Nouvelles brèves Sika a fait l’acquisition d’Axim Présente au Canada depuis plus de 25 ans, sous le nom d’Axim Concrete Technologies et ayant son siège social à Cambridge en Ontario, la société offre une gamme complète d’adjuvants et d’additifs pour améliorer la performance du béton ainsi que des agents de mouture destinés à laproduction du ciment. Axim a toujours mis l’accent sur la production de produits innovants de qualité et sur le service à la clientèle, une approche qui a permis à l’entreprise de fournir à ses clients des solutions à la pointe de la technologie. Grâce à une gamme de produits de haute qualité jouissant d’une excellente réputation et à une équipe de professionnels dévoués, extrêmement compétents et respectés dans l’industrie, cette acquisition va améliorer le positionnement de Sika et compléter les activités de l’entreprise sur ces marchés clés.
Nouveau concessionnaire Merlo en Alberta Manulift a entrepris en 2010 un projet d’expansion à travers le Canada. Pour ce faire, la compagnie cible stratégiquement et signe des accords de concession avec des entreprises dynamiques établies et reconnues dans leur région pour la qualité de leurs produits et services. Manulift a récemment conclu une entente avec Kubota Country située à Fairview, en Alberta. Fondée en 2009, cette compagnie dessert plusieurs industries telles que l’industrie agricole, pétrolière, de la construction, les grands propriétaires terriens, etc. Chez Kubota Country, tous les efforts sont concentrés à procurer les meilleurs produits aux clients tout en offrant un service de haute qualité. Ils se tournent aujourd’hui vers les produits Merlo afin d’apporter de meilleures solutions et plus de possibilités à leurs clients existants et aussi afin de développer de nouveaux marchés. Plusieurs modèles sont déjà disponibles chez les nouveaux concessionnaires incluant les Panoramic P25.6, P72.10 et Multifarmer 30.6. Grâce à la technologie exclusive de Merlo, ce sont plus de 800 unités qui ont été vendues au Canada depuis 2004. La transmission hydrostatique classe 1, le châssis anti-torsion bâti avec l’exclusif Ring of Steel™, la faible consommation de carburant et les performants systèmes hydrauliques ne sont que quelques avantages dont les clients des nouveaux concessionnaires pourront bénéficier dans les mois à venir.
Itron désigné premier fournisseur mondial de compteurs et de modules de communication Eau «Itron prend sa position de leader très au sérieux, particulièrement en ces temps difficiles où les fournisseurs d’eau dans le monde doivent faire face à une population toujours plus nombreuse et alors que leurs infrastructures sont constamment mises à l’épreuve,» a déclaré Marcel Régnier, directeur général Itron, Eau. «Dans les pays en voie de développement, assurer à la population un accès en eau potable est la première des préoccupations; et en même temps, dans la plupart des pays développés, faire des systèmes de distribution plus fiables, plus intelligents et plus éco-énergétiques favorise les investissements technologiques et permet de proposer un meilleur service client. Itron offre des solutions sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de ses clients, et c’est cette raison que nous sommes aujourd’hui l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux.»
Nouveaux contrats pour Structal-ponts Le pont en treillis, d’une longueur de 274 m, enjambe la rivière Piscataqua. Construit en 1923, il a fait l’objet d’une fermeture définitive en juillet 2011 en raison de sa détérioration. Le projet, octroyé par Archer Western Contractors, une filiale de Walsh Construction Company, prévoit la fabrication par Structal-ponts de trois travées en treillis mesurant chacune 91 m de longueur et de deux tours mesurant 50 m pour la section levante du pont. Structal-ponts fournira également la structure d’acier pour le remplacement des approches du pont principal. «Nous sommes reconnaissants de la confiance témoignée par Walsh Construction Company envers notre expertise et notre savoir-faire. Il s’agit du quatrième mandat d’importance qu’ils nous confient au cours des trois dernières années», selon Robin Lapointe, vice-président, Structal-ponts. En plus d’avoir récemment conclu une entente pour le projet de remplacement du pont Moses Wheeler au Connecticut, les deux entreprises ont précédemment collaboré à la construction d’un pont d’étagement pour le projet I-95 New Haven Crossing Corridor au Connecticut. C’est à l’usine de Groupe Canam située à Claremont au New Hampshire que seront fabriquées les composantes de ce projet. Les premières livraisons débuteront en septembre 2012 pour se terminer au mois de février 2013. Initialement prévue pour le printemps 2014, l’ouverture du pont aura lieu un an plus tôt, soit en juillet 2013, ce qui exigera une construction en mode accéléré. Rappelons que Structal-ponts a récemment conclu une entente avec Groupe Aecon inc. pour la réalisation d’un projet de plus de 9 millions $ au Canada. Le contrat inclut la fabrication et l’installation de poutres caissons, et la fabrication d’appareils d’appui qui serviront au remplacement du pont du chenal Nord à Cornwall, en Ontario.
