On-Site Training for Chain Saw Operators Many occupations require the use of chain saws, from professional tree care employees to your local roads department and a host of careers in between. Travelling Trees Ltd., located in Belwood, Ontario, offers in-house training for the safe and knowledgeable operation and proper maintenance of chain saws from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Good training will bring your people up to date with current standards. Trainees walk away from courses with a refreshed view of how to operate the machine and how to properly maintain it. Most importantly however, is the knowledge regarding the strategic and safe operation of a saw. Travelling Trees’ courses are suitable for both experienced and novice operators – some old habits are bad habits. The training is also good as a refresher, or for the young workers replacing retiring workers. Travelling Trees’ trainers take the presentation to your shop. There are no travel time loss or expenses for your employees. Graham Underwood, founder of Travelling Trees, has been working in the landscaping industry and moving trees for 25 years. “I find it very rewarding when, at the end of the training, even experienced people say to me that they have learned something they didn’t know,” he says.
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