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Nouvelles brèves
Alexis Loisel réélu président de l’ACRGTQ Dans son allocution, il a d’ailleurs tenu à rappeler que «l’ACRGTQ est la référence des entrepreneurs et des donneurs d’ouvrage œuvrant dans le secteur génie civil et voirie. Elle a été présente depuis toutes ces années et demeure chaque jour à l’écoute des besoins de ses membres.» Dans un contexte où la Commission Charbonneau a fait la manchette depuis près de 3 ans, Alexis Loisel a évoqué : «Une crise comporte des dangers, mais c’est aussi l’occasion d’un renouvellement, l’opportunité d’un nouveau départ. Pour restaurer la confiance auprès du public, il convient de montrer notre vrai visage, qui est celui d’une industrie dynamique et honnête et mettre à l’avant-plan l’excellence et l’efficacité qui prévaut dans l’industrie du génie civil et voirie.» «Il est trop facile de condamner tous les entrepreneurs à cause d’une minorité nuisible. Il faut se le dire, vous êtes intègres, honnêtes et compétents», a-t-il souligné aux entrepreneurs présents dans la salle. Il a conclu : «J’invite d’ailleurs, tous les acteurs de l’industrie, notamment les syndicats, les associations patronales et la Commission de la construction à contribuer à rappeler l’importance de notre industrie et de sa probité sur toutes les tribunes qui leur seront offertes. La participation de chacun sera déterminante dans cette démarche de valorisation d’une industrie vitale pour le Québec.»
Air Liquide construira un nouveau gazoduc d’oxygène à Hamilton Le nouveau gazoduc représente un investissement total de plus de 12 millions $, et sera cofinancé par Air Liquide et le programme Énergiconomies de l’Office de l’électricité de l’Ontario. Ce gazoduc réduira la consommation d’électricité des activités d’Air Liquide à Hamilton de près de 29 000 MWh/an, ce qui correspond à une économie annuelle de 2 millions $. Il permettra à Air Liquide d’approvisionner plus efficacement ArcelorMittal Dofasco en oxygène, un élément essentiel dans la production de fer et d’acier. L’accès à de l’oxygène à moindre coût offrira la possibilité d’accroître la productivité des hauts fourneaux d’ArcelorMittal Dofasco. Une part importante des biens et des services acquis pour la construction du gazoduc proviendront d’entreprises de la région de Hamilton. Les travaux de construction commenceront dès la réception des approbations finales de la Ville de Hamilton, avec une mise en service du gazoduc prévue en mars 2015. «Le soutien du programme Énergiconomies de l’Office de l’électricité de l’Ontario permet à Air Liquide de construire un nouveau gazoduc d’oxygène afin d’approvisionner ArcelorMittal Dofasco plus efficacement. Ce faisant, nous élargissons une relation d’affaires de longue date avec le plus grand fabricant canadien d’acier laminé à plat. Ce projet témoigne de la capacité d’Air Liquide à fournir de manière fiable et économique des gaz industriels qui répondent à des normes élevées de sécurité et de qualité. Il réaffirme notre détermination à continuer à investir et à croître au Canada», a indiqué Adam Peters, président et chef de la direction d’Air Liquide Canada. «Nous sommes heureux que le projet d’Air Liquide ait été choisi pour recevoir cette subvention cruciale. Notre chaîne d’approvisionnement, les entreprises qui contribuent à notre succès, notamment nos clients et nos fournisseurs, sont essentiels à nos activités. Afin d’assurer une chaîne d’approvisionnement saine, nous mettons l’accent sur l’amélioration continue dans tout ce que nous faisons et dans nos relations avec tous nos collaborateurs. Le projet de gazoduc d’oxygène d’Air Liquide Canada accroît la fiabilité et l’efficacité de notre partenariat; c’est un gain pour nos deux entreprises et pour l’Ontario», a affirmé Brian Benko, vice-président, Approvisionnement et technologies de l’information d’ArcelorMittal Dofasco. «Nous sommes heureux de nous associer avec deux des plus importants clients d’Horizon – Air Liquide et ArcelorMittal Dofasco – dans ce projet visant à réduire la consommation d’énergie dans les communautés que nous servons. Nos clients reconnaissent les avantages des solutions d’efficacité énergétique en effectuant des investissements considérables à long terme. Ces investissements leur permettent de mieux gérer leurs coûts d’électricité et témoignent de leur respect de l’environnement», a commenté Max Cananzi, président et chef de la direction d’Horizon Utilities.
