Nouvelles brèves


Golder Associés fait l’acquisition de NovaTec Consultants
Golder Associés, chef de file en consultation, conception et construction, a fait l’acquisition de NovaTec Consultants Inc., située à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Fondée en 1984, NovaTec est une entreprise spécialisée dans l’ingénierie de procédés et tout particulièrement dans la conception d’installations de traitement de l’eau potable et des eaux usées industrielles et municipales, leur exploitation ainsi que l’optimisation des procédés et la vérification de la performance de ceux-ci de même que de la technologie.

Cette fusion accroît les possibilités d’offrir une plus grande valeur aux clients des secteurs minier ainsi que pétrolier et gazier, et de mettre à profit la réputation acquise par les deux entreprises dans une multitude de projets gouvernementaux et d’infrastructure. L’intégration des deux organisations engendre des compétences techniques diversifiées dont peuvent bénéficier les clients, un avantage qui permet à la firme d’instaurer des changements positifs dans les collectivités du monde entier.

«La réputation et l’expérience de NovaTec nous permettent d’accroître notre prestation de services en traitement de l’eau potable et des eaux usées au Canada et nous ouvrent de nouveaux horizons en nous donnant la possibilité de travailler dans des domaines inhabituels et d’explorer des applications techniques innovatrices», explique Ateesh Roop, leader national des fusions et acquisitions de Golder au Canada. «Les deux parties débordent d’enthousiasme à la suite de la conclusion de cette entente», ajoute-t-il.

Troy Vassos, président de NovaTec, décrit la fusion comme un avantage pour les employés et les clients. «NovaTec renforce les capacités actuelles de Golder dans le domaine de la conception de procédés de traitement de l’eau. L’intégration de nos services génère de nouvelles possibilités pour nos employés et nous permet de mieux aider nos clients en travaillant de pair à mettre au point  des solutions durables pour la récupération et la réutilisation de l’eau.»

NovaTec évoluera au sein du groupe Eaux d’exhaure de la division minière du bureau de Golder Associés situé dans la grande région de Vancouver.

Source: Golder Associés ltée


Siemens Canada ouvre une nouvelle usine à Pickering, en Ontario
Le 6 février dernier, Siemens Canada ouvrait officiellement les portes de sa plus récente usine. Les bureaux et l’usine d’une superficie de 17 650 m2 représentent un investissement considérable de Siemens Canada et constituent le nouvel établissement pour la production de transformateurs de mesure de Trench Limited, une filiale de Siemens.

La hausse de la demande relative aux transformateurs de mesure à huile a mené à la décision de construire les nouvelles installations, qui permettront à Trench d’accroître considérablement sa production actuelle et de bâtir un laboratoire de test de haute tension spécialisé capable de faire l’essai de produits d’une tension pouvant atteindre 800 000 V. L’usine comporte également un service de recherche et développement conçu pour garder l’entreprise à l’avant-plan de l’innovation dans le secteur de l’énergie.

Plus de 250 employés actuels de Trench travailleront à la nouvelle usine de Pickering, et d’autres employés seront peut-être embauchés selon la hausse des ventes prévue pour les années à venir. Au total, Trench emploie environ 700 personnes dans la région du Grand Toronto.

Le secteur des transformateurs de mesure de Trench fait partie du secteur plus vaste des produits à haute tension de Siemens, qui crée, produit et vend des produits pour des services publics d’électricité, des entreprises d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (EPC) et des industries consommant beaucoup d’énergie. Grâce à sa présence accrue sur la scène internationale avec plus de 20 usines dans 13 pays, l’unité commerciale fabrique ses produits tout près de ses clients.

Source: Siemens Canada limitée


Groupe Canam inc. vend sa participation dans la société chinoise USS
Groupe Canam inc. annonce qu’elle a vendu à Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd. et Glory Group Development Limited, deux sociétés chinoises, la participation de 49% qu’elle détenait depuis mars 2007 dans la société chinoise United Steel Structures Limited (USSL), pour une somme de 13,5 millions $.

Groupe Canam est une entreprise manufacturière qui exploite 20 usines en Amérique du Nord. Elle se spécialise dans la conception de solutions de construction et la fabrication de produits sur mesure depuis 1961. En moyenne, Groupe Canam participe à 10 000 projets par année dans trois domaines d’activités : bâtiments, charpentes métalliques et ponts.

Source: Groupe Canam inc.


RMT se joint à Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives
Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC (IEA) annonçait récemment qu’elle a conclu l’acquisition de RMT Inc., une firme de construction et d’ingénierie spécialisée dans les énergies renouvelables qui appartenait à l’Alliant Energy Corporation.

IEA représente un important fournisseur de services en ingénierie, en approvisionnement et gestion de construction pour un large éventail de marchés incluant l’industrie des énergies renouvelables et de production de combustibles fossiles partout en Amérique du Nord. RMT devient une filiale de l’IEA en travaillant au sein de leur division d’énergies renouvelables conjointement avec la filiale d’IEA White Construction, Inc. actuelle.

Le siège social de RMT sera maintenu à Madison au Wisconsin sous la direction du président nouvellement nommé, John Kennedy.

