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Le concours international «The Art of Structural Design» est officiellement lancé Ce concours bisannuel qui se terminera à la fin du mois de février 2015 est ouvert à tous les utilisateurs de logiciels développés et commercialisés par Nemetschek Scia. Jean-Pierre Rammant, président directeur-général de Nemetschek Scia explique : «Nous honorons tous les deux ans les utilisateurs du secteur de la construction qui nous font confiance, en braquant les projecteurs sur leurs plus belles réalisations. Nous sommes chaque fois très agréablement surpris de la qualité des projets que les meilleurs ingénieurs sont capables de réaliser avec notre technologie et nos outils logiciels. Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de nos utilisateurs qui battent régulièrement tous les records. Ainsi l’année dernière nous avons enregistré pas moins de 127 projets, soumis par 97 bureaux d’études et entreprises de construction représentant 28 pays. Pour l’année 2015, nous souhaitons dépasser les aspects esthétiques et techniques des projets de construction et introduire de nouvelles préoccupations telles que la sécurité, la stabilité en conditions environnementales extrêmes, l’écologie, le développement durable, l’innovation, la créativité et la mise en place de processus de travail BIM.» Le concours «The Art of Structural Design» s’adresse aux utilisateurs des logiciels Scia Engineer et Allplan Engineering. Un classement sera établi pour chacune des quatre catégories suivantes :
Un jury international de spécialistes et d’universitaires reconnus procédera à l’évaluation de tous les dossiers déposés d’après les grands critères suivants : originalité, niveau de difficulté technique, prestige et utilisation innovante des logiciels Scia. Ce concours constitue, pour chaque participant, une occasion unique de montrer au monde entier son savoir-faire technique et ses compétences professionnelles. Les vainqueurs dans chacune des catégories et le lauréat du «Prix spécial du jury» recevront 1500 € (2130 $). Pour la première fois cette année, Scia propose également un «Prix spécial du public» décerné à partir des résultats d’un vote des utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux de Scia. En plus de ces récompenses, tous les lauréats feront l’objet d’un court documentaire de présentation de leur projet. Tous les dossiers déposés seront également publiés dans le livre souvenir du concours «The Art of Structural Design 2015» de Scia. Cet ouvrage réputé sera publié à des milliers d’exemplaires diffusés partout dans le monde auprès des médias spécialisés, des organismes professionnels et des grands acteurs et spécialistes de l’ingénierie des structures. Un eBook consultable sur des terminaux mobiles sera également proposé gratuitement. Créé il y a tout juste quarante ans, en 1974, Nemetschek Scia est aujourd’hui l’un des plus grands développeurs de logiciels de conception et d’analyse structurelles supportant l’Open BIM au monde. Nemetschek Scia est une filiale en propriété exclusive de Nemetschek AG, leader mondial des logiciels supportant les processus de travail Building Information Modelling (BIM).
Hewitt Équipement vend ses opérations agricoles au Québec à Groupe Symac Afin de rehausser le service dans ses principaux secteurs d’activités, Hewitt Équipement a travaillé de façon proactive au cours des derniers mois pour assurer la transition de ses activités de la Division Agricole du Québec à Groupe Symac s.e.c., un chef de file dans l’industrie de l’équipement agricole au Québec. Le Groupe Symac s.e.c. fera l’acquisition de la Division Agricole de Hewitt Équipement Limitée au Québec et maintiendra la distribution de produits AGCO (Massey Ferguson, Challenger, Fendt, White et Sunflower). La représentation pour les moissonneuses-batteuses et les ensileuses CLAAS, ainsi que plusieurs autres équipements agricoles à série restreinte sera confiée aux nouveaux concessionnaires, qui doivent encore être nommés par les fabricants respectifs. «Une équipe d’employés de Hewitt et de Groupe Symac s.e.c. travaille actuellement pour assurer une transition intégrée visant la satisfaction continue des besoins de nos clients avec peu ou pas de perturbation de leurs activités», déclare Jim Hewitt, président du Conseil et chef de la direction de Hewitt Équipement Limitée. «Le Groupe Hewitt continuera de desservir ses clients dans le marché agricole avec sa gamme traditionnelle de produits Cat, y compris des chargeuses compactes rigides, des chargeuses-pelleteuses, des chariots élévateurs, des tracteurs, des pelles hydrauliques, des génératrices et des camions vocationnels. Nous prévoyons maintenir les liens étroits que nous avons créés avec nos estimés clients de l’industrie agricole à très long terme», affirme Stéphane Guérin, président et chef de l’exploitation de Hewitt Équipement Limitée.