Aecon obtient une accréditation pour le nucléaire L’estampille N est la norme industrielle américaine qui est reconnue à l’échelle internationale en matière d’assurance de la qualité pour la construction, l’inspection et l’entretien des installations nucléaires. L’accréditation pour le nucléaire décernée par l’ASME confirme que Aecon est habilitée à produire des composants de qualité nucléaire conformément aux codes et aux normes applicables. «L’obtention de l’estampille N de l’ASME constitue pour Aecon une étape stratégique clé qui démontre que nos installations sont conformes à des normes de qualité élevées. En nous ouvrant de nouveaux marchés, elle pourrait avoir pour effet d’intensifier la forte croissance du volume d’affaires qu’enregistre Aecon dans le secteur de l’énergie nucléaire depuis quelques années», a déclaré Paul Koenderman, vice-président directeur, Groupe Aecon inc. «Cette réalisation nous place en bonne position dans le secteur de l’énergie propre, dont l’énergie nucléaire est une composante essentielle.» L’usine d’Aecon à Cambridge, d’une superficie de 11 150 m2, réalise des travaux de fabrication très variés, incluant la fabrication de conduites, de pièces d’acier sur mesure et de modules au moyen d’un équipement automatisé à la fine pointe de la technologie. L’usine abrite une machine de soudage entièrement automatisée, de nombreuses machines semi-automatiques ainsi qu’un four de traitement thermique après soudage sur place. Elle emploie 250 personnes environ. Aecon a plus de 40 ans d’expérience à son actif dans le secteur nucléaire et détient une certification CSA N285 en qualité dans le domaine nucléaire au Canada. Les certifications détenues par Aecon dans d’autres domaines comprennent la certification CSA B51, les estampilles U, S, A et PP de l’ASME, la certification CWB W47.1 ainsi qu’une certification ISO 9001:2008.
Hexagon acquiert MicroSurvey Basée à Kelowna, en Colombie-Britannique, MicroSurvey emploie présentement 30 personnes. L’entreprise a connu dans les dernières années une croissance fulgurante et ses solutions logicielles sont aujourd’hui utilisées partout dans le monde. «L’acquisition de MicroSurvey augmente considérablement l’offre de produits et les capacités de développement de logiciels d’Hexagon pour plusieurs de nos marchés clés incluant l’arpentage, la construction et la sécurité civile», disait Ola Rollen, président et chef de la direction d’Hexagon AB. «De plus, les logiciels de MicroSurvey et les instruments d’Hexagon sont des chefs de file sur ces marchés. La possibilité d’offrir des solutions complètes et innovantes profitera indubitablement autant aux clients actuels qu’aux futurs clients d’Hexagon», de conclure monsieur Rollen. «Ce site, unique au Canada, vous permet de mettre en ligne votre inventaire et du même coup de visualiser ce qui est disponible partout au pays», déclare Robert Loignon, président de Vous aurez accès à un réseau d’entreprises et de gens qui ont le même objectif que vous, soit acheter ou vendre de chariots élévateurs, de nacelles et plates-formes élévatrices.
