Nouvelles brèves Gros contrat à Moscou pour Bucher La commande comprend 400 véhicules compacts de nettoyage des rues, 245 engins de plus grande taille ainsi que 230 véhicules destinés à épandre du sel ou du gravier en hiver, a indiqué récemment l’entreprise. C’est sa division «Bucher Municipal» qui fabrique ces véhicules, auxquels la municipalité de Moscou recourt déjà depuis des décennies. La livraison s’étalera jusqu’à fin mai 2012. Elle mettra à contribution les usines sises en Suisse, en Grande-Bretagne, en Lettonie et en Italie. Une partie de la production sera aussi sous-traitée sur place, ce qui a constitué un atout pour décrocher le contrat, précise Bucher Industries. L’entreprise avait augmenté en août l’horaire de travail de 40 à 42,5 heures. En accord avec les représentants du personnel, cette mesure a été prolongée jusqu’au 31 mai 2012. Les employés toucheront une prime spéciale de 1500 francs en lien avec la nouvelle commande de la capitale russe.
Kinedyne nomme un distributeur pour le Japon TDS a été fondé en 1980 et s’est concentré sur l’industrie du transport depuis trois décennies. L’entente entre Kinedyne et TDS a été conclue entre James M. Klausmann II, vice-président exécutif de Kinedyne, et Fumihiko Kaga, président de TDS Corporation, aux installations de production de Kinedyne à Nantong en Chine. TDS est reconnu à travers le Japon pour ses efforts, avec l’appui de ses partenaires de ventes, dans le développement de nouvelles solutions d’arrimage novatrices pour répondre aux besoins uniques des entreprises de l’industrie de transport. «Nous sommes fiers de notre nouveau partenariat avec une entreprise respectée comme TDS Corporation», affirme Larry Harrison, vice-président des ventes et marketing chez Kinedyne. «Ce partenariat nous apporte une expérience et une connaissance riche de l’industrie du transport et de l’arrimage dans le marché du Japon.» Monsieur Harrison souligne les attentes élevées des clients au Japon en ce qui a trait à la qualité des produits. Il indique que Kinedyne est présentement en processus d’imposer des améliorations à plusieurs produits existants de l’entreprise, afin que ceux-ci rencontrent les besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs de l’industrie japonaise du transport. Larry Harrison explique que ces ajustements au design des produits seront bénéfiques pour les clients du Japon ainsi que pour les clients actuels en Amérique du Nord, de par leur fonctionnalité améliorée qui sera incorporée dans la gamme de produits standards de l’entreprise. Cet accord de licence, une des premières avec un partenaire de distribution de Kinedyne, procure à TDS un accès complet aux normes de qualité et de production de Kinedyne. Le personnel de TDS a reçu une formation exhaustive sur les produits et procédures de fabrication de Kinedyne préalablement à ce programme. La formation garantit que tout produit d’arrimage assemblé par TDS avec des composantes de Kinedyne, comme la quincaillerie et les courroies, rencontreront les normes de performances auxquelles s’attendent les utilisateurs de produits Kinedyne.
Supermétal signe deux contrats dans l’Ouest canadien «Notre présence de longue date dans l’Ouest canadien continue d’alimenter notre croissance. Pour fournir à la demande, nous avons besoin de soudeurs, d’assembleurs et de journaliers additionnels à Québec et à Sherbrooke en particulier», a déclaré Jean-François Blouin, président-directeur général de Supermétal. La firme à qui l’on doit la construction du Colisée de Québec au début des années 1980 a fait l’acquisition, en 2010, d’une première usine aux États-Unis, en Caroline du Nord. Celle-ci s’avère un franc succès avec une centaine d’employés fort occupés, eux aussi, à satisfaire le carnet de commande bien garni de l’entreprise. En Alberta, Supermétal s’est vu confier le mandat de fabriquer et d’ériger la charpente d’acier de 5600 t du nouveau terminal international de l’aéroport de Calgary dont le style et les attributs sont des plus esthétiques et modernes, notamment sur le plan environnemental. Ce bâtiment majeur de cinq étages sera relié à 22 quais d’embarquement et nécessitera au total un investissement de 1,4 milliard $. Le tout doit être complété en 2014. En Saskatchewan, Supermétal a obtenu le mandat de fabriquer une charpente d’acier de 10 000 t devant servir à l’agrandissement d’une usine de potasse à proximité de Saskatoon. Le projet comprend plusieurs bâtiments soutenant les activités de compaction et de triage de potasse qui doubleront la capacité de production. Supermétal est un manufacturier canadien bien établi qui se spécialise dans la fabrication et l’installation de charpentes métalliques destinées à des immeubles commerciaux et bâtiments industriels.
