Nouvelles brèves


Dernier appel pour les «LafargeHolcim Awards»
Les inscriptions au concours international des «LafargeHolcim Awards» pour la construction durable fermeront le 25 février 2020. Le concours s’intéresse aux projets de professionnels ainsi qu’aux idées audacieuses des talents de demain, qui combinent solutions de construction durable et excellence architecturale. Les «Awards» récompensent les projets et concepts dans les domaines de l’architecture, de l’ingénierie, de l’aménagement urbain, des matériaux et des technologies de construction, ainsi qu’aux domaines connexes.

Organisé par la Fondation LafargeHolcim, le plus important concours au monde en matière de construction durable se déroule en parallèle dans 5 régions du monde, chacune dotée de son propre jury d’experts reconnus et indépendants. Les jurys régionaux sont présidés par Jeannette Kuo, Karamuk Kuo Architects, Suisse (Europe), Reed Kroloff, Illinois Institute of Technology, États-Unis (Amérique du Nord), Loreta Castro Reguera, Taller Capital, Mexique (Amérique Latine), Mariam Kamara, atelier masōmī, Niger (Afrique Moyen-Orient) et Nirmal Kishnani, National University of Singapore (Asie Pacifique).

La catégorie principale du concours est ouverte aux architectes, urbanistes, ingénieurs, porteurs de projet, constructeurs et entreprises de construction présentant des réponses aux enjeux de la construction contemporaine. Les projets doivent être à un stade avancé de conception, avec une forte probabilité de réalisation dont la construction ne doit pas avoir commencé avant le 1er janvier 2019.

Par ailleurs, les étudiants et jeunes professionnels (âgés de 30 ans et moins) peuvent soumettre leurs concepts et idées audacieuses dans la catégorie «Next Generation»  du concours. Les projets doivent être à un stade de conception préliminaire, incluant le travail d’agence et les travaux de recherche.

La participation au concours est gratuite et doit se faire en anglais en ligne sur le site

Les candidatures seront évaluées à la lumière des 5  objectifs prioritaires  pour la construction durable, qui visent à clarifier les principes pour la préservation de l’environnement des futures générations. Les objectifs prioritaires portent sur l’innovation et le potentiel de transfert; les standards éthiques et l’inclusion sociale; les ressources et la performance environnementale; la viabilité et la compatibilité économique et l’impact contextuel et esthétique.

Les lauréats du concours se qualifient pour les «Global LafargeHolcim Awards». Ils seront annoncés en 2e partie de 2020, lors de cérémonies de remise de prix dans chacune des régions. Les lauréats de la catégorie principale concourront dans les «Global LafargeHolcim Awards» en 2021, évalués par un jury international présidé par Hashim Sarkis, doyen du département d’architecture et urbanisme du Massachusetts Institute of Technology et commissaire de la Biennale internationale d’architecture de Venise de 2020.

Depuis 2003, la Fondation LafargeHolcim pour la construction durable relève l’importance du rôle de l’architecture, de l’ingénierie, de l’urbanisme et des industries dans la construction d’un avenir plus durable. La Fondation exprime l’engagement de son commanditaire, LafargeHolcim, à promouvoir le développement durable dans le bâtiment et la construction. LafargeHolcim est le chef de file dans le domaine des matériaux et solutions pour la construction.

Source: LafargeHolcim


Du nouveau chez RPM Tech!
Le leader renommé dans la conception et fabrication de multiples produits de déneigement pour les villes, les aéroports, les réseaux ferroviaires et les entrepreneurs en déneigement est déménagé à la fin décembre 2019. Les employés de l’usine de Drummondville ont été définitivement relocalisés dans les nouvelles installations de production du siège social de Tenco, à Saint-Valérien-de-Milton au Québec, à 50 km de l’ancien emplacement qui, datant d’une soixantaine d’années, ne permettait tout simplement plus de répondre à la forte demande de sa clientèle.

Grâce à des investissements de plus de 7 millions $, l’usine de Tenco fraîchement agrandie, permettra aux employés de RPM Tech de bénéficier de 40% de plus de superficie de production et de mettre à profit leur savoir-faire dans un nouvel espace plus fonctionnel et mieux équipé. La marque RPM Tech demeure inchangée et continuera d’offrir une gamme diversifiée de souffleuses amovibles et autres produits d’entretien des chaussées. Cette avancée majeure permettra ainsi de mieux répondre aux besoins du marché actuel.

