ALLU Introduces the World’s Largest Material Processing Bucket Continuing development from its large ALLU M-Series material processing buckets for mining and process industries, released in 2014, ALLU Group recently launched the even larger ALLU G-Series bucket for very big carriers in material processing and mining. The goal with the new G-Series is to streamline customer processes and provide an opportunity for cost savings and environmental benefits – both hot topics in the mining industry. The first model released in the G-Series, is the 32 t, heavy ALLU G 4-32 F, with a payload of over 50 t, which is designed to be mounted on 250-300 t front-shovel mining excavators. With the ALLU G 4-32 F, the excavator is used as a material processor, screening the ore of waste rock in mining cells at the same time that it loads the screened ore onto transport dump trucks. In many mining operations, the utilization of this unique method makes it possible to leave the majority of waste rock found in the ore at its original location in the mining cell, without ever needing to transport the waste. When the waste material or side rock can be left behind in the mining cell, in its original location, the operation realizes great savings in fuel, transportation equipment wear/tear and equipment maintenance costs. The combination of the excavator and the ALLU G-Series bucket transforms the carrier machine into a truly mobile heavy processing machine. The method also creates environmental benefits through reduced transportation and processing of waste material at the surface. Keeping the tough conditions presented in mining applications in mind, the G 4-32 F is built using higest quality standards and materials. As with the ALLU M-Series, the ALLU G-Series is also equipped with the ALLU DARE data reporting system, which enables remote monitoring of the equipment condition and material processing performance via a mobile uplink.
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