Major Wire et Haver & Boecker forment une alliance mondiale dans le domaine du criblage
Au nom de Haver & Boecker, sa compagnie-mère, la filiale canadienne W.S. Tyler fera d'abord l'acquisition de 40% des parts de Les Industries fil métallique Major Limitée le 1er janvier 2012, et des 60% restants en 2016. La direction de W.S. Tyler a demandé à Major de gérer son usine de Salisbury, dans le but de desservir le vaste réseau de distributeurs de Major. Toutes les autres installations des deux compagnies continueront de fonctionner de manière indépendante. Les distributeurs et représentants de Major et W.S. Tyler continueront à faire affaires avec leurs clients et prospects respectifs, comme ils le font aujourd'hui. "Cette alliance accélérera l'expansion des ventes de notre toile Flex-Mat® 3 autonettoyante à rendement élevé et d'autres produits de criblage de qualité supérieure sur les marchés nord-américain et mondial, ce qui augmentera les ventes et les opportunités d'emploi à Candiac," explique monsieur Leblond. "Notre alliance avec Major deviendra une opportunité unique pour deux entreprises manufacturières familiales de combiner efficacement leurs forces et leur expérience au profit du marché nord-américain et mondial des mines, minéraux et agrégats" a commenté Walter Haver, copropriétaire de Haver & Boecker. "C'est sans aucun doute une situation gagnante pour tout le personnel, les canaux de ventes et les fournisseurs et, par-dessus tout, leurs clients." |
Industry News Sika Strengthens Admixtures Business in North America In Canada, Axim operates as Axim Concrete Technologies Inc., headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario. Axim has a history of over 25 years of experience in the Canadian market and offers a broad range of concrete admixtures, cement grinding aids and specialized chemicals that enhance the performance of cement and concrete, as well as improve cement production efficiency. Axim’s focus has always been on quality innovation and a commitment to customer service which enabled them to deliver industry leading solutions to their customers. With an established, high quality range of products and a well-respected and knowledgeable team of dedicated employees, this acquisition of Axim greatly enhances and complements Sika’s fast-growing position in these key markets in Canada.
New Merlo Dealer in Alberta Established in 2009, Kubota Country serves the agricultural, large property owner, oil and gas, and construction industries. Several Merlo models have already been delivered to the new dealer, including Panoramic P25.6, P72.10 and Multifarmer 30.6 models. Due to the exclusive technology of Merlo's models, more than 800 units have been sold in Canada since 2004. Class 1 hydrostatic transmission, full anti-torsion chassis built with the exclusive Ring of Steel™, low fuel consumption and powerful hydraulic systems are just some of the benefits that new western customers will appreciate in the months to come.
Sandvik Appoints Ontario Distributor Beginning on January 2nd 2012, all capital equipment sales will be done through Selix Equipment and effective February 17th 2012, Selix Equipment will take over all parts, rock tools and service inquiries from Sandvik Construction. “We’re proud of the confidence that Sandvik has shown in us by appointing us as distributor,” explained Mario Roussel, sales manager of Selix. “Although we’re a new organization we have a combined 60 – 70 years of experience in this business”. The Sandvik Group is a global high technology enterprise with 47,000 employees in 130 countries. Sandvik’s operations are concentrated on three core businesses: Sandvik Tooling, Sandvik Mining and Construction and Sandvik Materials Technology – areas in which the group holds leading global positions in selected niches. Selix Equipment is also the Canadian distributor of McDrill Technology’s line of specialized drilling equipment. McDrill manufacturers a high quality line of drills for geothermal, water well, soil stabilization and jet grouting, mini-piles and other applications.
Itron Estimated as Top Global Supplier of Water Meters and Communications Modules Itron is a global leader in providing innovative water resource management solutions – from meters, leak detection devices and communications modules, to network infrastructure and back-office data collection and analytic software – that enable utilities to manage supply, optimize usage and conserve resources. Itron’s reliable water metering technology shipped to more customers around the world than any other meter supplier last year. “Itron takes its leadership position seriously, particularly during such a critical time in the industry when water suppliers around the world are facing growing populations and infrastructure challenges,” said Marcel Regnier, Itron president and COO, Water. “In developing countries, providing people with secure potable water is the primary concern; yet, in the most developed countries, making distribution systems more reliable, smarter and energy efficient are key drivers for technology investments, together with improved consumer service. At Itron, we offer tailored solutions to meet our customers’ unique business needs, and I believe this is why we are a leading global provider today.”