Monsieur Kennedy apporte à RMT plus de 25 ans d’expertise en matière d’ingénierie et de construction. Au cours de sa carrière, il a travaillé dans les marchés de l’énergie et des infrastructures en exerçant des postes de haut niveau à Exelon, InfraSource, Stone & Webster et Roberts & Schaefer.

Source: Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC


Un consortium de SNC-Lavalin obtient la ligne de transport rapide Evergreen du Grand Vancouver
SNC-Lavalin annonçait récemment que le consortium, EGRT Construction, a signé une entente avec la Province de la Colombie-Britannique pour le projet de la ligne de transport rapide Evergreen du Grand Vancouver. Le consortium EGRT Construction dirigé par SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc., l’entrepreneur choisi en conception-construction, est composé d’une coentreprise formée de SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Western) Inc. et Graham Building Service.

La ligne Evergreen reliera pour la première fois par transport en commun rapide le secteur des trois villes (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam et Port Moody) à la ligne Millennium déjà en service. En fournissant un meilleur service de transport en commun entre les banlieues et le centre-ville de Vancouver, le nouveau réseau devrait stimuler la croissance des communautés ainsi que le développement urbain le long de la ligne de transport et autour des différentes gares.

Les coûts de construction de la ligne Evergreen sont évalués à 889 millions $. EGRT Construction sera chargé de la construction des voies de guidage élevées et au sol, d’un tunnel foré de deux kilomètres, de sept gares, de postes électriques, des systèmes d’exploitation des trains, des parcs de stationnement et d’une installation d’entreposage et d’entretien courant des véhicules.

Les travaux de la ligne Evergreen devraient se terminer à l’été de 2016.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


Lafarge Est du Canada participe à la campagne de levée de fonds pour le Manitoulin Health Centre
Lafarge Canada Inc. (Est du Canada) a fait une contribution d’un montant de 50 000 $ au Manitoulin Health Centre dans le cadre de sa campagne de levée de fonds. Le 22 janvier dernier, les dirigeants du Manitoulin Health Centre et le président des événements spéciaux pour la levée de fonds, Jeff Wallace de Fisher Wavy, se sont joints à Lafarge au terme de cette campagne de trois ans pour en célébrer son succès. La contribution de Lafarge servira à l’achat d’équipement d’imagerie médicale dont les deux hôpitaux de l’Île Manitoulin ont désespérément besoin.

«Lafarge s’engage à bâtir des communautés et villes meilleures. C’est une valeur importante pour nous d’être un partenaire actif dans les communautés où nous habitons, travaillons et élevons nos familles» a dit Bob Cartmel, président et directeur général de Lafarge, Est du Canada. «C’est avec joie que nous nous joignons aux célébrations du Manitoulin Health Centre et c’est un plaisir pour nous de pouvoir faire une différence dans les services de santé que reçoit la communauté, où bon nombre de nos employés et leur famille demeurent.»

La campagne de financement du Manitoulin Health Centre a reçu un appui incroyablement positif des résidents et des entreprises de la région. Les individus, les municipalités, les communautés des Premières nations, les deux auxiliaires de l’hôpital, les organisations, les petites entreprises, les grandes corporations et de nombreux autres ont répondu à l’appel pour lever plus d’un million de dollars, dépassant largement l’objectif initial de 650 000 $.

«Le Manitoulin Health Centre reconnaît avec gratitude l’importante contribution de Lafarge, Est du Canada. Lafarge est un partenaire important dans notre communauté du Nord de l’Ontario et nous sommes enchantés d’avoir son soutien dans notre cause» dit Derek Graham, président et directeur général du Manitoulin Health Centre. «Nous sommes reconnaissants de l’incroyable générosité des donateurs tels que Lafarge, car cela nous permettra de nous procurer de nouveaux appareils à rayons X et à ultrasons, en plus d’équipement pour notre équipe de radiologie tel un logiciel amélioré, un nouvel appareil d’ostéodensitométrie et plus encore.»

Source: Lafarge Canada Inc.


Nouveau distributeur des produits Henderson au Québec
La direction de Michel Gohier ltée, division des Équipements Twin, est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle vient de conclure une entente de principe pour la distribution exclusive des produits Henderson Products, Inc. au Québec.

Henderson, fondée en 1946 à Cedar Rapids, en Iowa, est l’un des plus importants fabricants d’équipement de camion en Amérique du Nord. Henderson fabrique une multitude de types d’équipements regroupés principalement en trois catégories : déneigement, bennes et remorque à fond mobile.

La catégorie des produits destinés au déneigement est constituée de chasse-neige, ailes de côté et grattes sous-châssis, systèmes d’attache universels, épandeurs et systèmes de déglaçage et pré-mouillage.
Michel Gohier ltée, l’un des plus importants fabriquant de bennes basculantes au Québec, complètera sa gamme de produits MG avec certains modèles Henderson, notamment ceux en acier inoxydable et les remorques à fond mobile Black Belt de 35’ à 53’ de longueur.

