A Complete Package Against Hazardous Vibrations


The European Union (EU) has moved to protect workers from dangerous vibrations caused by equipment or machines. The EU directive 2002/44EC requires all employers to be aware of, monitor and - if necessary - take steps to reduce the vibrations their employees are exposed to. If an employer can be shown to have neglected this duty, those affected are entitled to compensation.

The "eurocrats" in Brussels mean well with the operators of construction machines, forklift trucks and tractors. But even the best intentions cannot be put into practice unless the required technology is available. Grammer AG has developed a solution for capturing, analyzing and eliminating hazardous vibrations at workplaces, in the form of Movito D and Movito S. Next year, not only an improved vibration dosimeter but also a personal on-site service will be offered. Those who are unsure whether workplace vibrations are still within the acceptable range can then request Grammer's specialists to precisely determine and analyze them.

This is an improved version of the technology that has so far been marketed under the name VibroControl. Its design and surface structure have been upgraded to make the device user-friendlier, and the software for capturing the data has been optimized.

The device is simply attached to the driver seat of a construction machine or tractor. It then continuously measures the vibrations to keep the user informed in realtime of any hazards.

The data is later transferred to a PC, documented in a clearly organized Excel spreadsheet, then saved and archived for future reference. Integrated trend LEDs tell the driver about the accumulated vibration load and whether or not it has reached a health-endangering level. Visual and audible alarms go off if the permissible limits are exceeded.

When the red LED lights up on Movito D, this shows the operator that he or she has already been subjected to excessive vibrations and that something needs to be done about it. Grammer will begin offering this optional service next year under the name Movito S. On request, specially trained Grammer staff travel to customer operations to perform further, standardized measurements. The specialists look at all work routines on-site under actual usage conditions. All jolts and vibrations are taken into consideration; the data is transferred to a laptop and analyzed using special software. The results serve as the basis for a consulting session, so that the right steps can be taken to reduce the ascertained vibration loads.

Everyone benefits from this service for getting vibrations back into the green zone: drivers' health is effectively and lastingly protected, while employers meet the requirements of the new EU regulations while also achieving greater cost-effectiveness by preventing downtimes, for instance those caused by illness-related absenteeism.

Source: Grammer AG

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