Aecon signe une lettre d’intention avec PotashCorp pour un projet en Saskatchewan L’envergure du projet comprend l’installation de tous les services publics et de l’équipement nécessaires pour le nouveau broyeur, y compris la tuyauterie industrielle, les éléments électriques et mécaniques, de même que les systèmes d’instrumentation, de chauffage, de ventilation et de conditionnement. Cela inclut également tout l’équipement de traitement dans le broyeur où sera traité le minerai de potasse provenant de la mine située à proximité. Ce projet devrait créer environ 800 emplois sur le chantier de construction. La préparation du site devrait commencer au début de 2012 et une partie du projet devrait être terminée à l’automne 2013, permettant ainsi à PotashCorp de commencer le démarrage et la mise en service. Cette annonce s’inscrit dans la foulée de l’obtention, le mois dernier, d’un contrat similaire de plus petite envergure qui concerne la mine de PCS à Picadilly, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ce nouveau contrat porte à plus de 850 millions $ la valeur totale des projets annoncés par Aecon depuis septembre concernant un certain nombre de clients.
Siemens Canada fait l’acquisition de Prairie West Technical Services Siemens Canada gardera le personnel actuellement au service de Prairie West à Régina et Saskatoon de même que sa main-d’œuvre de Sudbury en Ontario et verra même à en ajouter. Par le biais de cette entente, Siemens obtient les installations de réparation à la fine pointe de la technologie de Prairie West – l’atelier d’entretien de moteurs électriques le plus moderne et le mieux équipé de la Saskatchewan. Siemens prévoit par ailleurs moderniser ses installations de réparation de Sudbury en Ontario pour les mettre au même niveau que celles de la Saskatchewan.
SNC-Lavalin obtient de Statoil le contrat d’ingénierie d’avant-projet pour le treillis de la plate-forme Mariner en mer du Nord «Nous sommes très heureux de travailler à ce projet avec Statoil, qui le considère comme l’un de ses projets phares en exploitation extracôtière au Royaume-Uni», a déclaré Andy Mackintosh, vice-président directeur, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc. «Ce contrat d’ingénierie portant sur l’un des plus grands treillis récemment installés en mer du Nord témoigne de l’étendue de notre savoir-faire dans un marché mondial hautement concurrentiel.» Le treillis, qui sera fixé à une profondeur de 110 m depuis une barge, supportera 50 puits et, en surface, une vaste installation de production, de forage et d’hébergement. Le pétrole sera acheminé vers un réservoir flottant à proximité, pour ensuite être transporté à destination des marchés par pétrolier-navette. La société Statoil prévoit une décision finale sur l’investissement vers la fin de 2012, et la mise en production pour la fin de 2016. Les parts dans le contrat de licence P335 se répartissent ainsi : Statoil 65,1%, ENI 28,9% et Nautical Petroleum 6%.
Geodefor se joint à exp «Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir Geodefor», a affirmé Vlad Stritesky, président et chef de la direction d’exp. «Nous continuons d’élargir notre gamme de services, et l’expertise de Geodefor dans le secteur minier ainsi que sa présence dans le Nord-du-Québec nous permettront d’offrir une capacité accrue à nos clients. C’est donc avec plaisir que nous accueillons Geodefor dans notre famille.» De dire Dany Bouchard, président et directeur général de Geodefor : «Le fait de nous joindre à exp créera beaucoup de possibilités, tant pour nous que pour nos clients. En plus de pouvoir offrir une gamme plus variée de services à notre clientèle, nous serons en mesure de mettre nos services spécialisés à la disposition de clients à travers le monde grâce au réseau mondial d’exp. Les membres de notre équipe bénéficieront, du même coup, de perspectives de croissance et de carrière inouïes, tant au Canada qu’à l’étranger. Nous considérons qu’il s’agit d’un avantage énorme pour nos employés et nos clients», ajoute-t-il. Fondée en 1992, Geodefor jouit d’une forte présence dans le Nord-du-Québec et a établi des bureaux à Rouyn-Noranda et à Matagami. Firme renommée pour ses services de dessin technique, de conception et d’arpentage, Geodefor dessert principalement des clients des industries minière et forestière, des communautés des Premières Nations ainsi qu’aux différents niveaux gouvernementaux.
