Nouvelles brèves


Le Salon Chalets et Maisons de Campagne prend un virage environnemental grâce à 1-800-GOT-JUNK?

Lors du Salon Chalets et Maisons de Campagne, qui se tenait au Centre de congrès de Québec du 31 janvier au 3 février dernier, l'entreprise 1-800-GOT-JUNK? et le promoteur du salon, Cantin Gestion d'Événements et Congrès, ont reconduit pour une 2e année consécutive leur partenariat visant à gérer et traiter de façon écologique tous les débris générés par les activités de montage et de démontage du salon.

1-800-GOT-JUNK? s'était engagée à procéder au triage, au recyclage et à la disposition écologique des débris, principalement constitués de matériaux de construction, de produits de terrassement et de matériel d'emballage ou entreposage, le tout généré par l'installation et le départ des quelque 150 exposants sur place. Un volume de débris qui avoisine historiquement de 2 à 3 conteneurs!

Au lendemain du Salon Chalets et Maisons de Campagne, le total des débris qui ont dû être enfouis de façon conventionnelle ne s'est élevé qu'à 11,5 m3! En comparaison des quelque 90 m3 que l'on enfouissait traditionnellement par le passé, le taux de recyclage avoisine les 90%! La réussite est concluante et les avantages pour l'environnement sont dignes de mention.

Source: 1-800-GOT-JUNK?


Dessau obtient un prestigieux prix international en ingénierie mécanique

Dessau vient de recevoir une importante reconnaissance internationale de l'American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) pour l'excellence de ses concepts de chauffage, ventilation et conditionnement de l'air dans les hôpitaux. L'événement de remise des prix 2008 de l'ASHRAE se tenait à New York en janvier dernier.

À cette occasion, Dessau s'est vue décerner l'ASHRAE Technology Award 2008 dans la catégorie &laqno;Health Care Facilities ­ Existing» (Installations de santé - Bâtiments existants) pour le projet de réhabilitation du Centre hospitalier Honoré-Mercier à Saint-Hyacinthe.

&laqno;Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse vient couronner les efforts de nos équipes d'ingénierie oeuvrant à trouver des solutions intégrées où l'efficacité énergétique et les principes de développement durable sont des critères déterminants de choix de concepts électromécaniques. Nos spécialistes ont de quoi être fiers», d'affirmer Jean-Pierre Sauriol, président directeur-général de Dessau.

Le jury de ce concours d'ingénierie composé d'experts internationaux évalue les projets en fonction de nombreux critères, tels : le caractère innovateur des systèmes électromécaniques, l'efficacité énergétique, la qualité de l'air, la facilité d'opération et d'entretien, l'impact économique et la rentabilité du projet, ainsi que l'impact environnemental.

L'ASHRAE est un organisme international regroupant 55 000 membres à travers le monde. Sa mission consiste à diffuser et promouvoir l'avancement des sciences traitant du chauffage, de la ventilation, de la réfrigération, de la climatisation, ainsi que d'autres technologies connexes, dont la conservation de l'énergie dans les bâtiments. Les comités techniques de l'ASHRAE établissent des normes qui sont utilisées couramment par les concepteurs de bâtiments partout dans le monde et sur lesquelles sont basés les codes de construction de plusieurs provinces et états. En effet, la plupart des textes de réglementation en matière de bâtiment font référence aux standards publiés par l'ASHRAE

Source: Dessau inc.


Bentley fait l'acquisition de LEAP Software

Bentley Systems, Incorporated annonçait récemment l'acquisition de LEAP Software, Inc., l'un des premiers fournisseurs de produits d'analyse et de conception destinés aux ponts en béton. Les solutions pour ponts de LEAP sont la norme de l'industrie en Amérique du Nord, utilisées par 37 départements d'état au transport américains, l'U.S. Federal Highway Administration, un grand nombre de villes et de comtés, et les meilleurs consultants spécialisés dans l'ingénierie des ponts. Le produit phare, LEAP Bridge, est une application d'analyse, de conception et d'évaluation de charge qui intègre tous les composants de la conception d'un pont en une seule application, avec une interface utilisateur unique. Les produits LEAP complètent et renforcent la solution de bout en bout de Bentley pour la gestion et la conception de ponts. Elle inclut Bentley Bridge RM pour les ponts à haubans, suspendus, et segmentés; Bentley BridgeModeler et Bentley LARS pour le calcul des charges, l'analyse et la modélisation analytique; GEOPAK Bridge; InRoads Bridge; Bentley Rebar; Bentley PowerRebar; et bien d'autres produits.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated


Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR acquiert Phoenix Engineering

Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR est heureux d'annoncer l'acquisition de Phoenix Engineering Inc., une firme de consultants basée dans l'ouest du Canada, spécialisée en énergie éolienne, ayant des bureaux à Calgary et Montréal.

