Reykjavík-Keflavík Airport and Allison; Over 50 Years of Partnership

Roland Moore-Colyer, Propel Technology
Special Collaboration



Isavia, the company that handles the operation and development of Iceland’s airports, has taken delivery of 11 Scania G440 4x4 trucks equipped with the Allison 4000 Series fully automatic transmission. The vehicles feature a 7 m wide Schmidt snow plow attachment and a sweeping machine, which is towed behind a trailer attached to each truck. The sweeping machine, also 7 m wide, consists of a sweeping roll powered by a separate engine.

During the winter, a line of these trucks can be found plowing and sweeping the landing strip, while in summer the vehicles are used for sweeping other airfield premises. Seven of these units operate at Keflavik International Airport;  the rest are based at other Icelandic airports managed by Isavia. In keeping with the airport’s 50 year old tradition, the vehicles are equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions.

Taking On a Vehicle Fleet
Keflavik International Airport was run by the U.S. Navy until 2006, when it was handed over to the Icelandic government and public company, Isavia Ltd, for operations.

“When we took over the responsibility for the airport, we also inherited a large fleet of vehicles; most were equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions.  The oldest is a 1957 Oshkosh snow plow with underbody scraper, equipped with an Allison TG-602 which is still in operation after 55 years of service,” says Hjörtur Hannesson, service manager at Isavia Keflavik. “We have learned to appreciate fully automatic transmissions, so when we order new vehicles, we obviously equip them with Allison fully automatic transmissions. These 11 new Scania vehicles have been delivered over a three year period, and the order is now complete,” continues Mr. Hannesson.

Outstanding Reliability and Reputation
Since the vehicles are part of Isavia's airport maintenance activity, the company's most important demand is high reliability and quality. “We take good care of our vehicles and maintain them to a level beyond the manufacturer’s recommendation. It has proven to be a profitable strategy. I'm very pleased with the quality and reliability of Allison’s products. Furthermore they are appreciated by the drivers for the good driving comfort they bring and the fact that the drivers do not have to think about gear changes and a clutch pedal,” concludes Hjörtur Hannesson.

Allison's direct dealer in Iceland, Velar EHF Ltd, has a long and close history of cooperation with the Scania dealer, Klettur, which has delivered the multipurpose snow vehicles to Isavia.

“Refuse trucks, fire-fighting and municipal vehicles in this country are often equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions, and they have a very good reputation,” says Ragnar Karlsson, managing director at Velar. “Allison transmissions are recognized for low maintenance costs and offer very reliable operation in all weather and terrain.”

About Isavia
Isavia provides services in the air and on the ground. The company handles the operation and development of all airports in Iceland. One of the roles of Isavia is to ensure that flight safety is in accordance with recognized, international safety requirements and methods. Isavia employs approximately 630 people, including  subsidiaries, there are approximately 790 employees.

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