Clariant acquiert le spécialiste suédois du dégivrage Aerochem AB Depuis 2008, Aerochem a été le partenaire exclusif de Clariant pour avoir vendu des déglaçants liquides pour avions (ADF) aux clients sur le marché nordique, avec parmi eux, les aéroports de Stockholm, Oslo et Copenhague. La société offre à ses clients un concept de service total de la fabrication jusqu’à la livraison à temps. BU ICS de Clariant a une position de leader dans l’industrie aéronautique en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, desservant les aéroports par les compagnies aériennes, les sociétés de manutention au sol et les exploitants d’aéroports responsable d’aéronefs et de la piste, opérations de déglaçage. «L’acquisition est conforme à notre stratégie de croissance et de développement durable», a déclaré Hariolf Kottmann, CEO de Clariant. «Aerochem offre un accès séduisant aux marchés de dégivrage dans les pays nordiques et fournit une excellente plate-forme pour nos activités dans le recyclage des fluides de dégivrage d’avions en Europe.» «Cette acquisition permet à notre filiale d’aviation de faire un pas en avant dans la chaîne de valeur dans les pays nordiques et d’améliorer notre position dans ce secteur avec l’accès direct à notre clientèle», a déclaré Michael Willome, chef de BU ICS.
Industry News
Brandt Tractor Endorses Saskatoon for Strong Economy “As one of our original locations, this has always been an important market for us and our new facility was created from the ground up with the needs of the industry in mind; allowing us to serve our customers better than ever before,” says Shaun Semple, Brandt president. “Delivering powerful value to the construction and forestry industry has always been our key focus and we’re affirming our commitment to the city, the province and the industry with this bigger, better location.” Built with a focus on energy-efficiency and environmental sustainability, Brandt’s high-performance new branch delivers numerous advantages to Saskatoon and area contractors, starting with its easy-access 52,600 m2 location (including a dedicated load/unload facility). The new facility will give local businesses access to a greatly expanded service department and on-hand parts and wholegoods inventory. “We’re proud to be a part of the Saskatoon success story,” adds Saskatoon branch manager, Rod Bowes, “and this is all about continuing to build that success by delivering what the Saskatoon and northern Saskatchewan market wants and needs. As of today, we’re better equipped than ever to do just that.”
Brandt Announces the Acquisition of On Grade Inc. With the acquisition of On Grade, Brandt’s Positioning Technology Division is now able to provide its customers with even greater access to sales and service for surveying equipment, positioning systems and machine control products from top manufacturers. On Grade has been the exclusive distributor for Topcon Positioning Systems products for Atlantic Canada since 2001, making it an ideal addition to the Brandt team. With its commitment to customer service and expert sales and technical staff, On Grade has built a reputation as a top choice for GPS, Lasers, Total Stations, Machine Control Automation, and supplies. Brandt will now have 3 more locations to serve its clientele’s needs in Atlantic Canada, with stores in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; Dieppe, New Brunswick; and Paradise, New Foundland and Labrador. To ensure uninterrupted service for all of our customers in Atlantic Canada, we are pleased to be adding all of On Grade’s personnel to the Brandt team – familiar faces who understand your business and are looking forward to continuing to serve you. Bob Bishara will move into a new role as Branch Manager for Brandt’s Positioning Technology Division in Atlantic Canada. Mike Babarick and Bill Penny will offer their expertise to their customers in sales manager roles and Scott Casey will join the Brandt team in Engineered Services. Brandt is very excited to expand its commitment in Atlantic Canada and looking forward to continuing to deliver powerful value their customers.