105 M$ de nouveaux contrats pour le 55e anniversaire de Supermétal Parmi les nouveaux mandats, plusieurs proviennent de clients existants mais on en retrouve aussi de nouveaux. Parmi les projets, mentionnons : Divers mandats de structure pour une mine d’or, une mine de potasse ainsi que d’autres projets commerciaux et industriels au Canada et aux États-Unis complètent le portrait.
MHPM Maîtres de projets s’associe au Driver Group au Moyen-Orient C’est la deuxième fois qu’un tel arrangement est conclu avec Driver Group. La première entente a donné lieu à la création de MHPM-Driver au Canada en 2014, entente dans laquelle Driver Group fournit des services-conseils et des services en résolution de différends à partir des bureaux de MHPM à travers le pays. Créé en 1978, le Driver Group a excellé à fournir des services centrés sur la construction et l’ingénierie, aidant les entrepreneurs et les maîtres d’ouvrage dans les différends en construction. L’expertise de Driver contribue à la réalisation de projets majeurs à travers le monde et sert d’intermédiaire entre les secteurs de la construction, juridique et financier.
SNC-Lavalin finalise la vente de la totalité de sa participation dans AltaLink «La vente d’AltaLink, tout comme la récente acquisition de Kentz, constitue une étape cruciale de notre stratégie de croissance pour devenir une entreprise d’ingénierie et de construction de premier ordre», a déclaré Robert G. Card, président et chef de la direction, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «AltaLink est une organisation formidable, et ce fut un plaisir et un honneur de travailler avec les membres de son personnel. Nous leur souhaitons le meilleur des succès sous la direction compétente de Berkshire Hathaway Energy. J’en profite pour remercier les équipes de SNC-Lavalin, d’AltaLink et de Berkshire Hathaway Energy pour leur travail remarquable pendant le processus de clôture et les relations fructueuses qu’elles ont su établir. Grâce à elles, nous avons pu finaliser la transaction dans les délais annoncés.» Dans le cadre de ce contrat de vente global, SNC-Lavalin et MidAmerican Transmission, une filiale de Berkshire Hathaway Energy, exploreront ensemble des occasions d’affaires en ingénierie, approvisionnement et construction sur les marchés nord-américains, notamment de nouvelles occasions d’investissements dans le secteur du transport d’électricité. MidAmerican Transmission a élaboré des projets de transport d’électricité totalisant environ 1,6 milliard $ et possède une riche expérience en gestion de projets de services publics classiques et de réseaux de transport autonomes.
CASE CE dévoile les lauréats du prix «Diamond Dealer» Les lauréats de cette année sont : State Equipment (Kentucky et Virginie-Occidentale), J.R. Brisson Equipment (Ontario), Kucera Construction Equipment (Ontario), Redhead Equipment (Saskatchewan), Crown Power & Equipment (Missouri), Luby Equipment Services (Missouri et Illinois), Eagle Power and Equipment (Pennsylvanie et Delaware), Groff Tractor (Pennsylvanie et Maryland), ASCO (Texas et Nouveau Mexique), Nueces Power Equipment (Texas), Birkey’s Construction Equipment (Illinois), Burris Equipment Company (Illinois) et Service Motor Company (Wisconsin). «Chacun de ces concessionnaires s’est avéré être un partenaire commercial de poids pour le secteur de la construction dans leurs territoires respectifs, en contribuant à la simplification de l’expérience d’achat et en tant que propriétaire des clients de CASE Construction Equipment», déclarait Jim Hasler, vice-président de CASE Construction Equipment en Amérique du Nord.