Structal-Bridges Secures New Contrats The project, which was awarded to Structal-Bridges by Archer Western Contractors, a subsidiary of Walsh Construction Company, calls for the fabrication of three through truss spans, each measuring 91.4 m in length, and two 49.7 m towers for the moveable section of the bridge. Structal-Bridges will also supply the steel structure to replace the approaches to the main bridge. According to Robin Lapointe, Vice President, Structal-Bridges: "We appreciate the confidence demonstrated by Walsh Construction Company towards our expertise and know-how. This is the fourth major mandate that they have entrusted to us over the past three years." In addition to a newly signed contract for the replacement of the Moses Wheeler Bridge in Connecticut, the two companies previously collaborated in the construction of an overpass in the scope of the I-95 New Haven Crossing Corridor Improvement Program, also in Connecticut. The components required for the Memorial Bridge project will be fabricated at the Canam Group plant in Claremont, New Hampshire. "Thanks to recent investments made to expand and modernize this plant, Structal-Bridges is now well positioned to execute large-scale projects in the U.S.," added Mr. Lapointe. Deliveries will begin in September 2012 and be completed by February 2013. Initially slated to reopen in spring 2014, the new bridge will be operational a year earlier, in July 2013, which will be made possible using accelerated bridge construction techniques. A short time ago, Structal-Bridges also concluded an agreement with Aecon Group Inc. for the execution of a project worth over $9M in Canada. The contract includes the fabrication and installation of box girders as well as the fabrication of structural bearings as part of the North Channel Bridge Replacement Project in Cornwall, Ontario.
Aecon Receives Nuclear Accreditation The N-Stamp is the internationally recognized U.S. industry standard in quality assurance for the construction, inspection and maintenance of nuclear facilities. Nuclear accreditation from ASME confirms Aecon's capability to produce nuclear-grade components in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. "Obtaining the ASME N-Stamp certification is an important strategic milestone for Aecon, demonstrating the high standards of quality that our facilities adhere to. It opens new markets for us, which could further accelerate the significant business volume growth in the nuclear power sector Aecon has experienced in recent years," said Paul Koenderman, executive vice president, Aecon Group Inc. "This achievement positions us well in the clean energy industry, of which nuclear power is a key component." Aecon's 11,150 m2 facility in Cambridge performs a broad range of fabrication work including piping, custom steel, and module fabrication using state-of-the-art, automated equipment. The facility includes a fully automatic welding machine, numerous semi-automatic machines, as well as an on-site post weld heat treatment furnace. Approximately 250 people are employed at the facility. Aecon has over forty years of experience in the nuclear industry, and maintains a CSA N285 nuclear quality certification in Canada. Other non-nuclear certifications include CSA B51, ASME U, S, A & PP stamps, CWB W47.1, as well as an ISO 9001:2008 registration.
Hexagon Acquires MicroSurvey Headquartered in Kelowna, British Columbia, MicroSurvey currently employs 30 people. With a successful expansion of its footprint in recent years, today the company provides innovative software solutions to customers around the world. “The acquisition of MicroSurvey notably expands Hexagon’s product offerings and software development capabilities for several of our key markets including land surveying, construction and public safety.” said Ola Rollen, CEO and President of Hexagon AB. “Additionally, both MicroSurvey’s software products and Hexagon’s instrument products enjoy strong leadership positions in these markets”. “The ability to offer such comprehensive, market-leading and innovative solutions will undoubtedly benefit both current and future customers of Hexagon,” concluded Mr. Rollen.