La firme cumule 20 années d'expérience en contrôle et évaluation de la ressource éolienne ainsi qu'en conception de parcs éoliens. Phoenix fournit des services à des producteurs de parcs éoliens et prêteurs de capitaux qui, collectivement, totalisent plus de 80% de la capacité installée en énergieéolienne dans l'Ouest canadien et près de 40% au Canada.

Source: Fonds de revenu GENIVAR


Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR acquiert RFA

Le Fonds de revenu GENIVAR annonce l'acquisition de RFA Consulting Electrical Engineers Inc., une firme de 30 employés basée à Vancouver et Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique.

RFA offre la gamme complète de services en génie électrique et en conception de systèmes d'éclairage. Elle est active dans le segment de marché du bâtiment et autres infastructures et a développé des solutions à la fine pointe de la technologie en matière de bâtiment vert.

&laqno;Cette firme accorde une grande importance à l'environnement, aux solutions durables en ingénierie et est à l'affût des dernières nouveautés en matière de conception électrique,» déclarait J. Rob Harmer. &laqno;Depuis 1992, RFA a remporté de nombreux prix d'excellence et a réalisé plusieurs projets LEED®, incluant le premier projet LEED® Platine du Canada pour Parcs Canada, et le projet du Parc technologique de Vancouver, qui a été certifié LEED® Or par le U.S. Green Buildings Council», précisait-il.

Source: Fonds de revenu GENIVAR


Supermétal s'installe à Leduc, en Alberta

En avril prochain, Supermétal emménagera dans une toute nouvelle usine ultra moderne d'une capacité de 5000 t/an à Leduc, près d'Edmonton. Dotée d'équipements à contrôle numérique à la fine pointe de la technologie, celle-ci aidera le fabricant à consolider sa position de tête en Alberta.

En Alberta, la demande est forte, tant en termes de bâtiments commerciaux que de structures industrielles, en particulier dans le domaine de l'énergie. Récemment, Supermétal a obtenu le contrat de charpente métallique du Centre de divertissement de course équestre de Calgary, un mandat de près de 2000 t. Ce bâtiment d'architecture moderne pourra accueillir plus de 10 000 amateurs enthousiastes et offrir une panoplie de services. L'entreprise s'est aussi vue confier, par Hitachi America, la structure des quatre bâtiments principaux de la nouvelle centrale électrique Keephills 3 du tandem Epcor/Transalta, près d'Edmonton. Ce projet de plus de 3000 t d'acier englobe la turbine, la station de pompage, le centre traitement des eaux ainsi que la salle de contrôle.

Supermétal Structures est un manufacturier canadien bien établi qui exploite des usines au Québec et en Alberta et qui dessert des clients partout en Amérique du Nord. Renommée pour la qualité de son service, l'entreprise qui compte plus de 400 employés se spécialise dans la fabrication et l'installation de charpente métallique destinée à des immeubles commerciaux ou à des bâtiments industriels.

Source: Supermétal Structures Inc.


SNC-Lavalin acquiert le Groupe Techmat

SNC-Lavalin est heureuse d'annoncer que sa filiale Groupe Qualitas s'est portée acquéreur du Groupe Techmat, une entreprise spécialisée dans les secteurs de l'ingénierie des matériaux et de la géotechnique, dont le siège social est établi à Saguenay, Québec.

Avec ses quelque 80 employés, Techmat vient ainsi augmenter les rangs de la division Génie des matériaux et géotechnique (Québec) de SNC-Lavalin, qui regroupait déjà les effectifs de Groupe Qualitas et de Terratech. La division compte maintenant près de 500 employés au Québec.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.


