients and consulting engineers,” said Barry Steinberg, P.Eng, CEO of Consulting Engineers of Ontario.

The consulting engineering sector is one of few professional service providers that allow clients to prescribe the terms and conditions under which they offer their services. In response, the 2 associations have been working closely together to review and update the 2006 version of the MEA/CEO Agreement for Engineering Services so that municipalities can use a contract that is up-to-date with the present business landscape.

“This standard agreement will enable municipalities to be more efficient in doing business with consulting engineers. The template will allow smaller municipalities particularly to save on the significant time and cost spent on creating a contract,” said Reg Russwurm P.Eng, president of the Municipal Engineers Association.

“It has been a lengthy, complex process but also a very rewarding one,” said Geoff Pound, P.Eng, Chair of CEO’s Municipal Engineers Association Liaison Committee. “The revised standard agreement is now in line with current municipal engineering business practices. This will be a benefit to both municipalities and the consulting engineering industry.”

The standard agreement is available for download on the CEO and MEA websites at and, respectively.

Source: Consulting Engineers of Ontario


Sullair Portables… Distributed by Comairco
Since its foundation in 1965, Sullair has produced portable air compressors. The company offers a full line of portable rotary screw compressors from small air (185 cfm) to big air (1600 cfm) in standard and high pressure models ranging from 100-500 psi, designed for reliability, dependability and ease of operation.

Whatever the job, and no matter how rugged the terrain, Sullair has the equipment to fit your needs.

Since 1972, Comairco has offered its expertise in air compressors and compressed air equipment. As the first exclusive partner of the Sullair brand for over 35 years, with 16 branches in Canada and the U.S. and a team of 65 certified technicians, Comairco has distinguished itself by its efficiency.

Source: Comairco


Norcan is Rexroth’s Distributor in Western Canada
Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. is pleased to announce the appointment of Norcan Fluid Power Limited as authorized distributor for industrial and mobile hydraulics products in Western Canada including; British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, effective March 1st, 2016.

The agreement is intended to provide Western Canadian customers with greater access and choice for Bosch Rexroth’s industry recognized quality hydraulic products and innovative solutions to achieve their specific application requirements and at the same time, expand service, technical support, application expertise and local inventory. Customers and industries will benefit from Norcan Fluid Power’s multi branch footprint, and with their extensive industry experience.

Norcan, founded in 1974 in Vancouver, British Columbia, and owned by BCB Corporate Services Ltd, is a major Canadian distributor in the areas of industrial, mobile and marine hydraulic components, and provides a wide array of services and technical expertise. Offices are located in 7 strategic branch locations across Western Canada.

Source: Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp.


JJE Receives Exclusive Distributorship Appointment for Deloupe Waste Trailers
Deloupe Trailers of Saint-Évariste, Québec, has appointed Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. (JJE) as the exclusive distributor of their solid waste and moving floor trailer line in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

“We are thrilled at the opportunity to increase the levels of support and distribution available to both new and existing Deloupe moving floor and solid waste trailer users. Our entire team is excited to represent this durable and innovative product line. We believe that our exclusive distributorship agreement with Deloupe will assist in providing more value to our customers through strong sales representation of industry leading trailers along with the very best in product support and service,” stated Troy Walker, vice president, Refuse Division, JJE.

Deloupe inc., founded in 1972, prides itself on being an industry leader in the manufacture of specialized semi-trailers. Deloupe’s products include forest industry trailers, low boys, specialized equipment haulers, moving floor trailers, scrap trailers, flatbeds and other custom designs.

Source: Joe Johnson Equipment Inc.


Heavy Equipment Show Celebrates 30 Years as a Pillar of the Industry
Atlantic Canada’s most comprehensive heavy equipment show returned to Moncton April 7-8, 2016. Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, the Atlantic Heavy Equipment Show boasted a vast indoor and outdoor showcase of the latest products, services, and BIG iron. Visitors walking the floor were able to connect with hundreds of exhibitors showing off cutting-edge equipment.

The show has a humble history, having begun as an idea of one of the members of the Board of Directors of ALICA – the Atlantic Land Improvement Contractors Association. The first show was held at the Moncton Coliseum in the winter of 1986, only taking up arena A and half of arena B with some live demos in the annex.

Today, the Atlantic Heavy Equipment Show has grown to the point where, in addition to filling the entire complex, an additional 7,500 m2 of outdoor exhibits has to be added. It is recognized as one of the premier shows in the country, with a loyal exhibitor base and a consistently strong show attendance over the 2-day event. 

The Atlantic Heavy Equipment Show is owned and sponsored by the Atlantic Land Improvement Contractors Association (ALICA).

Source: Master Promotions


CONEXPO-CON/AGG Launches 2017 Creative Theme: Imagine What’s Next
Recently, CONEXPO-CON/AGG, the largest international gathering in the Western Hemisphere for the construction industries, revealed its theme for the 2017 exhibition: Imagine What’s Next.

The theme reflects the vision for the 2017 show as it fully embraces applied technologies that help the construction industries reduce downtime, maximize efficiency at jobsites and minimize waste while increasing bottom line profits and enhancing safety. CONEXPO-CON/AGG will continue to provide attendees access to the newest products from every major construction-related industry, including asphalt, aggregates, concrete, earthmoving, lifting, mining and utilities.

Co-located with the IFPE exhibition for fluid power, power transmission and motion control, CONEXPO-CON/AGG will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas on March 7-11, 2017. CONEXPO-CON/AGG and IFPE are produced by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), which also is a show owner.

“Technology is critical to the future of the construction industry and CONEXPO-CON/AGG has always been a show that helps industry executives keep pace with the latest in new equipment and product innovations,” said Rich Goldsbury, CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 show chairman and president of Bobcat Company and Doosan. “But, as industry is being transformed by technology, our attendees understand the importance it has on their bottom line. It is our responsibility and privilege to connect them with the most cutting edge innovations in safety, equipment and operations that are reshaping the future.”

A recent snapshot survey from AEM found that nearly half (45.9%) of previous CONEXPO-CON/AGG attendees responding were enthusiastic and optimistic about the new possibilities when asked what the construction industry will look like in 2025, and nearly one-third (32%) were interested in what will come but apprehensive about how to successfully get there.
CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 will bring the theme Imagine What’s Next and technology focus to life through a 7,000 m2 pavilion dedicated entirely to presenting emerging construction innovations that are driving change and process improvement across the industry.

“We’re honored to be among the most trusted resources for industry professionals from around the world with 24% of attendees at the last show from outside the U.S. And we feel a tremendous amount of pride as we take the exhibition to the next level of technological breakthroughs as we delve into the future of the construction industry,” said Sara Truesdale Mooney, show director and vice president exhibitions and business development for AEM.

In October, the triennial CONEXPO-CON/AGG earned the top spot on Trade Show Executive’s prestigious Gold 100 trade show ranking as the largest show in the U.S. of any industry in 2014 with more than 218,000 m2 of exhibit space (and more than 2,100 exhibitors and more than 129,000 attendees).

CONEXPO-CON/AGG is the international gathering place every 3 years for the construction industries, showcasing the latest equipment, products, services and technologies. Founded in 1909, CONEXPO was originally designed as a road show demonstration of “amazing new devices” that could do the work of 15 horse-drawn units. In 1996, the show joined with the International Concrete and Aggregates Show to become CONEXPO-CON/AGG and provide an unprecedented scope of equipment, products and services for the construction industries.

Source: Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)

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