Probst Paver Installation Machines at the Olympic Park in Sochi Gigantic building projects have been heralding the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi for months – and in some cases even years. Hotels, athletes‘ villages and a complete train track were built in record time. This was in addition to 5 ice rinks and the central stadium in the Olympic Park. Russia has spent around $55 billion on the project – almost five times as much as originally planned. There were two centers at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The snow, bobsled and luge competitions took place at the Rosa Chutor ski resort, while all arena competitions were taking place in Sochi itself. A special highlight: For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, all sport arenas could be reached on foot – and in order to allow the Olympians and winter sports fans to get from one competition to the next as easily as possible, the routes in the Sochi Olympic Park were completely repaved by Technologii Blagoustrojstwa (TB). With 4 Probst VM-203 installation machines, the POWERPLAN PP screeding machine, also by Probst, and an American Laser Grader, TB performed this task quickly and efficiently, smoothing the way for the sports mega event.
The paver installation machines are universal machines with a broad range of available attachments for different tasks: Kerb laying clamps, sweeping and sand watering systems, vacuum laying systems for different concrete and natural stone slabs and many special tools. Different track widths of the front and rear axle ensure low degree of stress on uncompacted pavers. The successor model of the VM-203 installation machine used in Sochi is the VM- 301-PAVERMAX, which Probst presented at bauma 2013. The VM-301 is the result of systematic enhancement and technical evolution of the VM-203 model. Apart from a facelift, the VM-301 is now available with an optional fully glazed tubular steel frame driver‘s cab equipped with a heater and windscreen wipers to protect the driver from the elements. |
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