Source: RPM Tech Inc.


GRYB complète l’acquisition de Winkle Industries
Moins d’un mois après l’annonce d’un investissement important de 6,25 millions $ afin d’augmenter la capacité de production de l’usine GRYB de Victoriaville au Québec, la direction de l’entreprise annonce déjà une autre très grande nouvelle.

GRYB vient tout juste de compléter l’acquisition de 100% des actions de l’entreprise Winkle Industries située à Alliance, près de Cleveland en Ohio. Grâce à cette acquisition, GRYB disposera d’une usine de production de près de 7400 m2 et d’un entrepôt de 4650 m2 aux États-Unis.

Depuis plus de 70 ans, Winkle se spécialise dans la conception et la fabrication d’accessoires de levage et de manutention. L’entreprise s’est bâtie une très bonne réputation notamment dans le domaine des électroaimants pour la manutention de rebuts d’acier. Elle détient une part de marché importante sur le territoire américain ainsi qu’un réseau de distribution bien implanté.

La filiale ProEn de Winkle est une firme d’ingénierie qui mettra ses connaissances à profit dans le développement de nouveaux produits pour les compagnies de GRYB tout en maintenant un service externe. La filiale LiTech, pour sa part, fera l’installation, l’inspection et l’entretien des produits GRYB, Bateman et Winkle aux États-Unis.

Avec un emplacement géographique parfait, les propriétaires de GRYB prévoient une forte augmentation des ventes du groupe.

Source: GRYB


JCB nommé «fournisseur de l’année 2019» par United Rentals
Le fabricant de matériel de construction JCB North America a été désigné par United Rentals, Inc. comme son Fournisseur de l’année 2019. Ce prix récompense JCB pour sa valeur exceptionnelle, ses délais de livraison, son support produit, sa formation et son excellence en matière d’approvisionnement.

«Obtenir le titre très convoité de Fournisseur de l’année de United Rentals est un grand honneur pour JCB et les éloges d’un client d’une importance vitale avec lequel nous sommes fiers de travailler depuis plus de 20 ans», déclarait Andrea Whelan, vice-présidente des ventes directes chez JCB North America. «C’est également une reconnaissance méritée pour l’équipe JCB qui soutient notre partenaire United Rentals, et pour la passion et l’engagement qu’ils apportent à leur travail chaque jour.»

JCB fournit à United Rentals une vaste gamme d’équipements de construction et de chariots de manutention depuis sa création en 1997.

«JCB a obtenu le meilleur score en matière de conformité globale à nos valeurs fondamentales et a également montré la plus grande amélioration depuis la mise en place de ce prix. Nous remercions JCB pour son engagement à obtenir des résultats et à être un partenaire dévoué», ajoutait T.J. Mahoney, vice-président de la chaîne logistique de United Rentals.
United Rentals, Inc. est la plus grande société de location de matériel au monde. La société dispose d’un réseau intégré de 1172 agences de location en Amérique du Nord et de 11 en Europe. Elle est présente dans 49 états et dans chacune des provinces canadiennes.

Source: JCB


La NTEA publie un module de formation sur les groupes motopropulseurs
Afin de continuer à soutenir l’éducation et la formation des employés dans l’industrie des camions de travail, la NTEA a développé un nouveau module Truck Equipment 201 (TE201) couvrant les systèmes de transmission. TE201 est une série de cours en ligne, conçus pour ceux qui possèdent des connaissances techniques et qui cherchent à approfondir des sujets spécifiques décrits dans le cours d’introduction TE101.

«Ce cours, qui constitue une ressource précieuse pour l’industrie des véhicules commerciaux, explique de façon simple les éléments importants des systèmes des véhicules», déclarait Susan Dehne, directrice principale des services techniques de la NTEA. 

Les cours TE101/TE201 sont disponibles par le biais du système de gestion de l’apprentissage «Elevate» de la NTEA.

Le cours est un avantage gratuit pour les membres de la NTEA et les non-membres peuvent acheter l’accès à chaque module TE201 pour 49 $US (64 $).