«Cette entente nous permettra maintenant d’offrir notre propre concept clés en main à la clientèle qui recherche des véhicules de déneigement complets, soit des camions munis de benne quatre-saisons et de chasse-neige multiple ou autre combinaison», déclarait Louis Beaulieu, président de Michel Gohier ltée. «Auparavant, nous devions toujours dépendre de fournisseurs qui étaient aussi en compétition avec nous, alors ce n’était pas toujours facile. Maintenant nous pourrons contrôler notre plan de développement et d’expansion. Nous prévoyons être en mesure d’offrir les produits MG et Henderson à travers le Québec très bientôt», ajoutait-il.

Michel Gohier ltée présentera les produits de Henderson lors de l’exposition de l’APOM qui se tiendra le 3 mai prochain à Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, au Québec.

Source: Les Équipement Twin (1980) ltée


Classement des meilleurs distributeurs Link-Belt pour 2012
Skeeter Collins, directeur des ventes Nord-Américaines chez Link-Belt, annonçait récemment les 5 meilleurs distributeurs pour 2012. Ces distributeurs ont été sélectionnés sur la base de leurs performances au niveau des ventes et de la mise en marché des grues Link-Belt. Leur capacité à vendre des grues reflète non seulement la supériorité du produit, mais également leur remarquable service à la clientèle, leur stabilité financière et leur solide réputation dans l’industrie.

La liste des 5 meilleurs distributeurs Link-Belt pour 2012 (en ordre alphabétique)

  • Consultants F. Drapeau, inc., Québec,
  • HOLT Crane & Equipment, Houston, Texas,
  • Pinnacle Cranes, Charlotte, Caroline du Nord,
  • Nixon-Egli Equipment Company, Ontario, Californie,
  • Wood’s CRW Corp., Williston, Vermont.

«Le réseau de distribution de Link-Belt est le meilleur de l’industrie», disait monsieur Collins. «Plusieurs de ces compagnies se sont engagées à réinvestir durant la récente crise financière et nous croyons maintenant qu’elles donnent le ton pour une bonne année 2013.»

Source: Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company


Siemens Canada ouvre un centre de compétence sur le réseau intelligent à Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick
Le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick, David Alward, le chef de la direction d'Énergie NB, Gaëtan Thomas, et le chef de la direction de Siemens Canada, Robert Hardt, comptaient parmi les personnes présentes aujourd'hui à l'ouverture officielle du plus récent bureau de Siemens à Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick. L'établissement accueillera à la fois un centre de compétence sur le réseau intelligent (COC) et un centre de recherche et développement (R&D); il constitue une étape clé dans le partenariat de plusieurs années de Siemens avec Énergie NB, annoncé à l'été 2012.

Dans le cadre de la collaboration entre Siemens et Énergie NB, qui comprend un projet de modernisation complet, afin de passer au réseau intelligent selon un plan visant à réduire et à modifier la demande en énergie (RASD), les partenaires investiront dans la technologie et la participation de la clientèle, offrant aux entreprises comme à la population plus de choix et de contrôle quant à leur consommation d'énergie. À l'aide de la méthodologie du compas pour réseau intelligent, Siemens aidera Énergie NB à cartographier la demande énergétique pour les 10 prochaines années et au-delà. La conception et le déploiement du logiciel pilotant le réseau intelligent se feront au nouvel établissement de Fredericton, situé au 40 Crowther Lane, Parc du savoir 4.

Environ 23 employés ont été embauchés à ce jour, dont 15 en recherche et développement. Investir NB s'est engagée à prêter main-forte pour le recrutement d'un total de 25 employés en recherche et développement. La majorité de nos dernières recrues viennent de la région, conformément à la stratégie de Siemens visant à réunir le meilleur des connaissances mondiales en matière de réseau intelligent et l'expertise locale provenant du bassin de talents impressionnant du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Les plans de Siemens pour 2013 comprennent l'embauche d'employés, la collaboration avec Énergie NB afin d'améliorer son plan RASD et de mettre en place des systèmes de TI de base pour les applications de réseau intelligent, ainsi que la création de partenariats avec des universités de la région.

Source: Siemens Canada limitée


Ritchie Bros organisera sa première vente aux enchères en Chine
La toute première vente aux enchères organisée par Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers se tiendra le 18 avril 2013. Les premiers lots de machines neuves ou d'occasion de provenance locale et internationale sont déjà arrivées. Cette annonce fait suite à celle faite en novembre dernier lors d'une conférence de presse à bauma China, Ritchie Bros annonçait alors son agrément par le gouvernement chinois comme entreprise étrangère à part entière agréée par le gouvernement chinois pour organiser des ventes aux enchères sans prix de réserve.

Ritchie Bros. a loué un terrain dans la Tianzhu Free Trade Zone (Shunyi, Beijing) en prévision de sa première vente aux enchères en Chine. Le site est situé tout près de l'aéroport international de la capitale et relié à l'un des plus important port de roulage de fret chinois, à Tianjin.

