Nouvelles brèves


Groupe Canam obtient des contrats totalisant près de 55 millions $
Groupe Canam inc. a récemment ajouté à son carnet de commandes des contrats totalisant près de 55 millions $ dans les domaines des bâtiments, des charpentes métalliques complexes et des ponts.

Structal-ponts a conclu des ententes totalisant plus de 26 millions $ pour la fabrication de deux ponts aux États-Unis et la fourniture d’appareils d’appui au Canada. La première entente avec l’État du Wisconsin prévoit la fabrication de composantes pour un pont d’étagement faisant partie du projet Memorial Drive Suamico situé à Howard. Structal-ponts fournira 36 poutres caissons pour cette structure d’une longueur de 670 m. La fabrication débutera en mars 2013 tandis que les livraisons et l’installation commenceront en janvier 2014.

La deuxième entente conclue avec la coentreprise formée de J.F. White et Skanska concerne le remplacement du pont Fore River, reliant les villes de Quincy et Weymouth, au Massachusetts. Le contrat comprend la fabrication de plus de 80 poutres pour les approches du pont ainsi que la travée en treillis pour la section levante mesurant 99 m de longueur, s’échelonnant entre le printemps 2013 et celui de 2014.

Structal-ponts a également décroché un contrat de l’entrepreneur général Pomerleau pour la fabrication d’appareils d’appui Goodco Z-Tech dans le cadre du projet de quai multiusagers dans le port de Sept-Îles. L’entente comprend la fabrication de 554 assemblages d’appareils d’appui frettés entre les mois de décembre 2012 et mars 2013.

Dans le domaine des bâtiments, la division Canam a obtenu un projet de près de 8 millions $ pour la conception et la fabrication de poutrelles, de fermes de toit, de colonnes reconstituées soudées (WWF) et de tablier métallique. Ce projet, situé à Montréal, représente un défi technique en raison de la géométrie complexe de certaines composantes de ce bâtiment de 36 232 m2 qui pourra accueillir 300 véhicules et 800 travailleurs. La livraison des composantes s’échelonnera de janvier à mai 2013.

Finalement, son expertise dans le domaine des charpentes complexes de grande envergure a permis à la division Structal-construction métallique lourde de décrocher des mandats de conception-construction d’une valeur totalisant un peu plus de 20 millions $ pour des projets situés au Canada et aux États-Unis.

Source: Groupe Canam inc.


SNC-Lavalin obtient un contrat aux États-Unis
SNC-Lavalin, en coentreprise avec Skanska, s’est vu octroyer un contrat de centrale au gaz naturel à cycle combiné de 655 MW, pour le Newark Energy Center (NEC) au New Jersey. SNC-Lavalin fournira les services d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement, de démarrage et de mise en service, tandis que la société Skanska se chargera de la construction et de la gestion du chantier.
Le projet du Newark Energy Center est réalisé par une coentreprise composée de Hess Newark Plant Holdings, LLC, filiale de la société Hess, et d’EIF-NEC, LLC, filiale d’un fonds de capitaux d’investissement géré par Energy Investors Funds.

La centrale sera équipée des plus récentes turbines à gaz de catégorie F, classe 5 de la General Electric (GE) pour produire de l’électricité de manière fiable et écoénergétique. Cette centrale, dont la mise en exploitation est prévue pour 2015, fonctionnera au gaz naturel et sera l’une des plus écologiques en son genre aux États-Unis grâce à une technologie antiémissions de pointe.

«Nous sommes fiers de contribuer à un projet qui fournira de l’électricité propre, efficace et fiable au réseau dans le nord du New Jersey, en plus de créer des emplois et de générer des revenus pour Newark», a déclaré Patrick Lamarre, vice-président directeur, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.
SNC-Lavalin connaît très bien les turbines à gaz de catégorie F de GE pour avoir mené à bien l’installation de 70 d’entre elles dans des centrales électriques du monde entier.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


SNC-Lavalin supprime de son carnet de commandes un projet en Alberta
SNC-Lavalin a reçu d’un client un avis de résiliation de contrat pour raisons de commodité concernant un projet à prix forfaitaire d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction (IAC) octroyé en novembre 2011 pour une usine de traitement des mousses à Fort McMurray, en Alberta. Cette résiliation entre en vigueur immédiatement.

Ce projet sera retiré du carnet de commandes de la Société au cours du quatrième trimestre de 2012. Actuellement, la Société n’entrevoit pas que la résiliation de ce contrat aura une incidence importante sur les résultats de son quatrième trimestre.

Source: Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.


Itron remporte un important contrat de compteurs intelligents en Afrique du Sud
Itron, Inc. annonçait récemment qu’il a remporté, en partenariat avec Edison Power Group, un important contrat pour équiper la ville de Johannesburg, ville phare et poumon économique du continent africain, bénéficiant d’une notation AA auprès des agences de notation Moody’s et Finch.

Le contrat, d’une valeur totale d’environ 150 millions $, porte sur la livraison de compteurs intelligents dernière génération et du système de comptage intelligent associé. Cette solution de comptage s’inscrit dans la stratégie de croissance et de développement de la ville de Johannesburg qui vise à améliorer les prestations de service grâce à l’automatisation du réseau.