Sika Canada acquiert Duochem Établie à Boucherville, Québec, et détenue par des intérêts privés depuis plus de 40 ans, Duochem a bâti son excellente réputation grâce à l’innovation et à la qualité de ses produits. L’entreprise conçoit et fabrique des systèmes de revêtement de sol à base de polymères pour des applications industrielles et architecturales ainsi que des enduits et des membranes d’imperméabilisation pour la protection des structures en béton. Ces produits sont fabriqués au Québec et vendus à travers le Canada. Cette fusion permettra aux clients évoluant sur le marché des revêtements de sol à base de polymères et des membranes pour aires de stationnement, de pouvoir bénéficier du meilleur en matière de technologie, de produits, de moyens de production et du capital humain offert par Duochem et Sika. Sika est heureux d’accueillir l’équipe de Duochem au sein de l’entreprise et d’annoncer que les copropriétaires et gestionnaires supérieurs, Tony Torriano et Daniel Bernier, resteront en poste.
Industry News City of Moscow Places Major Order for Municipal Vehicles Sweepers and winter maintenance equipment from Bucher Municipal have been keeping Moscow’s streets, squares and pavements safe and clean for decades now. Key factors in the City’s decision to purchase from Bucher Municipal, besides the attractive price/performance ratio, were the many years of good experience with its products, in particular their reliability, simple operation and manoeuvrability, its efficient service and the capability to deliver the large order in a short time before the end of May 2012. Another strong competitive advantage was the opportunity for the sales partners to generate considerable local added value. In addition to purchasing locally made chassis for the truck-mounted sweepers and spreaders as well as plows and other components manufactured in Russia, the sales partners are also responsible for final assembly of the truck-mounted sweepers and spreaders. The machinery will be delivered to the City of Moscow in several phases. Bucher Municipal will provide specialized personnel on site to support and supervise all work on the large-scale project. About 20% of this major order will already impact sales in the fourth quarter of 2011 and 80% in the first half of 2012. At the Swiss plant in Niederweningen, it has been agreed with employee representatives that the longer working week, increased from 40 to 42.5 hours since August 2011, will continue until May 31, 2012. On successful completion of the major order from Moscow, all members of staff who clock in and out for work will be paid a special bonus. Bucher Municipal is the European and Australian market leader in municipal vehicles, offering a whole range of compact and truck-mounted sweepers, winter maintenance equipment and refuse collection vehicles.
Kinedyne appoints Distributor for Japan TDS was established in 1980 and has been focused on the transportation industry in Japan for more than three decades. The agreement between Kinedyne and TDS was executed between James M. Klausmann II, executive vice president of Kinedyne, and Fumihiko Kaga, president of TDS Corporation, at Kinedyne’s manufacturing facility in Nantong, China. TDS is known throughout Japan for its efforts – working with vendor partners – to develop new and innovative cargo securement solutions to meet the unique needs of companies focused on the transportation industry. “We’re proud of our new relationship with a respected company like TDS Corporation,” says Larry Harrison, Kinedyne’s Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “It brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of the trucking industry and load securement requirements in its market to our new relationship.” Harrison went on to detail the high expectations of customers in Japan related to product quality. He indicates that Kinedyne is in the process of implementing refinements to many of the company’s existing products, so they will be suitable for use by – and meet the unique needs of – users in the Japanese trucking industry. Harrison explained that these design revisions will benefit new customers in Japan – as well as existing customers in North America – through the improved functionality that will be incorporated into the company’s standard product line. The licensing agreement – one of the first of its kind with a Kinedyne distribution partner – gives TDS full access to Kinedyne quality and production standards. TDS staff members were provided comprehensive training on products and fabrication procedures prior to the launch of the program. The training insures that any tie-down assembled by TDS using Kinedyne components – such as hardware and webbing – will meet the performance standards that end-users have come to expect from a Kinedyne product.