Source: Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers


Composants Industriels Wajax et Kaman Industrial Technologies forment une alliance stratégique
Composants Industriels Wajax et Kaman Industrial Technologies annonçaient récemment la formation d’une alliance stratégique qui renforcera les services offerts à la clientèle possédant des actifs commerciaux aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Mexique ainsi qu’à Puerto Rico. Bien que Composants Industriels Wajax et Kaman demeurent des unités d’affaires distinctes, elles uniront leurs forces dans le but de compétitionner pour les ententes d’approvisionnement de clients possédant des opérations dans plusieurs juridictions différentes, soit une alternative à des ententes d’approvisionnement limitées à un pays donné. Cette alliance sera connue sous le nom de «Sourcepoint Industrial».

Kaman Industrial Technologies opère plus de 200 centres de service à la clientèle et cinq centres de distribution à travers les États-Unis, le Mexique et le Puerto Rico. Pour sa part, Composants Industriels Wajax a 65 succursales et 13 centres de service et de réparation certifiés au Canada.

Source: Composants Industriels Wajax


PALFINGER établit une coentreprise pour les plateformes d'accès en Italie
Le groupe PALFINGER met en place Palfinger Platforms Italy Srl., une coentreprise basée à Bolzano, en Italie. La société, dans laquelle PALFINGER détient une majorité, se spécialisera dans le développement, la production et la distribution de plates-formes d'accès. L'objectif est d'ouvrir le segment de marché des véhicules jusqu'à 3,5 t par le biais de la fabrication d'équipements de camions offerts à prix raisonnable dotés d'une technologie facile à utiliser. L'actionnaire minoritaire est Sky Aces Srl., une société italienne fondée en 2012, dont la gamme comprend actuellement deux solutions pour la maintenance de tunnels. L'exploitation d'entreprise de SkyAces existante est transférée à la nouvelle société.

Palfinger Platforms Italy élargira la gamme de produits existants de plates-formes d'accès PALFINGER. Tandis que PALFINGER est actuellement exploité exclusivement dans le segment haut de gamme, les nouveaux produits sont destinés à couvrir le segment milieu de gamme, qui est beaucoup plus important. Dans ce segment, des plates-formes d'accès normalisées sont montées sur des camions légers qui sont recherchés principalement par les municipalités, sociétés de distribution d'énergie, fournisseurs d'infrastructure et des sociétés de location. Ce type d'équipement se caractérise par sa facilité d'utilisation et de contrôle.

Palfinger Platforms Italy va distribuer toute la gamme de produits PALFINGER en Italie, et le matériel fabriqué en Italie sera distribué par le réseau de vente PALFINGER, pour l'instant uniquement en Europe et par la suite également dans les autres marchés.


Industry News


Golder Associates Acquires NovaTec Consultants
Golder Associates, a leader in independent consulting, design, and construction services, has acquired Vancouver-based NovaTec Consultants Inc. Founded in 1984, NovaTec is a specialist process engineering firm focused on industrial and municipal advanced water and wastewater treatment plant design, operations, process optimisation, and technology & process performance verification.

The merger presents expanded opportunities to deliver greater value to Mining and Oil & Gas clients, and capitalises on the reputation earned by the two companies in the Government and Infrastructure project streams. Integrating these two organisations creates a diverse technical portfolio available to our clients; a benefit as we collaborate to engineer positive change in communities around the world.

"NovaTec's reputation and experience really further our water and wastewater treatment service offering in Canada and provide all of us with broadened horizons – opportunities to become involved in new business streams and to explore new technical applications," explains Ateesh Roop, National Leader of Mergers & Acquisitions for Golder in Canada. "There is a lot of enthusiasm, on both sides, around this deal."

Troy Vassos, President of NovaTec, described the merger as a benefit to employees and clients, saying "NovaTec enhances Golder's existing water treatment process design capabilities. Integrating the two organisations' services creates new opporutnities for our people, and enables us to better assist clients as we work together to develop sustainable water reclamation and reuse solutions."

NovaTec will operate as part of the Mine Water Group within the Mining Division of Golder Associates' Greater Vancouver (Burnaby) office.

Source: Golder Associates Ltd.


Siemens Canada Opens New Manufacturing Facility for Trench Limited in Pickering, Ontario
Employees, special guests, and dignitaries including Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan will be on hand today as Siemens Canada officially opens the doors to its newest manufacturing facility. The 17 650 m2 office and plant location represents a significant investment by Siemens Canada and is the new home of instrument transformer production for Trench Limited, a Siemens company.

Increased product demand for the oil insulated instrument transformers led to the decision to build the new facility, allowing Trench to substantially expand existing production and build a dedicated high voltage testing laboratory capable of testing products rated up to 800,000 V. The plant is also home to a Research and Development department designed to keep the company at the forefront of innovation within the energy sector.

More than 250 current Trench employees will be based at the new Pickering facility, with the potential hiring of additional employees based on sales growth expected in the coming years. In total Trench employs approximately 700 people in the greater Toronto area

The Trench instrument transformers business is part of the larger high voltage products business unit within Siemens that develops, produces and sells products for power utilities, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) companies and power intensive industries. The business unit's extended global footprint of more than 20 manufacturing facilities across 13 countries makes it uniquely close to its customers.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


Canam Group Sells Its Ownership Interest in Chinese Company USSL
Canam Group Inc. recently announced that it has sold its 49% ownership interest held since March 2007 in a Chinese company, United Steel Structures Limited (USSL), to Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd. and Glory Group Development Limited, two Chinese companies, for a consideration of $13.5 million.