Source: NTEA The Association for the Work Truck Industry


Liebherr reçoit le prix du partenaire de la Fondation AED
La division Construction Equipment de Liebherr USA, Co. est le lauréat 2020 du prix Associated Equipment Distributors Foundation Partner Award de l’Association des Distributeurs d’équipements (AED). Présenté pour la première fois en 2017, ce prix reconnaît les services distingués d’un fabricant ou d’un fournisseur de services qui a offert des contributions significatives aux objectifs de formation professionnelle de l’AED Foundation.

Les dirigeants de l’AED Foundation ont déclaré que le soutien de Liebherr au gala de collecte de fonds de l’organisation permet à celle-ci de croître et de soutenir l’industrie par des efforts tels que le comblement du déficit de compétences et de la pénurie de techniciens dans l’industrie. Liebherr est membre de l’AED depuis 1972.

Fondée en 1919, l’AED est une association commerciale internationale basée à Schaumburg, Illinois. Elle représente plus de 700 distributeurs d’équipements, fabricants et sociétés de services industriels à travers l’Amérique du Nord. Les membres de l’AED vendent, entretiennent et louent des équipements sur des marchés qui incluent la construction lourde et légère, l’exploitation minière, l’agriculture, la foresterie, les agrégats et les moteurs.

Créée en 1991 et dirigée par les membres de l’AED, la fondation de l’AED s’occupe de l’éducation professionnelle et du développement de la main-d’œuvre de l’industrie.

Source: Liebherr USA, Co.


Des investisseurs québécois acquièrent les activités canadiennes de Groupe Canam
Placements CMI, la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec et le Fonds de solidarité FTQ ont signé un accord définitif avec le fonds d’investissement American Industrial Partners (AIP) en vue d’acquérir la totalité des activités canadiennes de Groupe Canam, ainsi que certains actifs aux États-Unis et outre-mer.

La transaction devrait être conclue au cours des prochaines semaines et totalisera plus de 840 millions $. Elle est sujette aux approbations réglementaires usuelles. En vertu de l’entente, la nouvelle société sera désormais détenue, à parts égales, par ce groupe composé d’investisseurs québécois.

«Avec le soutien de la Caisse et du Fonds, Canam continuera de grandir avec les mêmes standards de qualité et de fiabilité qui ont fait sa réputation, a précisé Marcel Dutil, président du conseil d’administration de Groupe Canam. Nous tenons à remercier AIP pour son soutien et nous nous réjouissons à l’idée de poursuivre notre partenariat aux États-Unis.»

La nouvelle entreprise regroupera les usines de Canam Bâtiments situées à Saint-Gédéon-de-Beauce et Boucherville au Québec, Mississauga en Ontario, et Calgary en Alberta; celles de Canam Ponts situées à Québec, Laval et Shawinigan (TecFab) au Québec. Les bureaux d’ingénierie et de dessin de Brasov en Roumanie et Kolkata en Inde, les activités d’installation de Stonebridge à South Plainfield au New Jersey, ainsi que les actifs de Canam Bridges US situés à Claremont au New Hampshire, feront également partie de la nouvelle société.

Les activités des filiales américaines Canam Steel Corporation et FabSouth ne sont pas touchées par cette transaction et demeurent la propriété conjointe d’AIP et du groupe d’investisseurs québécois, selon les termes de la transaction menée en 2017.

Groupe Canam se spécialise dans la conception de solutions intégrées et la fabrication de produits sur mesure pour l’industrie de la construction en Amérique du Nord. En moyenne, la Société participe à plus de 10 000 projets dans les domaines des bâtiments et des infrastructures. Groupe Canam exploite 25 usines au Canada et aux États-Unis, ainsi que des bureaux d’ingénierie en Roumanie et en Inde. L’entreprise compte plus de 4900 employés, dont un peu plus de 2000 au Canada.

Source: Fonds de solidarité FTQ


Crosby acquiert Feubo
The Crosby Group LLC, un des principaux fabricants d’accessoires de qualité supérieure utilisés dans les applications de levage, de gréement et d’arrimage, finalisait récemment l’acquisition de Feubo, spécialiste des composants d’amarrage en mer pour les marchés du pétrole et du gaz et de l’énergie éolienne. Les conditions financières de la transaction n’ont pas été divulguées.

L’acquisition comprend les installations de Feubo situées à Hattingen, en Allemagne, qui deviendront le centre d’excellence de Crosby pour les composants d’amarrage, ainsi qu’un centre clé d’ingénierie et d’innovation.
Oliver Feuerstein, président-directeur général de Feubo, continuera à diriger l’équipe et les opérations de Feubo.