A Real Breakthrough in the Forklift Field! "Now you can advertise your inventory of forklifts – right online – and, at the same time, view what is available all over the country," says Robert Loignon, president of You will have access to a network of companies and people who have the same goal as you do: to buy or sell forklifts, boom lifts, and scissor lifts
Volvo Rents moves into Ontario The new Volvo Rents locations are located in Windsor, Leamington, Chatham, London, Dumfries and Hamilton and are the first for the company in Ontario. “As the recession abates, the construction equipment rental industry is projected to be one of the fastest growing industries in North America, as more people are choosing to rent rather than commit to capital expenditures,” said Mike Crouch, vice president of business development for Volvo Rents. “Our strong brand recognition, coupled with the growing demand for equipment rental, allows us to look to the future with great enthusiasm.” “Currently, the U.S. is undergoing an unprecedented shift from buying equipment to renting,” Mr. Crouch said, noting that construction equipment rental revenue grows an average of 7% annually. “This puts us in a very favorable position as we continue to expand our footprint in various markets across the country.” Previous owners Louis and Al Bertoia will take on new roles within the Ontario Volvo Rents locations. Louis will serve as the Ontario operations manager while Al will become fleet manager for the division. “The Centreline Group has been very successful in the equipment rental industry throughout the southern Ontario market. Our success has been driven by understanding and executing our company values, and by understanding our customers’ requirements and exceeding their expectations through a high level of service,” Mr. Bertoia said. “We are a family run business that works well as a team. I believe that joining the Volvo team is the best decision for the future growth of Centreline and offers great opportunities for our team members. Volvo shares our values, goals and visions and has responsive decision making. Volvo was the right decision for us. We are excited to grow with Volvo and execute our growth plans throughout Ontario.”
Unique Global Screening Alliance Representing its parent company Haver & Boecker, W.S. Tyler initially acquired a 40% share of Major Wire Industries on January 1, 2012, and purchase the remaining 60% in 2016. In North America, W.S. Tyler has Canadian facilities in St. Catharines, Ontario, and Edmonton, Alberta, and a U.S. facility in Salisbury, North Carolina, while Major Wire has operations in the Montreal, Quebec, area and a U.S. facility in Puyallup, Washington. W.S. Tyler management has asked Major Wire to manage its Salisbury woven wire facility with the intent to serve Major Wire’s extensive dealer network throughout the U.S. and in Latin America. All remaining operations for both companies within North America and globally will continue to operate independently. W.S. Tyler and Major Wire dealers and representatives throughout the world will also continue serving their respective customers and prospects as they do today. “Our alliance with Major Wire will prove to be a unique opportunity for two family-owned manufacturers to effectively employ their combined strengths and expertise to the benefit of the North American and global mining, mineral and aggregate markets,” commented Walter Haver, joint owner of Haver & Boecker. “It is clearly a win-win for all personnel, sales channels, vendors and most of all, the customers we serve.” “A few years ago, I began developing a succession plan that would ensure that Major Wire would continue to expand and provide a long-term opportunity for our employees after I retire,” explained Jean Leblond, president and owner of Major Wire Industries. He added that he has found a partner that shares the same values, desire to invest in the future and focuses on the customer first. W.S. Tyler pioneered many of the standards that the mining, industrial mineral and aggregate industries operate under today. The company has specialized in designing, manufacturing and servicing custom screening technology for more than a century. It also has an Architecture & Design division that creates unique design solutions made out of woven wire. Since being purchased by Haver & Boecker in 1997, W.S. Tyler has introduced a new wave of innovation in screening technology while also branching out into environmentally friendly technologies, including washing and pelletizing. Major Wire is a leading manufacturer of innovative screen media, including Flex-Mat® 3 Tensioned and Modular and OptimumWire® Woven Wire, throughout the world serving aggregate, mining, recycle, asphalt, slag, green waste, top soil and related customers. Its most popular product line, Flex-Mat 3, revolutionized the screening industry more than 15 years ago and continues to provide solutions to common screening challenges while increasing production, product value and delivering a strong return on investment.
Windstream Energy Selects Siemens Turbine for its Wolfe Island Shoals Offshore Wind Project Windstream holds the only offshore wind power Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) contract in the Province of Ontario, which was awarded by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) in May 2010. The project is planned to be located from five to sixteen kilometers off the southwest shore of Wolfe Island, in eastern Lake Ontario. “We are very pleased to have entered into a contract for turbines with Siemens Canada. With Siemens’ 140 years of experience in the energy sector, and a global network of highly-skilled employees, we are confident that we have chosen the right supplier,” said Ian Baines, president of Windstream Energy. “Siemens is the world’s leading supplier of offshore wind turbines with over 2,000 MW installed globally offshore. We are planning to use their experience to develop the first offshore wind project in Canada,” he continued. “We are pleased to enter this agreement with Windstream for the Wolfe Island Shoals offshore wind farm and look forward to contributing to the development of Canada´s first offshore wind project,” said Bill Smith, senior vice president of Siemens Canada.
