Nouvelles brèves
Roxboro Excavation et le Groupe BauVal annoncent leur fusion Roxboro et BauVal sont des partenaires de longue date qui comptent sur des expertises de premier plan ainsi que des offres de produits et services complémentaires. Ensemble, les 2 groupes ont la volonté de partager le meilleur des pratiques développées au fil des années de part et d’autre et de capitaliser sur leur nouvelle solidité, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’approvisionnement. «Je suis extrêmement fier de voir les familles Théorêt et Lachapelle faire un pas important vers l’union des forces de leurs équipes et de miser sur les valeurs humaines et la vision d’affaires qu’elles partagent. Notre projet de fusion marque un point tournant pour Roxboro et BauVal; nous entrevoyons de la croissance par l’addition et le renforcement de nos effectifs et expertises», déclarait David Théorêt, président-directeur général de Roxboro. «BauVal entreprend un chapitre particulièrement excitant de sa longue histoire. Nous sommes très heureux de cette entente et de l’opportunité de faire équipe avec Roxboro. Je suis particulièrement emballé à l’idée de contribuer à renforcer la position de notre équipe unifiée sous la direction de la famille Théorêt, dont la solide relève en place laisse entrevoir un avenir particulièrement prometteur», affirmait Luc Lachapelle, président du Groupe BauVal. La transaction est sujette à l’approbation du Bureau de la concurrence. Avec les années et la vision de ses principaux bâtisseurs, BauVal, fondée sur la rive-sud de Montréal en 1954, est devenu un chef de file dans l’exécution de travaux de génie civil et structures complexes, la transformation des granulats, la fabrication de bétons, de matériaux de construction et d’enrobés bitumineux conventionnels et à basse énergie ainsi que le transport et le forage-dynamitage.
Bentley Systems acquiert les technologies géospatiales de Citilabs et Orbit Les nouvelles technologies acquises, associées à l’intégration de la conception existante de Bentley et aux offres de villes numériques, permettent des jumeaux numériques de mobilité basés sur l’ingénierie. Les jumeaux numériques de mobilité routière font converger le contexte numérique des villes (y compris les levés 4D facilitées par Orbit GT pour la cartographie de drone et mobile montée sur véhicule), et les composants numériques (y compris les applications d’ingénierie OpenRoads de Bentley) avec les simulations CUBE pour modéliser et garantir une capacité de rendement réelle pour les actifs routiers proposés et existants. Les données de trafic Streetlytics seront de plus en plus disponibles via les services de cloud de Bentley pour étalonner et valider les connexions numériques mobiles. Bentley Systems s’engage à faire progresser la BIM et le GIS par le biais de jumeaux numériques d’ingénierie d’infrastructure 4D pour les villes numériques. Les ingénieurs, les professionnels géospatiaux et les propriétaires d’infrastructures bénéficient d’applications et de services de cloud de jumeaux numériques qui font progresser la modélisation de l’existant (ContextCapture et Orbit GT); la planification, la conception et les opérations des systèmes d’eau, d’eaux usées et d’eaux pluviales (OpenFlows); la planification et la visualisation géospatiale des villes (OpenCities Map et OpenCities Planner); la gestion des informations géotechniques (OpenGround); et la simulation et l’analyse de la mobilité (LEGION et CUBE).