«Nous sommes ravis d’élargir notre porte-feuille de produits offshore et notre portée sur le marché final grâce à cette acquisition. La position de Feubo en tant que chef de file et innovateur dans le domaine des composants d’amarrage, et la possibilité de tirer parti de ses compétences de classe mondiale en matière d’ingénierie et d’innovation, en font un ajout convaincant pour Crosby», a déclaré Robert Desel, président-directeur général de The Crosby Group LLC. «C’est un nouveau chapitre passionnant pour Feubo, ses employés et ses clients. Grâce à la présence mondiale de Crosby, nous pouvons accroître notre portée et accélérer le rythme de l’innovation. Nous sommes impatients de rejoindre l’équipe Crosby, qui partage les mêmes valeurs que nous : sécurité, fiabilité et innovation.»

Source: The Crosby Group LLC

Industry News


Lone Star Funds to Acquire BASF’s Construction Chemicals Business
BASF and an affiliate of Lone Star, a global private equity firm, recently signed a purchase agreement for the acquisition of BASF’s Construction Chemicals business. The purchase price on a cash and debt-free basis is €3.17 billion ($4.63 billion). The transaction is expected to close in the 3rd quarter of 2020, subject to the approval of the relevant competition authorities.

“Our aim was to find a new home for our Construction Chemicals business where it can leverage its full potential,” said Saori Dubourg, member of the board of executive directors of BASF SE and responsible for the Construction Chemicals business. “Under the umbrella of Lone Star, the Construction Chemicals team can focus on a growth path with an industry-specific approach.”

“BASF’s Construction Chemicals business fits very well with our portfolio, complementing our investments in the construction materials industry,” said Donald Quintin, president of Europe at Lone Star. “We highly value the industry-wide recognized knowledge and competence of BASF’s Construction Chemicals experts, backed by a strong track record in innovative products and a compelling R&D pipeline. We look forward to jointly pursuing a growth-oriented business approach.”

With more than 7,000 employees, BASF’s Construction Chemicals business operates production sites and sales offices in more than 60 countries and generated sales of about €2.5 billion ($3.65 billion) in 2018.

The signing of the agreement has immediate effect on the reporting of BASF Group retroactively as of January 1, 2019, sales and earnings of the Construction Chemicals division are no longer included in sales, EBITDA and EBIT before special items of BASF Group.

Lone Star is a private equity firm that invests globally in real estate, equity, credit and other financial assets. Since the establishment of its first fund in 1995, Lone Star has organized 20 private equity funds with aggregate capital commitments totaling approximately US$85 billion ($112 billion). Lone Star has extensive international experience in the sector with a strong portfolio of investments across both Europe and North America.

Source: BASF


Henderson Products Awarded Sourcewell Contract
Henderson Products, Inc. has been awarded a 4-year national cooperative contract through Sourcewell, formerly National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA). This allows public purchasing agents throughout the U.S. and Canada to save both time and money by eliminating the bidding process when purchasing Henderson brine production equipment, application equipment and storage systems through the competitively solicited Sourcewell contract. Furthermore, this contract includes the ability to purchase brine production equipment from SnowEx, a sister company within the Douglas Dynamics family of companies.

“The use of liquids to counter snow and ice only continues to grow due to its effectiveness, high efficiency and smaller environmental impact,” said Pam Buckley, government sales and sustainability manager at Douglas Dynamics, LLC. “And our full range of brine makers, application and storage equipment is ideal for government buyers. This agreement with Sourcewell will provide public purchasing agents easier access to a wide range of proven tools to do the job faster, better and more reliably.”

Henderson joins Sourcewell’s community of over 300 vendors and more than 50,000 nonprofit organizations and state, county and local government entities, such as municipalities, counties, DOT and educational institutions. Sourcewell has the legal authority to source and qualify vendors, eliminating the bidding process. This allows purchasing agents to procure from ready-to-use, competitively solicited contracts, including Henderson, more quickly and easily at the best price possible using Sourcewell’s large purchasing power. Sourcewell membership is free and available to all education and government entities, as well as nonpublic schools and nonprofit organizations.

Source: Henderson Products, Inc.