Canam Group is a manufacturing company that operates 20 plants across North America. Specialized in designing construction solutions and fabricating customized products since 1961, Canam Group takes part in an average of 10,000 construction projects each year in three activity sectors: buildings, structural steel and bridges.

Source: Canam Group Inc.


RMT Joins Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, LLC (IEA) announced today that it has closed on the acquisition of renewable energy construction and engineering firm RMT Inc., previously owned by Alliant Energy Corporation.

IEA is a leading provider of engineering, procurement and construction services to a variety of markets including renewable energy and fossil fuel generation across North America. RMT will become a subsidiary of IEA working in their renewable energy group along with existing IEA subsidiary White Construction, Inc.

RMT will remain headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin under the leadership of newly appointed President, John Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy brings to RMT over 25 years of engineering and construction leadership expertise.

Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC is a holding company established to acquire and manage industry-leading businesses for significant and sustainable growth opportunities in the energy, water and environmental infrastructure services markets across North America.

RMT is a leading EPC contractor specializing in the design and construction of wind and solar electric energy generating facilities and high-voltage transmission lines. RMT's experienced construction crew is backed by in-house engineering and development support professionals. RMT's EPC renewable energy portfolio includes over 5,000 MW.

Source: Infrastructure & Energy Alternatives, LLC


SNC-Lavalin Consortium Awarded Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project in Metro Vancouver
SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that its consortium, EGRT Construction, has signed a design, build and finance agreement with the Province of British Columbia for the Evergreen Line rapid transit project in Metro Vancouver. EGRT Construction is led by SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc., the design-build contractor, and includes a joint venture between SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Western) Inc. and Graham Building Service.

The Evergreen Line will link the Tri-Cities area to the existing Millennium Line for the first time through rapid transit. The new system is expected to support community growth and development along the route and near the stations by providing better transit connections between regional centres and downtown Vancouver.

The construction cost for the Evergreen Line is estimated at $889 million. EGRT Construction will be responsible for the construction of elevated and at-grade guideways, a two-kilometre bored tunnel, seven stations, power substations, train operating systems, parking facilities, and a vehicle storage and light maintenance facility.

Work on the Evergreen Line will begin in February 2013, with completion expected for the summer of 2016.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Lafarge Eastern Canada Gives $50,000 to Manitoulin Health Centre's Fundraising Campaign
Lafarge Canada Inc. (Eastern Canada) made a contribution of $50,000 to the Manitoulin Health Centre in support of their capital fundraising campaign. Lafarge was joined today by leaders from the Manitoulin Health Centre and fundraising special event chairman Jeff Wallace of Fisher Wavy to celebrate the conclusion of a highly successful 3-year fundraising campaign. Lafarge's contribution will go towards the purchase of the diagnostic imaging equipment desperately needed at its two hospital sites on Manitoulin Island.

"Lafarge is committed to building better cities and communities. Being an active partner where we live, work, and raise our families is an important part of our values," said Bob Cartmel, president & CEO, Lafarge Eastern Canada. "We are thrilled to be joining the Manitoulin Health Centre's celebrations today and make a difference in the health services that the community will receive, including many Lafarge employees and their families living in the region."

Over the last three years the Manitoulin Health Centre fundraising campaign received an overwhelmingly positive response from residents and businesses in the region. Individuals, municipalities, First Nations communities, the hospital's two auxiliaries, organizations, small businesses, large corporations, and more responded to the call and helped raise more than $1 Million, going above and beyond the original fundraising target of $650,000.

"Manitoulin Health Centre gratefully acknowledges this significant contribution from Lafarge Eastern Canada. Lafarge is an important partner in our Northern Ontario community and we are delighted to have their support for our cause," said Derek Graham, president & CEO, Manitoulin Health Centre. "Thanks to the incredible generosity of contributors like Lafarge, we will be able to purchase new X-Ray and ultrasound units, plus additional equipment for our radiology team such as enhanced software, a new bone densitometry unit and more."

Source: Lafarge Canada Inc.


New Henderson Products Distributor for Quebec
The management of Michel Gohier Ltd. (division of Équipements Twin) is proud to announce that it has reached an agreement with Henderson Products, Inc for the exclusive distribution of its products for Quebec.

Henderson, founded in 1946 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is one of the most important manufacturers of truck equipment in North America. Henderson builds a wide variety of equipment grouped in three categories: snow and ice, dump bodies, as well as live bottom trailers.

In the snow and ice category, we can find: front, wing and underbody plows; hitch systems, sand & salt spreaders; as well as liquid and ice control systems. MG will be offering all of those.

In the dump body group, MG, being already an important manufacturer of dump bodies in Quebec, the Henderson’s bodies will serve to complete MG’s actual product line, primarily with its stainless steel units.

Henderson also manufactures 35' to 53' live bottom trailers sold under the Black Belt brand are far from being ordinary. The system can handle boulders, rip-rap, snow, leaves, gravel, sand, bottom ash and more. MG will be offering these.

