The BAUER Maschinen Group will be taking part again at Intermat in Paris, France, and presenting new machines and innovative designs in the field of specialist foundation engineering. The core products of BAUER Maschinen GmbH are rotary drilling rigs. The BG family will be represented at the exhibition by a BG 30 ValueLine rig. The BG 30 is a drilling rig that has been especially optimized for Kelly drilling. The BT 80 base carrier was completely designed and built by Bauer. The machine on show at the exhibition is equipped with a 375 hp CAT C9 engine that meets the Tier 3 flex EU emission standard. An engine that meets the latest Tier 4 final standard (CAT C9.3 with 400 hp) can also be installed. A rotary drive with a maximum torque of 300 kNm (258,000 lb ft) makes it possible to drill with a diameter of up to 2.5 m. Using a 4-part kelly bar, it is possible to reach drilling depths of 68 m. And with a 5-part kelly bar, a depth of 87 m is even possible. Temporary casings can be installed directly by means of the rotary drive. In difficult conditions, a BTM torque converter or a casing oscillator can also be retrofitted. The BG 30 ValueLine does not only boast high performance, but it also has many new features that make maintenance work, rig assembly and disassembly in particular easier. An integrated service platform enables easy and safe access for all maintenance work in the uppercarriage. There is a metal grating step that is connected to part of the side paneling and that is pulled out from the uppercarriage. The side paneling serves as protection against falling. Unlike with standard drilling rigs, the crowd cylinder is installed “in reverse”. The hydraulic lines that supply the crowd cylinder therefore end at the other end of the cylinder. Uncoupling the lines when disassembling the rig is no longer necessary. This “reverse” installation solution makes disassembling easier and eliminates the risk of oil leaking on the couplings. The mast can be tilted forwards during rigging procedure whereby the permissible inclination will be shown on the mast inclination system. In this position, all hydraulic hoses of the rotary drive can be connected up from the ground surface. KLEMM Bohrtechnik GmbH will demonstrate their expertise in small diameter drilling rigs by presenting their KR 702-2 drilling rig and an externally attached PP-115 F power pack. This is a typical rig for drilling in very tight spaces, which makes even going through doorways of 2 m in height and 75 cm width a piece of cake. Supply lines up to 25 m long allow for great base carrier flexibility without having to move the power pack. MAT Mischanlagentechnik GmbH specializes in the development of mixing, pumping and desanding machines for specialist foundation engineering. Depending on the size of the project or the complexity of the requirements, many of these machines can be combined to form larger systems. The desanding machine on exhibit, the BE 275-60, is a good example of this. The basic machine is extremely compact machine for the regeneration of bentonite slurry up to a cut-off point of d50 = 60 µm. For the major “Grand Paris Express” project, for example, regeneration plants with a capacity of 550 m3/h and a cut-off point of d50 = 20 µm are necessary for extensive diaphragm wall work. Bauer Maschinen developed and supplied an entire system for this that consisted of several individual components. Apart from a coarse screen, desilter components and a decanter, there are 2 units of type BE 275-60 that form the main element of the plant as a whole.
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