Bookings Up for IRE Rental Exhibition
Exhibition space for the 5th International Rental Exhibition (IRE) is already 25% higher than the previous event in 2017, 5 months before the show opens on June 9, 2020.

More than 60 companies – representing over 65 brands – have signed up for the exhibition. These suppliers will exhibit alongside the 105 companies at the adjoining APEX aerial platform show.

IRE will be held at the MECC exhibition venue in Maastricht, The Netherlands, on June 9-11, 2020. It will again be co-located with APEX, the European Rental Association (ERA) convention and the European Rental Awards dinner. IRE is officially supported by ERA.

The show is targeted at equipment rental companies, but the focus on compact construction machinery and on-site tools and equipment will broaden its appeal to other equipment buyers and users, such as contractors and building companies. There will be a particular focus at the show on the growing number of battery-powered products.

IRE is organized by BV Industrial Promotions International (I.P.I.) in association with International Rental News (IRN) magazine and KHL Group.

“The timing is also perfect for suppliers to showcase the many electric machines they are developing for customers. The show, with its traditional focus on compact machinery and equipment, will be a fantastic place to see many electric machines under one roof,” said Tony Kenter, managing director of I.P.I.

The MECC exhibition center in Maastricht is situated at the heart of Europe’s road and rail network and free shuttle busses will run regularly between MECC and Brussels and Dusseldorf international airports.

Source: KHL Group


CIS Announces Project Management Safety Certification Program
Crane Industry Services, LLC (CIS) will introduce its Leading Safety Works certification program for construction and utilities managers at CONEXPO-CON/AGG, in Las Vegas, March 10-14, 2020.

Developed in partnership with Okos, a business and people strategies consultant, Leading Safety Works is designed to train construction and utilities leaders in the art and discipline of engaging teams in workplace safety. Grounded in coaching, storytelling, and case-study application, Leading Safety Works features practical tools that foster safety and continuous improvement, guide productivity, and protect profits. Leading Safety Works delivers 90-day outcomes that track with the overall project strategic plan.

It utilizes a replicable framework that addresses for key questions: What is the state of the safety culture? How are we engaging teams? What is the plan for change? How will we implement the plan?

Leaders will learn how to make critical connections between project and people strategies, how to identify opportunities to change and improve safety practices, how to involve teams in decisions and communications, and how to create accountability.

After earning a Leading Safety Works certification, leaders maintain access to coaches and a continuous learning environment.

As a workforce development specialist, serving construction, crane operations, the utility industry, and manufacturing, CIS offers programs for both employees and corporate managers. They help workers achieve credentials and assist employers with documentation of employee qualifications.

In addition, during the show, CIS will give interactive demonstrations utilizing Vortex Simulators from CM Labs Simulations.

Source: Crane Industry Services LLC


KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens to Exhibit at CONEXPO-CON/AGG
KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens will exhibit at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 10-14, 2020.

Kolberg-Pioneer (KPI) will be introducing its first hybrid FT4250CC horizontal shaft impactor plant equipped with a pre-screen. The new 2-deck pre-screen minimizes the amount of undersized material that passes through the chamber, reducing wear costs and increasing the amount of final product by up to 30%. The hybrid power option allows producers to operate using either line power or diesel fuel for added flexibility.

KPI will also feature its 2742 Pioneer® jaw crusher. The Pioneer® series features unique shaft and bearing assembly designs for easy troubleshooting, reduced maintenance and a 20% greater capacity than competitive models.
Johnson Crushers International (JCI) is exhibiting its latest addition to the Kodiak® Plus cone crusher line, the K350+. This new model features increases in drivetrain, stroke, horsepower, weight, head diameter and hold-down force, resulting in up to 10% more capacity compared to other similar-sized cones.

Astec Mobile Screens will be introducing its new Ranger line, comprised of compact, track-mounted units. The mobile line will include a variety of jaw crushers, cone crushers, impact crushers, incline screens and trommels to serve a variety of markets including building and construction, landscaping, quarry operations and plant and tool hire. Their ease-of-use, ease-of-transport, versatility and flexibility make them ideal for smaller operations that require powerful equipment with a limited footprint. The J20 jaw crusher plant will be featured at the show.

The group will also be displaying a variety of scale models and will demo Kolberg-Pioneer’s new water clarification technology.