"This new agreement will now allow us to offer our own ‘turn-key’ concept to the customers seeking a complete snow & ice truck package, that is one with a four-season body with various plow attachments or other combinations. In the past, we always had to turn to suppliers/competitors to access plow equipment; it was thus not always easy to keep everyone happy. Now we will be able to control our own development and expansion program. We intend to be able to offer MG and Henderson products across Quebec very soon with a new distribution network," said Louis Beaulieu, president of Michel Gohier Ltd.

One interesting common ground between the two entities is the fact that both, Henderson and Michel Gohier, pay an important attention to the individual needs of their clientele and are not afraid to develop options or modify their current products to fit those individual needs. This should allow for the development of new applications in the future that will be able to satisfy new customer needs.

MG will be exhibiting Henderson’s products at the upcoming APOM show on May 3rd, 2013, in Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, Quebec.

Source: Les Équipement Twin (1980) ltée


Top Five Dealers for Link-Belt 2012
Skeeter Collins, Link-Belt’s manager of North American Sales, has announced the top five dealers for 2012. These dealers were selected on the basis of overall performance in sales and marketing of Link-Belt cranes. Their ability to sell cranes is not only a reflection of a superior product but also their outstanding customer service, long-term financial stability and solid reputation in the industry.

Link-Belt’s top five dealers for 2012 are (listed in alphabetic order):

  • Consultants F. Drapeau, inc., Quebec,
  • HOLT Crane & Equipment, Houston, Texas,
  • Pinnacle Cranes, Charlotte, North Caroline,
  • Nixon-Egli Equipment Company, Ontario, California,
  • Wood’s CRW Corp., Williston, Vermont.

“Link-Belt’s distribution network is the best in the construction industry,” said Collins. “A lot of these companies were committed to reinvesting during some difficult financial times and now we believe they have set the tone for a strong 2013.”

Source: Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company


ARA Introduces ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index
The American Rental Association (ARA) has taken another step forward in defining and analyzing the equipment rental industry with the development of the new ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™, which was introduced at The Rental Show 2013, in February.

At the request of ARA members, ARA convened a workgroup in September of 2012 to develop a plan of work for estimating an appropriate measure of equipment rental penetration for the equipment rental industry.

The workgroup built upon ARA’s development of rental-specific performance metrics to determine a way to calculate rental penetration that combines several factors to result in the ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™.

The ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™ provides the industry with a new method for measuring and forecasting equipment rental penetration and leverages the ARA Rental Market Monitor™ and the expertise of the association’s industry research partner, IHS Global Insight, as the foundation.

The ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™ is designed to create a way for rental companies to measure how much potential market exists versus the current market as well as for manufacturers to project demand for machines, and investors and analysts to consistently measure trends about equipment rental in construction.

“The basic concept of the ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™ is to measure the amount of equipment that is rented as a percentage of total construction equipment,” says Christine Wehrman, ARA’s executive vice president and CEO.

“Rental firms tend to measure their performance on a cost basis and the most often used cost base for rental equipment is original equipment cost (OEC),” says John McClelland, Ph.D., ARA’s vice president for government affairs, who helped lead ARA’s rental penetration index workgroup. “The OEC-weighted approach allows the ability to derive several components of the equipment rental penetration calculation using well-established data and techniques.”

U.S. Census data is used to calculate a value-based measure of the construction fleet. Using this value as the denominator and rental fleet OEC as the numerator, ARA can estimate an equipment rental penetration index that is value-based and accounts for flows of equipment into and out of the fleet and for the stock of equipment in the rental and total construction fleets.

“The ARA Equipment Rental Penetration Index™ is the association’s latest resource to help rental store owners and managers, manufacturers, and industry analysts and investors better understand the potential of the rental channel and its long term prospects,” says Michael Kneeland, CEO of United Rentals, Greenwich, Connecticut.

“While our customers continue to tell us that equipment rental increasingly plays a larger role in their business, now with the Index we can better measure the extent of that growth over time. We also believe that the secular shift to rental may have at first been driven by macro-economic uncertainty, but that once customers turn to rental they appreciate the flexibility and convenience it provides, and appreciate the added value,” Mr. Kneeland says.

ARA used the index to analyze results covering 2003-2011, which shows rental penetration for construction machines was in the range of 40% at the beginning of the analysis to just above 50% in 2010 and 2011. The result is consistent with the expectation that in recent years the size of the rental fleet has increased relative to the construction fleet.

Source: American Rental Association


Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Launches Redesigned Website
The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) recently launched its newly redesigned website, providing visitors with enhanced user-friendly features that improve navigation and online shopping for roofing publications., now offers three dedicated portals for visitors: residential, commercial and roofing professionals. These gateways make it easier for users in these particular groups to find pertinent news, information and resources about asphalt shingles and roofing membranes.

“We’re extremely excited about our new site,” said ARMA’s executive vice president, Reed Hitchcock. “Visually it’s more appealing and accessible. Visitors will find it easier to browse the site and search for roofing materials that are of most interest to them directly from the homepage.”

The main feature area on the homepage will serve as a repository for breaking news and important information about asphalt roofing systems, and will rotate on a regular basis. Consumers and roofing professionals will now have more robust photo galleries to peruse with descriptions of the various types of asphalt roofing systems that are available.