Manitou Forklifts Canada Joins Forces with Manitou Americas By combining the industry knowledge of the Manitou Forklifts Canada and Manitou Americas sales, marketing and aftersales support teams, the Canadian market will receive an expanded level of local support. Two field sales and service teams – specializing in sales, service and training – support Eastern and Western Canada with dedicated dealer development and assistance. In addition, Manitou Americas also provides enhanced technological support for the Manitou brand and its dealer network. A robust, web-based Manitou Dealer Information Center provides detailed business information to authorized Manitou dealers anytime. This increases the level of support that Manitou dealers can provide to their equipment owners. With more than 60 dealer locations, the strength of the Manitou dealer network in the Canadian market is undeniable. Manitou Americas respects the thousands of equipment owners that have purchased and operated Manitou equipment over the course of the last 15 years. Manitou Americas is dedicated to providing their dealers and customers with an expanded level of support in order to grow their business for years to come. Manitou is headquartered in Ancenis, France. Manitou designs, assembles and distributes material-handling solutions for agriculture, construction and industry markets under the Manitou®, Gehl®, Mustang®, Loc® and Edge® trademarks.
GE Acquisition of Rail Software Provider RMI Closes “RMI builds on GE Transportation’s Software and Optimization Solutions offerings with an array of products as well as a tremendous amount of industry, technical, and software development and delivery capability,” said Lorenzo Simonelli, GE Transportation president and CEO. “Combined, we are able to offer a portfolio of products to help customers around the globe improve their operations.” Pete Kleifgen, chairman and CEO of RMI, said: “We are thrilled to become part of GE, a world class company, and to join the GE Transportation family. We see tremendous opportunity for growth for our company, our people and our products.” As U.S. rail freight volume is expected to nearly double in the next 25 years, software solutions will continue to enable carriers to improve efficiencies and safely move more freight faster on existing rail lines. As a GE Transportation company, RMI will add to GE Transportation’s Rail technology portfolio, which includes its Evolution Series Locomotives, railway signaling and office systems, and advanced network and asset optimization solutions. Further, the acquisition is consistent with the larger GE strategy to expand its $4 billion-a-year software and solutions services to help customers improve productivity and efficiency worldwide. GE announced in November 2011 an expansion of software programs and the opening of a new Global Software Center to be headquartered in San Ramon, California. The new Software Center of Excellence will employ approximately 400 software professionals working to connect all of GE’s businesses, products, and 5,000 software professionals around the globe. RMI exhibited as a GE Transportation Company for the first time at the National Railroad Construction and Maintenance trade show on January 4-6, 2012 in San Diego, California. The company will become a part of GE Transportation’s existing Software and Optimization Solutions business led by Peter Thomas. It will continue to be based in Atlanta and maintain offices in Jacksonville, Florida, and Austin, Texas.