Industry News
INTERMAT 2015 Riding High Demonstrating its capability of bringing together the sector’s leading players, the show can today confirm the participation of 38 out of the world’s 50 largest construction equipment manufacturers. These include: CNH Industrial, Doosan, Hitachi Construction Machinery, Hyundai Heavy Industries, JLG, John Deere, Kobelco Construction Machinery, Komatsu, Kubota, Liebherr, Liugong, Sany, Shantui, Terex, Volvo Construction Equipment, Wirtgen Group, Wacker Neuson, Zoomlion/Cifa. The 2-day event Pre-INTERMAT organized ahead of the show is also shaping up to be a prime occasion to discover innovations and new solutions; to date, 90 companies have signed up for the event. During Pre-INTERMAT, the results of the Innovation Awards will also be revealed, with more than 80 innovations taking part in the competition. INTERMAT 2015 is organized by S.E. INTERMAT, CISMA, SEIMAT, French trade organizations from the construction equipment industry, and Comexposium, France’s leading trade show organizer. The next edition will be held from April 20 - 25, 2015 at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, in France.
ICUEE 2015: AGC Partnership Brings New education, Exhibits Pavilion The biennial ICUEE, the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition, will be held September 29-October 1, 2015 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The AGC conference will bring together contractors and related businesses involved in every aspect of utility and infrastructure construction to learn the latest trends shaping the industry, discuss issues affecting the market, and to see what AGC is doing legislatively and how individuals can get involved. The AGC exhibits pavilion will showcase utility construction solutions and products in areas including technology and BIM-Building Information Modeling processes, business and industry practices, and related construction/business products and systems. With over 25,000 member firms, AGC of America is the leading association for the construction industry, providing a full range of services to meet the needs of members, as they improve the quality of construction and protect the public interest. “Partnering with ICUEE for our annual Utility Infrastructure Conference provides AGC members and others involved in utility and infrastructure construction with a great opportunity to check out the latest equipment and educate themselves on industry best practices at one of the premier construction industry events focused on their market,” stated Scott Berry, director, AGC’s Utility Infrastructure Division, Environment, and Trade. “We are very pleased with AGC’s decision to co-locate its conference with ICUEE and strengthen the breadth of industry education and networking for all show attendees. And the AGC exhibits pavilion adds extra value to what attendees will find on the ICUEE show floor to help them run their businesses more effectively,” stated ICUEE Chair Tim Ford, president Terex Cranes, Terex Corporation. ICUEE is held every two years and covers more than 25 acres of the latest equipment and product innovations related to utility construction, maintenance and rehabilitation. It is known for extensive hands-on equipment demonstrations in job-like conditions. The show serves an audience of utility professionals and utility construction contractors in the electric, natural gas, water/wastewater, and telecom/cable sectors.
bauma China: Exceeding all expectations Despite the downturn in the market and the severe challenges facing the industry, bauma China still attracted 191,000 visitors (2012: 180,000) from 149 countries and regions. International buyers in particular were strongly represented at bauma China: their numbers rose by 12%. Eugen Egetenmeir, managing director of Messe München, was very impressed by the visitors’ enthusiasm: “After twelve years of development of bauma China, this show is now not only a platform for product presentation, but also a grand industry party for communication and cooperation for further growth.” Li Fangyu, vice president marketing China from Volvo Construction Equipment, spoke highly of the show: “bauma China 2014 is taking place in the midst of a recession in the construction machinery market. However, judging by the exhibitors and VIP customers we met here, the trade show is very encouraging. At such times, bauma China is giving us vitality, hope and spirit.” After China, the top 10 visitor countries and regions abroad were Russia, Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Indonesia – in that order. “bauma China remains a must in our event calendar, on a local level as well as on an international level, as we have customers from South-East Asia, India, the Middle East, South America, Africa and Russia,” commented Ulrich Reichert, CEO of Wirtgen China. bauma China once again occupied all of the exhibition space – a total of 300,000 m2 – at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. This year’s show gathered 3,104 exhibitors from 41 countries (2012: 2,718 exhibitors from 38 countries), which is an increase of 14%. Dr. Sun Changjun, vice president of Zoomlion, pointed out: “bauma China is the biggest and the most important construction machinery trade show in China. It attracts leading construction machinery manufacturers from all around the world. It is significant to the industry and well-known among the industry professionals.” Taking part in bauma China 2014 were 2,097 Chinese exhibitors. Here they presented to the world their key products and standards of excellence. Exhibitors from outside China also featured strongly at the show, and interest in their innovations and advanced technologies was high. This year there was a further rise in the number of international exhibitors. After China, the top 5 exhibitor countries were Germany, USA, Italy, Korea and Japan. bauma China also featured 9 national pavilions, from Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Korea, Spain, Turkey, UK and the U.S. This year, for the first time, a business matchmaking system was implemented at bauma China to facilitate contacts between exhibitors and visitors. Visitors were able to search detailed information the exhibitors had posted in the system, and thus target those exhibitors they were specifically interested in. Hundreds of advance contacts were made in this way and meetings arranged for the show. The next bauma China takes place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from November 22 to 25, 2016.