AAER crée une division européenne en partenariat avec Valorem

AAER Inc., le seul fabricant canadien d'éoliennes, annonçait récemment avoir finalisé la création d'AAER SAS, une coentreprise avec Valorem SAS, un promoteur et producteur français du secteur de l'énergie éolienne. Cette nouvelle entité s'occupera de la distribution de l'éolienne de 2 MW d'AAER en France et sera établie près de Bordeaux.

&laqno;Valorem compte en France des projets éoliens en développement totalisant plus de 575 MW, ainsi que 56 MW de puissance installée. Notre coentreprise avec ce promoteur éolien bien établi nous permettra d'offrir rapidement nos éoliennes de 2 MW à vitesse variable sur l'un des marchés européens les plus dynamiques», a déclaré Dave Gagnon, président et chef de la direction d'AAER. &laqno;Nous en sommes aux dernières étapes des négociations avec Valorem pour la vente de notre première éolienne de 2 MW, qui doit être mise en service sur l'un des sites actuels de Valorem. Cela donnera l'occasion à AAER SAS de présenter les éoliennes de 2 MW aux clients européens et facilitera le lancement de ce produit en Amérique du Nord en 2010.»

AAER SAS, détenue à 67% par AAER et 33% par Valorem, sera responsable de la distribution du modèle A-2000 en France et au Royaume-Uni. Elle bénéficiera de l'expertise en logistique, en érection et en mise en service de Valrea RCS, filiale en propriété exclusive de Valorem. AAER SAS prévoit éventuellement établir des activités d'assemblage ou de fabrication en France, lorsque les ventes annuelles du modèle A-2000 auront atteint un niveau suffisant pour supporter les immobilisations requises.

Source: AAER Inc.


Trimble annonce l'acquisition de Géo-3D

Trimble annonçait récemment l'acquisition de Géo-3D, une compagnie québécoise chef de file dans le domaine des processus d'acquisition de données basés sur l'imagerie haute résolution, la vidéographie, les systèmes de positionnement et la photogrammétrie, pour des applications dans les domaines du transport, du génie et de l'énergie.

Cette acquisition permettra à Trimble de compléter son portfolio en ce qui a trait à la cartographie mobile, précisément pour les marchés du transport et des infrastructures.

Daniel Desgagne et le personnel de Géo-3D se joindront au secteur Ingénierie et Construction de Trimble.

Source: Trimble Navigation Limited


Topcon réalise l'acquisition de Sokkia

Les autorités japonaises ont donné leur aval à l'acquisition par Topcon de Sokkia Corporation. La combinaison de ces deux géants créérait ainsi le plus important fournisseur d'instruments d'arpentage au monde, Sokkia devenant une filiale à part entière de Topcon Corporation.

&laqno;Avec une expérience combinée de plus de 160 ans dans le domaine des instruments de mesure (85 ans pour Sokkia et 75 ans pour Topcon), ces compagnies ont une histoire riche en innovation, en produits et service après-vente de qualité», déclarait Ed Yamanaka, président of Sokkia Corporation.

&laqno;Nous ne prévoyons pas de changement au niveau des marques et dans leurs réseaux de distribution respectifs», disait Ray O'Connor, président et chef de la direction de Topcon Positioning Systems. &laqno;La combinaison de leurs ressources créera une synergie naturelle au niveau de l'ingénierie et de la fabrication. La combinaison de ces deux leaders apportera d'importants changements sur le marché des instruments d'arpentage.»

Source: Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat au Venezuela

SNC-Lavalin a le plaisir d'annoncer que l'Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural du Venezuela lui a octroyé un contrat de 597 millions $US pour concevoir et construire un système intégré d'irrigation, les infrastructures de soutien et trois petites villes, dans le district de Tiznados de l'État de Guarico, à environ 300 km au sud de Caracas.

Le projet à facettes multiples comprend la conception et la construction de 12,8 km de prolongement d'un canal d'irrigation.