Après une intensive recherche dans le monde entier, Edison Power Group a identifié Itron comme étant le partenaire idéal pour fournir la meilleure solution à City Power. «Itron est fière d’apporter son soutien à un distributeur de premier plan comme City Power et de jouer un rôle significatif pour que les réseaux intelligents deviennent une réalité. Notre technologie donnera au client final les moyens de s’impliquer et complétera le programme de gestion de la demande mis en place par la ville», a déclaré Philip Mezey, président et directeur opérationnel d’Itron pour la division Énergie.

L’implication des clients de City Power constitue un élément essentiel de la solution; celle-ci leur permettra de mieux gérer leur consommation d’électricité et de prendre des mesures d’économie d’énergie qui se traduiront par une réduction de leurs factures d’électricité. Un autre élément clé est l’application généralisée des opérations de gestion de la demande mise en place par la ville. L’investissement massif dans l’implication économique, le développement des compétences et le renforcement des capacités de support au niveau local sont au cœur de ce projet. «Nous avons établi une stratégie et un plan d’action clairs visant à développer les compétences et assurer la prise en charge pérenne au niveau local. Notre engagement sera durable», a commenté Sindi Mzamo, président directeur général d’Edison Power Group.

Le contrat a été attribué à la suite d’une évaluation approfondie de la réponse à appel d’offres et en fonction de résultats tangibles obtenus par Itron sur le terrain pour diverses solutions similaires mises en place dans le monde entier. «À notre avis, l’offre du consortium formé par Edison Power et Itron fournit une combinaison idéale d’implication locale, de technologies de renommée internationale et de prestations de service éprouvées, pour permettre aux distributeurs d’énergie de répondre à leurs futurs engagements», a déclaré Sicelo Xulu, président directeur général de City Power.

Source: Itron, Inc.


Un concours international pour inspirer l’innovation dans l’ingénierie des structures bâtiments et génie civil
Le Nemetschek Structural Group annonçait récemment l’ouverture des candidatures pour son concours international 2013 – Inspirations in Engineering. Aujourd’hui dans sa 8e édition, ce concours unique en son genre récompense des performances exceptionnelles et innovantes des experts mondiaux en ingénierie de la construction. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 31 mars 2013.

«Au fil des ans, ce concours est devenu un événement reconnu dans le monde de l’ingénierie de la construction. Il nous donne l’opportunité de mettre en avant les grands accomplissements des utilisateurs des logiciels du groupe de part le monde», explique le Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre Rammant, président-directeur général de Nemetschek Scia et président du Nemetschek Structural Group.

«Notre précédente édition 2011 a rencontré un vif succès.  Elle présentait 117 projets de haute qualité réalisés par 91 sociétés dans 19 pays. En 2013, nous désirons souligner à quel point la rapide adoption des méthodes BIM affecte le secteur de l’ingénierie et de la construction. Une attention particulière sera portée aux projets illustrant les bénéfices du travail selon un processus collaboratif ou Open BIM», poursuit le Dr. Rammant.

Inspirations in Engineering est ouvert à tous les utilisateurs de logiciels du Nemetschek Structural Group. Les gagnants seront choisis dans 5 catégories : bâtiments, génie civil, structures industrielles, conception industrialisée, et projets spéciaux.

Un jury professionnel international examinera les projets sur base de leur originalité, niveau de difficulté, prestige et utilisation innovante des logiciels. Cette année, une attention particulière sera portée aux exemples illustrant la meilleure utilisation de l’Open BIM. Ce concours offre aux participants la chance unique de montrer au monde entier leur expertise technique et leurs compétences professionnelles. Les projets gagnants dans les 5 catégories, ainsi qu’un «Prix Spécial du Jury» obtiendront chacun un prix de 1500 € (env. 2000 $) Les nominés et les lauréats seront aussi promus dans la presse internationale et les portails internet spécialisés.

Tous les projets participants seront publiés dans le livre Nemetschek Inspirations in Engineering. Ce livre est édité à plusieurs milliers d’exemplaires cartonnés qui sont distribués aux médias internationaux, organisations gouvernementales, associations professionnelles, acteurs majeurs du secteur, etc. En outre, un eBook gratuit sera disponible en ligne.

Les informations pratiques et le règlement complet du concours sont disponibles sur le site web du concours

Source: Nemetschek Scia


Bon démarrage 2013 pour NFM Technologies
NFM Technologies, constructeur français de tunneliers vient de remporter 2 nouveaux contrats dont celui pour le plus gros tunnelier jamais construit à ce jour en France.

Cette machine géante de 15,08 m de diamètre sera réalisée pour le projet du tunnel routier de Caltanissetta, en Sicile, pour le compte de la Société Italienne CMC Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti Ravena et son partenaire Tecnis.

Ce nouvel axe autoroutier qui relie Porto Empedocle à la jonction Caltanissetta, vise à désenclaver le sud de la Sicile par un élargissement du réseau régional existant.

