Sto Corp, the innovative world leader in cladding, coating and restoration systems, has announced the newest member of the StoMachine Technology equipment family with the Sto F-21 All Purpose Pump. This pump can spray most Sto products, including Powerwall® Stucco and operates off of single-phase 230V power, readily available at most job sites. It has a flow rate of 21 l/min, and can spray up to 64 m. Sto Corp. has optimized its Powerwall Stucco to work with the Sto F-21 pump, resulting in a pumpable stucco mixture that sprays on better than any stucco on the market. "This is another great example of how Sto can help applicators complete stucco jobs faster and more efficiently," said Burnie Berry, Manager of StoMachine Technology. "We have contractors on board already that see the value in this tool and the results it can bring to their bottom line." Randy Dorn and Randall Scott of Applewood Drywall's Exterior and Plaster Division, located near Milwaukee, Wis., are already seeing positive results. They stated: "To watch the F-21 Pump is unbelievable! The F-21 is not only easy to use, but it has enabled us to do more work in a shorter period of time than ever before." They also pointed out that without it, their business would have continued to be pressured by low bidders. Now, thanks to a quality, hardworking crew and Sto, they are able to offer a superior quality product for a competitive price.
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