NCSG Crane & Heavy Haul Acquires H&H Crane Service H&H Crane Service’s parent company was founded in Great Falls, Montana, in 1987 by Tom Harant. The company is the leading supplier of fully-operated and maintained crane services in Great Falls. The State of Montana is currently experiencing substantial economic growth and is the location of a number of proposed wind farms, proposed refinery expansions, and home to the western portion of the Bakken oil shale. “H&H has a proud 27 year history of providing fully-operated and maintained crane and lifting solutions to its many customers in the Great Falls region and we are thrilled to be partnering with Tom Harant and the rest of the H&H team going forward,” said Ted Redmond, president of NCSG. “We will continue to provide crane services to the Great Falls market and plan to grow our crane and heavy haul fleet in this market to meet the needs of current customers and the proposed projects in the region.” As a part of the transaction, Tom Harant has taken an ownership interest in NCSG, and intends to work closely with NCSG to grow the crane and heavy haul services business in the Great Falls region. “I will continue to run the business and NCSG | H&H Crane will continue to provide our long term customers with fully-operated and maintained crane and lifting services and we will enhance these services with additional equipment from NCSG’s crane and heavy haul operations,” said Mr. Harant. “With access to NCSG’s team of 700 employees and fleet of over 290 cranes, 235 lines of hydraulic platform trailers, 300 conventional trailers and specialized rigging services such as jack & slide and hydraulic gantries, NCSG | H&H Crane will be able to take on larger projects/maintenance jobs and meet even more of our customers’ rigging, lifting and heavy haul needs.” NCSG, based in Edmonton, Alberta, is one of the largest crane and heavy haul companies in North America.
ASTM International Develops First Product Category Rules for the Asphalt Roofing Industry PCRs provide guidelines for the development of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for a specific product group. PCRs are valuable to any industry because they streamline the process through which products are measured and their environmental impacts communicated, creating globally consistent documentation. Asphalt roofing manufacturers can use these guidelines to review their own products and develop an EPD, which is a verified document that reports the expected environmental performance of a product based on its expected life cycle. An EPD uses the data collected through PCR guidelines to provide comparable environmental impact data for similar products. ARMA and several of its member companies participated in the development of this PCR, titled “Asphalt Shingles, Built-Up Asphalt Membrane Roofing, and Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing.” The guidelines cover asphalt shingles applied over underlayment, and low-slope roofing assemblies consisting of various combinations of factory-produced asphalt-saturated or coated base sheets, ply sheets and cap sheets together with specified viscous asphalt coatings, adhesives and surfacings. ASTM began its PCR and EPD program in 2012 to provide an infrastructure that can be used for the evaluation and communication of a product’s full-lifecycle environmental impacts. ASTM develops PCRs in partnership with various segments of the building construction industry and in accordance with international standards. ARMA’s partnership with ASTM was an efficient way to provide a PCR to asphalt roofing manufacturers that is standard among researchers, developers, consumers and businesses.