&laqno;Nous sommes aussi chargés de la conception et de la construction de 14 km de conduits et de canaux secondaires, et de 18 km de conduits et de canaux tertiaires pour ce canal, des infrastructures auxiliaires comme des barrières, des prises d'eau pour les fermes, tous les autres systèmes de distribution d'eau nécessaires pour desservir 32 200 ha dans la vallée du Tiznados, ainsi que de l'installation du matériel d'irrigation au goutte-à-goutte et par micro-aspersion nécessaire pour 10 000 ha de terres agricoles», a déclaré Marzio Lorenzini, directeur du projet.

Dans le cadre de ce contrat, SNC-Lavalin construira également des entrepôts, des silos et d'autres infrastructures pour compléter les installations agro-industrielles actuelles de la région. La Société concevra et construira aussi les nouvelles villes de Guaitoco, San Francisco et San José de Tiznados, ce qui comprend notamment, 2000 logements, des établissements d'enseignement et de santé, et des installations sportives. De plus, elle construira 80 km de routes asphaltées et de chemins de terre pour le réseau de transport intérieur.

Les travaux, qui commencent immédiatement, devraient être terminés dans 3 ans.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.


Tecsult se joint à AECOM

Tecsult inc., une des principales firmes d'ingénierie au Canada, dont le siège social se trouve à Montréal, annonçait récemment la conclusion d'une entente de fusion avec AECOM Technology Corporation, de Los Angeles, une firme d'ingénierie mondiale.

Selon l'entente, Tecsult conservera son nom, son identité et son équipe de direction sur ses propres marchés. En outre, elle devient le fer de lance des sociétés d'exploitation d'AECOM au Québec et le centre d'excellence mondial du groupe dans le domaine de l'hydroélectricité et des barrages.

AECOM est un leader mondial dans ses domaines d'expertise dont le transport, le bâtiment et l'environnement. En réunissant l'expertise des sociétés d'exploitation d'AECOM en hydroélectricité et barrages à celle de Tecsult, AECOM se positionne dans le peloton de tête pour ces domaines.

Source: Tecsult Inc.


Structal décroche un contrat pour le Red Bull Park

Structal-construction métallique lourde, un segment d'affaires de Groupe Canam inc., situé à Point of Rocks dans le Maryland a décroché de l'entrepreneur général Hunter Roberts Construction Group, LLC le contrat pour la conception assistée, la fabrication et le montage du nouveau stade de soccer Red Bull Park qui sera le nouveau domicile des Red Bulls de New York, une équipe de la Major League Soccer. Le contrat de Structal pour la construction du nouveau stade situé à Harrison dans le New Jersey se chiffre entre 28 et 30 millions $.

Ce projet nécessitera la conception de fermes de toit, ayant une géométrie architecturale rappelant la forme d'un boomerang, qui auront pour but de protéger les spectateurs contre les intempéries tout en laissant le terrain de soccer libre.

Au total 54 fermes à profondeurs variables seront requises. Les plus imposantes atteindront quelque 7,6 m de profondeur dans leur partie la plus profonde et se prolongeront sur une longueur de 50,3 m en direction du terrain pour former au-dessus des gradins un toit de style marquise.

Source: Groupe Canam Inc.

Industry News


Suncor's Board gives final approval to $20,6 billion oil sands expansion

Suncor Energy announced on January 30 that its Board of Directors has given final approval to a $20,6 billion investment that is expected to boost crude oil production at the company's oil sands operation, located north of Fort McMurray, by 200 000 b/d.

The Board's decision is a key step in achieving Suncor's long-term goal of responsibly increasing crude oil production capacity to 550 000 b/d in 2012 ­ and follows through on a growth strategy that Suncor first announced in 2001.

The expansion plans include constructing four additional stages of in-situ bitumen production, a new upgrader to convert that bitumen into higher-value crude oil, and various infrastructure and utilities.

Of the estimated total of $20,6 billion, Suncor has already invested approximately $2,5 billion on the expansion, including detailed engineering, site work and fabrication of major vessels. In addition, Suncor's consultation with stakeholders has resulted in a project designed to mitigate many of the environmental impacts oil sands development creates.

One area of particular focus is improved water management. Having already reduced water withdrawals from the Athabasca River, Suncor plans to proceed with this expansion without requesting any increase to its water licence. The project also calls for emission abatement equipment and sulphur handling systems to be installed to improve air quality and reduce odours, while new equipment and processes are also in the plan to improve energy efficiency.