La commande comprend la conception, la fabrication et le montage sur site de cette machine exceptionnelle de par son diamètre, son poids d’environ 3200 t, et sa longueur de plus de 100 m. Le tunnelier doit être livré cet automne sur le site du client où il excavera 2 tubes d’une longueur de 3900 m chacun.

NFM Technologies vient également d’ajouter à son carnet de commandes la fourniture d’un autre tunnelier à l’entrepreneur ASTALDI. La machine, de type pression de terre, excavera l’extension du métro de Bucarest, en Roumanie.

Avec ses 6,6 m de diamètre, le tunnelier effectuera le creusement de 4 tubes de 500 m. Le tracé se situe au nord ouest de la ville, sur la ligne 4 comprenant les stations du parc Bazilescu et le lac Str?ule?ti.

Source: NFM Technologies


Bentley Systems devient fournisseur autorisé de crédits de formation continue de l’IACET
L’International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) a octroyé à Bentley Systems Inc. la prestigieuse accréditation de fournisseur autorisé. Les fournisseurs autorisés de l’IACET sont les seules organisations approuvées à pouvoir offrir les crédits de formation continue IACET. Cette accréditation dure cinq ans et s’applique à tous les programmes offerts ou créés pendant cette période.

De nos jours, architectes, ingénieurs, spécialistes de données géospatiales, constructeurs et propriétaires exploitants peuvent choisir parmi plus de 100 cours donnés par le Bentley Institute qui procurent des crédits de formation continue IACET, et ce nombre devrait augmenter pendant la période d’accréditation. Toutes les options d’apprentissage sont élaborées par des professionnels en infrastructure hautement qualifiés dans la modélisation de l’information, l’intégration de projets et les principes d’infrastructure intelligente. Alliant goût de la découverte et mise en application concrète, le savoir et les connaissances transmis pendant ces formations accroissent le rendement des utilisateurs, la qualité de leurs réalisations et la rentabilité permettant de conserver une main-d’œuvre efficiente et efficace.

Pour obtenir l’accréditation de fournisseur autorisé, le Bentley Institute a suivi une procédure de demande rigoureuse, comprenant une analyse menée par un vérificateur de l’IACET dans ses établissements et une démonstration concluante de sa conformité à la norme ANSI/IACET 1-2007 concernant la conception, l’élaboration, l’administration et l’évaluation de ses programmes.

Le Bentley Institute a juré de toujours se conformer à cette norme et il a maintenant le droit d’utiliser le nom IACET et le logo de fournisseur autorisé sur le matériel didactique à des fins promotionnelles. De plus, Bentley profite désormais d’un lien vers le site Web de l’IACET et d’une reconnaissance à titre d’organisation offrant des programmes de formation et de perfectionnement continus de la plus haute qualité.

L’International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) est une association à but non lucratif consacrée aux programmes de formation et de perfectionnement continus de qualité. L’IACET est la seule organisation de normalisation approuvée par l’American National Standards Institute (ANSI) en formation et perfectionnement continus. La norme ANSI/IACET est la norme sur laquelle s’appuient des milliers de programmes de formation à travers le monde.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated


EnGlobe Corp. choisie pour réaliser un projet de décontamination du Fleuve Kishon en Israël
EnGlobe Corp. a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle s’est vue octroyer par l’État d’Israël un contrat de services environnementaux d’une valeur de plus de 40 millions $ dans le cadre d’un projet de réhabilitation du fleuve Kishon situé dans la Baie de Haïfa, en Israël.

Le contrat, d’une durée approximative de 36 mois, consiste à fournir, aux autorités israéliennes représentées par la Kishon Drainage & Rivers Authority ainsi que le Ministry of Environmental Protection, les services de sa division Biogénie afin de décontaminer plus de 7 km du fleuve Kishon, dont la source se situe à l’ouest de la Galilée et se jette dans la baie de Haïfa.

Grâce à sa technologie de biotraitement (Biopile) mise au point et améliorée au cours des 30 dernières années, EnGlobe et sa division Biogénie auront la charge de décontaminer plus de 500 000 m3 de sédiments, en plus de superviser la construction d’un futur espace récréatif et écologique dont tous les résidants de Haïfa et des environs pourront profiter. À l’issu du projet, plus de 585 milliards $ auront été investis par les autorités pour améliorer la qualité de l’eau de cette ancienne zone industrielle en plus d’aménager les lieux au bénéfice des résidants de la région.

«EnGlobe a été choisie parmi plus de 20 compétiteurs mondiaux pour la réalisation de ce projet. Cela constitue pour EnGlobe la reconnaissance de notre savoir-faire technique pointu en matière de réhabilitation de sites, de notre valeur fondamentale d’exécution rigoureuse et de l’expérience que nous avons su démontrer au cours de l’exécution de plus de 6000 projets de réhabilitation sur site en plus du traitement annuel de plus de 1,5 millions t de sols contaminés à nos centres de traitement permanents à travers le monde», a indiqué Mario Saucier, président-directeur général de EnGlobe.