Lubrifiants Petro-Canada présente une nouvelle gamme d’huiles pour moteurs et transmissions L’huile DURON Perfectionnée 5W-30 est une formule entièrement synthétique conçue pour être conforme et supérieure aux exigences de la norme API FA-4. Elle est également approuvée par les fabricants d’origine de moteurs diesel Cummins et Detroit Diesel. La gamme de produits DURON Perfectionnée offre des huiles synthétiques et à mélange synthétique durables, haute performance, haute tenue et à faible viscosité conçues pour les moteurs écoénergétiques émergents et futurs. Ces huiles permettent d’accroître l’économie de carburant, la durabilité, la protection du moteur et la stabilité au cisaillement pour les plus récents moteurs en service intense. De plus, l’huile TRAXON Synthetic 75W-85 enrichit la gamme TRAXON Synthetic actuelle en offrant aux propriétaires et aux opérateurs de parcs de véhicules une efficacité accrue ainsi qu’une protection antiusure durable pouvant augmenter la durée de vie des équipements et minimiser les temps d’arrêt imprévus ainsi que les coûts d’entretien qui y sont associés. Offrant un rendement exceptionnel dans les conditions les plus difficiles tout au long de l’année, l’huile TRAXON Synthetic 75W-85 permet des démarrages plus faciles et un passage des vitesses par temps froid amélioré pour les transmissions manuelles, les engrenages hypoïdes et les essieux arrière. Cette huile à faible viscosité pour engrenages hypoïdes est conçue pour être conforme à la classe de service GL-5 et à la norme MT-1 de l’API ainsi qu’aux spécifications MACK GO-J sur les lubrifiants pour engrenages destinés aux transmissions manuelles de service intense. Ce produit est également approuvé conformément à la norme internationale SAE J2360. L’huile TRAXON Synthetic 75W-85 convient à l’utilisation lorsque les spécifications Volvo 1273,12 (97312) et Meritor 0-76-J sont exigées.
Plus de 15 000 $ remis à Autisme Montérégie par Excellence Peterbilt et ses partenaires Cette année, Excellence Peterbilt a voulu marquer le coup en s’impliquant d’autant plus auprès de cette association. Plusieurs actions ont été organisées afin de récolter plus de dons. Des objets promotionnels ont été créés pour l’occasion : des camions jouets, des garde-boues, des bouteilles arborant le slogan «Ensemble, changeons notre regard sur l’autisme» mais aussi des autocollants. Les profits réalisés sur ces produits a été remise à Autisme Montérégie. Un camion spécial a été monté et utilisé comme outil de sensibilisation durant toute la saison estivale. Arborant le slogan «Ensemble, changeons notre regard sur l’autisme» et le logo, il a contribué à sensibiliser le public à l’autisme. La moitié des profits du camion ont été versés à Autisme Montérégie. C’est un total de 9000 $ qui a ainsi été récolté pour l’association par Excellence Peterbilt. Deux autres partenaires ont également été très généreux et ont souhaité, eux aussi, faire la différence en remettant des dons importants. C’est ainsi que Tundra, entreprise connue pour ses onduleurs pour camions et Le Rodéo du Camion, ont voulu s’unir à Excellence Peterbilt, en remettant respectivement 5000 $ et 1000 $. Enfin, un de ses clients, Les Entreprises FMYR, a lui aussi décidé de soutenir la cause en récoltant des dons lors d’un show de camion. Plus de 260 $ ont été amassés de leur côté. Nathalie Sapina, directrice d’Autisme Montérégie, déclarait que ces dons étaient très importants pour l’association et qu’ils contribueront notamment à initier encore plus de sensibilisation sur le terrain.
