

Camions Excellence Peterbilt est fier d’annoncer la nomination de Guy Lemaire, à titre de représentant des ventes de camions neufs. Parmi ses fonctions, il sera en charge du développement des ventes de camions neufs dans la région de Drummondville.

Avec plus de 27 ans d’expérience dans la vente de véhicules spécialisés, Guy Lemaire saura relever le défi de desservir la clientèle du Centre-du-Québec.

Ses compétences lui permettront d’écouter et de comprendre les besoins des clients afin de leur proposer le camion qui répondra à leurs attentes.

Camions Excellence Peterbilt lui souhaite bonne chance dans ses nouvelles fonctions.

Source: Camions Excellence Peterbilt



La société Conderoc est fière d’annoncer la nomination d’Alexandre Brown à titre de représentant des ventes.

Il se joint à l’équipe de Conderoc, une entreprise spécialisée dans la vente et la location de machinerie lourde basée à Sainte-Adèle, dans les Laurentides.

Conderoc est dédiée à offrir des équipements performants destinés aux travaux d’excavation, de construction, de démolition, de canalisation, de remblayage, de même qu’à la construction de tunnels, à l’épandage d’enrobé et d’asphalte, à la réfection et l’élargissement de route ainsi qu’au recyclage, concassage et tamisage de matériaux.

Source: Conderoc inc.




ROXUL Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Jason Burns to the newly created role of vice president Supply Chain.

Reporting directly to the president, Mr. Burns will be responsible for logistics, production planning, customer service and warehouse activities for the North American operations. As an integral part of the North American management team, Mr. Burns will be involved in helping set the strategic direction for the company.

Jason Burns comes to ROXUL from PepsiCo Beverages Canada, where he managed a complex network of production facilities in Canada and the U.S.

Source: ROXUL Inc.



Andy Studdert, chairman & CEO of U.S.-based NES Rentals, was elected as the new president of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) at the IPAF annual general meeting (AGM) on March 26, 2015 in Washington, DC. He succeeds Steve Couling, managing director of the IAPS Group.

Nick Selley, group business development of AFI-Uplift, was elected deputy president, and Brad Boehler, president of Skyjack, was elected vice president of IPAF.

The strength and stability of the Federation was highlighted in its annual results presented at the AGM by outgoing IPAF president Steve Couling and IPAF CEO Tim Whiteman.

Andy Studdert is a firm champion of safety in the access industry. He has been the CEO of NES Rentals for the past 11 years, where he instilled a stringent safety culture based on repeatable processes, a culture of intervention and crisis preparation. Almost all the NES Rentals management and staff hold an IPAF PAL Card (Powered Access Licence) as proof of training, including the CEO.

Source: International Powered Access Federation (IPAF)


Strata Systems, Inc., a global manufacturer of soil reinforcement products, is pleased to announce the appointment of Phil McGoldrick as its International sales manager. Mr. McGoldrick will focus on the growth of Strata’s business in Europe, India, the Middle East, and South America.

McGoldrick was born and raised in Scotland and currently lives in Dublin, Ireland. He has an extensive and successful background in the field of geosynthetics, and is considered an expert in this field. More importantly, he combines a deep technical skill set, as a registered engineer, with a keen sales and business acumen on an international platform.

He has a BSc (hons) Civil/Geotechnical Engineering from Dundee University, with a 27-year focus on geosynthetics. He has worked for companies including Exxon Chemicals, Polyfelt, Tenax, and maintained a seven-year position as Tensar’s Asia Pacific regional manager where he was based in Jakarta. Most recently, he managed CETCO Contracting services in Europe and the Middle East.

His particular experience relevant to this new position is his expertise with reinforcement of retaining walls, steep slopes, and embankments over soft subgrades in markets such as mining, environmental sites (landfills), railroads, ports and public transportation projects.

Source: Strata Systems, Inc.

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