«Ce contrat illustre bien la part grandissante de EnGlobe sur le marché international et forme une partie intégrante de notre stratégie d’expansion sur le marché mondial», a déclaré Ghyslain Deschamps, vice-président principal, Caractérisation et réhabilitation de sites. «Nous sommes fiers de notre aptitude à travailler dans plusieurs langues et de notre capacité d’adaptation à la culture des pays et diverses communautés où nous exécutons nos projets, le tout avec un objectif fondamental de respect de normes élevées de santé et de sécurité», a conclu monsieur Deschamps.

Source: EnGlobe Corp.


69e congrès de l’ACRGTQ
Lors de son assemblée générale annuelle, tenue dans le cadre du 69e congrès, l'Association des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ) a réélu Michel Giroux de Giroux & Lessard ltée au titre de président du Conseil d'administration. «C'est avec fierté que j'assumerai mon rôle de président du conseil de cette association qui fait figure de proue dans son industrie. Depuis maintenant 69 ans, elle est la représentante attitrée du secteur génie civil et voirie de l'industrie de la construction», a mentionné monsieur Giroux.

Dans son allocution, il a d'ailleurs tenu à rappeler que «l'ACRGTQ insuffle un vent positif sur son congrès et sur son industrie en rappelant qu'elle est une force qui relie l'ensemble du Québec par ses infrastructures souterraines, énergétiques ou de transport. Elle relie le Québec aussi par sa force économique de ses quelque 2 500 employeurs qui emploient maintenant plus de 40 000 travailleurs de la construction. Faut-il le rappeler, l'ensemble de l'industrie de la construction représente, par ses investissements, 14% du produit intérieur brut québécois».

Dans un contexte où la Commission Charbonneau défraie les manchettes et que plusieurs mesures sont prises par le gouvernement afin de redonner confiance à la population en son industrie de la construction, M. Giroux a conclu : «Rendre les lettres de noblesse à notre industrie. Voilà ce que doit être l'objectif gouvernemental dans l'établissement de nouvelles mesures. Il est essentiel de faire la démonstration que la très grande majorité des entreprises que nous représentons est administrée par des gens honnêtes et de bonne foi.».

Source: Association des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ)


Industry News


Canam Goup Lands Multiple Contracts Totaling Close to $55 million
Canam Group Inc. recently announced that it added close to $55 million in contracts to its backlog of orders for various building, structural steel and bridge projects.

Structal-Bridges concluded agreements totaling more than $26 million for the fabrication of two bridges in the United States and the supply of structural bearings in Canada. The first agreement made with the State of Wisconsin is to fabricate components for an overpass that is being built as part of the Memorial Drive Suamico project in Howard. Structal-Bridges will supply 36 box girders for this 670 m structure. Fabrication is slated to begin in March 2013 and deliveries will start in January 2014.

The second agreement signed with a joint venture formed by J.F. White and Skanska, is to replace the Fore River Bridge that connects the cities of Quincy and Weymouth in Massachusetts. The contract calls for more than 80 girders to construct the bridge approach in addition to through trusses for the 99 m vertical lift section. Fabrication will take place between spring 2013 and spring 2014.

Structal-Bridges signed a contract with general contractor Pomerleau to supply Goodco Z-Tech structural bearings for a multi-user dock project in the Port of Sept-Îles. This contract calls for the fabrication of 554 assembled laminated bearings to be delivered between December 2012 and March 2013.

Complex steel components for the STM Stinson Transport Center
In the buildings sector, the Canam division was awarded an $8 million project for the design and fabrication of joists, girders, welded wide-flange (WWF) columns and steel deck. Located in Montreal, this project presents a number of technical challenges due to the complex geometry of some of the components for the 36,232 m2 building that is designed to house 800 workers and 300 vehicles. Deliveries are scheduled to take place from January to May 2013.

Finally, Structal-Heavy Steel Construction's expertise in executing complex, large-scale structural steel projects netted the division a number of design-build mandates in Canada and the United States totaling over $20 million.

Source: Canam Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Wins Contract for Cutting-Edge Power Project in the United States
SNC-Lavalin, in joint venture with Skanska, has been awarded a contract for the Newark Energy Center, a 655-MW gas-fired combined cycle power plant in New Jersey. SNC-Lavalin is providing engineering, procurement, start-up and commissioning services, while Skanska is responsible for construction and site management.

The Newark Energy Center is being developed by a joint venture of Hess Newark Plant Holdings, LLC, a subsidiary of Hess Corporation and EIF-NEC, LLC, a subsidiary of private equity funds managed by Energy Investors Funds.

The plant will use the latest General Electric (GE) F class 5 series combustion gas turbines to generate power in a reliable and energy efficient manner. The facility, scheduled to be operational in 2015, will also be one of the cleanest of its kind in the United States thanks to its use of natural gas and sophisticated emissions control technology.

"We are proud to support a project that will provide clean, efficient and dependable electricity to the northern New Jersey grid, while bringing new jobs and revenue to Newark," said Patrick Lamarre, Executive Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

SNC-Lavalin has a long history of working with GE F class gas turbines, having successfully installed 70 such units at power plants around the world.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


SNC-Lavalin Debooks Hydrocarbons & Chemicals Project in Alberta
SNC-Lavalin has received a notice of termination for convenience from its client related to a fixed-price EPC contract it was awarded in November 2011 for a froth treatment plant in Fort McMurray, Alberta. The notice is effective immediately.