K-Tec nomme SMT GB comme distributeur de décapeuses «Nous sommes ravis d’avoir été nommés distributeur officiel d’un produit qui complète notre gamme existante de produits d’équipement de construction», déclarait Nick Allen, président-directeur général de SMT GB. «Nous travaillons avec K-Tec depuis plusieurs années et cette entente officialise notre relation avec l’entreprise canadienne. Leur gamme de décapeuses, conçues pour être tirées par des camions articulés, est compatible avec la plupart des camions de la gamme Volvo et ajoutera une autre dimension à notre offre de produits existante.» «Nous ne pourrions être plus heureux d’accueillir SMT GB dans la famille K-Tec», ajoutait Mike Palitsky, président et directeur financier de K-Tec Earthmovers. «Lors de notre visite au siège social de SMT, nous avons été extrêmement impressionnés par l’équipe et nous avons tout de suite su qu’un partenariat entre les 2 organisations serait un bon choix. Le mariage des camions articulés Volvo avec les décapeuses K-Tec s’est avéré être un excellent choix et nous continuons à promouvoir ce concept très rentable et efficace dans le monde entier. Cet accord renforce l’expansion de K-Tec sur le marché britannique et nous sommes très fiers d’être partenaires de SMT pour positionner les 2 sociétés en vue de leur croissance future. Nous nous réjouissons à la perspective d’une relation longue et fructueuse.» K-Tec offre actuellement 4 tailles de décapeuses allant de 21,5 m3 de capacité avec une charge utile de 30,8 t jusqu’à 48,1 m3 avec une charge utile de 68,5 t. Le modèle 1237 est également disponible en version Train, qui en double la capacité. La conversion d’une camion benne articulé à un tracteur de décapeuse prend environ 10 heures sans aucune modification de la benne basculante. On peut éventuellement revenir à la version originale dans le même laps de temps pour en faire une solution de terrassement très polyvalente. Grâce au confort et à la douceur de roulement qu’offre le camion articulé Volvo et au contrôle de la suspension intégré à la décapeuse K-Tec, l’opérateur bénéficie d’un environnement très confortable et convivial. Fondé en Grande-Bretagne en 1967, SMT GB a une réputation bien établie pour la qualité de ses équipements et son support client inégalé. Basée à Duxford dans le Cambridgeshire, l’entreprise compte 8 centres d’assistance à la clientèle en Grande-Bretagne, complétés par des techniciens mobiles stratégiquement situés, la compagnie est en mesure d’offrir un niveau d’assistance digne d’un distributeur mondial de matériel de construction.
PALFINGER trouve un partenaire solide dans l'Ouest canadien Fondée en 1988, Falcon Equipment propose à ses clients des solutions innovantes et personnalisées pour chaque application à partir de ses succursales de Nanaimo et Surrey en Colombie-Britannique, Leduc en Alberta, Regina en Saskatchewan, et Winnipeg au Manitoba. Comme PALFINGER, Falcon Equipment a des standards élevés. La qualité supérieure, l’excellence du service et l’attention portée aux besoins des clients sont des priorités absolues. «L’objectif de PALFINGER est de toujours fournir à chaque client la solution parfaite – un standard de qualité que nous partageons avec Falcon Equipment. Je suis heureux que nous travaillions ensemble à partir de maintenant. Cette coopération nous permettra d’étendre notre présence au Canada de 2 ou 3 tailles», déclarait Andreas Klauser, président-directeur général de PALFINGER AG, à propos de ce partenariat. «PALFINGER est un fabricant qui répond à nos standards élevés de qualité et de service. Nos clients apprécieront ce nouveau partenariat», commentait Rick Kielan, fondateur et président-directeur général de Falcon Equipment.
Industry News
Husqvarna Acquires the Concrete Power Trowel business from Wacker Neuson “Power trowels complement our current range in a great way, connecting the entire process from ground compaction to polished concrete floors, and fits well into our divisional strategy to grow our Concrete Surfaces and Floors business. With the addition of the ride-on trowels we will now have a complete offering for concrete surfacing and polishing which will add great value to our customers,” said Henric Andersson, president Construction Division of Husqvarna. A Husqvarna product range will be launched early in 2020 and as part of the agreement Husqvarna Group will in parallel manufacture power trowels on Wacker Neuson’s behalf.
Corbec Breaks Ground on Its First Galvanizing Plant in Ontario “Today’s ground-breaking ceremony marks yet another milestone in Corbec’s distinguished history. We are thrilled about our Hamilton facility and are confident that it will become a testament of our commitment to consistently offer superior quality steel products at a competitive price to businesses across Canada. We are truly grateful to the City of Hamilton and the Government of Ontario for their support as we seek to serve various industries across the province and are also proud to be an integral part of the country’s thriving steel industry,” said John Hall, CEO, Corbec. Located in Hannon, near Hamilton, the galvanizing plant will serve customers in the South-West Toronto region. The new plant will be spread over an area of 9,300 m2 with an annual production capacity of 45,000 t. In addition to being one of the most technologically advanced galvanizing plants in North America, the facility will also possess state-of-the-art safety and green features. Some of the steel products that would be galvanized at the new facility include engineered structures such as bridges, windmills, towers, exposed architectural steel structures, fencing and farming equipment, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) products, and a variety of metal parts and hardware. Founded in 1965, Corbec Inc. is one of the leading steel galvanizers in Central and Eastern Canada and has been a key player in the Canadian steel industry for over 50 years. Corbec is a member of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) and is actively involved with galvanizing associations as well as technical and engineering societies across the world.
