Allen Introduces its New 255T4 Triple Roller Tube Paver Allen a leader in professional quality site prep and concrete placing and finishing equipment, announced the debut of their newest form riding paver. The 255T4 is a high production, triple roller tube paver that is great for concrete streets, parking lots, shoulders, ramps, approaches, airfields and more. The Allen 255T4 is powered by a 49.5 hp Tier 4 final (T4f) Hatz 4H50TIC diesel-engine. It can do the work of larger more expensive pavers in many applications. The paver is easy to transport and setup due to having a lighter weight than traditional slip-form pavers. The 255T4 also supports our optional gang vibration system which helps properly consolidate the concrete during the paving process. Allen Engineering Corporation (AEC) is headquartered in Paragould, Arkansas. The family-owned company designs, engineers, manufactures and markets concrete and related equipment that is sold and rented through a network of dealers and rental centers around the world.
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