This project will be debooked from the Company's backlog in the fourth quarter 2012. The Company does not currently anticipate that this termination will have a material impact on its fourth quarter earnings.

Source: SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.


Itron Awarded Largest Smart Meter Contract in South Africa with City of Johannesburg
Itron, Inc. announced recently that, in collaboration with the Edison Power Group, it received a major contract award from the City of Johannesburg, the continent leader and economic hub of Africa with a AA-credit rating from Moody’s and Finch.

The engagement, which has a total contract value of approximately $150 million, will require Itron to supply its latest generation smart meters and associated smart metering system, tying into the City of Johannesburg’s stated growth and development strategy to improve service delivery and efficiency through network automation.

After an intense global search, Itron was identified by Edison Power Group as the right partner to deliver the best solution for City Power. “Itron is proud to support a leading utility like City Power in making the smart grid a reality. We believe our technology provides the foundation for engaging customers and complements the city’s demand side management program,” said Philip Mezey, president and chief operating officer of Energy for Itron.

Key to the solution will be the empowerment of City Power’s customers, allowing them to better manage their electricity usage and take steps to save energy, as well as money on their utility bills. A further element is the more pervasive application of the city’s demand side management initiative.

Central to the entire project is a significant investment in black economic empowerment, skills development and expanded localized support capacity.

“We have established a clear strategy and plan to develop skills and ensure local sustainability. We are all in this for the long haul,” commented Sindi Mzamo, chief executive officer of Edison Power Group.

The award was based on a thorough evaluation of the submitted bid and Itron’s proven field results in various similar solutions throughout the world. “It is our assessment that the consortium offer of Edison Power and Itron provides the right combination of local empowerment, world-class technology and proven delivery performance to support the utility’s future priorities,” said Sicelo Xulu, chief executive officer of City Power.

Source: Itron, Inc.


Global Engineering Competition Inspires Innovations in Structural and Civil Engineering
The Nemetschek Structural Group announced recently that it is accepting submissions for its 2013 International Engineering Contest - Inspirations in Engineering.  Now in its eighth edition, this unique competition recognizes outstanding achievements and innovative works from the world’s top engineering and construction professionals. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2013.  

Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre Rammant, CEO of Nemetschek Scia and president of the Nemetschek Structural Group, explains, “Over the years, this contest has become a celebrated event for the engineering and construction industry. It provides us an opportunity to recognize the great achievements of our users around the globe.”

“Our previous edition was an enormous success and attracted 117 high-quality projects from 91 companies in 19 different countries. For 2013, we want to recognize how the rapid adoption of BIM is affecting the global engineering and construction industry. Special consideration will be given to projects illustrating the benefits of working in an Open BIM process,” Dr. Rammant continues.

Inspirations in Engineering is open to all users of Nemetschek Structural Software. Winners will be drawn from five categories:

  • Category 1: Buildings
  • Category 2: Civil Structures
  • Category 3: Design of Industrial Buildings and Plants
  • Category 4: Industrialized Planning
  • Category 5: Special Projects

An international professional jury will assess submissions on originality, level of difficulty, prestige and the innovative use of software. This year, special consideration goes to examples illustrating the best use of Open BIM.

This contest offers all participants a unique chance to show the world their technical knowledge and professionals skills. Winning entries in each of the five categories and an additional ‘Special Jury Prize’ will be awarded 1,500 € (approx. $2,000). Nominated and winning projects will also be promoted to the international press for publication in specialized engineering and construction magazines and web outlets.

All submissions will be published in Nemetschek’s Inspirations in Engineering book. Thousands of hardcover editions of this remarkable book are distributed globally to key press/media outlets, governments, professional associations, influential industry leaders and peers. In addition, a shareable eBook for mobile devices will be made available for free.

More practical information and complete contest rules can be found in Nemetschek’s Inspirations in Engineering Contest 2013 website:

Source: Nemetschek Scia


2013 Kicks Off Well for NFM Technologies
NFM Technologies, a French Tunnel Boring machines manufacturer, has recently obtained two new contracts, including one for the largest TBM ever built to date in France.

This giant machine with a diameter of 15.08 m will be produced for the planned Caltanissetta road tunnel in Sicily on behalf of the Italian company, CMC Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti Ravena, and its partner, Tecnis.

This new motorway connects Porto Empedocle to the Caltanissetta junction and aims to improve road connections to south Sicily by expanding the current regional road network.

The order includes the design, manufacture and on-site assembly of this machine with its exceptional diameter, its weight of approximately 3,200 t and its length of over 100 m. The TBM is expected to be delivered to the site of the customer this autumn. It will then be used to excavate two tunnels, each with a length of 3,900 m.

This contract reflects the faith of our customers in our ability to meet this new industrial challenge.

