A new aluminum body trailer custom-built for asphalt hauling by Titan Trailers has introduced the load control and cost-efficiency of "walking floor" trailers to the paving industry. Mike Kloepfer, founder and President of Titan Trailers, developed the asphalt trailer by integrating the original Thinwall aluminum trailer with the "extreme-duty" V-Floor unloading system from Keith® Walking Floor®. "We are very pleased with the response we have had from the paving industry," he announced, "through our field testing and working demonstrations with our 48-ft. short-side trailer. Experienced pavers tell us that this trailer allows significant cost savings anywhere you would use a multi-axle dump trailer, while it allows better integration with the paving equipment, higher gross capacity and improved safety."
The Titan trailer will "walk off" asphalt loads directly into paver hopper at a controlled rate, so the paver can run continuously and achieve a smooth result. Since the trailer doesn't elevate, the hot mat has no chance to segregate. Meanwhile, the unloading process automatically remixes the asphalt as it enters the hopper. Titan even includes a remote control so the flow rate can also be set from the paver. By remaining level, the trailer can operate safely around overhead wires and can work on normal side slopes without fear of tipping. Kloepfer points out that, with the Titan Thinwall body, short-sided box and no heavy dump frame, every duty cycle can bring more payload to the work site. The trailer's V-Plow clean-out system, another Titan innovation, reduces duty cycles by cleaning out the V-Floor as it unloads, automatically.
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