Carlisle SynTec Now Offers SecurShield Polyiso Insulation
Carlisle SynTec, the leading manufacturer of single-ply roofing systems, recently introduced SecurShield polyisocyanurate insulation to its growing line of energy-efficient roof products. SecurShield is a durable insulation product that can be applied directly to wood decks for either a Class A or Class B fire rating, without the need for a fire-rated slipsheet or gypsum cover board. Featuring a rigid, closed-cell polyisocyanurate foam core laminated to polymer-coated glass facers, SecurShield provides premium fire resistance, moisture resistance, and wind-uplift performance. The facers exceed the performance of the conventional fiber-reinforced paper facers used in traditional insulation. SecurShield, as its name suggests, provides superior protection against the elements, particularly precipitation and wind. SecurShield offers enhanced wind-uplift protection, meeting the rigorous Factory Mutual 1-29 requirements by achieving a FM 1-255 rating. Because of its wind-uplift performance, this product is ideal for high-wind markets and projects that require higher wind-speed warranties. The mold and moisture resistance offered by SecurShield Polyiso, which is due to the superior adhesion of the facer to the foam core and membrane, exceeds that of any insulation on the market. SecurShield provides unmatched performance and durability, which is why Carlisle will offer enhanced warranties on all projects in which it is used.
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