Source: Astec Industries


Manitou, Gehl and Mustang Products Include a 2-Year/2,000 Hour Warranty
Effective January 1, 2020, Manitou, Gehl and Mustang by Manitou, brands of Manitou North America have increased their warranty period on U.S. built Compact Equipment Products to 2 years / 2,000 hours, whichever occurs first for machines sold and registered within North America.

Equipment covered under the new 2-year / 2,000-hour warranty includes skid loaders, track loaders and articulated loaders built in North America.

“As a company rooted in quality and durability, expanding our warranty period reinforces the confidence we have in our machines to perform and puts service as our core strength,” said Myron Birschbach, vice president of service and aftermarket for Manitou North America. “Backed by our strong dealer network, this added level of protection offers our customers peace of mind so they can focus on increasing productivity.”

Source: Manitou North America


PacLease Adds New Locations
PacLease continued its vehicle growth trend by increasing its new full-service rental and leasing business by 18% in 2019. According to Ken Roemer, PACCAR Leasing’s president, the company also added 7 new locations to further the PacLease footprint. 

“We’re entering our 40th year of business as the full-service leasing arm of PACCAR – offering Kenworth and Peterbilt medium and heavy-duty models,” said Mr. Roemer. “We’re at an all-time high in the number of vehicles in our PacLease fleet, and we now have more than 450 service locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Over the years, our customers have come to rely on custom spec’d PACCAR products, backed by a service network that we feel is second to none. Both have correlated directly to our sustained growth.”

Over the past 3 years, PacLease has added 24 new locations.

“Our franchises are seeing the growing demand for full-service leasing as well as quality Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, and it’s why we continue to add locations to our network,” said Ken Roemer. “This further strengthens our ability to service our customers.”

The new Canadian locations joining PacLease in 2019 were PacLease Edmonton Kenworth, in Calgary, Alberta, and Maska PacLease, in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

“Our customer retention rates are strong,” added Mr. Roemer. “When you combine premium trucks with our stringent preventive maintenance programs, wide selection of fleet services, and strength of the PacLease service network, then you have a combination for success. And that continues to be showcased with our year-end results.”

PACCAR Leasing is a part of the financial services group of PACCAR Inc., a global technology leader in the design, manufacture and customer support of high-quality light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks under the Kenworth, Peterbilt and DAF nameplates.

Source: PACCAR Leasing Company (PacLease)


Nors, S.A. to Acquire Strongco
Strongco Corporation and Nors, S.A. recently announced that they have entered into a definitive arrangement agreement pursuant to which Nors will acquire Strongco.

Under the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, Nors, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, will acquire all of the outstanding equity of Strongco for $3.15 per share in cash and results in a transaction value of approximately $193 million (inclusive of Strongco’s net interest bearing debt). The Consideration represents a premium of 75% to the closing price of the Strongco shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange on January 23, 2020 and a premium of 80% to the volume-weighted average trading price on such exchange for the 60 days ended on such date.

“As Strongco moves to enhance its product and service offerings in Canada we are pleased to become part of the Nors Group. Nors’ international experience and capital foundation, in many of the same product lines on four continents, brings the know-how and experience to elevate our potential to deliver leading edge quality to our growing customer base in an increasingly global environment. The Strongco board is confident that this represents a favorable outcome for all of our stakeholders,” commented Robert Beutel, executive chairman of Strongco.

“In recent years, Strongco’s management has done an excellent job of strengthening the company’s capital structure, streamlining the business and reducing costs. As we welcome Strongco into the Nors family, we believe that Strongco will benefit from Nors’ global presence and brand recognition, and from its long experience in the automotive and construction equipment industry,” added Tomás Jervell, CEO of Nors.

Nors is a Portuguese private company that sells, rents and services equipment in 16 countries on 4 continents. The company was founded in 1933, has 3,600 employees and a turnover of over €1.6 billion ($2.32 billion).

Source: Strongco Corporation


Soilmec Sells Majority Share of Watson to Minority Shareholder
Soilmec, which operates on the American market both through its subsidiary Soilmec North America and through its distributors, has developed more and more advanced and high-end technologies that, along with a strong refocusing on the brand, made the shareholding in Watson Inc. no longer strategic.

In light of the new plan that envisages the enhancement of its brand and the concentration on even more advanced technology and top of the range rigs, the top management of Soilmec S.p.A., the engineering company of the Trevi Group, which is specialized in the design and construction of ground engineering plants and equipment, decided to sell its stake in Watson Inc. to the minority shareholder.