Additional updates to the site include direct access to ARMA’s informational suites, such as Fast Facts, MAT Releases, videos and cool roofing content via the home­page. These resources are also broken out into the individual portals as they relate to residential and commercial applications.

Visitors can link to ARMA’s Quality Asphalt Roofing Case-Study (QARC) Awards Program, directly from the website instead having to navigate away from it. Each year, the QARC Awards Program recognizes architects, contractors and specifiers who use asphaltic roofing materials on low-slope and steep-slope building projects for its beauty, affordability and reliability. The 2014 awards campaign is accepting submissions through the end of December. 

A newly established bookstore allows visitors to purchase ARMA publications online, further improving the shopping experience. ARMA offers a wide variety of general, educational and specialized design and installation guides and manuals for both residential and commercial asphalt roofing systems. 

“Visitors will find our site useful and beneficial, whether it’s a homeowner who wants for a particular look for their asphalt shingle or a roofing contractor seeking technical information on how to apply a modified bitumen system on a warehouse,” said Mr. Hitchcock. “There’s really something for everyone.”

Source: Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association


BID2WIN Software Unveils New Branding and Vision
BID2WIN Software is changing its name and rebranding itself as B2W Software, Inc. This new brand identity, paired with the company’s expanded operational suite, more accurately represents what it has become: a premier provider of enterprise-class construction operational software. Enjoying tremendous growth over the past 10 years, the company has expanded its product offerings, services and the size of its staff to meet the needs of a rapidly growing client base and shifting construction market. The most significant driver of B2W Software’s evolution is its strong vision and technical expertise in mobile development.

B2W Operational Elements include the following areas:

  • Estimate - Designed to manage your entire estimating and bidding process, B2W Estimate is the industry’s most powerful, cost effective estimating and bidding tool. Despite its power and feature-rich functionality, it is intuitive and easy to learn.
  • Dispatch - B2W Dispatch simplifies your operations, allowing you to plan, analyze, schedule, and dispatch your human, mechanical, and material resources across job locations and over time. It features advanced interactivity, allowing users to perform complex assignment, scheduling, and transportation tasks intuitively, accurately and efficiently. When jobs run the way you plan them, profitability is assured.
  • Track - B2W Track allows you to compare original bid numbers to real job costs, so you can better understand and remain in control of real costs every day, not weeks or months later. Using a laptop or tablet, executives, project managers, field engineers and foremen can view, enter and track real-time status information about jobs for reported production quantities, labor hours, equipment hours and material quantities.
  • Maintain - B2W Maintain keeps revenue producing equipment on the job by minimizing unplanned downtime and optimizing production. Plus mechanics can quickly access and create equipment and repair data using B2W Software’s mobile tablet application.

“B2W Software’s vision is to inspire and empower contractors to achieve world class operations. Our goal is not simply for our clients to implement software that monitors operations - we want to provide new tools that extract real business intelligence to improve company profitability,” states B2W Software’s CEO, Paul McKeon.

The new name and product offering is part of a comprehensive rebranding initiative designed to promote B2W Software’s customer-centric approach as well as its ability to provide new innovation, along with unmatched efficiency, accuracy and profitability for the construction industry. Included in the rebranding campaign will be a new logo, design standards, a North American marketing communications campaign, and a new website.

Source: B2W Software, Inc.


Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Officially Announces First China Auction Date
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers recently announced during a press conference in Beijing that it will be holding its first unreserved public auction in China on April 18, 2013. In addition to securing an official auction date, the company has started receiving its first consignments, which include a mixture of unused international and local equipment. This announcement comes shortly after the company’s initial announcement in November 2012, during a press conference at bauma China, where Ritchie Bros. announced that it will bring the certainty of unreserved auctions to Chinese equipment buyers and sellers now that the company’s Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise application had been approved by the Chinese government.

Ritchie Bros. has formally leased land in the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone (Shunyi, Beijing) in preparation for this first unreserved public auction in China. Strategically located within minutes of Beijing Capital International Airport, the Tianzhu Free Trade Zone is connected to one of China’s largest roll-on, roll-off ports in Tianjin.

Source: Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers


Siemens Canada Opens Smart Grid Center of Competence in Fredericton, New Brunswick
New Brunswick Premier David Alward, NB Power CEO Gaëtan Thomas and Siemens Canada CEO Robert Hardt were among those in attendance last January 31, at the official opening of Siemens’ newest home in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The location will house both a smart grid center of competence (COC) and a research & development (R&D) centre and is a milestone in Siemens’ multi-year partnership with NB Power, announced in the summer of 2012.

The collaboration between Siemens and NB Power, involving a comprehensive Smart Grid Reduce and Shift Demand (RASD) modernization plan, will invest in technology and engage customers, offering business and residents more choice and control over their energy consumption. Using Smart Grid Compass methodology, Siemens will support NB Power in developing an energy road map for the next decade and beyond. Design and rollout of smart grid software will take place at the new Fredericton facility.