Supermétal Signs Significant Contract at the Calgary International Airport "This new contract confirms Supermétal's breakthrough in Western Canada - one of the most dynamic regions in North America," said Jean-François Blouin, Supermétal's president and CEO. "Over the past few years, we have been involved in a number of projects based in the West including fabricating and erecting structural steel for facilities in the oil sand and potash sectors and also a signature 51-storey office tower- Eighth Avenue Place in Calgary. Undoubtedly the Leduc facility has been key to our success in providing enhanced, localized service. Our commitment to the region is stronger than ever as we look forward contributing to the growing economy," he added. Supermétal has the mandate to fabricate and erect 5,600 t of structural steel required for Calgary International Airport's International Facilities Project (East Concourse), the single largest expansion undertaken to meet international passenger demand for one of the fastest growing route sectors. The new International Concourse will incorporate sustainable design principles, cognizant of the need to create additional space, reduce energy consumption and minimize environmental impact and is expected to require an estimated investment of $1.4 billion. The main 183,500 m2 building will include five levels, 22 aircraft gates and will open in the 4th quarter of 2015. Supermétal's contract is with the airport's expansion construction manager- EllisDon. Supermétal is proud to work for EllisDon once again.
Aecon Signs Letter of Intent with PotashCorp for Saskatchewan Project The scope of work for the project includes the installation of all utilities and equipment for the new mill, including the process piping, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation, HVAC, and all processing equipment in the mill, where potash ore from the nearby mine will be processed. This project will create approximately 800 jobs at the construction site. Site preparation is expected to begin in early 2012 and this portion of the project is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2013, ready to turn over to PotashCorp for commissioning and startup. This announcement builds on last month's award of a similar project on a smaller scale at the PCS Picadilly mine in New Brunswick. This project brings the total value of projects announced by Aecon since September for a number of clients to over $850 million. "Our Lockerbie and Hole Eastern division has more than 40 years of experience installing the complex mine site equipment and systems needed to operate processing plants like this one," said Teri McKibbon, Aecon's Chief Operating Officer. "People around the world rely on Canada and PCS to mine and process potash. We are extremely proud to be part of an industry that helps put this country on the world stage."
Siemens Canada acquires Prairie West Technical Services As part of the deal, Siemens acquires Prairie West's state-of-the-art Regina repair facility, the most modern and best equipped Electrical Motor Service Shop in Saskatchewan. Siemens also plans to upgrade the existing repair facility in Sudbury, Ontario to the same high-level of capabilities. Prairie West's areas of service include: on-site mechanical and electrical services; solutions for rotating apparatuses; remove, repair and replacement of electric motors; on-site repair & rewinding of large motors and generators; warranty service; motor management programs; new, surplus and refurbished motor sales; Predictive Diagnostic Technologies, and a full range of crane services.
SNC-Lavalin Wins Statoil's North Sea Mariner Jacket Front End Engineering Contract "We're very pleased to be working with Statoil on this project, which it considers one of its landmark offshore UK development projects," said Andy Mackintosh, executive vice-president, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. "Securing this engineering contract for one of the largest North Sea jackets in recent times demonstrates our depth of expertise in a globally competitive market."
Geodefor Joins exp “We are very pleased to have Geodefor join us,” said Vlad Stritesky, president and CEO of exp. “As we continue to expand our range of services, the addition of Geodefor’s expertise in mining, and their presence in northern Quebec, will enhance our offerings to clients. We welcome Geodefor to our family.” “Joining exp opens up a lot of possibilities for our employees and our clients,” said Dany Bouchard, president and executive director of Geodefor. “We will be able to offer a more diverse range of services to our clients, and also tap into exp’s global network to offer our specialized services to clients around the world. Our people will also have incredible opportunities for growth and career development here in Canada and abroad. We see this as a huge advantage for our employees and for our clients.” Established in 1992, Geodefor has a strong presence in northern Quebec, with offices in Rouyn- Noranda and Matagami, Quebec. Renowned for its drafting, designing and land surveying services, Geodefor provides services to the mining and forestry industries, First Nations communities and all levels of government.
Sika acquires Duochem Inc. in Canada Sika AG has through its Canadian subsidiary Sika Canada Inc. acquired the privately owned company Duochem Inc. Duochem was founded more than 40 years ago and has built a strong reputation based on innovation and quality. The company produces polymer flooring products for a wide variety of industrial and architectural applications, and polyurethane waterproofing coatings and membranes used in the protection of parking decks and concrete structures. The products are manufactured in Quebec and sold primarily to customers throughout Canada. The acquisition will enable Sika to further strengthen the leading position and the market penetration in the region as well as to improve its logistics and service capabilities. Duochem will operate as a unit of Sika Canada Inc. and the existing management will remain on board.