“The industrial plan for the next 5 years provides for a strong focus on technological innovation, on strengthening the range of the higher-performance equipment and on increasing the structure dedicated to providing value-added services to the market,” according to Riccardo Losappio, general manager of Soilmec S.p.A. “These trends will lead Soilmec to offer an increasingly complete and integrated solution, capable of maximizing the return on investment of our customers wherever they operate in the world.”

The transaction was completed on December 13, 2019. As a result, and precisely 10 years after Watson sold 80% of its shares, the minority shareholder, that is the Watson family, becomes the sole owner of Watson Inc. once again.

Soilmec had acquired a majority stake in Watson Inc., a Texan company operating in the manufacture of foundation rigs in early 2009, as part of a broader project for growth and diversification in foreign markets. In the following years, Soilmec has further consolidated its direct and indirect presence on the US market and, above all, has pushed more and more on the production and marketing of high-tech products, such as cutters and large tonnage piling rigs. The good market response has made the collaboration between Soilmec and Watson less and less strategic, thus choosing to conclude this partnership.

Today, Soilmec can boast a widespread and deep-rooted presence on the U.S. market, thanks to the North American branch and a distribution network made up of 4 dealers, uniformly spread over the American and Canadian territory. Over the past 25 years, Soilmec has sold more than 700 foundation equipment in the North American market: rigs for the execution of bored piles, but also equipment for continuous flight auger piles (CFA and CAP), soil mixing (Turbo Jet), micropiles, anchors, heavy-duty cranes and hydromills.
The propensity for innovation, but above all listening to the needs of the American and Canadian clients, are the basis of the latest news that Soilmec North America will present at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020 that will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, from March 10-14, 2020.

Source: Soilmec S.p.A.


National Academy of Construction inducts Ray O’Connor
Ray O’Connor, president and CEO of Topcon Positioning Group was formally inducted into membership of the National Academy of Construction (NAC) at its annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 24, 2019.

The mission of the National Academy of Construction is to recognize and honor individuals for their distinguished contributions to the industry and to share this reservoir of expertise as a service to the nation. Membership is by nomination from an existing member, then a rigorous examination by the NAC membership committee before being sent for approval by a vote of all members. Mr. O’Connor was nominated by Greg Bentley, CEO of Bentley Systems, Inc., a global leader in the development of infrastructure engineering software.

“I want to thank Greg Bentley for my nomination and all members for my acceptance. I realize this privilege comes with responsibilities to the Academy, and I look forward to adding my experience and expertise to this esteemed body as it continues to serve the construction industry and our nation,” said Ray O’Connor.

“At Topcon, we are dedicated to providing a nexus where ideas and technology converge to create exciting and more efficient ways for all construction trades to perform their work more efficiently and deliver projects that exemplify the vision of sustainable infrastructure. Now, I have the added good fortune of joining an accomplished and dedicated group of women and men who not only love this industry, but also willingly invest themselves in its future,” he said.

Ray O’Connor joined Topcon Corporation in 1993, in charge of developing the construction laser business in North America. Today, he heads the Topcon Positioning Group with global employment in excess of 2000. He also serves on the board of directors of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and is a trustee on the University of California Merced Foundation.

The membership of NAC represents the entire array of construction industry stakeholders – owners, designers, construction managers, general and specialty contractors, attorneys, financial managers, labor leaders, suppliers, academicians and researchers, journalists and editors, and professional and trade association executives.

Source: Topcon Positioning Group


Curtiss-Wright to Showcase HMI Capabilities at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020
Curtiss-Wright’s Industrial Group recently announced that it will be attending this year’s CONEXPO-CON/AGG event in Las Vegas, where the company will be showcasing its latest product offerings including Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Controls, electronic throttle controllers, transmission shifters, sensors and power electronics.

The company has extensive experience in designing and manufacturing solutions for the monitoring and control of vehicles operating in extreme conditions, including applications throughout the construction and off-highway sectors.

Working closely with OEMs, Curtiss-Wright can develop complete HMI console assemblies that incorporate multiple functions and can be operated with the use of just one hand, or via finger or thumb activation. Typically using joysticks, push-button switches, rotary thumbwheels and levers, they bring control of numerous vehicle functions and features together for operator convenience and efficiency.