EIFS Council Rolls Out Quality Assurance Program Across Canada “This is a game changer for the cladding space,” commented John M. Garbin, president and CEO, EIFS Council of Canada. “It’s the first certified quality assurance program for any cladding system in North America.” From design through manufacturing of materials to assembly and in-place performance, certified and licensed EIFS professionals across the EIFS value chain will transform the industry. “These highly qualified professionals will successfully raise the bar across the entire cladding spectrum as owners and design professionals come to appreciate the value proposition we are delivering,” Mr. Garbin added. “The response and support that continues to build from the user and regulatory community has been inspiring and represents a satisfying validation of our industries efforts.” The EIFS Council of Canada formed a not-for-profit corporation called the EIFS Quality Assurance Program Inc. EQI owns the intellectual property rights and trademarks of the EIFS QAP and will be responsible for the overall operation of the program. EQI has several key components: Research & Development, Standards & Specifications, Manufacturer Evaluation, Accreditation & Licensing, Contractor Accreditation & Licensing, Mechanic Certification & Licensing, Documentation, Site Auditor Certification & Licensing, Conflict Resolution, 3rd Party Warranty. Source: EIFS Council of Canada
LiuGong Completes First Overseas Acquisition David Beatenbough, currently vice president of Research and Development for LiuGong, has been named chairman of the Board of the new entity, LiuGong Machinery (Poland) sp z o.o. The transaction is LiuGong’s first outright acquisition outside its domestic market. HSW is a respected producer of bulldozers and other crawler machines. It is one of only seven manufacturers worldwide producing a complete line of bulldozers, from 74 to 520 hp. The Polish government was the primary owner of HSW. It agreed in principal to sell to LiuGong earlier this year with the signing of a preliminary enterprise acquisition agreement in Beijing, China. The formal contract ceremonies set at a prominent castle and landmark in Poland reflected the importance of the transaction for both the companies and the two countries. The events, a signing ceremony and press conference were attended by high level government officials of both Poland and China. After announcing its intent to acquire HSW last March, negotiations for the agreement continued during the summer and fall, as LiuGong reached agreement regarding wages and job security with the Polish Workers Union and completed the commercial terms of the transaction with HSW. LiuGong’s acquisition of HSW represents a smart strategic step for the company, which has a publically stated goal of becoming a top 10 construction equipment manufacturer by 2015. With the transaction now complete, LiuGong will move rapidly to integrate processes and production.
Atlas Copco enters dimensional stone Industry “Perfora is a leading supplier in this segment, with a strong customer focus and high quality products,” said Bob Fassl, business area president of Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation Technique. “We see good growth opportunities through this deal. As part of the Atlas Copco Group, Perfora becomes a unique global supplier of tailor-made equipment for dimension stone producers.” The market Perfora is operating in, the DSI, has been growing despite global economic instability. Natural stone is in demand and the trend is towards using these materials for building and decoration when it is economically viable. The DSI quarries are in a phase of shifting from pneumatic to hydraulic and automated driven equipment. Increasing energy and labor costs are driving fleet modernization. The acquisition of Perfora is good timing. Together we will be able to offer modern equipment to a growing market globally,” says Markku Teräsvasara, president of Atlas Copco’s Surface Drilling Division. “We felt that we had reached a limit of how much we can grow on our own. We chose to merge with Atlas Copco, since it has a widespread distribution network in key markets and an organization that can offer improved services to our customers. We also see potential synergies in product development that will allow us to maintain and strengthen our position in the DSI segment.” says Piergiorgio Picotto, managing director Perfora S.p.A.
Bentley Publishes The Year in Infrastructure 2011 Bentley’s Be Inspired Awards competition acknowledges outstanding achievement and innovation in infrastructure design, construction, and operations. The winners are selected by independent panels of expert jurors representing a broad range of infrastructure disciplines.
Economic Analysis Examines Use of Material-Specific Discount Rate for LCCA NAPA’s report reveals that the material-specific discount rate is not a concept economists use or accept. Instead, it was suggested in a 2011 report as a computational work-around by the Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH). The CSH, located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is funded by the Portland Cement Association and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. The CSH report is being used to support legislation in Congress mandating the use of a material-specific discount rate in life-cycle cost analyses when comparing alternative designs for publicly funded projects, including pavements, bridges, and buildings. If adopted, a material-specific discount rate could skew life-cycle cost analyses for construction materials, including asphalt, concrete, steel, wood, and plastics. “NAPA opposes asking Congress to mandate a life-cycle cost procedure which is not accepted by economists and which tilts the playing field in favor of one construction material,” said Mike Acott, NAPA president. “NAPA supports the use of life-cycle cost analysis by engineers who are charged with managing public dollars. What we do not support is the idea that Congress should become the engineering arm of government.” NAPA’s report points out that life-cycle costing is already standard practice in state departments of transportation, and that the Federal Highway Administration has in place a well-vetted LCCA procedure. The material-specific discount rate promoted by the concrete and cement industries would be an unwarranted departure from the accepted practices of economists. Additionally, the NAPA study finds that the use of material-specific discount rates is not accepted as a valid practice in economics; that the CSH model makes an unsupportable leap in attempting to use short-term price information to calculate future inflation over periods as long as half a century; and that it applies inaccurate and overly simplistic calculations when determining the standard bill of goods for construction of a highway.
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