NFM Technologies has also recently added the supply of another TBM to the entrepreneur ASTALDI to its list of orders. This earth pressure balance TBM will be used to excavate the extension to the Bucharest metro system.

The machine, with a diameter of 6.6 m, will dig out 4 tubes with a length of 500 m. The tunnels will be located to the north west of the town, on line 4, which includes the stations of Bazilescu park and lake Str?ule?ti.

Source: NFM Technologies


Bentley Systems Becomes Authorized Provider of IACET CEUs
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded Bentley Systems, Incorporated the prestigious Authorized Provider accreditation. IACET Authorized Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The accreditation period extends for five years and includes all programs offered or created during that time.

“Bentley is proud of our Bentley Institute learning programs, which train infrastructure professionals each year in important information modeling, integrated project, and intelligent infrastructure skills so that our users stay on the cutting edge,” stated Peter Huftalen, vice president, Bentley Institute. Huftalen added, “Our new partnership with IACET is a demonstration of our commitment to lifelong learning and high standards for all of our programs, and we are very pleased to join such a prestigious organization as well as an elite group of organizations that offer excellent continuing education and training programs.”

“We are pleased to welcome Bentley Institute as our newest Authorized Provider organization,” stated Michael Todd Shinholster, president of IACET. “Bentley joins nearly 650 organizations around the globe that have had their programs vetted by third-party experts in continuing education to ensure the highest possible standards are met.”

Today, architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators can choose from more than 100 Bentley Institute live training courses that earn IACET CEUs, and that number is expected to grow throughout the accreditation period. All learning opportunities are developed by infrastructure professionals well-versed in information modeling, integrated project, and intelligent infrastructure principles. By combining the excitement of discovery with relevance to the practical world, the knowledge and skills delivered during training enhance users’ productivity, project quality, and profitability to sustain an efficient and effective workforce.

In order to achieve Authorized Provider accreditation, Bentley Institute completed a rigorous application process, including a review by an IACET site visitor, and successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard addressing the design, development, administration, and evaluation of its programs. Bentley Institute has pledged its continued compliance with the Standard and is now authorized to use the IACET name and Authorized Provider logo on promotional course material. In addition, Bentley is now linked to the IACET website and is recognized as offering the highest quality continuing education and training programs.

Source: Bentley Systems, Incorporated


EnGlobe Chosen for the Project of Decontamination of the Kishon River in Israel
EnGlobe Corp. is pleased to announce that it has been awarded by the State of Israel an environmental service contract valued at over 40 million $ for the rehabilitation of the Kishon River located in the Haifa Bay in Israel.

The contract, estimated to take 36 months, consists of providing to the Israeli authorities, represented by the Kishon Drainage & Rivers Authority and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the services of its Biogénie division to decontaminate over 7 km of the Kishon River, which has its source west of the Galilee and flows into Haifa Bay.

With its biotreatment technology (Biopile) developed and improved over the last 30 years, EnGlobe and its Biogénie division will have the responsibility of decontaminating over 500 000 m3 of sediments, in addition to supervising the construction of the future recreational and ecological park that will benefit to all Haifa residents and the surroundings. At the end of the project, more than $585 billion will have been invested by the authorities to improve the quality of the water of this former industrial zone while converting the site to benefit the local residents.

"EnGlobe was chosen over 20 worldwide competitors for the accomplishment of this project. This constitutes for EnGlobe the recognition of our technical expertise in site remediation, our fundamental value for rigorous execution and the experience we demonstrated in the execution of over 6000 remediation on-site projects as well as the annual treatment of over 1.5 million t of contaminated soils at our treatment facilities around the world", indicated Mr. Mario Saucier, President and CEO of EnGlobe.

"This contract illustrates the growing share of EnGlobe on the international market and is an integral part of our strategic expansion plan on the worldwide market", declared Mr. Ghyslain Deschamps, senior vice president, Site Assessment and Remediation. We are proud of our abilities to work in several languages and our capacity of adaptation to the diverse cultures of the countries and communities where we execute our projects, always with the fundamental objective to respect our high standards of health and safety", concluded Mr. Deschamps.

Source: EnGlobe Corp.


Toro Adds Trenchless Utility Equipment to its Dealer Network
The Toro Company is pleased to welcome Trenchless Utility Equipment, Inc. of Burlington, Ontario, to its comprehensive equipment distribution network. The equipment dealership will now be carrying the full line of Toro® underground equipment, including directional drills, compact utility loaders, trenchers, vibratory plows, and stump grinders.

“We are pleased to have this top-notch dealership now carrying the full Toro underground product line,” explains Butch Greeninger, senior national sales manager for The Toro Company. “Our dealers are the stewards of the Toro brand, and by bringing on only the best, we can ensure that Toro continues to be a name that folks associate with not only power, performance, and reliability, but also aftermarket support and outstanding service,” he adds.

Jeff Lyons, president of Trenchless Utility Equipment, Inc. is pleased with the new-found partnership, and looks forward to growing with the Toro underground line. “We were impressed with a lot of aspects of Toro, but two things in particular come to mind: their commitment to the engineering of these products, and the commitment to dealers,” says Mr. Lyons. “When a manufacturer supports the dealers well, the dealers can then offer better support to the end users.”