Air Liquide to Build a New Oxygen Pipeline in Hamilton The new pipeline represents a total investment in excess of $12 million, jointly funded by Air Liquide and the Ontario Power Authority’s saveONenergy Program. The new pipeline will reduce electrical energy consumption at Air Liquide’s Hamilton operations by almost 29,000 MWh/y or $2 million annually. It will allow Air Liquide to more efficiently supply ArcelorMittal-Dofasco with oxygen, which is essential in the production of iron and steel. Access to lower cost oxygen will provide an opportunity for increased productivity of ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s blast furnaces. A large part of purchased goods and services required to build the pipeline will be sourced from local Hamilton area companies. Construction will begin as soon as final approvals are received from the City of Hamilton and commissioning of the pipeline should begin in March 2015. Adam Peters, president and CEO of Air Liquide Canada, commented: “The support of the Ontario Power Authority’s saveONenergy Program allows Air Liquide to build a new oxygen pipeline to more efficiently supply ArcelorMittal Dofasco. In doing so, we are expanding a long-standing business relationship with Canada’s largest flat rolled steel producer. The project attests in the ability of Air Liquide to reliably and cost-effectively supply industrial gases which meet high safety and quality standards. It reaffirms our strong determination to keep investing and growing in Canada.” “We are pleased that Air Liquide’s project has been selected for this critical grant. Our supply chain, those organizations that play a role in our success including our customers and supply partners, are critical to our business. To ensure a healthy supply chain, we focus on continuous improvement and look for it in everything we do and in everyone we work with. Air Liquide’s oxygen pipeline project brings increased reliability and efficiency to our partnership, a win for both of our organizations and for Ontario,” said Brian Benko, ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s vice president, Procurement and Information Technology. “We are pleased to partner with two of Horizon’s largest customers, Air Liquide and ArcelorMittal Dofasco, on this project to reduce energy consumption in the communities we serve. Our customers are recognizing the benefits of energy efficient solutions by making substantial long-term investments to better manage their electricity costs while showing a commitment to being environmentally conscious,” commented Max Cananzi, president and CEO of Horizon Utilities.
B2W Software Reaches for the Sky with Comprehensive Cloud Services for Construction Industry The ONE offering, which includes its Estimate, Dispatch, Track, and Maintain elements – networked in a single, unified platform – gives construction personnel and executives mobile device (tablet and smartphone) access to real-time data right on the construction site and beyond. This ubiquitous access to all information results in more informed decision-making, deadline adherence and maximized profits. “The B2W Cloud enhancements make it easier for decision makers to access and leverage data anywhere, regardless of location,” said Paul McKeon, CEO of B2W Software. “All critical data from estimates to equipment maintenance, can now be securely delivered via the cloud; there’s no need to toggle across multiple silo’d products with inconsistent information. Now on-site workers can make immediate, informed decisions based on real-time information.” In addition, B2W Cloud offers a multi-layered security system to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and availability. The offering is fully SSAE compliant and ISO audited for statutory and regulatory requirements. All data is updated and secured within B2W’s data center – eliminating worries over IT maintenance and reliability. This frees IT departments from time-consuming building, management and maintenance of servers and applications. “Lafarge is a world leader in building materials,” said Eileen Klingbeil, PAVE Systems manager. “As a top-ranking player in the Cement, Aggregates and Concrete businesses, we decided to move to the cloud to give us better system performance. B2W Cloud allows us to upgrade at a much faster pace and take full advantage of the newest features, keeping us competitive in a fast-paced industry.“
First Drilling Group Acquires Kirkey Specialized Drilling & Consulting This acquisition represents a key step in the execution of First Drilling’s strategic plan, as the company expands both geographically and in its service offerings. “In acquiring Kirkey Drilling, we are expanding our geographic footprint into Canada, one of the largest underground drilling markets in the world,” says Kyle Rhoderick, CEO of First Drilling Group. “We are also diversifying our services to add specialty underground drilling, primarily infrastructure, long hole and raise drilling.” Kirkey Drilling will benefit from the knowledge and financial resources of a large global organization. “In joining First Drilling Group, we will be able to propel our growth into global markets beyond our home base in Sudbury,” says Matt Farr, who with his partner, Bill Hancharyk, started Kirkey Specialized Drilling & Consulting in 2007. In a testament to the skillset of the owners and their commitment to the strategic vision, the management team at Kirkey Drilling will remain intact, ensuring continuity for their customers and strengthening the First Drilling leadership team. “We are fortunate to find in Kirkey Drilling shared values with First Drilling, strong leadership from which we can mutually benefit, and an excellent safety record,” says Mr. Rhoderick. “Our two organizations are a perfect fit.” The acquisition brings additional drills to the fleet at First Drilling Group. Kirkey Cubex drills will expand the Cubex fleet that First Drilling currently has across the U.S., Australia and South Africa. Underground production drills, and Kirkey’s unique excavator mounted surface percussive drills will add new capabilities. The Kirkey Drilling team will also benefit from adding the unique First Drilling capabilities to their service offering in Canada, including underground reverse circulation drilling, underground multipurpose drills, and underground and surface diamond core drilling. With this acquisition, First Drilling Group will be actively supporting the mining market locally in Sudbury and in other parts of Canada.