Timken Completes Acquisition of BEKA Founded in 1927, BEKA lubrication systems are used in a diverse range of industrial sectors including wind, food and beverage, rail, on- and off-highway and other process industries. This acquisition positions Timken as the world’s second largest producer of industrial automatic lubrication systems, which extend equipment life and improve reliability over manual lubrication methods, reduce the environmental impact caused by over-lubricating and lower total costs for equipment and machine owners.
FPT Industrial Signs Memorandum with Microvast Microvast, based in Houston, Texas, is a market leader in the design, development and manufacturing of ultra-fast charging, long-life battery power systems with superior safety for electric vehicles. “FPT Industrial is a recognized leader in alternative propulsion systems, and this agreement further prepares us for the challenges facing our industry,” said Hubertus Mühlhäuser, CEO, CNH Industrial. “In a fast-evolving sector, CNH Industrial is committed to entering into targeted partnerships to deliver advanced alternatives to traditional fuels, this accelerates our journey to a sustainable tomorrow.” Additionally, as part of this cooperation, FPT Industrial will start a new e-platform to develop and industrialize complete electrified powertrain systems, customized and sized for specific missions, with the aim to guarantee the most efficient performances both for on-road and off-road applications. Conclusion of negotiations for the definitive agreements, including cooperation and license contracts, is expected by Q1 2020.
ZF and Danfoss Seal Strategic Partnership The partnership will see the 2 companies engage in joint research and development, with Danfoss also supplying power modules for silicon applications. One of the first major milestones in this new initiative is a supply contract for Danfoss power modules destined for large-scale ZF volume production projects. Beside 400 V standard applications the 2 companies have also begun co-developing an 800 V Silicon Carbide power module for a large volume production project, aiming to position themselves at the forefront of this new segment. ZF’s E-Mobility division supplies electric drive systems and components, while Danfoss Silicon power GmbH (DSP) is a specialist in silicon and silicon-carbide power modules. By joining forces to produce innovative open technology solutions for e-mobility drivelines, they aim to make a vital contribution to cutting vehicle emissions. In electric and hybrid vehicles, power modules control the efficiency of the energy supply to the drive, battery and onboard electronics. This means that the development of space-saving inverters and more efficient power modules is crucial to reducing emissions over the long term. Danfoss’ power modules could also use power-chips developed by ZF in the recently announced cooperation with semiconductor specialist Cree. As one of the leading manufacturers of electromobility solutions, ZF aims to further advance electric driveline technology through the strategic partnerships. Since January 2016, ZF has bundled its electromobility activities in the E-Mobility Division headquartered in Schweinfurt, Germany. More than 9,000 employees work in this division, spread across various locations around the world. Danfoss Silicon Power is a subsidiary of the Danfoss Group, the largest industrial company in Denmark. For decades, Danfoss Silicon Power has been helping top tier manufacturers and system suppliers meet stringent reliability, design and cost targets by designing, developing and manufacturing customized power modules for automotive, industrial and renewable applications.
Atlas Copco Acquires WestRon Located in Calgary, Alberta, the group has 26 employees with branches in Ontario and British Columbia. “Extending our service offering is a part of our strategy to grow our presence in this important region,” said Vagner Rego, president of Compressor Technique business area at Atlas Copco. WestRon will operationally become part of the Compressor Technique service division.
Metso and Outotec receive clearance for the combination of Metso Minerals with Outotec The waiting period under the U.S. Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, applicable to the proposed Combination, was terminated on Friday, November 29, 2019. This termination satisfies the condition to the completion of the Combination in respect of required U.S. competition clearances. The completion of the transaction, which is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2020, remains subject to the statutory creditor hearing process and receipt of all required regulatory and other approvals, including other remaining competition clearances.