The expansion is designed to be completed in a phased manner. Mechanical completion of the new upgrader is expected to be completed in 2011, while bitumen feed from the new stages of in-situ production is expected to begin operation in 2009 through 2011. Crude oil production is expected to begin ramping up in late 2011, with full production capacity of 550 000 b/d expected to be achieved in 2012. Suncor's plans for some components of in-situ expansion are still subject to regulatory approval and, as such, the company's schedule is subject to change.

The capital required to fund the expansion is expected to be financed through cash flow from operations, credit facilities and access to debt capital markets.

Source: Suncor Energy Inc.


BID2WIN Software Launches New Field Tracking Software

BID2WIN Software Inc. has maintained its commitment to developing cutting-edge technology with the launch of its latest product BUILD2WIN.

This new field tracking software uses baseline information seamlessly transferred from BID2WIN Estimating and Bidding and allows tracking of actual production quantities, labor hours, equipment usage, material quantities, subcontractor work, and trucking against estimated values. Using a browser based user interface, executives, project managers, field engineers and foremen can all view and track real-time status information about projects. Accounting personnel can quickly and easily transfer actual quantities and payroll to their accounting system.

Paul J. McKeon, Jr., president of BID2WIN Software Inc. says, "We are very excited about this launch and what it means for BID2WIN Software. The launching of this product only reinforces the fact that we provide the best enterprise-class construction management solution available in the industry today."

BUILD2WIN is the only browser based solution on the market where no software installation or maintenance is required on laptops in the field or computers in the office; and no requirement to "synchronize" information between the field and office network. Up-to-date information is always automatically transferred and available in real-time. Foremen and managers can enter, view and track real-time status information about projects in the office, in the field, or anywhere else an Internet connection is available ­ instantly.

Source: BID2WIN Software Inc.


Pomerleau Inc. Chooses CMiC Over JD Edwards

CMiC, the leader in enterprise-wide software solutions for the construction industry, announced today that Pomerleau Inc., one of Canada's construction leaders, chose CMiC Enterprise, Integration and Project Management over JD Edwards to replace their previous, non-integrated system.

"Getting an integrated system will help us get the correct information in real-time to increase productivity," said Éric Lessard, director of Information Technology at Pomerleau. "CMiC are specialists and the leader in the construction and engineering software industry. We wanted someone who knows exactly what we have to deal with everyday."

Based in Saint-Georges, Quebec, and with offices in Montreal, Ottawa and Dartmouth, and with an average of 80 ongoing projects at one time, Pomerleau found that its previous software system did not provide the functionality it needed to continue growing. "Our previous system was stagnating," said Mr. Lessard. Pomerleau will be implementing CMiC's software in French. One of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, Pomerleau has over 1000 employees and an annual revenue of $640 million in 2006.

"CMiC is pleased to have Pomerleau join the expanding list of Canadian companies that have recognized that CMiC can improve profitability," said Bassem Hamdy, vice president, Solutions, CMiC. "As an industry leader, we hope that other Canadian construction companies will follow Pomerleau's lead and choose CMiC to enhance productivity and increase profitability."

Founded in 1964 and incorporated in 1966, Pomerleau has successfully delivered over 1500 construction projects of all types (total value over $7 billion). This solid foundation enables Pomerleau to go further, to seek and find innovative ways to tackle projects as general contractor, design-builder, project manager or construction manager. With its vast body of knowledge and solid experience, Pomerleau holds a unique position in the commercial, institutional and industrial sectors as well as in infrastructure works and civil engineering. Since 1986, Pomerleau has been consistently ranked among Canada's leading contractors.

CMiC is the leader in creating the most complete, integrated and advanced enterprise-wide software solutions for the AEC industry. Designed to enhance a company's efficiency, CMiC's technologically superior solutions allow organizations to streamline processes and maximize profitability. CMiC brings experience and industry expertise to each project and continuously pushes for innovative solutions.

Source: Computer Methods International Corp.


Cummins Filtration Enhances Capabilities Through Agreement with Elmarco

Cummins Filtration, the leader in filtration, exhaust, coolant and chemical technology for all engine-powered systems, announced that it has entered into a cooperation agreement with Elmarco s.r.o, a Czech nanotechnology designer. The strategic objective of the agreement is to develop innovative solutions in nanofiber media technologies to allow Cummins Filtration to better serve global application needs in motor vehicle and related filtration systems.

