New Rebar Detector and Covermeter

Switzerland-based Proceq recently announced the availability of a new product that allows construction and building industry professionals to avoid drilling into rebar, a costly and dangerous hazard.

The Proceq Profoscope, has a scope-based detection interface that combines rebar proximity indicators with optical and acoustical locating aids.

The Profoscope is small, light, cordless and ergonomically designed to fit in the palm of the hand. Made for one-handed operation, the language-independent interface provides both visual and acoustic indications of what lies directly beneath the concrete surface.

The Profoscope looks like a conventional instrument with a large graphic LCD display and selectable backlight that can locate a rebar, measure cover depth and a rebar diameter.

"This is a best-in-class feature that sets the Profoscope apart from any other similar instrument on the market," said Paul Siwek, Proceq USA. "This is especially useful when the user needs to drill into reinforced concrete and avoid damaging the expensive rotary drills and carbide drill bits."

The Profoscope is supplied with a start-up test kit, a custom-made canvas bag, product documentation and accessories. There is 24-month warranty and as with all Proceq products, sales and full service support is available from Proceq’s global location.

Source: Proceq SA

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