Composite Tubing for Pneumatic and Hydraulic Cylinders Supplied as a cylinder tube ready for customer assembly, or as fully engineered cylinder assemblies for equipment manufacturer applications, the tubing is made of continuous filament-wound glass fiber and polymer resins. The fiberglass filament and resin materials combine together to form a high strength component that exhibits dimensional stability, is non-corroding, impingement resistant and is non-conductive. PolySlide is the solution for service in harsh environments. The cylinder tubing performs in high and low temperatures, grease, grit, salt, chemicals and other extreme conditions. PolySlide cylinder tubing sizes range from as low as 6.3 mm inner diameter (ID) up to industrial-sized 609.6 mm IDs. The features of the tubing allow the seal to slide over the bore surface contour, minimizing interlocking friction. The inside diameter of the tubing has a smooth finish. Contact with the non-metallic rod guide bearing prevents galling and provides for a low coefficient of friction. A wear resistant material incorporated into the bore surface further increases the lifespan of the composite cylinder tubing. Commonly found in pneumatic and low pressure hydraulic applications, such as fifth wheel actuation, gate valve actuators, water treatment flow control mechanisms, tie rod cylinders and more, a translucent version of the composite cylinder tubing is also available.
ARW Truck Equipment Rolling Out Across Western Canada ARW Truck Equipment Ltd. has its roots as a Canadian institution since 1895. In 1942 it established a firm foothold in Alberta selling and servicing the materials handling, light construction, and truck-mounted equipment markets. In the more than 77 years since, the company has built solid long-term relationships, and an enviable reputation for product quality and careful attention to customer needs. ARW Truck has been the exclusive factory-authorized sales and service dealer in Alberta for HIAB cranes, Moffett forklifts and Multilift hooklifts since 1997. “It was time to roll out our operations,” said Trevor Steinke, general manager of ARW Edmonton. “There was a great demand for our products, in-depth knowledge and unmatched expertise in truck-mounted equipment in other parts of the west, and we’re well-positioned to meet those needs.” HIAB is a global leader in truck-mounted equipment. HIAB cranes, Moffett Forklifts, and Multilift Hooklifts are #1 in Canada. Their patented innovative features are renowned for improving productivity, profitability, long life, and ease of use. And their reputation for quality and durability gives them the highest resale value in the marketplace. ARW will continue to provide the same superior level of sales, rentals, and certified factory-trained service support to its Alberta customers, while expanding to the new regions. In Saskatchewan, ARW has partnered with Cervus Equipment to be the authorized parts and service provider through their locations in Saskatoon and Regina.
The Road to a European Digital Platform for Construction is Paved Representing the DigiPLACE partnership, Assistant Professor and consortium coordinator Alberto Pavan of Politecnico di Milano, presented the project, listing its goals and ambitions, detailing its timeline and milestones, and introducing its 19 partner organizations. The conference was opened by Federica Brancaccio, president of Federcostruzioni, and Gabriele Buia, president of ANCE, who highlighted the importance of digitalization for SMEs. Representing the Italian Ministry for transport and infrastructure, Pietro Baratono addressed in his opening presentation the challenge of connecting national and international digital platforms. CECE Secretary General Riccardo Viaggi moderated the event, welcoming on stage European Commission representative Ilektra Papadaki, who reminded the audience about the new Commission’s priority for a “Europe fit for the Digital Age”. Ms. Papadaki also stressed that cooperation through digital platforms is crucial to achieve the EU sustainability goals. The second part of the Launch Conference welcomed contributions from experts and project partners from the academic world, the technology sector, the manufacturers and the architects. The speakers tackled the role of digital platforms in construction, sharing experiences and lessons-learnt for the advancement of DigiPLACE. The Launch Conference represented an opportunity to gather all the stakeholders of the sector to discuss the latest digital innovations. It was also a chance for the DigiPLACE partners to enhance the project’s visibility and to hold the first DigiPLACE Advisory Board meeting. Within the next months, DigiPLACE will host several national workshops with the aim of expanding the Community of Stakeholders.