Bridgestone Opens First U.S. Giant Off Road Radial Tire Manufacturing Facility In 2011, Bridgestone announced a planned $970 million investment to build the company’s first U.S.-based off road radial tire plant, as well as expand production capacity at Bridgestone’s steel cord manufacturing facilities in Clarksville, Tennessee, and Saga, Japan. The opening of Bridgestone’s new Aiken County Off Road Radial Tire Plant completes the largest portion of this planned investment. The Clarksville and Saga locations are suppliers of the Aiken County Off Road Radial Tire Plant, as steel cord is a key component used to build large and ultra-large off road radial tires. Bridgestone’s Off Road Radial Tire Plant is the second tire manufacturing plant Bridgestone has built in Aiken County. The company has operated a passenger tire facility in Graniteville since 1998. Approximately 350 people now work at the new Aiken County Off Road Radial Tire Plant, and Bridgestone expects to create an additional 200 positions when the location reaches full production in the next two to three years. At present, there are approximately 2,000 people working at Bridgestone’s two tire plants in Aiken County. The new Aiken County Off Road Radial Tire Plant was constructed with many sustainable features and materials in alignment with Bridgestone’s global commitment to the environment. The plant is built to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver construction specifications. In addition, sustainable and advanced technologies from Firestone Building Products, a subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas, were used throughout the facility. The new plant relies on UltraPly™ TPO roofing, ISO 95+™ insulation, UnaFoam™ Insulated Metal Wall Panels, pavers and geomembrane for retention ponds and water harvesting areas.
IronPlanet Acquires Kruse Energy and Equipment Auctioneers As the companies work together to build the Kruse marketplace, IronPlanet’s more than one million registered users will be able to buy through Kruse and also rely on the services they have come to expect from IronPlanet. Kruse is a full-service auction company that has conducted more than 90% of the energy auctions in the U.S. over the past 25 years. Cofounders David Long and Jim Richie will continue to operate and manage the business, and both of them will join the IronPlanet executive committee. Kruse is based in Odessa, Texas, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and will operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary of IronPlanet, maintaining its brand and employees.
Topcon Announces Acquisition of Leading In-Cab-Mounted Console Manufacturer Wachendorff Elektronik GmbH and its U.S. subsidiary, Wachendorff Electronics Inc., are leading manufacturers of in-cabin-mounted consoles for the industrial vehicle market in the agricultural and construction industries. Ray O’Connor, Topcon Positioning Group president and CEO said: “This acquisition is a key ingredient of our global strategy to strengthen our ability to serve original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and establish the foundation for Topcon manufacturing in Europe. This world-class facility in Germany is second-to-none in its operational quality, employee dedication, and astute leadership – all of the characteristics needed to exceed the high-precision standards required for our industry.” Of the acquisition, Peter Wachendorff, president and CEO of Wachendorff Elektronik GmbH and Wachendorff Electronics said: “We are happy to have the opportunity to join the Topcon family – this will help us expand the offering of products to our customers.” Albert Zahalka, president of Topcon Precision Agriculture and leader of the acquisition team said: “This transaction is an example of our commitment to expand our portfolio of high-quality products and become the world’s leading provider of in-cab consoles for the agricultural and construction OEM markets.” The Wachendorff family founded Wachendorff Prozesstechnik GmbH & Co KG in Geisenheim, Germany in 1978. Wachendorff Elektronik was founded in 1985.
Trimble Reaches Milestone with SITECH Technology Dealers in Over 100 Locations Worldwide Trimble is committed to delivering value across the entire life cycle of heavy civil and site construction projects, providing enhanced information for improved productivity and uptime through real-time integrated information management on-site. Trimble technology is changing how construction work is performed – allowing contractors of all sizes and with mixed fleets to bid with more confidence, reduce rework, eliminate downtime, improve quality and manage costs. SITECH Technology Dealers understand how to apply innovative construction technology to solve a variety of contractors’ construction challenges – from small site construction to large infrastructure projects. Through a greater implementation of technology across construction processes, contractors of all sizes can gain greater insight into their operations, enabling them to lower operating costs and improve accuracy, safety and productivity. As part of building and maintaining a world-class partner for the contractor, Trimble is investing in continuous dealer improvement and development programs. Trimble works with each SITECH dealership to ensure long-term business viability and strong relationships at the local level. Combined with strong domain knowledge and understanding of the entire construction process, SITECH dealers are able to provide best-in-class customer support and service, training, system optimization and configuration, rental, installation and consultation to heavy civil contractors for their entire project and mixed fleet needs—regardless of machine brand. SITECH Technology Dealers represent the Trimble® portfolio of Connected Site® solutions – grade, compaction and paving control systems, site positioning systems, fleet and asset management services, software and powerful wireless and Internet-based site communications infrastructure. In addition, SITECH dealers sell and support certain Caterpillar machine control systems.
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