Landscape Ontario supports push for One Call Act “This important legislation is welcome news for our industry members, who want Ontarians to reap the benefit of a system that reduces the regulatory burden for business, offers taxpayers the benefit of cost savings through accident prevention and will improve public and worker safety in Ontario,” said Landscape Ontario executive director Tony DiGiovanni. “Ontario has an urgent need for a mandatory one-call system,” said Mr. DiGiovanni. “Ontarians sent a clear message during the October provincial election that they want this minority legislature to work together. This One Call initiative is a perfect illustration of the positive impact that cooperation and collaboration between political parties can offer to taxpayers.” The Ontario One Call Act would make it mandatory for all utility asset owners and excavators to use a single one-call system to locate all underground utility lines before digging. If passed, the bill would establish Ontario One Call Ltd., as a not-for-profit call center that would be the single point of contact for all underground utility location services in the province. Safety is at a serious risk for members of the public and workers alike when utility lines, such as buried pipelines or hydro lines, are struck or damaged because homeowners, building contractors and other excavators do not obtain the precise location of lines before they dig, according to Landscape Ontario. “Ontario’s current, voluntary approach does not leverage the potential of a well-organized one-call system,” said Mr. DiGiovanni. “The efficiency of a one-call program will enhance safety, reduce costs and wait times, and will act as a catalyst for continuous improvement. Mandatory One Call systems are in place in all 50 American states. In New York State, they have half the number of incidents than we do in Ontario, even though they have a larger population base. This is an important testimonial to the benefits of a one-call system.” In the coming days, Landscape Ontario will communicate directly with all Ontario MPPs, urging them to work together in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation to ensure that The Ontario One Call Act is passed during this legislative session.
Eaton Wins Contract to Modernize Power Generating Facility The United States and Canada have shared the Niagara River’s water power for nearly half a century. The Niagara Power Project will continue to produce steady supplies of clean, carbon-free hydroelectricity for another 50 years under a federal operating license. The agreement will include the design, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commission of 12 unit control boards and governor controls. Eaton will replace the original electro-mechanical devices with modern digital technology, including microprocessing capability, new instrumentation and alarms, and will also upgrade the unit governing system and replace the plant’s unit protective relaying system. LPGP modernizations will occur under a schedule providing for the overhaul of a turbine generator every eight to nine months, with the final unit completed in 2020. The initiative also supports New York State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which calls for at least 25% of the state’s electricity to come from clean, renewable sources such as hydroelectric power by 2013. “The Niagara Power Project is the largest electricity producer in New York, and one of the largest in the nation,” explained Kevin McLean, Eaton senior vice president, Global Marketing, Electrical Sector. “Eaton’s expertise in electrical efficiency, reliability and safety help ensure that it will meet the evolving demands of its vast customer base and continue to supply low-cost, sustainable power for years to come.” Pumped-storage facilities like the Lewiston Pump Generating Plant provide a critical energy storage buffer between the ever-changing customer loads and the availability of sustainable hydro power. Eaton’s solution will provide a sophisticated level of control for the facility’s existing electrical components, some dating back to 1961 when the Niagara Project was first placed into service. Eaton’s electrical business is a global leader in power distribution, power quality, control and automation, power monitoring, and energy management products and services. Eaton is positioned, through its Cutler-Hammer®, Moeller®, Powerware®, Holec®, MEM®, and Santak® global electrical product series, to answer today’s most critical electrical power management challenges.
North America’s first ISO 50001 certification for energy management Cement plants consume significant amounts of energy; plants as large as Bowmanville operate 24/7 with a rated capacity of over 1.8 million t of product. This responsibility was not taken lightly by Fabio Garcia, manager of Plant Operations, who back in 2005 laid out a strategy for an integrated approach to reducing the plant’s energy consumption. “Employee awareness of the costs of various operations and procedures and training programs paid big dividends,” Mr. Garcia observed. “Other important steps were engaging 360 Energy of Burlington Ontario and establishing an energy management and conservation committee, that we call E=MC2. With representatives from Finance, HR, Environment, Quality Control, Maintenance, Mining and Production departments, the Committee identified and acted upon over 100 separate energy efficiency initiatives. Much of the energy savings required little capital expenditure or were done at no cost.” Jim Storey, Electrical Maintenance manager and E=MC2 co-leader observed, “Since 2005, we have reduced electricity consumption by over 11 million kWh (approximately the same amount of energy used by 1100 Canadian homes in one year) with over $3 million in savings. We modified our existing systems and developed programs in-house to maximize internal and external opportunities in Energy Management.” Fabio Garcia concluded, “The energy conservation elements of ISO 50001 certification means we are on track for over $1 million in savings in 2011. The commitment of everyone working at St Marys Bowmanville day-in and day-out is why we are the first North American site to receive this certification. I want to thank each and every one of them.”