Elmarco, in close cooperation with the Technical University of Liberec, in the Czech Republic, has developed the exclusive Nanospider technology. Their patented Nanospider technology is capable of producing a consistent web of nanofibers with diameters 50-300 nm, approximately 1000 times smaller than a human hair. The extremely fine fibers provide enormously high surface area, approximately 150 times greater than that of commonly used spun-bond (or cellulose) fibers. Filter media with this increased surface area collect a significantly greater number of particulates, which results in superior filter efficiency.

Source: Cummins Inc.


Bentley Acquires LEAP Software

Bentley Systems, Incorporated recently announced that it has acquired LEAP Software, Inc., a leading provider of analysis and design products for concrete bridges. The LEAP bridge solutions are the industry standard across North America, used by 37 U.S. state departments of transportation, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, a large number of city and county agencies, and top bridge engineering consultants. The flagship product, LEAP Bridge, is an analysis, design, and load-rating application that integrates all bridge design components into one application with a single user interface. The LEAP products complement and strengthen Bentley's end-to-end bridge design and management solution, which includes Bentley Bridge RM for cable-stayed, suspension, and segmental bridges; Bentley BridgeModeler and Bentley LARS for bridge load-rating calculation, analysis, and analytical modeling; GEOPAK Bridge; InRoads Bridge; Bentley Rebar; Bentley PowerRebar; and many other products.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated provides software for the lifecycle of the world's infrastructure. It offers a comprehensive portfolio for the building, plant, civil, and geospatial verticals spans architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and operations.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated


Supermetal Announces New Contracts and a New Facility in Leduc, Alberta

Supermetal Structures Inc. announced recently it was awarded by Clark Builders the contract to fabricate and erect the structural steel for the United Horsemen of Alberta's Racing Entertainment Centre in Balzac near Calgary, Alberta. The world-class facility will accommodate over 10 000 racing and entertainment enthusiasts and employ up to 5000 people with the adjacent mega shopping mall. The first of 1900 t of steel is expected to arrive on-site in the spring of this year with substantial completion by year end.

Also in Alberta, the company has been selected by Hitachi America to fabricate the turbine, pump house, water treatment and control room buildings at the Epcor/ TransAlta owned, Keephills 3 expansion. The tonnage for the 4 buildings is approximately 3300 t combined. Supermetal is anticipating complete delivery of the steel by October 2008 for the new 450 MW coal-fired generating facility.

"Building this prestigious new racing centre and power generation facility represents an exciting challenge in which time delays are not an option. Supermetal's premium service coupled with its strong presence in Alberta will ensure on-time delivery and exceptional contingency management", stated Jean-Francois Blouin, Western Division Manager for Supermetal.

The company, which already operates a major plant in Edmonton, will support its growing presence in Alberta by moving to a new, 5000 t state-of-the-art facility in the North Leduc Business Park, by the beginning of April. Currently under construction, the facility will be able to maneuver structural skids and modules efficiently, a necessary requirement for the oil sands' pipe rack projects, and will have improved lay down and storage capacity in comparison to its existing Edmonton facility. "All stakeholders, including our customers, employees, suppliers and the surrounding community, will benefit from our growing investment here", concluded Jean-Francois Blouin.

Supermetal Structures is a long established Canadian-owned company with facilities in Quebec and Alberta and clients all across North America. Renowned for its premium service, Supermetal specializes in the fabrication and erection of structural steel for industrial and commercial projects.

Source: Supermétal Structures Inc.


GENIVAR Income Fund Acquires RFA

GENIVAR Income Fund is pleased to announce the acquisition of RFA Consulting Electrical Engineers Inc. based in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia.

RFA was founded in 1974. Its team provide complete electrical engineering services from concept to commissioning for healthcare, institutional, governmental, commercial and industrial clients. Since 1992, RFA has completed many award-winning and LEED® projects, including the first LEED® Platinum Certification in Canada for Parks Canada, and, the Vancouver Island Technology Park project. This project received the first LEED® Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Buildings Council.

