Elgin Sweeper Renews NASCAR Green Partnership Elgin Sweeper has renewed its partnership with NASCAR Green™ for 3 years and will continue to serve as the Official Sweeper of NASCAR Green. “Elgin Sweeper has provided trackside support for NASCAR for more than 15 years. Since we entered into our NASCAR Green partnership 4 years ago, we have experienced incredible success,” said Mike Higgins, vice president and general manager of Elgin Sweeper. “Our company shares NASCAR’s passion for, and commitment to, protecting the environment through sustainable practices.” As the Official Sweeper of NASCAR Green, Elgin Sweeper is present at each NASCAR race event weekend to support NASCAR’s Air Titan equipment to dry rain-soaked racetracks, saving jet fuel and reduce NASCAR’s overall carbon footprint. In addition to supporting the Air Titan equipment with the revolutionary Elgin Crosswind® Specialty Track Sweeper, the company helps clean and dry the tracks during caution periods when necessary. In 2016, the Elgin Track Sweeper helped with drying rain-soaked tracks and vacuuming up standing water, rubber and debris around the pit area at 76 races of the National Series and more than 200 National Series practice sessions. “Based on our Crosswind GRS unit used to vacuum liquid glycol from airport runways, the Elgin Track Sweeper includes unique technology features developed specifically for a racetrack setting,” said James Crockett, product manager at Elgin Sweeper. “These features include a thermal imaging camera that helps the operator locate liquids that may be camouflaged from the naked eye; a side air-blast nozzle capable of moving air at 434 km/h for locations such as grass on the inside field, pit areas and weepers; a reverse sweep system equipped with radar; a 566 m3/min rated fan; a hydraulically-driven side broom with plastic bristles; and a soft-wall attachment to vacuum out behind the cracks on the racetrack and the soft wall before and after each race.” By speeding up the time it takes to clean and dry the track, the Elgin Track Sweeper assists the overall process of keeping the race event on schedule.
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