Ptarmigan Energy Secures Offshore Rights in Western Newfoundland and Labrador President and CEO Craig Boland says this reinforces Ptarmigan’s commitment to offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. “We are excited about the industry opportunities that exist in the offshore, and with this investment we are committed to moving forward with the acquisition of a 1,000 km2 3D seismic program and the drilling an offshore well within the next two years on prospects already identified.” Ptarmigan currently holds EL 1120 on 140,100 ha north of the Port au Port Peninsula and south of the Bay of Islands. This latest acquisition increases their licence offshore Western Newfoundland to 494,088 ha. The parcels have nearby oil wells and strong hydrocarbon indications. Leo Power, vice president Business Development, and chair of the Board of Directors says “Our vision is to be a leading and responsible industry player in facilitating the discovery and production of oil resources in Western Newfoundland. With this acquisition Ptarmigan is strengthening its ties to the province and is pleased to invest in such a highly accessible, industry friendly region.”
ARXX Receives Cleantech North Award “We are thrilled to be honored by CleanTech North,” said Gael Mourant. “Energy efficiency and innovation in building materials and systems are clear priorities being embraced by governments, consumers and builders. Our technology helps to significantly lower the energy costs of homes and buildings, while improving occupancy comfort, safety and security. With more than 105,000 projects representing more than 13 million m2 of installed walls and foundations, ARXX ICFs have proven their value many times over.” “ICF technology is recognized by all major building codes throughout North America and is experiencing significant growth in adoption for large scale projects where speed of construction combined with the operating cost savings, increased fire resistance, improved sound suppression and better structural support compared to conventional construction methods is winning over more and more architects, engineers, contractors and owners,” she added. The CleanTech North Awards recognize promising clean technology companies that have displayed outstanding development and potential.
Carmanah Launches New Retail-Ready SUNfilm Solar Battery Chargers The SUNfilm solar series are designed to protect batteries against a vehicle’s continuous power draws. Available as a 1.5 W, 5 W or 15 W module, the SUNfilm products will trickle-charge all battery types including 12 V deep cycle, automotive, motorized sports vehicles, RV and fleet vehicle batteries. The SUNfilm products include quick-connect accessories that allow for easy installation and can be modified into portable charging stations for small electronic devices such as cellphones and mp3 players. The SUNfilm battery chargers will operate in overcast conditions and offer a reliable power solution for both indoor and outdoor applications. The SUNfilm products complement the Go Power! portfolio of consumer mobile power solutions and will provide consumers a complete energy solution. The product suite, which includes pure and modified sine wave inverters, can be combined with the new SUNfilm solar battery chargers for access to AC power without the concern of draining the vehicle’s battery. The SUNfilm series is available throughout the US and Canada.
Online Project Management System for Construction Industry “The Dow Corning COOL (COnstruction OnLine) website is one of several innovations we’re implementing to better integrate our global support services and ensure that every interaction builders have with us is a positive one,” said Ron Fillmore, vice president, Construction Industry, Dow Corning. “COOL helps contractors save time, save money, and stay on the fast track to success by enabling faster, more efficient service than ever before from Dow Corning’s sales and technical support team.” By registering at the COOL website, members can quickly and easily request construction services such as print reviews, sample tests, and warranties online; receive real-time progress reports; get recommendation letters and documentation sent directly to them and their partners; and ask questions, get answers, and access information critical to the success of their project 24/7. “A successful project requires the collective efforts of the design and construction industries to share best practices and new ideas,” Mr. Fillmore said. “Expediting service requests and work more collaboratively with your Dow Corning team through COOL is one way to avoid costly design, material and application errors.” Dow Corning materials are incorporated into many products that contribute to building performance, such as structural glazing, weatherproofing and insulating glass building applications, as well as photovoltaic solar panels, and energy efficient LED bulbs and fixtures.
Ridgeline Opens Two Additional GreenFill Facilities The new facilities will be used to categorize, treat and reuse impacted soils for landfill cover and other uses. Ridgeline’s proprietary technology utilizes biological, mechanical and chemical means to safely break down hydrocarbons into CO2 and water, enabling once contaminated soil to be reused in landfill operations or other applications.
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