KOEL Partners with Origin Engines “This partnership with Origin Engines for gasifying our DV series engines is another step towards our long-term commitment to the U.S. market and we’re excited about our strategic entry in the U.S. gas engine industry,” said Atul Kirloskar, executive chairman of Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd, who was present during announcement of this partnership at the POWERGEN Show. “This is an important step towards Kirloskar being a global engine manufacturer and achieving our vision.” “We’re certainly pleased as we’ve been looking for a strategic partner to help us expand our product offering and power range and we’re happy to announce we have one,” said Shawn Sterling, president, Origin Engines. “This will be a game changer.” Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. specializes in the design and manufacturing of both air-cooled and liquid-cooled diesel engines. The company is consistently adapting and evolving its business strategies based on modern technology adoption, systematic operations, customized processes and developing a culture to drive positive results across all its business verticals. Over the years, the Kirloskar brand has become synonymous with trust, quality, assurance and customer satisfaction. Providing highest quality at every stage in its business is the cornerstone of Kirloskar’s business strategy and a promise that it delivers each day.
AGF Access Group Awarded Nuclear Contract by Aecon The MCR Project begins in January 2020 and is part of Bruce Power’s Life Extension Program, which started in 2016 and will enable the electricity supplier to operate safely through to 2064. The Winsafe work platforms will be used during the refurbishment of the Primary Heat Transport Systems located in the reactor. “We are becoming well known for our access ingenuity and experience within the nuclear industry,” said Alex Di Domenico, vice president, Major Projects, AAG. “Our relationship with Bruce Power, Hatch and Aecon has evolved over the years, and we have successfully expanded our contract to be an even more experienced fabricator for the nuclear application.” The 2 platforms, suspended from existing structures, will provide support for the replacement of the upper feeder tubes and associated components within the space-limited reactor core. Measuring roughly 18 m long and 9 m wide, each platform has the capacity to support multiple workers and their tools while they maneuver and fit up the tight and exacting tolerances for work with the heavy feeder tubes. “Our unique approach for the nuclear industry is to provide a design concept that allows workers to quickly put together the feeder platforms without struggling with nuts and bolts while wearing their protective gear,” said Emmanuel Piec, general manager, Winsafe. “By making the platform modular and almost tool-free, they can quickly assemble it into place in a constricted space both safely and accurately.” Bruce Power produces 30% of Ontario’s electricity at 30% less than the average cost to generate residential power. The company’s Life-Extension Program will add approximately 30 to 35 years of operational life to each of the units while creating 22,000 direct and indirect jobs annually. Delivery of the Winsafe platforms is scheduled for the end of February 2020.
Wastewater Facility to Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions via Biogas Recycling Already accepting organic waste from third-party carriers, the Authority is developing long-range plans to maximize the capability to receive additional organic wastes. Facility upgrades are considered key to expanding capacity and increasing energy efficiency, thus evolving the 19 million l/d WWTF into a highly sustainable operation. Under DTMA’s US$15 million ($20 million) energy enhancement program at the WWTF, Brown and Caldwell will lead the design of a combined heat and power (CHP) facility capable of burning biogas that will power 2 generator engines. After pairing with a new gas conditioning system for high-quality fuel production, the CHP facility will integrate into the WWTF’s existing electrical and heating system to provide electricity and heat throughout. Brown and Caldwell will assist DTMA with the procurement of the engines through COSTARS, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program. Other improvements include a conveyance system to transport gas throughout the facility, sludge blending tank enhancements to maximize energy recovery via biogas generation, and secondary digester modifications for future conversion to a primary digester. Upon completion of improvements, the WWTF will increase biogas power generation from 280 to 1,600 kW/h, significantly reducing the facility’s carbon footprint. The design phase of the project will run through May 2020, with construction scheduled to begin by fall 2020.
Preparations Are Progressing at Full Speed for bauma CHINA Any companies wishing to register can still do so up until the end of February. The relevant documents can be found at
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