Source: GENIVAR Income Fund


GENIVAR Income Fund Acquires Phoenix Engineering

The GENIVAR Income Fund is pleased to announce the acquisition of Phoenix Engineering Inc. (Phoenix), a Western Canada-based wind power consulting firm with offices in Calgary and Montreal. As a result of this acquisition, GENIVAR adds on 40 specialized employees in wind power and establishes itself in Calgary.

The firm has over 20 years' experience in the areas of wind resource monitoring and assessment and wind farm design. Phoenix provides consulting services to owners and lenders, who collectively operate over 80% of the installed wind power capacity in Western Canada and nearly 40% nationwide.

Source: GENIVAR Income Fund


Trimble Acquires Géo-3D Inc.

Trimble announced recently it has acquired privately-held Géo-3D Inc. of Montreal, Canada in an all-cash transaction. Géo-3D is a leader in roadside infrastructure asset inventory solutions. Financial terms were not disclosed.

This acquisition extends Trimble's portfolio of field solutions to include mobile mapping specific to the transportation and utilities market. Géo-3D's geo-referenced land videography system rapidly documents images and positioning information to catalog roadside infrastructure such as road signs, guardrails, light poles and other assets. With a customer base in Canada, Europe, and the U.S., Géo-3D products are used by service companies collecting geospatial data by photogrammetry and LIDAR as well as state authorities and municipalities involved in supplying geospatial information.

This acquisition also augments Trimble's existing positioning solutions by providing exceptional as-built views of infrastructure assets. By automating roadside asset inventory management, transportation and utility organizations can increase productivity throughout the infrastructure's lifecycle.

Daniel Desgagne and the staff of Géo-3D will join Trimble and operate as part of the Engineering and Construction segment.

Source: Trimble Navigation Limited


SNC-Lavalin Awarded a Contract in Venezuela

SNC-Lavalin is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $597 million contract by Venezuela's Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural to design and build an integrated irrigation system, supporting infrastructure and three small towns in the Tiznados district of the State of Guarico, about 300 km south of Caracas.

The project is multi-faceted and includes the design and construction of a 12,8 km extension to an existing irrigation canal.

"We are also responsible for the design and construction of 14 km of secondary and 18 km of tertiary conduits or branches from the canal, associated infrastructure such as gates, farm intakes, all other water distribution systems required to serve 32 200 ha of the Tiznados valley, and the installation of 10 000 ha of in-farm irrigation with dripping and micro aspersion equipment," said Marzio Lorenzini, the project's manager.

As part of the contract, SNC-Lavalin will construct warehouses, silos and other infrastructure to complement existing agro-industrial facilities in the area; design and construct the new towns of Guaitoco, San Francisco and San José de Tiznados, including 2000 homes and education, health and sport facilites; and build 80 km of paved and dirt roads for the internal transportation network.

Work begins immediately, and is expected to be completed in three years time.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Thomas Equipment Inc. Changes Name to Osiris Corporation

Petter M. Etholm, president and CEO announced recently that Thomas Equipment Inc. has changed its name to Osiris Corporation.

Osiris is the holding company for the Thomas skid steer loader operations, Pneutech, producers of pneumatic and hydraulic systems and TcomT, designer of wireless devices. Mr. Etholm said, "Osiris will focus on industrial, agricultural and other business opportunities."

Osiris, based in New York, has operational and financial support in Boston and Omaha, and manufacturing and marketing facilities in North America, Europe and Asia.

Osiris Inc. is a holding company based in New York, Boston and Omaha, and is dedicated to building business in the industrial, agricultural and related business sectors. Osiris' subsidiaries are located in North America (Canada), Europe, and Asia. Subsidiaries of Osiris consist of Thomas Equipment 2004, Inc. and its units, which provide branded and other products to the industrial markets; Thomas Equipment Asia Co. Ltd.; Thomas Ventures, Inc., Pneutech, Inc. and TcomT Inc. Osiris' units manufacture and market industrial and construction equipment, distribute pneumatic and hydraulic systems and design wireless devices for the telecommunications industry, among other activities.

Source: Osiris Corporation


Takeuchi-US Annouces New Canadian Dealership

Takeuchi US is pleased to announce that Hepburn Enterprises, Inc., has joined the team of high quality equipment dealers offering the Takeuchi line of products.