Source: The Toro Company


Wajax Industrial Components Acquires Kaman Industrial Technologies’ Canadian Branches
Wajax Industrial Components is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Canadian branches of Kaman Industrial Technologies, Ltd. The acquisition includes six locations in British Columbia (Greater Vancouver, Cranbrook, Terrace, Prince George, Sparwood and Surrey) and one in Mississauga, Ontario.

Wajax Industrial Components now operates a total of 65 branches including 13 certified service and repair centers across Canada.
As a result of the acquisition, Wajax Industrial Components welcomes as new employees the experienced members of the Kaman Canada team. “The bearing and power transmission expertise gained from the Kaman employees will play an important role as we further enhance our capabilities and footprint to better serve customers in British Columbia and Southern Ontario,” said Russell Grant, vice president – Industrial Distribution, Wajax Industrial Components.

“This acquisition aligns with our strategy of growing all of our lines of business – Bearings and Power Transmission, Hydraulics, and Process Equipment – across Canada. We are continually looking for opportunities to expand our geographic coverage,” added Adrian Trotman, president, Wajax Industrial Components.

“We welcome Kaman Canada to the Wajax Industrial Components family and look forward to their contribution in growing our business in Canada,” Mr. Trotman said.

Source: Wajax Industrial Components


Supreme Group Acquires Pro-V Mfg.
Supreme Group, the largest privately owned steel fabrication and construction business in Canada, has announced the full acquisition plans of Pro-V Mfg. Inc., located in Acheson, Alberta. As of January 1st, 2013, Pro-V will become Pro-V Manufacturing LP, a proud member of the Supreme Group family of companies.

In early 2010, Supreme Group acquired a majority stake of Pro-V’s operations with the option for future expansion of the shareholdings. Both companies have a long history of successful joint ventures, including the completion of numerous module projects for the industrial sector. Pro-V is an ASME code certified manufacturer with ABSA approved quality programs for their shop and field operations. These certifications extend from design and manufacture of pressure vessels, including their repair and alterations, to repair of boilers and green-field piping fabrication and installation.

As stated by John Leder, president and COO of Supreme Group to employees of Pro-V: “By this acquisition, Supreme Group includes an established and reputable mechanical company within the Group, and Pro-V Mfg. Inc. moves forward by its association with the largest privately held structural steel fabricator and constructor in Canada. In combination, we will be able to provide significant enhancements to our capacity to supply the burgeoning industrial sector in Alberta and beyond.”

Greg Prinsen, president of Pro-V, will remain at the helm of the newly fully integrated operation. He is supported by a strong contingent of loyal office, plant and field forces that have already demonstrated compatible operations acumen with Supreme Group business culture and staff.

Pro-V’s existing plant is in close proximity to Supreme Group’s newest fabrication plant and module yard also located in Acheson. Through increased demand in pipe fabrication services, Pro-V has expanded production into available shop space in Supreme Steel’s Plant #1 facilities, situated in West Edmonton.

Source: Supreme Group


Omniglass SCT, Reborn in Winnipeg
One of Canada’s leading manufacturers of fiberglass for window and door frames has been reborn one year after fire destroyed its predecessor. Omniglass SCT began work on new fiberglass pultruded frames and components in November 2012, at their new location inside Structural Composite Technologies’ state-of-the-art composite plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Omniglass SCT was formed by partners John Zadro, president of Structural Composite Technologies, who will be president of the new company, and Leroy Dankochik, general manager of both the predecessor and the new companies. Together they purchased the assets, including the patents, processes and window and door systems of Omniglass. Omniglass SCT has hired 10 former employees, including Laurie Davies, founder and former CEO of Omniglass, to assist with sales and business development.

Fiberglass windows and doors are rising in popularity because of their superior structural strength, thermal resistance and paintability. They have been grabbing increasing market share in commercial construction (where they qualify for coveted LEED environmental certification) as well as the residential market where quality, durability and aesthetics are increasingly important.

Omniglass SCT does business alongside privately-owned Structural Composite Technologies. Founded in 1961, Structural Composite Technologies custom fabricates fiberglass equipment for multiple industries: mining, chemical, utilities, wind energy, transportation, and construction industries throughout North America.

Source: Omniglass SCT


Clean Harbors Completes Acquisition of Safety-Kleen
Clean Harbors, Inc. recently announced the completion of its acquisition of Safety-Kleen, Inc., a leading provider of parts cleaning and environmental services and the largest re-refiner and recycler of used oil in North America. Clean Harbors purchased Safety-Kleen in an all-cash transaction valued at approximately $1.25 billion, financed through the combination of $289 million of existing cash, $370 million in net proceeds from its recently completed follow-on offering of common stock and $591 million in net proceeds from its recently completed Senior Notes offering.