MCW Group of Companies & Hemisphere Engineering Prepare to Join Forces in Alberta “Very early in the new year, we expect to conclude the ongoing talks between MCW and Hemisphere to create a new made-in-Alberta entity with strong national support,” said David Bellamy, executive partner of the MCW Group of Companies. “Both Hemisphere and MCW have a long and proud tradition of mechanical and electrical engineering excellence. MCW marked its 50th anniversary this year, and Hemisphere marked its 57th. Our businesses are good complements for each other, and the marriage of our two firms is a natural fit. It will expand opportunities for our employees and bring significant benefits to our clients in Alberta and beyond,” added John Chomiak, president and CEO of Hemisphere Engineering Inc. “Joining forces with Hemisphere gives us the opportunity to add talented employees and desirable customers. And it significantly expands our Western Canadian presence. When this transaction is complete, we will have five offices in the West – in Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg,” said Greg Lord, managing partner of the MCW Vancouver office. “With this size and reach, MCW is absolutely unique in the Canadian marketplace given our strict focus on mechanical and electrical engineering. Hemisphere will strengthen all our service offerings, including building services consulting engineering, energy management services, power engineering, and building systems commissioning services.”
Stuart Olson Industrial Group Awarded $100 Million in New Contracts The projects include provision of complete mechanical, electrical and instrumentation services to a major mining company operating in the Northwest Territories. The Company also secured a large electrical contract with an established client for work at an oil sands site in Northern Alberta. “These two awards further strengthen our backlog and represent significant wins for our Industrial Group,” said David LeMay, Stuart Olson’s president and CEO. “The mining contract will help to expand our mechanical initiatives, while the electrical contract expands our longstanding relationship with one of our large energy company customers.” Work on both contracts is expected to commence in 2015 with completion dates extending into 2016. The contracts will be added to the Company’s backlog in the fourth quarter of 2014.
World Premiere of Mercedes-Benz Metris Set for The Work Truck Show® The Work Truck Show 2015, produced by NTEA – The Association for the Work Truck Industry, will be held March 4-6 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Educational programming, including the Green Truck Summit, begins March 3. The New Product Spotlight program gives Work Truck Show attendees the chance to learn about the hottest new products at the Show even before the doors open. Once on-site, attendees will not only have the opportunity to see new products on display, they can also talk to exhibiting company engineers and product experts in the booths to gain a better understanding about how the products work. For attendees interested in clean vehicle technology, the Green Product Showcase features companies with products that are environmentally friendly, prominently use recycled materials, support environmentally sustainable practices and/or advance fuel utilization. New this year, the New Exhibitor Showcase highlights companies that are participating in The Work Truck Show for the first time. Companies in the New Product Spotlight, New Exhibitor Showcase and Green Product Showcase can be viewed online and via The Work Truck Show 2015 mobile app to help attendees best plan their time in Indianapolis. NTEA, the Association for the Work Truck Industry, represents more than 1,700 companies that manufacture, distribute, install, sell and repair commercial trucks, truck bodies, truck equipment, trailers and accessories. Buyers of work trucks and the major commercial truck chassis manufacturers also belong to the Association.
Clariant Acquires Swedish De-icing Specialist Aerochem AB Since 2008, Aerochem has been Clariant’s exclusive partner for selling aircraft de-icing fluids (ADF) to customers in the Nordic market, amongst them the airports of Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen. The company offers its customers a total service concept from manufacturing to on-time deliveries. Clariant’s BU ICS has a leading position in the aviation industry in Europe and North America serving airports via airlines, ground handling companies and airport operators responsible for aircraft and runway de-icing operations. “The acquisition is in line with our growth and sustainability strategy”, said Hariolf Kottmann, CEO of Clariant. “Aerochem offers access to the attractive de-icing markets in the Nordics and provides an excellent platform for our activities in recycling of aircraft de-icing fluids in Europe.” Michael Willome, Head of BU ICS, said: “This acquisition puts our aviation business in a position to move one step forward in the value chain in the Nordics and to enhance our position in this sector with direct market access to our local customers.”
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