Other products from Curtiss-Wright Industrial Group – which includes the legacy brands of Arens Controls, Penny & Giles, PG Drives Technology and Williams Controls – will be on display at CONEXPO-CON/AGG and are suitable for a wide range of applications including heavy trucks and buses, powered access platforms, backhoe excavators, agricultural vehicles, airport fire and rescue vehicles, floor care machines and pallet trucks.

Source: Curtiss-Wright Corporation


The Toro Company to Acquire the Manufacturer of Ventrac Products
The Toro Company recently announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire privately-held Venture Products, Inc., the manufacturer of Ventrac-branded products. The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions, and is currently anticipated to close before the end of The Toro Company’s fiscal 2020 second quarter.

Based in Orrville, Ohio, Ventrac is a leading manufacturer of articulating turf, landscape, and snow and ice management equipment for the grounds, landscape contractor, golf, municipal and rural acreage markets. With a combination of power and maneuverability, Ventrac products are designed to enable the operator to use the equipment in a variety of settings with ease. Ventrac machines are trusted by customers for their hillside capabilities, their light footprint in soft turf conditions, and their versatility with multi-season attachments to tackle a variety of applications.

The Toro Company will purchase Venture Products, Inc. for US$167.5 million ($220 million) in cash, subject to certain adjustments. The Toro Company expects to finance the transaction by borrowing under its existing revolving credit facility.

Source: The Toro Company


Loegering Announces Agreement with Schibeci
Loegering, an ASV Holdings Inc. brand and skid steer attachment manufacturer, announces a new agreement with Schibeci, an Australia-based specialty equipment manufacturer. Under the agreement, Loegering customers in North America will have access to improved productivity from a selection of innovative skid steer and compact track loader attachments branded as Loegering Power Attachments. The products include milling and grinding attachments designed and built for the construction, roadworks and flooring industries.

“This new opportunity is beneficial to everyone involved,” said Justin Rupar, ASV Holdings Inc. vice president of sales & marketing. “Schibeci attachments are well known in the Australian market as being top of the line, innovative products. We’re excited to bring that innovation to North America as we expand the Loegering product line to give customers more opportunities to solve problems and make their jobs easier.”

“Our agreement with Loegering will make it easy for customers to get to know our brand on a local level in North America,” said Tony Schibeci, Schibeci director. “We’re eager to grow the brand with Loegering as we enter markets where we haven’t previously had a main focus.”

The Loegering Power Attachments line initially includes the ST600 and ST1000 asphalt milling attachments, the Polyplaner 300 and 600 grinding attachments, and the Power Profiler 2500 and 2500R concrete milling attachments. The attachments will be co-branded with Schibeci and continue to be manufactured by Schibeci in Australia and stocked in the U.S.

The ST600 and ST1000 are versatile attachments that give contractors in the construction and roadwork industries the ability to complete milling and stabilizing applications with the same tool. The Polyplaner 300 and 600 are single head grinders ideal for surface removal, including road markings and trip hazard removal. The Power Profiler 2500 and 2500R are designed for bulk removal of concrete, ceramic tiles and epoxy mortar toppings.

Source: ASV Holdings Inc.


Vermeer Corporation Announces Agreement With MultiOne
Vermeer Corporation recently announced it has entered into a distribution agreement with MultiOne. Through the agreement, MultiOne will supply Vermeer-branded loader models ranging from 423 to 721 kg operating capacity to be sold, serviced and supported exclusively through Vermeer dealers across North America and the Caribbean. These models feature a telescopic boom.

“Across our landscape, tree care, rental and general construction markets, we are seeing a growing demand for highly maneuverable material handling equipment capable of productive speeds and low turf disturbance, while helping solve labor challenges on the jobsite,” said Doug Hundt, president of Vermeer Industrial Solutions. “By combining MultiOne’s proven loader line with the reach, service and support of the Vermeer dealer network, we can quickly expand our already robust line-up of compact equipment to meet this demand.”

“MultiOne has a strong, 20-year track record of supplying customers around the world with compact articulated loaders that are known for high quality, versatility and efficiency,” said Stefano Zanini, MultiOne technical director. “We are excited to partner with Vermeer and its dealers to help equip their customers with the high-performing tools they need to more efficiently get work done.”

Source: Vermeer Corporation

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