“The acquisition of Safety-Kleen aligns perfectly with our strategy of expanding our Environmental Services business in North America,” said Alan S. McKim, chairman and CEO. “Safety-Kleen brings well-established leadership positions in several important markets, including parts cleaning, small quantity waste generators and used oil recycling. We expect the transaction to drive a substantial increase in waste volumes into our waste disposal treatment network. Safety-Kleen services more than 200,000 customer locations – we are looking forward to the substantial cross-selling opportunities we anticipate across our combined customer base. In addition, Safety-Kleen’s re-refining and recycling capabilities significantly broadens our existing portfolio of services and enhances the sustainability offerings available to our customers. We believe this transaction greatly enhances shareholder value and will support our growth momentum in 2013 and beyond. We welcome Safety-Kleen’s employees to the Clean Harbors team and look forward to advancing our combined organization.”

Based on the current operating and anticipated future performance of Safety-Kleen, Clean Harbors expects the acquisition will be immediately accretive, excluding one-time fees and acquisition-related expenses.

Source: Clean Harbors, Inc.


Morbark Acquires Boxer Equipment from Mertz Manufacturing
Morbark, Inc., a leading manufacturer of tree care, sawmill, recycling, forestry and biomass chipping, and grinding equipment, recently announced that it has completed the acquisition of Boxer Equipment, a product line of Mertz Manufacturing, LLC, that manufactures and globally markets a full line of compact utility loaders (also known as mini-skid steers) and attachments.

As part of the transaction, Morbark has acquired all product designs, intellectual property and manufacturing tools, as well as existing parts, completed units and other inventory. The Boxer acquisition will enable Morbark to continue to solidify the company’s strategy to build equipment that creates opportunities for their customers, dealer network and employees.

This acquisition not only enhances those opportunities in Morbark’s existing tree service and rental markets, but also allows Morbark to expand their market presence and current equipment offerings to a broader range of industries and end users, including, but not limited to, landscapers, irrigation and trenching contractors, property owners, and general contractors of all sizes.

“In seeking the optimal buyer for the Boxer product line, we looked for a company that had its own manufacturing capability, as well as shared our desire to see the line continue to develop, grow and realize its full potential. We know without a doubt that Morbark shares this same vision and will apply the necessary resources to bring it to fruition,” said Steve Ballinger, Mertz Manufacturing, LLC’s president.

Manufacturing of the Boxer Equipment line, attachments and aftermarket parts, is currently being moved to Morbark’s 100 000 m2 factory and corporate headquarters in Winn, Michigan. As manufacturing of the Boxer line begins in the first quarter of 2013, Morbark will be working with their authorized dealer network to ensure that existing and future customers receive unmatched service, after-sales support, and fast, efficient parts fulfillment.

Commenting on the close, Jim Shoemaker, Jr., president, Morbark, Inc., said, “The strong strategic fit between our companies, combined with Morbark’s expanded capabilities in product development, manufacturing and dealer distribution will enable us to efficiently maximize the value and long-term potential of the Boxer product line, allowing it to become one of the market leaders in the compact utility loader category.”

Source: Morbark, Inc.


NRStor Announces Its First Commercial Flywheel Energy Storage Project
NRStor has partnered with Temporal Power, an Ontario developer of the world’s highest energy flywheel technology, and Ontario Power Generation, one of North America’s largest producers of electricity and a current provider of regulation service in Ontario. Together, NRStor, Temporal Power and OPG will deliver 2 MW of regulation service to the IESO by ensuring fast-response energy to optimally provide this grid-balancing service. NRStor will lease a 0,4 ha parcel of land from OPG for the construction of the flywheel facility to be located on the site of OPG’s Lambton Generating Station in Sarnia, Ontario.

“This is such an important step forward for the future of Ontario’s electricity system. With today’s announcement, the IESO is making the choice to create one of the most efficient and productive electricity systems in the world,” said Annette Verschuren, Chair and CEO of NRStor Inc. “NRStor was created to accelerate the commercialization of energy storage and I couldn’t be prouder to have our first project approved in just a few short months.”

NRStor was established in 2012 when Annette Verschuren teamed up with Northwater Intellectual Property Fund to accelerate the commercialization of energy storage technologies through the planning and development of energy storage solutions. Northwater is an investor in Mississauga-based Temporal Power Ltd., developer of a highly efficient flywheel energy storage system and Newton, Massachusetts-based General Compression, a pioneer in the development of compressed air energy storage systems.  NRStor is working with both companies to accelerate projects from demonstration to commercialization.

Intermittent renewable energy capacity from sources such as wind and solar technologies will grow by 40% globally over the next 5 years. As more renewables come online, the power supply will become more variable causing many challenges for the grid in terms of matching electricity supply to demand. NRStor’s facility, using Temporal Power’s flywheels, can respond much faster than conventional generation sources, enabling them to follow regulation commands more accurately, thus returning the electricity grid to a balanced state more quickly and ultimately, providing savings to the ratepayer.

This project marks a milestone in the development of commercial energy storage projects in both Ontario and Canada. Grid-scale energy storage solutions, such as this, have the potential to significantly extend the timeline for investment in transmission and distribution assets, enable greater penetration of renewables on the grid, positively impact ratepayer electricity bills and improve overall grid security and reliability. 

Source: NRStor Inc.


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