Approximately 23 employees have been hired at the facility to-date, of which 15 are R&D hires. Invest NB has committed to support the hiring of a total of 25 R&D employees. The majority of new employees are local hires, aligning with Siemens’ strategy to bring the best of global smart grid knowledge together with local expertise from New Brunswick’s impressive talent pool.
Siemens’ plans for 2013 include additional hiring, working with NB Power to further develop its RASD plan and implement base IT systems for smart grid applications, as well as develop partnerships with local universities.

Source: Siemens Canada Limited


Wajax Industrial Components and Kaman Industrial Technologies Form Strategic Alliance
Wajax Industrial Components and Kaman Industrial Technologies recently announced that they have formed a strategic alliance, strengthening the services offered to customers having business assets in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico. While each of Wajax Industrial Components and Kaman will remain as separate and independent entities, they will join forces to compete for business-to-business and supply agreements with customers in multiple jurisdictions, providing an alternative to country-based supply agreements. The alliance will be known as “Sourcepoint Industrial”.

“North American and global consolidation of an important segment of our customer base and the resulting impact on their purchasing decisions led us to seek new ways to better serve these customers,” said Adrian Trotman, president, Wajax Industrial Components, referring to the business trends which led to the alliance. “While both Wajax Industrial Components and Kaman have a proven track record of satisfying customer needs in Canada and the U.S. respectively, neither one could individually cover a customer’s needs spanning both countries. This alliance gives customers a viable option to satisfy their North American-wide supply requirements that has unique strengths.”

“Historically, North American customers have had a limited choice for suppliers of their power-transmission and motion-control products,” said Steve Smidler, president, Kaman Industrial Technologies. “This alliance gives customers an alternative, and an opportunity to benefit from both companies’ value propositions. It meets the objectives that customers are trying to achieve in terms of cost control, consistency of service and added value.”

Kaman Industrial Technologies operates more than 200 customer service centers and five distribution centers across the U.S., Mexico and Puerto Rico. Wajax Industrial Components has 65 branches and 13 certified service and repair centers in Canada.

With the alliance, North American customers can expect to gain a large portfolio of products, services and technical expertise, along with better cost efficiency, higher productivity and a one-stop shopping experience for their manufacturing operations. Mr. Smidler continued, “More than ever, today’s customers are looking for solutions to their production problems. They’re looking for solutions for their assets. They’re looking for solutions to manage their costs – particularly given today’s global economic environment. This alliance is perfectly timed to deliver what North America’s manufacturing and resource sectors want to achieve.”

“Wajax Industrial Components has skills in hydraulics that can help Kaman’s U.S. customers. Kaman has strengths in power transmission and motion control engineering that can help Wajax Industrial Components’ Canadian customers. The fact that each of Wajax Industrial Components and Kaman operate independently on either side of the border allows us to work together effectively,” added Mr. Trotman

Source: Wajax Industrial Components


Hexagon Strengthens Software Portfolio with Acquisition of Listech
Hexagon AB, leading global provider of design, measurement and visualization solutions, has acquired Listech, an Australian software development company dedicated to increasing the efficiency, accuracy and productivity of professional surveyors and engineers.

Founded in 1988, Listech offers world-class software solutions that expedite data processing and streamline workflows in land management, construction and engineering projects. The LISCAD portfolio offers unparalleled functionality over other land surveying and civil engineering software. A comprehensive, fully integrated set of modules offers the flexibility of meeting a specific need or delivering a complete solution. Intuitive and easy to use, LISCAD interfaces with all major surveying, engineering and CAD systems and puts the power of the office in the field with real-time surveying and stakeout.

“When it comes to measuring, mapping, and recording the physical environment, mistakes can be costly. Whether building a highway, erecting a tower, or performing traditional land surveying services, time-tested practices must be combined with high-tech proficiency,” said Hexagon AB president and CEO Ola Rollén. “Listech’s robust software solutions offer our customers the ability to ensure timely, high quality, profitable outcomes in their surveying and engineering projects.”

Source: Hexagon AB


PALFINGER Establishes Joint Venture for Access Platforms in Italy
The PALFINGER Group is establishing Palfinger Platforms Italy Srl., a joint venture with headquarters in Bolzano, Italy. The company, in which PALFINGER holds a majority, will specialize in the development, production and distribution of access platforms. The objective is to open up the high-volume market segment for trucks of up to 3.5 t through the manufacture of reasonably priced truck bodies with easy-to-use technology. The minority shareholder is Sky Aces Srl., an Italian company founded in 2012, whose product range currently includes two solutions for tunnel maintenance. The existing operating business of Sky Aces will be transferred to the new company.

Palfinger Platforms Italy will expand the existing product portfolio of PALFINGER access platforms. While PALFINGER is currently operating exclusively in the high-end segment, the new products are intended to open up the mid-market segment, which is many times larger. In this segment, cost-efficient, standardized access platforms are mounted on trucks registered for up to 3.5 t, which are in demand primarily by municipalities, energy supply companies, infrastructure providers and rental companies. The equipment, which is characterized by its ease of operation and control, will also feature the proven quality of PALFINGER products.

Palfinger Platforms Italy will distribute the entire access platform range of PALFINGER in Italy, and the equipment manufactured in Italy will be distributed through the PALFINGER sales network, for the time being only in Europe and subsequently also in the other markets.


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