Hepburn Enterprises, Inc., was founded by Brock Hepburn in 1996 in Winnipeg. They have the largest aftermarket parts inventory in the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario area.

The company has successfully grown, based in part, on their reputation for quality service, quick responses, and the ability to understand the customers' needs and solve problems. Hepburn Enterprises is committed to their customers and building long-term relationships.

"We welcome Hepburn Enterprises, to the Takeuchi team and wish them continued success", said Clay Eubanks, Takeuchi US president.

Takeuchi manufactures an extensive line of compact track loaders, compact excavators, and compact wheel loaders.

Source: Takeuchi US


SAKAI Appoints the Sancton Group In Canada

SAKAI is pleased to announce the appointment of the Sancton Group, Inc. as an authorized dealer in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador and Prince Edward Island.

SAKAI offers a full line of high-quality, high-productivity vibratory soil compactors, seven 4000VPM vibratory asphalt rollers designed for Superpave and other perpetual pavements as well as combination vibratory/pneumatic rollers and balanced three wheelers. Innovators in compaction equipment for over 80 years, Sakai is also the first to offer a track driven soil compactor for steep slope applications as well as the world's first vibratory pneumatic tire roller for today's contemporary mix designs.

The Sancton Group sales staff has been fully trained in the application, sales, parts and service of SAKAI products and offers prompt and professional parts and service support. The company supports Sakai in Canada from their Saint John, St. John's and Halifax branch locations.

Source: SAKAI America, Inc.


Caterpillar Dealer Will Distribute BreadCrumb Wireless Solutions

Rajant Corporation, a leading provider of wireless mining solutions, announced recently that it has entered into a reseller agreement with Utah-based Wheeler Machinery Co. to distribute and support its BreadCrumb® wireless mesh communications product line.

In business more than fifty-seven years and headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Wheeler has thirteen regional branch offices serving all of Utah and regions of Arizona, Nevada and Wyoming. As a member of the exclusive Caterpillar worldwide dealer network, Wheeler will be a key partner in the sales, delivery, installation, training and support of Rajant BreadCrumb® networks. Primary customers will include both mining and construction companies.

The Rajant network is composed of BreadCrumb® devices that form a wireless, meshed, self-healing network for fleet management, health monitoring and other critical mining and construction applications such as Caterpillar's Vital Information Management System (VIMS), asset management, condition monitoring, operator communication and dispatch. Many vehicles and workers that require wireless communications are constantly on the move throughout the mining network. The Rajant network's BreadCrumb® nodes can rapidly adapt to any changes in the network topology, assuring that IP traffic uptime and bandwidth are maximized. Operators of mining and construction companies directly benefit from the Rajant network by an increase in operational efficiency and lower operating costs, saving them money.

Source: Rajant Corporation


Ramsey Industries Acquires Eskridge

Ramsey Industries, Inc. announced recently the acquisition of Eskridge, Inc. of Olathe, Kansas. Eskridge is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of planetary gear drives, auger drives and multiple-disc brakes for sale to distributors and original equipment manufacturers.

"We are very excited to announce the addition of Eskridge to the Ramsey Industries family. Our vision is to become a global leader in all of the markets we serve by providing innovative solutions to our customer's requirements with high quality, on-time and cost effective products. The acquisition of Eskridge brings us one step closer to the accomplishment of that goal. This combination will increase the offering of products to our valued customers around the globe and will also allow us to offer them full package solutions to their growing needs" commented Bruce Barron, CEO of Ramsey Industries.

Founded in 1944 in Tulsa, Ramsey Industries is comprised of two subsidiaries, Auto Crane and Ramsey Winch. Eskridge will now form a third subsidiary based in Kansas City. Under the Auto Crane brand, the company provides a comprehensive line of truck-mounted telescopic cranes, crane service bodies and accessories. Under the Ramsey Winch brand, the company offers a broad range of industrial and consumer winches. Products are sold through a network of truck equipment dealers and OEMs to a diverse group of end-user markets including non-residential construction, oil and gas, towing and recovery, municipal, mining and energy/utilities.

Source: Ramsey Industries, Inc.


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